1. When was the Department of Psychology at the University of Cambridge founded?
2. Why was the proposal by James Ward rejected?
3. Who was the first lecturer in psychology?
4. What was Dr. Rivers famous for?
3. What is unusual about the Department of Experimental Psychology at the University of Cambridge?
6. What arc the research degrees at the Department of Psychology at the University of Cambridge?
7. Who is included in the research staff?
8. What are the benefits of education at the Department of Experimental Psychology at the University of Cambridge?
9. Why education at the University of Cambridge makes you better equipped as a graduate student?
10. When was unified Department of Psychology created?
11. What does abbreviation PBS mean?
Exercise 2. Complete the following sentences.
1. William Rivers conducted research in ...
2. The Department of Experimental Psychology is famous for...
3. The University of Cambridge is unusual because ...
4. All undergraduates at Cambridge study for the B.A. degree, even...
5. Research degrees at the Department of Psychology include ...
6. The research staff includes...
7. Research staff at Cambridge conducts research on...
Exercise 4.TranslateintoRussian
1. Psychophysics is the relation between the stimuli and experienced sensations.
2. Money is a good stimulus for good work.
3. Experience in biology is always good in psychology.
4. I want to become a famous psychologist and psychiatrist.
5. Psychology is a science about mind, brain, and behavior.
6. Religion studies human soul.
7. Psychiatry and psychology arc two related fields.
Exercise 4. TranslateintoEnglish
1. Этот магистрант проводит исследования по восприятию ощущений.
2. Исследовательская лаборатория проводила исследования по темам внимания и памяти.
3. Мой друг — аспирант факультета психологии Кембриджского университета. Он закончил Брестский государственный университет со степенью магистра и потом поступил на факультет психологии Кембриджского университета.
4. Я планирую карьеру психолога.
5. Психология — это одна из дисциплин, которые занимаются изучением мозга, сознания и поведения.
Oral topic
Psychology is the scientific study of mental processes and behavior. The word psychology comes from two Greek words: "Psyche" meaning "mind" or "soul" and "Logos" meaning "study of". Therefore, psychology means "study of the mind". There are many modern definitions of the term. One of them belongs to Atkinson, who defined psychology as "the scientific study of behaviour and mental processes". Psychologists observe and record how people and other animals relate to one another and to the environment. They look for patterns that will help them understand and predict behavior, and they use scientific methods to test their ideas. Through such studies, psychologists have learned much that can help people fulfill their potential as human beings and increase understanding between individuals, groups, nations, and cultures.
Psychology is a broad field that explores a variety of questions about thoughts, feelings, and actions. Psychologists ask such questions as: "How do we see, hear, smell, taste, and feel? What enables us to learn, think, and remember, and why do we forget? What activities distinguish human beings from other animals? What abilities are we born with, and which must we learn? How much does the mind affect the body, and how does the body affect the mind? For example, can we change our heart rate or temperature just by thinking about doing so? What can our dreams tell us about our needs, wishes, and desires? Why do we like the people we like? What is mental illness?"
The research findings of psychologists have greatly increased our understanding of why people behave as they do. For example, psychologists have discovered much about how personality develops and how to promote healthy development. They have some knowledge of how to help people change bad habits and how to help students learn. They understand some of the conditions that can make workers more productive. A great deal remains to be discovered. Nevertheless, insights provided by psychology can help people function better as individuals, friends, family members, and workers.
Дата: 2019-02-25, просмотров: 370.