1. Леонардо да Винчи - знаменитый итальянский живописец, архитектор, философ, музыкант, писатель, исследователь, математик, инженер, анатом, изобретатель и геолог, который известен такими картинами как «Тайная вечеря» и «Мона Лиза».
2. Реставрация произведений искусства — это исправление того, что в них исчезло или испорчено, возвращение им первоначального вида.
3. Геннадий Райшев – местный Хантыйский художник, член Союза художников России, заслуженный деятель культуры Ханты-Мансийского автономного округа.
4. Среди выдающихся древних памятников Ханты-мансийского автономного округа можно назвать Библиотеку им. А.С. Пушкина (г. Сургут), купеческую усадьбу (г. Сургут).
5. В десятку богатейших людей России входят В.Потанин, А.Усманов, М.Фридман, В.Вексельберг, В.Лисин, Л. Михельсон, Г.Тимченко, В.Алекперов, А.Мельниченко, Г.Хан.
6. В. Потанин, М. Прохоров занимаются благотворительностью в сфере культуры, науки и образования.
7. Среди древних памятников архитектуры, история которых остается загадкой, можно назвать Пор – Бажын («Глиняный дом») в Сибири, дворец династии Хань в Сибири, а также Тель-Бурнон (город Ливна, упоминаемый в Библии), находящийся в Израиле.
8. Осознание своих возможностей и стремление к их расширению – характерные черты, которыми обладает сильная личность нашего времени.
9. Характер бизнесменов очень тяжелый, поведение требовательное, чаще всего бескомпромиссное.
10.Леонардо был новатором в изобразительном искусстве своего времени. В его картинах больше ощущения пространства.
Exercise 8. Translate the following words from English into Russian. Make up sentences or stories of your own using them.
Soviet, consistent, to head, numerous, in collaboration with, buried at, biathlete, multiple, the periodicals, to break away, to coach, the opponents, anniversary, to connect, tradition, social realities.
Exercise 9.Read, translate and be ready to retell the text.
Text II
Vitaly Bugrov is a soviet science fiction critic.
One of the brightest and most consistent advocates and devotees of science fiction in the Soviet Union. For many years he headed the Department of Science Fiction in the magazine "Ural Pathfinder", he was one of the main organizers of the festival and award "Aelita". Together with B. Lyapunov was one of the first popularizers of the Russian pre-revolutionary and Soviet pre-war fiction. Numerous articles and notes of Bugrov were united in the book "In search of tomorrow. About fiction seriously and with smile" (1981) and "1,000 faces dreams”. He was actively engaged in the bibliography of science fiction, his studies are "Soviet science fiction: Books 1917-1975" (1979)," Buried in the periodicals (1945-1976) "(1980), as well as annotated pointers, compiled in collaboration with I. Khalymbadzha.
He was an award winner of the Great Race (1981) and other soviet prizes.
He died in 1994. He was buried at Shirokorechenskiy cemetery.
Yuri Kashkarov was born in 1963. He was a Soviet biathlete, Olympic champion in 1984 in the relay. He was a multiple world champion in the relay 4×7,5 km(1983, 1985, 1986), in the individual 20km race(1985) and in team 10km race (1989). He was an Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1984).
In Sverdlovsk he began to study biathlon. He played for "Dynamo" (Sverdlovsk) in the composition of the youth team on biathlon. In 1983 for the first time he was success at adult competitions. He got a golden medal in a relay.
At the games in Sarajevo, the whole team had a poor performance in the individual race. The final start was the relay. The 1st stage was run by Dmitry Vasiliev. He broke away from his pursuers for a minute and seven seconds. Yuri Kashkarov ran the 2nd stage and ran overall successfully, he continued to occupy a leading position. Algimantas Shalna on the way to the 1st firing line managed to increase the handicap to 40 seconds, and after the shooting lying down left with a break from the GDR team in 47 seconds. However, shooting standing, he made 2 misses. The final stage went Bulygin, having a delay of 18 seconds from the German biathlete Frank Ulrich. Before the first firing line, he overtook the German. On both lines he shot clean and went to the finish line, he had an advantage of 17 seconds. However, closer to the finish line, he saw that the opponents are close, but the last effort made it first.
At the Olympics in Calgary in 1988 he ran the individual race at 20 km and he took 5-th place.
In 1992-93 he played for the national team of Belarus at international competitions.
After graduating from his sports career, he worked for some time in Khanty-Mansiysk — Intersport JSC. Later he moved to Moscow, coached the men's biathlon team (1998-2000) and worked as the head coach of the all-Russian society "Dynamo". In 2010 he was a head coach of the Moscow region biathlon.
He is an Honorary citizen of Khanty-Mansiysk (1992). In December 2013 the outstanding sportsman held his 50 year anniversary.
Konkova Anna Mitrofanovna
Anna Mitrofanovna is an honorary citizen of Khanty –Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, an Honored worker of Culture in the District, a Member of the Union of Writers, she finished 7-year school and Khanty-Mansy pedagogical school (in 1937). She worked for more than 30 years as a teacher at the schools of Berezovsky, Surgut and Khanty-Mansiysk Districts. For almost 20 years she worked at pre-school in Khanty-Mansiysk. Since 1967 she began writing her first books.
Her works were translated into English, Hungarian, Polish and Czech. In her books she recreates the rhythm, the style of life of several generations, she connects tradition with social realities of the country. Her book “The Stories of Grandma Ann” became the symbol of the continuity of spiritual history. The stories “The Leader of Ever”, “The Legend” are also very popular among the readers.
Дата: 2019-02-19, просмотров: 468.