Exercise 1. Have a look at the following logical series with words taken from the vocabulary. Say which words do not fit
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

1. to be engaged in, to be involved in, to be interested in;

2. fundamental, basic, inferior, foundational;

3. scientific, academic, scholarly, main;

4. public, private, social;

5. management, supervision, control, acceptance, administration;

6. a host, a tv anchorman, a tv personality, an editor;

7. to correspond with, to meet, to match, to diversify.

Exercise 2. Have a look at the following statements and say which ones you agree with. Is there an outstanding person you admire most? Speak about this person (10-15 sentences).

A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. W. Churchill.

To improve is to change, to be perfect is to change often. W. Churchill.

The only way to do great work is to love what you do. S. Jobs

Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow know what you truly want to become. S. Jobs


Exercise 3.Read, translate and be ready to retell the text.

Text I

Ancient Ugra families are the Sheymins and the Soskins. The famous fishermen of the North lived in the village of Samarovo, which is now the historical part of Khanty-Mansiysk. They helped to develop the economy of the village and were engaged in charity work.

Historians have traced the Sheymins family from the early 18th century. These people are known as coachmen and trading peasants of the village of Samarovo.

The elder, the fishery Manager Nicholas Sheymin, along with trade supported Samarovski the rural school. His children owned land Krivoshapkina fishing on the Ob and helped to develop the economy of the village. In the early 20th century, one of the descendants of Sheymin was the first to introduce a hay mower, a motor boat and a steam boat.

The first mention of the Soskin family belong to the household of the census of 1710. The most famous personality of the genus was Fedor Soskin, a merchant of the second Guild of Tobolsk province. The Sheymins and the Soskins intermarried. The fate of one of these couples ended tragically. They were shot during the peasant uprising in the early 20-ies.

Bells - the distinguishing sign of the people living in Samarovo. The Sheymins  corresponded with the famous ethnographer Chrysanth Loparev. Thanks to his works in one of the city libraries the appearance of the dwellings of wealthy people of those times was restored.

In memory of the meeting of the descendants Chrysanth took a group photo for the archives of the next generation of the Sheymins and the Soskins.

In 1710 the household census of residents of Samarskii region contains three  sons of coachmen families Semen Soskin: Kozma, Andrew and Basil. All three brothers left a large amount of descendants. The most famous person of this family is the son of Konstantin Efimovich and Alexandra Yefimovna Soskin - Fedor.

Fedor Konstantinovich Soskin (a descendant of a merchant from Samarovo) was born in 1848 in the village of Samarovo, a hereditary farmer, died on May 8, 1915 from stomach cancer. Fedor Konstantinovich was not only an enterprising person and an excellent specialist in fishing and trade, but also an innovator. He constantly used technical innovations in business. Fedor Konstantinovich was elected as a volost foreman (elder).  

In 1901 he was granted a medal for service by the Spiritual Department. On the silver medal it was written “For Zeal”. It was worn on

In the same year, 1901, Fyodor Soskin joined the Tobolsk branch of the Imperial Society of Shipping. Membership in society and considerable capital allowed him to have class status of the merchant of II Guild. Fedor Konstantinovich was an active member of Tobolsk Provincial Museum. The Soskins family had a big beautiful house in Samarovo, as well as a good, solid house in Tobolsk. In 1870, on April 19, Fedor Konstantinovich got married with Paraskovia Avramova Oleneva.

    Chrysanth Loparev . (1862-1918) was a scientist in the field of Byzantine studies, ancient literature and was a  local historian.

He was a member of the society of Siberian studies which existed at the Museum of Etnograthy and Anthropology of Academy of Science. Since December 29th 1907 he was a member of the Russian Geografic Society. Since 1886 he was a member of Orthodox Palestinian Society.


Дата: 2019-02-19, просмотров: 361.