Fill in the gaps with the words from Task 2
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

1) Hong Kong is a city of_________.

2) They discovered the remains of an early Anglo-Saxon________.

3) Less than 40% of the________voted in the last election.

4) They live in one of the most exclusive ______of Paris.

5) Pushkino is a ______of Moscow.

6) The hotel is conveniently situated in the____________.

7) Krasnodar is the ______ of southern Russia.

8) I really enjoyed the walk along the_________.

9) The ________world has a responsibility toward poorer countries.

10) _______technology has has a huge impact on all of us.

Define which topic the words and phrases in the box belong to - town or country

densely-populated to breed slums wildlife heavy traffic to go fishing traffic lights outskirts crops overcrowded valley population path to milk a cow tube livestock crossroads   to go hiking   traffic jam pedestrian cattle farmer

What kind of places can you find in the city? (religious, educational, trade etc.)

  1. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box
Crossroads, bred, pharmacy, slums, hiking, traffic jam, crops, prison, outskirts, pavement

1. They live on the_______ of Paris.

2. We were stuck in _______ a for two hours.

3. The main _______ were oats and barley.

4. I’m looking for all-night _______ to buy medicine.

5. As she fell off the bike, her head hit the_______.

6. These dogs were originally_______ in Scotland to round up sheep.

7. Helen was sent to_____ for attacking a man with a knife.

8. _____is an area of a city that is in very bad condition, where very poor people live.

9. We're going to do some ______this summer.

10. Turn left at the next__________.

In pairs, ask and answer questions about your home cities. Use the words from the previous exercise.

1. What is your home city?

2. Where is it situated?

3. What is it famous for? Are you proud of it?

4. What interesting places are there in your city? Where do you go when you have free time?

Education. Student life

Geography        Economics    History     Biology Mathematics   Chemistry    Physics     Latin Sociology          PE                  RE              IT


1) Did you study all of the subjects above at some time?

2) Which of the subjects above were / are you good at?

3) Which were / are you bad at?

4) Which are the most / least useful? Why?

5) Any there any other subjects you study / studied at school or college / university not mentioned above?



  1. Now complete this timetable. Note any similiarities and differences between David’s week ans your own.
David’s subjects Hours per week Your subjects Hours per week



I study at Ivanovo State Power University (ISPU) which is located in Ivanovo at 34 Rabfakovskaya Street. I entered the university in 2015 and plan to graduate from it in 2017 with the qualification of Bachelor of Engineering and Technology.

ISPU was founded on the basis of Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Ivanovo-Voznesensk Polytechnic Institute. Now ISPU is a big educational institution with more than 9 thousand students and 9 faculties. It also carries out a big amount of work in its research centres that produce innovative products.

The main faculties at ISPU are: the Thermal Power Faculty, the Electrical Power Faculty, the Electromechanical Faculty, the Informatics and Computer Technology Faculty, the Physical Engineering Faculty, the Economics and Management Faculty. There are day-time and correspondence departments that provide training for Bachelor’s and Master’s degree. The complete course for Bachelor’s degree lasts four years. If you want to get Master’s degree, you have to study for two more years. If you want to study further, you can take a postgraduate course to get Candidate degree.

I am doing a course on Electrical Engineering with specialization in Power systems and grids.

The curriculum includes humanities, sciences and technical subjects. We attend classes in History, the Russian and English languages, mathematics, physics, drawing geometry, theoretical mechanics, theoretical foundations of electrical engineering, material studies and others. Every term we take three or four exams. If we pass the exams with good or excellent marks, the state pays us scholarships.

The university provides us with all the necessary facilities. We have computer classes, technical laboratories and simulators. The university has its own stadium and a gym. The university library is the best in the city. There is a student theatre, music and dance clubs and student TV. Those who come from other cities can live in four university hostels.

On the whole, I like my university but it is hard to study here.



1. to study at – учиться в

2. to be located – быть расположенным

3. to enter/graduate from the university – поступить/закончить университет

4. a qualification – квалификация

5. Bachelor of Engineering and Technology – бакалавр техники и технологии

6. to be founded – быть основанным

7. а faculty – факультет

8. an educational institution – образовательное учреждение

9. to carry out – выполнять, осуществлять

10. a research centre – исследовательский центр

11. an innovative product – инновационный продукт

12. a day-time/correspondence department – дневное/заочное отделение

13. to provide training/to provide smth/to provide smb with smth – обеспечивать подготовку/обеспечивать что-либо/обеспечивать кого-либо чем-либо

14. Bachelor’s degree/Master’s degree/Candidate degree – степень бакалавра/степень магистра/степень кандидата

15. to get a degree – получить степень

16. to study further – учиться дальше

17. a postgraduate course/a postgraduate student – аспирантура/аспирант

18. to do a course on/to take a course on (+ subject) – изучать курс (например, математики)

19. a specialization in smth/to specialize in smth – специализация в чем-либо/специализироваться в чем-либо

20. humanities/sciences/technical subjects – гуманитарные/ естественнонаучные/ технические дисциплины

21. to attend classes in (+ subject) – посещать занятия по (например, математике)

22. to take an exam/to pass an exam – ставать экзамен/сдать экзамен

23. a poor/satisfactory/good/excellent mark – плохая/удовлетворительная/хорошая/ отличная оценка

24. a scholarship – стипендия

25. facilities – оборудование

26. its own/our own/their own, etc. – свой собственный

27. a hostel – общежитие

28. on the whole – в целом


1. Where do you study?

2. Where is your university located?

3. When did you enter the university?

4. When do you plan to graduate from it?

5. What qualification are you going to get?

6. What is ISPU based on?

7. How many students study at your university?

8. How many faculties are there? What are they?

9. What course you need to take to get Candidate degree?

10. What do research centres do?

11. How long does the course for Bachelor’s degree last?

12. How many more years do you have to study to get Master’s degree?

13. What course are you doing?

14. What do you specialize in?

15. What subjects does your curriculum include?

16. How many exams do you take each term?

17. What students get scholarships from the state?

18. What facilities does the university provide the students with?

19. Where can the students who come from other cities live?

20. What do you think of your university?

Дата: 2018-12-28, просмотров: 294.