Listen to the story of Alex and answer the questions
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

1) Where is his family from?

2) Where does Alex study?

3) How old is his father?

4) Who is Beatriz?

5) How old is Lucas?

6) Who is Lourdes? What does she do?

7) Is she married?

8) What does Roberto do?

9) Who is Isabella by profession?

10) How old are their children?

Draw your family tree. Add information about name, age and profession of each family member.

Read about the people in the family. Prapare a story about your own family.



  1. Unjumble the letters to find 10 people from the topic under study.
  1. сenie_____________
  2. reptan_____________
  3. tvealrie_____________
  4. tregrasn_____________
  5. inoscu_____________
  1. qacanenuciat_____________
  2. saslecmat_____________
  3. goulelace_____________
  4. pomstether_____________
  5. bunigoher_____________

Describing character

1. What kind of person are you? Which words describe and do not describe you? Use the dictionary if necessary.

1) Lazy        talkative quiet    pessimistic stupid       tolerant  jealous proud      polite

2) romantic punctual musical     cheerful      arrogant  bossy      selfish   helpful

3) clever     shy           lively         generous    rude      optimistic  friendly boring confident

2. Match adjectives 1-6 with their opposite meanings a-f.

1. stupid 2. lazy 3. arrogant 4. quiet 5. lively 6.rude a. modest b. talkative c. boring d. polite e. hard-working f. clever

3. Choose the correct answer.

1. Jessica is a very _____ girl. She loves meeting new people.

a) generous    b) selfish c) friendly

2. The British are quite _____. They feel uncomfortable with strangers.

a) confident b) cheerful c) shy

3. Tom is extremely _____. He thinks he is better than everyone else.

a) arrogant b) tolerant c) helpful

4. My brother is always _____. He is very positive about his future.

a) jealous b) optimistic c) serious

5. Dan is very _____. He always has a smile on his face!

a)cheerful b) ambitious c) tolerant

6. Anna is _____ person. She always tells other people what to do.

a) lively b) talkative c) bossy

4. In pairs, ask and answer questions about your interests. Use the given words if necessary.


Science fiction crime fantasy horror short stories detective stories classic


Classical jazz techno hip-hop reggae rock soul pop heavy metal rap

1. What sort of music do you usually listen to? You Your partner
2. What bands do you like?    
3. What sort of books do you enjoy?    
4. What are you reading at the moment?    




Town. Country

Translate and transcribe the following words. Use the dictionary if necessary.

city               town                            village                   settlement

population    densely-populated       region                   district

suburb          city center                   riverside                coastal

industrial       agricultural                well-developed      sky-scraper

one-story      modern                       ancient                   backward

Match words 1-6 with their opposite meanings a-f.

1. city 2. sky-scraper 3. suburb 4. industrial 5. modern 6. developed a. city center b. agricultural c. ancient d. one-story house e. village f. backward

Дата: 2018-12-28, просмотров: 621.