Dialogue I
Secretary: Good morning, MST agency.
Applicant: Good morning, I’m calling on your advertisement published in “Times” on Tuesday. I want to apply for a position of a computer programmer.
Secretary: Yes, sir. We are looking for a computer programmer. You may come tomorrow and bring your resume and application.
Applicant: Thank you. Good bye.
Secretary: Good bye.
Dialogue II
Employer: Good morning Mr. Evance.
Applicant: Good morning Mr. Kidman. I want to apply for a position of a computer programmer.
Employer: What are your qualifications in this field?
Applicant: I have a bachelor’s degree in computer science. I graduated from London College this year.
Employer: Do you have any work experience?
Applicant: Not in this field, but I’ve worked as a programmer assistant in sales department for six months.
Employer: Have you got any references from your previous job?
Applicant: Unfortunately not.
Employer: Well, I think we may take on experimental period for one month. You’ll start on 200 dollars. The hours are from 9 to 5.30 with an hour for lunch. Any questions?
Applicant: What will my responsibilities be?
Employer: You’ll be responsible for our network security. You’ll also have to install some specific programs.
Applicant: When do you want me to start sir?
Employer: In a week, if it suits you.
Applicant: Yes, of course. Thank you. Good bye.
Employer: Good bye.
Dialogue III
Applicant: Good morning, Mr. Hill.
Employer: Good morning, Mr. Brown. Please, fill in the application form.
Applicant: Here you are.
Employer: Thank you. Tell me, how long were you in your last job?
Applicant: Two years.
Employer: Why did you leave?
Applicant: I worked in a branch office and I was made redundant, when the office was closed.
Employer: We need an experienced engineer with your qualification.
Applicant: What will my job involve?
Employer: You’ll be in charge of manufacturing process. You’ll deal with complaints.
Applicant: Will I have to meet clients and attend meetings?
Employer: Yes, sure. First, your salary will be 300 dollars. You’ll also have a fortnight holiday pay.
Applicant: What about sick pay?
Employer: Certainly.
Applicant: What about travels?
Employer: Sometimes. Mostly to Birmingam for one week.
Applicant: It suits me.
Employer: When can you start?
Applicant: Next week. Thank you. Good bye.
Employer: Good bye.
Dialogue IV.
Jack: Hello, Dave! Haven’t seen you for ages.
Dave: Fine, thank you, Jack. How are you? You look great.
Jack: I’m O’K. I’ve heard you were fired.
Dave: Yes. The salary wasn’t fair and it was a nine- to- five job. You
know, it’s boring and it’s not for me.
Jack: So, how do you earn for living now?
Dave: Well, actually, I’m a freelance now. I work as a translator for some companies now. They send me some texts by e-mail and I translate them. What about you?
Jack: The company went bankrupt last year and I was made redundant. I applied for some jobs but nothing so far. I tried our old boy network but you see … . I moonlight sometimes for my friends. But I hope to find something.
Dave: By the way, I know that MVI is looking for a position of an engineer. Here is their telephone.
Jack: Thank you. I’ll call today.
Dave: Good luck. Bye.
Dave: Bye.
4.9 Match the words in column A with the words in column B:
1. jobbing a) зарабатывать
2. self-employed б) зарплата служащих
3. to earn c) работать на компанию
4. salary d) рано уйти на пенсию
5. wages e) получить повышение по службе
6. to be on flexi-time f) зарплата рабочих
7. to work in g) работать на себя
8. to work for h) случайная работа
9. to take early retirement i) работать по гибкому
10. to be promoted J) работать в
4.10 Explain the meanings of these words in English:
jobs for the boys, job-sharing, hunt for jobs, ghost-writing, workaholic, whiz kid, temp.
4.11 Match the verbs on the left with the nouns or phrases on the right. Use each word once only:
1.to be made a) for
2.to do b) jobs
3.to apply for c) redundant
4.to hunt for d) overtime
5.to be on e) for a living
6.to be responsible f) of
7.to work g) shiftwork
8.to earn h) maternity leave
9.to be in charge i) a job
4.12 Make up your own sentences using these words:
Networking, jobs for the boys, job-sharing, hunt for jobs, headhunting, jobbing, ghost-writing, workaholic, whiz kid, self-employed, temp, to earn, salary, wages, to do shiftwork, to be on flexi-time, to work overtime, to work in, to work for, to be fired, to be on maternity leave, to take early retirement, to be promoted.
4.13 Complete the dialogues in English:
- Hi, Alice. What on earth are you doing here? Как дела?
- I’m fine. Thank you. And you?
- Всё хорошо. Меня недавно повысили. Я теперь менеджер отдела продаж.
- Здорово! Что входит в твои обязанности?
- I deal with any complaints. I also advise clients. I’ve heard you’re fired.
- Да, я бросила работу. Я поступила в колледж на вечерние курсы. Через два года я буду консультантом по работе.
- You’re right. All needs a fresh challenge. You know, Jack resigned from his company.
- Да, он решил уйти, так как больничный и отпуск не оплачивался. По-моему, он собирается организовать свою фирму.
- Замечательно. Удачи.
- See you.
4.14 Fill in the blanks with the corresponding words (from the list below):
Twenty years ago a 20 years old Jane … in a local telephone company. First she was a trainee for three months and she also went on. She was an industrious and in two years she … and in three years she was … by her boss. Then she moved another town and she … from the company. She sent her … to some companies and was asked to come for. She got … in a small advertising company. It was … for her. She liked her job and now she … this company.
to own, an interview, to resign, a part – time job, training courses, to promote, resume, a fresh challenge, to get a good pay rise, to apply for a job |
4.15 Fill in the gaps with an appropriate word:
1. When the company went bankrupt he became … (employment, employed, unemployed).
2. Your written (applied, applicant, application) will be considered tomorrow.
3. He was sent to (trainee, training, trained) courses.
4. He’ll be offered a good pay (rise, rising).
5. I want to become a good (mathematics, mathematician, mathematical).
6. We need an (experience, experienced, experiencing) programmer with your qualification.
7. You’ll be (respond, responsibility, responsible) for our contacts with foreign partners.
8. I hope that next year I’ll be (promotion, promoted, promote) by my boss.
4.16 Say what you think has happened:
1. He’s very lazy and irresponsible that’s why his boss fired him …
2. He’s just graduated the University and he’s trying to find a job … .
3. In a week she’s going to become our supervisor … .
4. She isn’t working out. She is looking after her 2 month baby … .
5. She spends all her time in the office … .
6. I’ve caught a cold and can’t come today … .
4.17 Choose the right word:
job – position – occupation
“job” – anything that one has to do, task, duty;
“position” – a person’s relative place, as in society; rank, status
“occupation” – that which chiefly engages one’s time; one’s trade
“work” – an uncountable noun, not used with an indefinite article e.g. I have work.
1. He was unemployed doing only odd … .
2. Knitting is useful … for long winter evenings.
3. My sister occupies an important … in the Department of Health.
4. The police called to the company to find out his … at the moment.
5. He had a hard … painting the car.
Дата: 2019-02-02, просмотров: 302.