Ratio – отношение, пропорция, соотношение
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

Circumference - окружность

to grant – давать, дарить

in absentia - заочно.

to deem – полагать, думать

handicap - препятствие

to submit – предлагать, представлять

merit - заслуга

to attain - достигнуть


3.21 Give the English equivalents for the following.

Обеспеченная семья, посещать общественные лекции, дать разрешение, выход, получить степень, намерение, завершить работу, преуспеть в чем-либо, сделать доклад, принять решение, награждать, выбирать.

3.22 Complete the following word-combinations with the prepositions given below:

Notes … differential analysis, gift … mathematics, to apply … permission, study … the University, to succeed … , work … crystals. prize … the solution of problem, to carry.

For in on at   for out on in

How did Sophia surprise her teacher when she was 12?

1. Why did not she attend public lectures?

2. Why did she decide to go abroad?

3. What made her marry V. Kovalevski?

4. What did she study in Vienna?

5. Why did she make up her mind to go to Heidelberg University?

6. What did she succeed in during four years in Berlin?

7. Why was Kovalevskaya unable to obtain an academic position?

8. What forced her to turn to journalism?

9. What did she report on in 1883?

10. What she was awarded for by Paris Academy of Sciences?


3.24 Make up questions to which the following sentences might be the answers:

1. She suggested a new solution for the determination of the ratio of the diameter of the circle to its circumference.

2. Because women were not permitted to attend public lectures.

3. Because it was the only possible way out for her to go abroad.

4. By the spring of 1874, Kovalevskaya had completed three papers.

5. She returned to Berlin to complete her work on the refraction of light in crystals.

6. In 1889 the Swedish Academy of Sciences awarded Sophia Kovalevskaya.

7. In consideration of her literary work she was elected member of the Literary Club in Stockholm.


3.25 Translate into Russian :

1. Она родилась в богатой семье.

2. Молодой ученый предложил новое решение для определения пропорции.

3. Ей не разрешили сдать экзамены и получить степень.

4. Это решение вызвало проблемы.

5. Она приняла решение завершить работу.

6. Университет присудил ей степень доктора заочно.

7. Она выступила с докладом о результатах своей работы на конференции.

3.26 Match the first part of the sentence in A with the second one in B:

A                                                           B

In 1866   In 1874   In 1883     In 1889     By the spring of 1874   In 1888     Kovalevskaya completed three papers. Sophia was taken to St.Petersburg to go on with her studies Sophia Kovalevskaya was awarded by the Swedish Academy of Sciences.  she was given an opportunity to report on the results of her research at a session held in Odessa.  she won the highest prize offered by Paris Academy of Sciences. Kovalevskaya was granted her doctorate from Gоttingen University.


Tell about the outstanding mathematician Sophia Kovalevskaya.

Write a sentence from the words given.


Verb + Object + to Infinitive

The scientist commissioned his assistant to solve it.


Verb + to Infinitive

The teacher asked to prove the theorem.


1. in time. / them / reminded / to / the task / to complete / I.

2. to / persuaded / our / They / us / mind.

3. with / She / to / problem. / a / wanted / practical / start

4. about / us / answer / the world. / Physicists / questions / enables


Write a second sentence with the same meaning. Each time begin with the way shown.


5. “Do not try to do it on your own”, the teacher told his student.

The teacher warned …

6. “Nobody allowed you to interfere with my matter”, Kate said to her sister.

Kate reminded …

7. I told you that you should keep in touch with Mr. Brown.

I advised …

8. I was surprised that the plane was delayed. I did not expect…

Scientists joke

v What are Newton's laws of motion?

It's not only thick people who have trouble understanding Newton's laws. But although they appear complicated, they are actually very simple. However, first we must get to know four scientific terms:

Force: When you kick your sister in the shin, you are using force.

Mass: If she is fat she has lots of mass.

Inertia: Being fat, she will not be able to chase you. She has inertia.

Energy: Every time you kick her, molecules in the form of waves pass from your foot to her shin. This is energy. There can be lots of energy, like a nuclear bomb, or a tiny amount, like when one of your brain cells dies.

Newton 's First Law If something is not moving it will stay where it is. Kick your sister in the shins. Go on, do it now. You will see that she reacts. Let's just think about what happened there. If you hadn't kicked her, she would have stayed where she was, probably sitting in front of the TV eating cakes. Hence, the first law is proved. Newton discovered this law when an apple fell on his head. To this day it is know as Newton's Apple Law.
Newton 's Second Law Every action results in a small loss of energy. You know how when you do a lot of exercise, you run out of breath? Well, this is proof of Newton's second law. This may seem simple but it has terrible consequences for the universe. You see, if the universe runs out of energy soon, everyone in it, including you and your family, will just waste away into nothing! But don't worry too much — scientists don't think this will happen in your lifetime.

Дата: 2019-02-02, просмотров: 264.