Model: – Do you think we’ll still catch the train?
– Well, we won’t unless we hurry.
1) – Do you think Patrick has much chance to pass the summer session?
– Well, we won’t unless .... .
2) – I hear you’re planning to go camping next weekend.
– We hope to, provide that ,... .
3) – You don’t need to take a map, do you?
– But supposing ... ?
4) – Do you think I should send it registered post?
– It might be a good idea, just in case .... .
5) – Can I borrow your car?
– Yes, so long as ... .
6) – So, you’re thinking of buying that second-hand car?
– Well, as long as ... .
7) – Are you going to ask Nick to help you?
– Well, unless ... .
8) – Could you lend me some money, Pete, to repair my motorbike?
– I will, so long as ... .
9) – Jane, tell Mr. Lewis I’ll see him right away.
– I do, in case ... .
10) – Oh, dear, tell me what’s happened to Sue?
– O.K. I’ll tell you the whole truth so long as ... .
11. Translate into English:
1) Я пошлю ему телеграмму, если он завтра не приедет.
2) Как только я получу водительское удостоверение, я сразу же куплю машину.
3) При условии, что ты будешь есть меньше, ты не будешь такой полной.
4) Мы посидим в баре, пока она ходит по магазинам.
5) Я вернусь не позднее 6 часов, если меня не задержат в университете.
6) Он не придёт, если его жене не станет лучше.
7) В случае, если пойдёт дождь, я останусь дома.
8) Когда бы вы не пришли ко мне, я всегда буду рад вас видеть.
9) Если Анна посмотрит эту передачу по телевидению, то она будет знать о чём идёт речь.
10) Как только они завершат работу над докладом, они вернутся к этой проблеме.
11) Я загляну позже, если будут какие-нибудь новости.
12) Если ты не будешь вести машину осторожно, ты попадёшь в аварию.
13) Собака залает, если ты постучишь в дверь.
14) Если я закончу все дела на этой неделе, я уеду в заграничное путешествие.
15) Мы поедем отдыхать при условии, что ты сдашь экзамен по английскому языку,
Unit 4 Type II ConditionalS
1. Type II Conditionals usually talk about imaginary situations referring to the present or future in the if-clause and speculate about their imaginary consequences in the main clause.
if- clause main clause
If + Subjunctive Past would + Infinitive
If it rained tomorrow he would stay at home
Though past tenses are used, the reference is not to the past time but to the present or future.
Subjunctive Past (see Unit 2 in this chapter) is used in if-clause and the group ‘modal verb (most often would or should) + Infinitive’ forms a compound verbal predicate in the main clause:
If I saw her, I would be very glad. | Если бы я увидела её, я была бы очень рада. |
If it were not for your help, I should not be able to do it. | Если бы не ваша помощь, я бы не смог это сделать. |
In spoken English would is often shortened to ‘d: If you stopped smoking, you’d feel better.
Other modals can replace 'would' in Type II Conditionals when we feel the imaginary consequences are less likely, or when we are referring to ability, possibility, etc.:
condition to be satisfied likely outcome
If I were here, he could help us (ability) .
If he were here he might help us (possibility) .
If he failed, he ought to/should try again (duty) .
2. Type II Conditionals are used:
1) When the supposition is contrary to the fact:
If I knew her address, I would give it to you (but I don't know it).
If I were taller, I would become a policeman (but I am not).
2) When we don't expect the action in the if-clause to take place:
If a burglar came into my room, I should throw something at him (but I don't expect a burglar to come in).
If he ran all the way, he would get there in time (but I don't suppose he will run all the way).
3) To give advice or to refer to somebody else:
If I were Jane/in Jane's position, I'd walk out on him.
NOTE: If I were
'Were' should be used in place of 'was' after If I/she/he/it.
If I were better qualified, I would apply for the job.
If I were you, I would go there by bus.
E x e r c i s e s
Дата: 2019-02-02, просмотров: 349.