Units 3-4
Choose the correct word or phrase to fill the spaces.
1) Mother will be very tired if she ..… home by train. .
A) will go | B) shall go | C) goes | D) went |
2) If I ..… her address, I would give it to you.
A) knew | B)had known | C) know | D) shall know |
3) If I were taller, I ..... a policeman.
A) became | B) become | C) would become | D) shall become |
4) If I tell you a secret, ...... not to tell it to anyone else?
A) will promise | B) promise | C) would promise | D) promised |
5) Unless you ..... more careful, you will have an accident.
A) will be | B) shall be | C) are | D) were |
6) … he arrives, everyone must stand.
A) until | B) when | C) supposing | D) as long |
7) If you … away, please write to me.
A) go | B) will go | C) went | D) have gone |
8) If I … Jack, I'll tell him the news.
A) saw | B) have seen | C) see | D) shall see |
9) … you had a baby girl. What would you call her?
A) supposing | B) in case | C) when | D) until |
10) Peter … his exams if he studies hard.
A) passed | B) will pass | C) passes | D) is passing |
Choose the correct answer.
11) If I see/will see Mike I tell/will tell him everything.
12) If you don't hurry/will hurry, you will miss/miss the train.
13) If I go/would go to the seaside, I'll take/take my son with me.
14) If Mike receives/has received the telegram I'm sure he phones/will phone you tomorrow.
15) As soon as/before you hear the alarm, run for the exit.
16) His French won't improve provided/unless he studies with me.
17) If you phone/will phone me I will pick/pick you up.
18) If she changed/would change her job she earned/would earn more.
19) If I lived/would live in Spain I did/would do a lot of sunbathing.
20) If I stay/will stay late I always get/will get a taxi.
Choose between Conditional Type I and Type II to complete the dialogue.
David: | Hey, Dad! What (21) … (you/say) if I (22) … (tell) you I was saving up for a motor-bike? A Triumph 750. I saw a new model in the Superbike Store. |
Dad: | I (23) … (say) you (24) … (be) mad! Motor-bikes are killer machines as far as I'm concerned. I (25) … (think) about it carefully if I (26) … (be) you. |
David: | Why? Why couldn't I have my bike if I (27) … (save) the money? You (28) … (not be) pleased to see me with a bike like that? |
Dad: | No, I (29) … (not be). If you (30) … (plan) to die young, then you (31) … (have better) go ahead and buy it. If I (32) … (have) the choice, I (33) … (not go) near a motorbike. I (34) … (buy) myself a cheap little car instead. I (35) … (feel) much safer on four wheels! |
David: | Well, I (36) … (not buy) a car even if you (37) … (give) me the money! Cars are so middle-aged and boring. I just (38) … (not enjoy) driving around on four wheels if I (39) … (be able) to afford to buy two. It's super fast. |
Dad: | Is that all you think about? Speed? Your mother (40) … (be) really worried if she (41) … (know) you were planning to get a motor-bike. I (42) … (not like) to say how she (43) … (go) to feel about the idea. |
David: | I (44) … (not say) any more if I (45) … (be) you because I've just bought it on Hire Purchase. If you (46) … (care) to take a look outside, you (47) … (see) it parked in the front drive. You (48) … (like) to come for a ride on it? |
Unit 5
Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.
49) Jessica was here not long ago. If you … (come round) earlier, you … (see) her.
50) I'm so glad that you took me to your friend's party. If we … (not go) there, I … (never meet) Ann.
51) They've been married for 25 years now but I don't think she … (marry) him if she … (know) what a selfish man he was.
52) Fortunately, the explosion took place at night when the streets were empty. It … (be) a disaster if it … (happen) in the middle of the day.
53) We wanted to go out yesterday but the weather was terrible. If it … (be) a nice day, we … (go) for a picnic.
54) If you … (come) to the theatre yesterday, you … (enjoy) the play.
55) She … (get) a promotion last year, if she … (not argue) with the boss.
56) If only I … (know) you already had tickets, I … (not get) any for you.
57) The accident was Ann's fault. She was driving too close to the car in front. If she … (be) further away he … (be able) to stop in time.
58) We were traveling with false passports. That was the trouble. If our passports … (be) all right we … (not be) arrested.
Complete the following sentences.
59) We would have stayed in Moscow longer … .
60) I wouldn't have been so angry when we got there … .
61) If I had read more … .
62) If you had known about the party yesterday … .
63) They would have got tickets for you … .
Unit 7
Translate into English.
82) Хорошо бы завтра не было дождя.
83) Если бы ты позвонил мне вчера, я бы взяла твои книги.
84) Я позволю своему сыну поехать туда, если он бросит эту идею.
85) Жаль, что ты этого не понимаешь.
86) На твоём месте, я не придавала бы этой проблеме такое огромное значение.
87) Жаль, что сегодня так холодно.
88) Если бы вы приняли лекарство, вы бы были сейчас здоровы.
89) Мы посидим в кафе, пока они будут ходить по магазинам.
90) Он бы не провалил вступительный экзамен, если бы усерднее готовился к нему.
91) Я пошлю ему телеграмму, если он завтра не приедет.
92) Хорошо бы он уже пришёл.
93) Я буду обращаться к нему по этому вопросу до тех пор, пока не добьюсь своего.
94) Он пожалел, что не знает адреса девушки.
95) Если бы я был на вашем месте, я бы никогда не стал разговаривать с ней таким тоном.
96) Если бы она не любила его, она бы не поехала с ним.
97) Он выступал первым. Ах, если бы вы слышали, как он говорил.
98) Теперь они смеются надо мной. Ах, если бы я не показывал им эти стихи.
99) Если бы ты вовремя предупредил меня, я бы никогда не пошла туда.
100) Жаль, что они расстались. Они были прекрасной парой.
Total: 100/ ________
Unit 1 The Indicative, Imperative,
and Subjunctive Moods.
Mood. General Information
Mood is the form of the verb that shows in what relation to reality the speaker places the action expressed by the predicate verb.
There are the following three moods in English:
· the Indicative Mood,
· the Imperative Mood, and
· the Subjunctive Mood.
The Indicative Mood presents actions as real facts: We are happy. No one has washed the dishes yet. They invited me to the party.
The Indicative Mood has the categories of tense, aspect, voice, number and person (see Part II): Jane hasn't been here for a year. He is going to college. He can't be relied on.
The Imperative Mood expresses a command or request. The verb in the Imperative Mood has practically only one form which coincides with the stem of the verb: Introduce me to your friend. Don't speak to me in such a tone!
The verb let is used, as a rule, with imperative first and third person expressions, as Let us assemble in the hall! or Let every one sign his name.
The Subjunctive Mood of a verb indicates action or state as supposed or imagined or as contrary to the fact:
If only I had much money! (but I don’t have it) – Если бы у меня были (сейчас) деньги! (но у меня их нет)
If only I hadn’t failed my English exam! (but I failed) – Если бы только я не провалил свой экзамен по английскому языку! (но я провалил).
The Subjunctive Mood
Мы бы спасли его
the if-clause the main clause
Unit 2 Three Types of Conditional Sentences
1. So, both the Indicative Mood and the Subjunctive Mood are used in conditional sentences to express different types of condition and consequence.
The verb in the Indicative Mood in one of the present tenses expresses a real condition and a real consequence:
Your friend can’t decide where to go on holiday. Make some suggestions about where he/she could go and what he/she could do. (He/She could visit famous buildings; practise languages; eat national dishes; do/watch certain sports).
Model: Spain
If you went to Spain, you could eat paella, lie in the sun, watch a bull-fight and speak Spanish.
1) London; 2) Scotland; 3) India; 4) Mexico; 5) Paris; 6) Italy; 7) Egypt;
8) New York.
10. Translate into English:
1) Я бы не интересовался этим вопросом, если бы не возрастало его значение.
2) На вашем месте, я бы разговаривал с дочерью по-английски.
3) Если бы я разбогатела, я бы купила новый автомобиль.
4) – Куда бы ты сходил, если бы у тебя было свободное время? – Я бы, конечно, сходил в кино. Очень интересный фильм идёт в нашем кинотеатре.
5) Если бы театр был ближе, мы смогли бы пойти пешком.
6) – Кого бы вы пригласили, если бы организовали вечер в институте? – Мы бы пригласили своих друзей.
7) – Что бы ты купила, если бы твоя подруга пригласила тебя на день рождения? – Я бы, конечно, купила цветы. Она очень любит цветы.
8) На вашем месте, я бы не принимал столь скоропалительное и необдуманное решение.
9) – Пойдём сыграем футбол! – Я бы с большим удовольствием присоединился к вам, если бы не завтрашний экзамен по математике.
10) Твоё платье сразу бы стало выглядеть лучше, если бы ты поменяла пуговицы.
11) Я бы дала тебе её адрес, если бы знала его.
12) На твоём месте я бы обратился к адвокату, а ты предпочитаешь помощь какого-то Спарка.
13) Она не взяла бы деньги, даже если бы он и предложил.
14) Если бы он интересовался английским, то использовал бы любую возможность поговорить на языке.
15) Мы бы увидели эту парочку, если бы подождали ещё минутку.
Unit 5 Type III ConditionalS
1. Type III Conditionals assume something purely imaginary in the if-clause and consider the imagined consequences in the main clause.
if-clause main clause
if + Past Perfect would + Perfect Infinitive
If he had tried harder, he would have succeeded.
Other modals can replace would in Type III Conditionals when we feel that the imagined consequences were less likely, or when we are referring to ability, possibility, etc.:
imagined condition imagined outcome
If he had been here yesterday, he could have told us (ability) .
If he had been here yesterday, he might have told us (possibility ).
If he had received a present, he should have thanked her (duty) .
2. Type III Conditionals refer to consequences which did not and could not ever happen because they refer to something that didn't happen in the past.
If I had seen her, I would have been very glad. | Если бы я увидела её, я была бы очень рада. (но я не увидела её и не могла быть рада) |
If I had worked harder at school, I'd have got a better job (referring to something possible: often expressing regret).
If I had lived in the Stone Age, I would have been a hunter (referring to a completely impossible situation).
1. Put the verb into the correct form.
Model: If I had known (know) that you were ill last week, I’d have gone to see you.
1) Tom got to the station in time. If he ___ (miss) the train, he would have been late for his interview.
2) It’s good that Ann reminded me about Tom’s birthday. I ___ (forget) if she hadn’t reminded me.
3) We might not have stayed at this hotel if George ___ (not/recommend) it to us.
4) I’d have sent you a postcard while I was on holiday if I ___ (have) your address.
5) Rome ___ (be captured) by her enemies if the geese hadn’t cackled.
6) If he had put out his pipe before putting it in his pocket he ___ (not burn) a hole in his coat.
7) You ___ (not get) into trouble if you had obeyed my instructions.
8) I ___ (take) a taxi if I had realized that it was such a long way.
9) He would have been arrested if he ___ (try) to leave the country.
10) They would have forced their way into the house if I ___ (not call) for help.
11) If you hadn’t been in such a hurry you ___ (not put) sugar into the sauce instead of salt.
12) If I ___ (try) again I think that I would have succeeded.
13) You ___ (save) me a lot of trouble if you had told me where you were going.
14) She had a headache; otherwise she ___ (come) with us.
15) If you ___ (look) at the engine for a moment you would have seen what was missing.
2. Supply the correct forms of the missing verbs. Use could have (done) or might have (done) in the main class.
Model: If I had managed (manage) to repair my car earlier, I could have driven (drive) you to London.
1) If I ___ (know) last week that she was ill, I ___ (visit) her.
2) If you ___ (not want) to drive straight home, we ___ (miss) all this traffic.
3) If you ___ (ask) politely, I ___ (help) you.
4) If the weather forecast ___ (be) different, we ___ (stay) at home.
5) We ___ (be) at the airport for hours, if we ___ (not know) that the flight was delayed.
6) I ___ (make) a bad mistake, if I ___ (not read) the instructions.
7) We ___ (have) an accident, if our car ___ (not be) properly serviced.
8) If he ___ (fasten) his seatbelt, he ___ (not be) hurt.
9) She ___ (not hear) the news, if she ___ (not turn on) the radio this morning.
10) If they ___ (could see) us, they ___ (laugh).
11) They ___ (play) better, if they ___ (have) more training.
Ben: | Will you lend me your bike? I have to get to basketball training in 5 minutes. |
Nick: | The last time I lent it to you, you got flat tire and didn’t repair it. |
Ben: | Well, I (1) ___ (not get) a flat tyre if you (2) ___ (put) enough air in it. |
Nick: | That’s not true. You rode straight over some broken glass. |
Ben: | Well, I (3) ___ (not ride) over the glass if someone (4) ___ (left) it all over the road. Besides, I (5) ___ (go) round the glass, if a car (6) ___ (not come) from the other direction. |
Nick: | Well, you could have stopped. |
Ben: | I (7) ___ (stop) if the brakes (8) ___ (not fail). |
Nick: | Well, you should have checked the brakes before you started. I (9) ___ (not lend) you my bike if I (10) ___ (know) that the brakes weren’t working. |
Open the brackets.
The black car screamed round the corner on the wrong side of the road and passed a white car doing exactly the same thing in the other direction. Both drivers stopped and got out of their cars. ‘If I (1) (be) had been on my side of the road, you (2) ___ (kill) me’, driver A shouted. ‘But you weren’t on your side of the road,’ driver B shouted back. ‘If you (3) ___ (... driving) more carefully, you (4) ___ (not be) on the wrong side of the road.’ ‘If I (5) ___ (know) what was round the corner, I (6) ___ (keep) to my side of the road,’ driver A said. ‘If you (7) ___ (know) what was round the corner, you (8) ___ (... not driving) so carelessly.’ Suddenly, both men stopped shouting and driver A said, very quietly, ‘If we both (9) ___ (not be) on the wrong side of the road. we (10) ___ (be) dead now.’ Without speaking a further word, both men shook hands and drove away.
6. Comment on the following situations with if (expressing regret, etc.).
Model: John ate too much cake, so he was sick.
If John hadn’t eaten too/so much cake, he wouldn’t have been sick.
1) We came home from our holiday early because we ran out of money.
2) The house didn’t burn down because the fire brigade came immediately.
3) The men were wearing protective clothing, so they were all quite safe.
4) I had an accident because I wasn’t watching the road.
5) I was sweating because it was so hot.
6) My father didn’t earn much money, so life wasn’t easy for us.
7) I didn’t enjoy school, so I didn’t do very well.
7. Read a situation and write a sentence with if.
Model: She didn’t eat anything because she wasn’t hungry
If she had been hungry, she would have eaten something.
1) The accident happened because the driver in front stopped so suddenly.
If the driver in front ___.
2) I didn’t wake Nora because I didn’t know she wanted to get up early.
If I ___.
3) She wasn’t injured in the crash because she was wearing a seat belt.
If ___.
4) I was able to buy the car because Jim lent me the money.
If ___.
5) You’re hungry now because you didn’t have breakfast.
If ___.
6) She didn’t buy the coat because she didn’t have enough money on her.
If ___.
Translate into English
1) Я бы не уволился, если бы они повысили тогда зарплату.
2) Я бы не провалил экзамен, если бы подготовился к нему как положено.
3) Моя сестра купила бы этот костюм ещё в прошлом месяце, если бы получила зарплату вовремя.
4) Я бы пошёл на вчерашнюю вечеринку, если бы Смиты меня пригласили.
5) Если бы прошлым летом у меня был автомобиль, я бы ездил на пляж каждое утро.
6) Наше предприятие не закрыли бы, если бы мы отдали все долги до марта.
7) Если бы она не прислала вчера это письмо, мой брат был бы сейчас дома.
8) Вы бы не разбили вазу, если бы были осторожнее.
9) Если бы Кити приняла вчера лекарство, она бы чувствовала себя хорошо сегодня.
10) Если бы не дождь, мы бы могли сейчас поехать за город.
11) Вы бы не разбили вазу, если бы были осторожнее.
12) Если бы ни Вы, я бы никогда не выполнил эту работу вовремя.
13) Торт сгорел бы, если бы я не пошла на кухню.
14) Мы бы не пошли в ресторан, если бы знали цены.
15) Костёр не погас бы, если бы мы подбрасывали в него дрова (to put logs).
Unit 6 Mixed Conditionals
(see Units 2, 3)
E x e r c i s e s
Grygori Pilikan recently celebrated his 114th birthday and reporters visited him in his mountain village in Georgia to find out the secret of a long life. ‘The secret of a long life,’ Grygori said, ‘is happiness. If you (1) (be) are happy, you will live a long time.’ ‘Are you married?’ a reporter asked. ‘Yes,’ Grygori replied. ‘I married my third wife when I was 102. If you happily married, you (2) ___ (live) for ever. But for my third wife, I (3) ___(die) years ago.’ ‘What about smoking and drinking?’ a reporter asked. ‘Yes, they are important,’ Grygori said. ‘Don’t smoke at all and you (4) ___ (feel) well. Drink two glasses of wine a day and you (5) ___ (be) healthy and happy.’ ‘If you (6) ___ (can/live) your life again, what (7) ___ (you/do)?’ a reporter asked.’ ‘I would do what I have done. If I had more sense, I (8) ___ (eat) more yoghourt!’ he chuckled. ‘Supposing you (9) __ (can/change) one thing in your life what (10) ___ (you/change)?’ another reporter asked. ‘Not much,’ Grygori replied. ‘So you don’t have any regrets?’ ‘Yes, I have one regret,’ Grygori replied. ‘If I (11) ___ (know) I was going to live so long, I (12) ___ (look after) myself better!’
5. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in brackets .
Yesterday the famous bank robber, Fingers Smith, robbed another bank in the centre of town. As usual, he only stole $10. If he (1) had left (leave) any clues, he (2) ___ (be) in prison now, but he’s much too clever. He disconnected the security cameras; if he (3) ___ (not/do) that, the police (4) ___ (have) him on film now. The strange thing is, Fingers doesn’t seem to be interested in the money; if he (5) ___ (be), he (6) ___ (can/steal) thousands of pounds by now. The police are determined to catch him, and the Chief is confident that they will. He says that if he (7) ___ (think) they weren’t going to arrest Fingers eventually, he (8) ___ (leave) the police force long ago.
Translate into Russian .
1) Если бы он не был таким рассеянным, он не принял бы вас за мою сестру.
2) Алиса не купила бы эти книги, если бы не сдавала экзамен по истории.
3) Если бы вы приняли лекарство, вы были бы сейчас здоровы.
4) Если бы Чарльз знал адрес, он бы уже пришёл к этому времени.
5) Вероника не поехала бы с ним на Север после окончания института, если бы не любила его.
6) Если бы мы не были знакомы, он бы не пригласил нас на вечер.
7) Если бы я был на твоём месте, я бы проверил факты до того как написал письмо.
8) Он бы не опоздал на завтрак, если бы не разговаривал по телефону так долго.
9) Если бы ты была более тактичным человеком, ты бы не сказала ей это.
10) Если бы Сью работала усерднее в прошлом месяце, она не была бы так занята сейчас.
If only
'Only' can be placed after if and indicates hope, wish or regret according to the tense used with it:
a) if only + Present Indefinite / Future Indefinite – to express hope
If only he comes in time (= we hope he will come).
If only he will listen to her (= we hope he will be willing to listen).
b) if only + Past/Past Perfect – to express regret
If only he didn’t drive so fast. (= we are sorry he drives so fast)
If only you hadn't said that. (= we are sorry you said that)
If only I knew it for sure.– Ах, если бы я была в этом уверена (сейчас).
If only I had told her the truth . – Ах, если бы я сказала ей правду (в прошлом).
c) if only + would can express regret about a present action as an alternative to if only + past tense (it has the same meaning as wish + would).
If only he would drive more slowly .(= we are sorry that he isn’t willing to drive more slowly).
I wish
Wish expresses present, future, and past situations.
Here is a summary of patterns using wish:
Verb form after wish | Time reference | Example (+ meaning) |
Past Indefinite | Present | I wish I knew the answer. (= I don’t know). |
Past Indefinite | Present | I wish I were better at sports. (= I’m not) |
Past Continuous | Present | I wish I were going with you. (= I’m not) |
![]() | Present | I wish I could give you an answer. (= I can’t) |
Would | Future | I wish you would be quiet. (= Your taking irritates me) |
Past Perfect | Past | I wish I had known you then. (= but I didn’t) |
Could have | Past | I wish I could have explained. (= I wasn’t able to) |
I wish he came. – Хорошо бы он пришёл.
I wish you knew him. – Жаль, что вы его не знаете.
I wish you had come. – Жаль, что вы не пришли .
1. Match the comments with the answers .
1) I feel so old 2) The plants in the garden are dying 3) We never hear from Angela 4) I didn’t know you were ill 5) I can’t afford to go out 6) It takes hours to get to work 7) She looked absolutely lovely 8) We don’t see you very often nowadays 9) Now everyone knows the secret | a) I wish it would rain. b) I wish you had told me. c) I wish we lived nearer the office. d) I wish you could come more often. e) I wish I hadn’t told anyone. f) I wish I were younger. g) I wish she would write more often. h) I wish I had more money. i) I wish I could have taken a photograph. |
2. Write sentences with ‘I wish’.
Model: It’s raining very hard. ® I wish it weren’t raining so hard.
1) We haven’t time to stop.
2) John didn’t pass the exam.
3) It’s very cold in here.
4) There’s no time to spare.
5) George won’t help.
6) Mary didn’t come.
7) I didn’t see the match last week.
8) I can’t give up smoking.
9) Tina can’t come to the party.
10) She doesn’t know anything about cars.
11) I’m not lying on a sunny beach.
12) I hate having to do homework every night.
13) I decided to work in London.
14) We sold the house we had in Manchester.
15) We didn’t realize that a supermarket was opening nearby.
16) We put our money into a grocery shop.
17) We borrowed $3.000 to start the business.
18) It was a mistake to leave Manchester.
3. Imagine that you are in these situations. For each situation write a sentence with ‘I wish’.
Model: You’ve eaten too much and now you feel sick.
You say I wish I hadn’t eaten so much.
1) There was a job advertised in the newspaper. You decided not to apply for it. Now you think that your decision was wrong.
You say: I wish I ____ .
2) When you were younger, you didn’t learn to play a musical instrument. Now you regret this.
You say: ____ .
3) You’ve painted the gate red. Now you think that it doesn’t look very nice.
You say: ____ .
4) You have some unexpected guests. They didn’t tell you they were coming. You are very busy and you are not prepared for them.
You say (to yourself): ____ .
5) You are walking in the country. You would like to take some photographs but you didn’t bring your camera.
You say: ____ .
1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.
1) I ___ (tell) you if I hear from him.
2) If I ___ (understand) the question, I might be able to answer it.
3) If she’d passed her exams, she ___ (go) to university.
4) We ___ (miss) the lecture unless we hurry.
5) He ___ (buy) a car provided that he passes his driving test.
6) The teacher ___ (not/shout) at her if she did her homework.
7) I ___ (run) home if I’d known the football match was on TV.
8) The animals at the zoo ___ (die) unless they’re fed.
9) He’ll be furious if he ever ___ (find out) about this.
Writing Activity
Oral Activity
Choose the correct answer.
1) If she … not so slowly she would enjoy the party.
A) were | B) is | C) will be |
2) If you … my library book I will have to buy a new one.
A) will lose | B) lost | C) loose |
3) If she … you were in hospital she would have visited you.
A) had known | B) knew | C) would have known |
4) I wish I … rich.
A) would be | B) were | C) had been |
5) I wish I … his opinion before.
A) would know | B) had known | C) knew |
6) I wish I … to the Tower when I was in London.
A) had gone | B) went | C) would go |
7) I wish I … much yesterday.
A) didn't eat | B) hadn't eaten | C) were not eating |
8) If she … not so slowly she would enjoy the party.
A) were | B) is | C) will be |
Make up sentences.
53) She / it / so / have / had / fallen / slippery / been / wouldn't / if / not
54) had / I / you / chosen / would / I / have / If / been / green / been / the / one
55) lot / if / would / trained / the / they / have / had / Our / won / a / team / game
56) would / to / ill / place / have / your / if / been / had / He / come / not / he
57) lay / would / gone /country / had / if / not / a / have / it / I / the / been / nasty / to
58) it / were / wish / now / summer / I
59) I / had / I / been / wish / so / not / modest
60) redundant / been / made / If / I / only / hadn't
Translate into English.
61) Если бы ты не был так занят, мы бы пошли куда-нибудь пообедать.
62) Я бы никогда не подумал, что это возможно, если бы не увидел это своими глазами.
63) О, если бы он был здесь.
64) Такая странная мысль никогда не пришла бы мне в голову, если бы не подозрительное поведение этого человека.
65) Если бы не Вы, я бы никогда не написал бы эту статью.
66) Я бы теперь чувствовал себя так неловко, если бы последовал советам этого человека.
67) Если бы не ты, я бы никогда не справился с этой работой.
68) Даже если бы я хранила письма, я бы никогда не показывала их тебе.
69) Если бы он знал, что ты находишься сейчас в больнице, он бы навестил тебя.
70) Я обязательно передам ему все новости, как только увижу его.
71) При условии, что ты будешь больше заниматься языком, ты добьёшься больших успехов.
72) На вашем месте, я бы всегда разговаривал по-английски.
73) Будь я там, я бы позвонил Анне.
74) Если я увижу Кон, я попрошу её позвонить тебе.
75) Если бы вы знали, что пойдёт дождь, вам следовало бы взять с собой зонтик.
76) Чарльз написал бы вам, если бы ему был известен ваш адрес.
77) Если бы вы не позвонили Кэрол, всё было бы в порядке.
78) Жаль, что мы пришли так поздно.
79) Даже если бы она сдала экзамен на плохую отметку, она бы всё равно поехала с нами.
80) Сью выглядела бы более привлекательной, если бы изменила причёску.
81) На вашем месте, я бы не ездил туда.
82) Жаль, что ты не воспользовался этой возможностью.
83) Вы бы не опоздали на поезд, если бы взяли такси.
84) – Что ты собираешься делать завтра? – Если завтра будет хорошая погода, то мы поедем на пляж.
85) Он не придёт, если его сестре не станет лучше.
86) Если бы он не был таким рассеянным, он бы не потерял свои книги.
87) Даже если бы он сдал экзамен, он бы не пошёл с нами в театр.
88) Мы бы не пошли в этот магазин, если бы знали цены.
89) Элис не делала бы мне такие подарки, если бы не любила меня.
90) Что бы ты купил, если бы тебе дали тысячу долларов?
91) Жаль, что все билеты в театр уже проданы.
92) Если бы я был на твоём месте, я бы проверил факты до того как написал письмо.
93) Ты увидишь его вместе с Паулой, если задержишься на некоторое время.
94) Ты бы никогда не поступил на исторический факультет, если бы не любил историю.
95) Я смогу купить эти книги при условии, что ты отдолжишь мне деньги.
96) Жаль, что она не сможет поехать с нами в Лондон.
97) Вам следовало бы сказать им правду. У вас не было бы таких неприятностей.
98) Если бы ты слушала своего отца, ты бы не попала в беду.
99) Жаль, что мои родители не увидят этого.
100) При условии, что мой сын будет учиться хорошо, я куплю ему новый велосипед.
Total: 100/ ______
Unit 1
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5
Unit 6
Он сказал, что пишет ей письма He said ( that ) he wrote to her daily .
каждый день.
Он сказал, что он сейчас ей пишет He said ( that) he was writing a letter
письмо. to her.
Он сказал, что он написал ей He said ( that) he had written to
об этом. her about it.
The rules of Sequence of Tenses are especially active in Reported Speech when speakers need to introduce grammatical changes to show the differences between their current situation and the situation they are reporting.
Besides the change of the tense forms there are some other special strategies in indirect speech: changing time and place references, personal pronouns and reporting verbs. The basic rules for forming indirect, or Reported Speech are presented below.
E x e r c i s e s
“No, I won’t go with you.”
He refused to go with us.
“I’ll punish you.”
He threatened to punish me.
Verb + sb. + to-inf .
“You should see a lawyer.”
He advised me to see a lawyer.
“Could you help me?”
He asked me to help him.
“Please, don’t hurt her.”
He begged me not to hurt her.
“Stand up!”
He commanded to stand up.
“Will you go out with me?”
He invited me to go out with him.
“Leave the cat!”
He ordered me to leave the cat.
“Don’t forget to ring Ann.”
She reminded me to ring Ann.
“Don’t go near her.”
She warned me not to go near her.
Verb + gerund
“Yes, I did it.”
He admitted doing/having done it.
Accuse sb. of
“You took the money.”
He accused me of taking/ having taken the money.
Apologise for
“I’m sorry I came so late.”
He apologised for coming/having come so late.
Boast of/about
“I’m the fastest of all.”
He boasted of/about being the fastest of all.
Complain to sb. of
“I have a toothache.”
He complained to me of having a toothache.
“I didn’t take the book.”
He denied taking/having taken the book.
Insist on
“You must come with us.”
He insisted on me/my going with them.
(Say one) prefers
“I’d rather do it myself.”
He said he preferred doing/to do it himself.
“Let’s have a party.”
He suggested having a party.
Verb + that clause
“Yes, it’s a big house.”
He agreed that it was a big house.
“You’re always lying to me.”
He complained that I was always lying to him.
“I didn’t take that book.”
He denied that he had taken the book.
“That’s why I didn’t take it.”
He explained to me why/that he hadn’t taken it.
Exclaim/ remark
“What a sunny day it is.”
He exclaimed/remarked that it was a sunny day.
“Of course I’ll help you.”
He promised that he would help me.
“You’d better see a doctor.
He suggested that I (should) see a doctor.
Note: admit, advise, boast, insist, threaten, warn, remind can also be followed by a that-clause in Reported Speech.
4. Reported Speech commonly occurs in continuous paragraphs of reported language, not in unrelated sentences. To hold it together such phrases and words as she went on to say, he continued, he added that, and, as, because, but, since, while, then, etc. are used:
“I’m really tired,” she said to him. “Can you make me a cup of coffee?”
She exclaimed that she was tired and asked him to make her a cup of coffee.
We can report:
– statements
– questions
– commands, requests, suggestions, etc.
E x e r c i s e s
Put in tell or say.
1) All the experts … the Earth is getting warmer.
2) Did you … Mark and Roger how to find our house?
3) The sales manager is going to … everyone about the meeting.
4) Nora, why don’t you just … what the matter is.
5) They … they’re going to build a new Disney World here.
6) What did he … about his holiday plans?
7) Could you … me the way to the train station, please?
8) The company should … its employees what’s going on.
9) You shouldn’t … lies, you know, James.
10) Did you … anything to Bob about the barbecue?
a) If the statement is still up to date when reported, then there is a choice. You can either leave the tense the same, or you can change it:
John said he is/was going to Rome in April.(a future event is expressed)
Sarah told me that her father owns/owned a racehorse. (it is possible to say that her father owns a racehorse because it is still true)
Peter told me today that he lost his watch some days ago. (recent report)
Mary said her mother is seriously ill. (the situation hasn’t changed, it’s relevancy at the present moment is emphasized)
b) If the statement is no longer up to date, then the tense is changed.
John said he was going to Rome in April. (now it is May)
Sarah once told me that her father owned a racehorse. (he may no longer own one)
Peter told me last month that he had lost his watch some days before . (remote past report)
Last month I met Mary. She said her mother was seriously ill. (the event is past, the situation might have changed)
NOTE 2: If the verb is Past Perfect or Past Perfect Continuous, it stays the same: “My money had run out.” Daniel said his money had run out.
5. Certain words can change as follows depending on the time reference.
Direct Speech | Reported Speech |
tonight, today, this week/month/year Þ | that night, that day, that week/month/year |
now Þ | then, at that time, at once, immediately |
now that Þ | since |
yesterday, last night/week/month Þ | the day before, the previous night/week/month/year |
tomorrow, next week/ month/year Þ | the following day /the day after, the following/next week/month/year |
two days/months etc. ago Þ | two days/months etc. before |
this/these Þ | that/those |
here Þ | there |
come Þ | go |
E.g. ‘Tom is leaving tomorrow,” she said. | She said that Tom was leaving the next day. |
6. There are no changes in the verb tenses in Reported Speech when the direct sentence expresses a general truth. (See Unit 3)
“The Earth is a planet,” he said. He said the Earth is a planet.
E x e r c i s e s
Interview 1
“…It’s not what people think it is. I mean, you would, all you do is, you do all the dirty jobs, you have to clean people’s boots, you have to pick up their kit, wash out the bathrooms, scrub the floors, it’s – things like that. Paint walls. We were doing that sort of thing…”
He said that life for a young professional football player wasn’t what people thought it was. All they did was the dirty jobs: they had to clean people’s boots, pick up their kit, wash out the bathrooms, scrub the floors, paint walls and things like that…
Interview 2
“… Some of the travelling isn’t too-too good. I mean, going up on a Friday night and staying in a hotel. It’s all right, but it’s not – you know, I mean, it takes you away from your family and your kids a little bit. Sometimes travelling can be very monotonous. I mean, that’s a thing you have to put up with, but I think certain things you have to do in travelling are very boring…”
Report…. She said that…
Interview 3
“…Actually imprisonment doesn’t do any good, it doesn’t deter crime, it doesn’t stop crime, doesn’t deter people from committing a crime, and it costs society a lot of money to keep them there, between three and four hundred pounds a week… What deters people from committing crimes is the thought that they are actually going to get caught. Only about 15% of crimes are cleared in Britain. That means 85% of the crimes that are committed are not cleared up. So people think they are not going to get caught…”
Report… He said that…
Interview 4
“…I think that although some lip-service is paid to prison being rehabilitative, that actually it is a straight punishment. By and large in prison you sit and mark time, you have lost your job, you may well lose your family, you may well lose your accommodation while you are there, and you quite frequently come out knowing a lot more about how to break the law, and with a lot less reason not to do it again, because you’ve lost all the other things in the community that keep you from doing it in the first place, so I actually have a fairly negative view overall of what prison does…”
Report… He said that…
E x e r c i s e s
A job interview
I think the interview went well. He wanted to know whether a ...whether...
number of things about me and what I had been doing ...\/ ………
1) in the last few years. First he asked me if I have had had ………….
2) a nice trip down from Manchester and how long it ………….
3) had been taken me to get there. He also wanted to know ………….
4) whether or it had been snowing in Manchester. The chitchat ………….
5) over, he asked from me how old I was and where I was born ………….
6) although I had sent him my CV by post. He then asked ………….
7) how long I had lived in Manchester and I told him. His ………….
8) next question was the whether I was married and whether I had ………
9) a family or not. I explained him that I was separated and that ………….
10) I had one daughter. He me asked how long did I had worked as an .…..
11) editor and how much I was had been paid in my
present job. He asked ………….
12) what was I liked most about my job and who had told me ………….
13) about their company. The main questions he asked me
were about the ....……….
14) qualities of a good manager. Finally, he asked how much have………….
15) I expected to be paid. I think the interview went very well. ………….
6. You were looking for a job and went for an interview to some company last Friday. In conversation with a friend you talk about the interview and report the various questions that you were asked. The questions were the following:
1) What is your full name?
2) How old are you?
3) Where were you born?
4) What kind of education do you have?
5) Did you have any professional experience?
6) What is the reason for your applying for this post?
7) Why have you quitted your previous job?
8) Are you married or single?
9) Do you have any children?
10) Do you have any hobbies or leisure interests?
11) What kind of person are you?
12) Where do you live?
13) Do you have any references?
14) What languages do you speak, read or write?
15) Have you ever been abroad?
16) Have you ever been in charge of people?
17) What are your good points?
18) What do you not like doing and why?
19) Why do you like this job?
20) Have you attended any training courses?
1. To report commands, requests, suggestions a reporting verb (advise, ask, suggest, beg, offer, order, tell, etc) followed by a to-Infinitive or a Gerund is used (see Unit 2).
Direct Speech Reported Speech
He said to me, “Come with me.” He told me to go with him.
He said, “Let’s go out.” He suggested going out.
The negative is tell/ask someone not to do something.
“Don’t wear those boots in the house!” I asked you not to wear those
boots in the house.
2.To report exclamations which begin with “What a/an…” or “How…” the verbs exclaim/say that are used.
“What an unusual design!” he said. He exclaimed/said that it
was an unusual design.
But with exclamations such as “Splendid!”, “Great!”, “Good!”, “Excellent!”, “Oh!”, “Oh dear!” etc. the expression give an exclamation of delight/disgust/relief/surprise, etc. is used:
“Wow!” he said as he saw her. He gave an exclamation of
delight as he saw her.
3. Study the following examples:
They said, “Thank you.” They thanked us.
“Happy Birthday!” we said We wished him a happy
to him. birthday.
“Congratulations!” they said They congratulated us.
to us.
“You fool!” she said. She called him a fool.
4. Yes/No short answers are expressed in Reported Speech with subject + appropriate auxiliary verb/introductory verb:
“Will you help me?” she asked him. “Yes,” he said.
She asked him to help her and he said he would agree/he agreed.
5. Question tags are omitted in Reported Speech. An appropriate introductory verb is used to convey the same meaning:
“You won’t tell anyone, will you?” she asked him.
She asked him not to tell anyone.
E x e r c i s e s
Report the dialogue.
J: Oh, hello, Bill, how are you?
B: Fine, Jim. Listen, could you lend me your food processor for a couple of hours? Mine has stopped working.
J: Sure. Do you know how to work this one? Is yours the same make?
B: Let’s see. No, it isn’t. Could you give me a demonstration?
J: Sure, just sit down. I’ll make some breadcrumbs, I need them for tonight. Or why don’t you make them?
B: OK, what do I do first?
J: Put the bowl on and turn it until it clicks. Yeah, then put the blade in and push it down.
B: Does it matter which way I put it in?
J: No, just put it in any way. But don’t forget to push it down until it clicks.
B: Now what?
J: Cut the bread into squares – about six squares per slice, and put them in. OK, now put the top on with the tube to the left of the front, and then turn it to the right to start it.
B: Well, it’s easy enough. Mine is much more complicated.
J: Yeah, well, I don’t think you’ll have any problems. Do you think you could bring it back when you’ve finished with it?
B: Sure, don’t worry. I’ll have it back by eight, if that’s OK.
J: Fine, see you then. Bye, Bill.
B: Bye, Jim, and thanks a lot.
Report the dialogue.
Daniel: | Where shall we have our picnic then? |
Rachel: | This looks all right. Shall we sit here? |
Emma: | Oh, I’ve forgotten the sausages. They are in the car. |
Matthew: | Shall I get them? |
Emma: | Oh, thanks, Matthew. |
Vicky: | We could sit by those trees. It looks nicer over there. |
Rachel: | No, it’s fine here. |
Daniel: | Yes, it’s better here, I think. |
Emma: | Would you like a sandwich, Vicky? |
Vicky: | Oh, thank you. |
Emma: | Will you have one, Rachel? |
Matthew: | And here are the sausages. Would anyone like one? |
E x e r c i s e s
Report the dialogue.
Tom: I can’t come out tonight, Margo. I ought to do some more work. I’m behind with everything. I’ve got so much to do.
Margo: You shouldn’t worry so much, Tom. Don’t panic. You ought to relax sometimes. You could take a break.
Tom: I know I shouldn’t panic, but I do. I can’t help it.
Margo: Anyway, you’re doing OK, aren’t you? Your results have been good.
You should be pleased. You oughtn’t to invent problems for yourself.
Review exercises
Put in the missing words.
It’s a sad fact that people steal from hotels. Recently I interviewed Mr David Wills, the manager of a large hotel, and he (1) me that all kinds of things, large and small, (2) constantly stolen. Mr Wills told (3) that a check (4) made on a person’s room as soon as they (5) (leave) it, but unless someone had walked off with a wardrobe, he (6) (advise) the staff (7) (not/make) a fuss. “What is even more surprising,” Mr Wills (8) “is the things people leave behind – anything from wooden legs to false teeth!” He then (9) on to tell me a story about a snobbish lady who (10) (recently check out). She (11) (object) that her bill (12) (be) too high, but paid it nevertheless. Just as she (13) (leave), the phone rang and the cashier answered it. He then (14) the lady that a hotel bathrobe was missing from her room. The lady expressed great surprise and (15) that the hotel maid must have packed it in by mistake. “But the maid has just reported the bathrobe missing,” the cashier (16). Hanging over the bathrobe, the lady left in disgust. “Who wants a second-hand bathrobe, anyway?” she said, as she made her way to a taxi complaining that hotel service (17) (be) not what it used to be.
(Longman English Grammar Practice, p.225)
Put in the correct forms.
It had been a particularly bad winter in Chicago. Nearly forty inches of snow had fallen in a fortnight. Railway workers at Chicago station didn’t know (1) (what/do) with it. The foreman (2) (advise them/shovel) it into huge mountains to keep the platforms clear. He (3) (tell/not leave) any snow on the platforms because it was dangerous for passengers. But it was an impossible task! Suddenly, one of the workers had a bright idea. “I know (4) (how/get rid) of it,” he said. “Let’s load it onto this freight train. We can send it south to Mississippi and New Orleans. It’ll just melt away.” The next day five tons of snow arrived in Memphis, Tennessee. “It’s a welcome gift,” a railway worker said. “We know (5) (what/do) with it here. We’ll send what we can to the children’s playground. Some of us have never seen snow before!”
(Longman English Grammar Practice, p.223)
A )
1) Он сказал, что будет очень скучать по ней.
2) Она сказала, что скоро собирается в Париж.
3) Мне сказали, что Анна уже купила билеты.
4) Она сказала мне, что никогда не была в Америке.
5) Она спросила меня, не хочу ли я поесть в кафе.
6) Они поинтересовались, почему она опоздала.
7) Она хотела узнать, как долго я буду в отпуске.
8) Она попросила Тома оказать ей услугу.
9) Жена напомнила мне, чтобы я отправил письмо на следующей неделе.
10) Бетти убедила Джейн купить красное платье.
11) Джереми спросил отца, сколько тот зарабатывает.
12) Секретарь сказала мистеру Брауну, чтобы он перезвонил позднее.
13) Работник парка сказал детям, чтобы они не ходили по траве.
14) Билл признался, что украл деньги, но отрицал, что ударил старушку.
15) Профессор похвастался, что может в совершенстве говорить на 11 языках.
16) Джейн отказалась помогать мне по дому.
17) Кет предложила довезти Меган до вокзала.
18) Они спросили меня, когда начинается мой рабочий день.
19) Он поинтересовался, какие вопросы я люблю обсуждать с друзьями.
20) Он признался, что рассказал ему наш секрет.
21) Она пожаловалась, что он все время лжет.
22) Он пообещал, что поможет нам.
23) Он напомнил мне, чтобы я перезвонил домой.
24) Ребята с радостью согласились помочь нам с проектом.
25) Она обвинила меня в том, что я украл деньги.
26) Она умоляла нас не прекращать поиски преступника.
27) Она меня спросила, хожу ли я на прогулку каждый вечер.
28) Анна сказала, что она живет в Неаполе.
29) Она напомнила мне, что вечером будет конференция.
30) Он сказал, что его книгу можно купить в любом магазине.
31) Мэри сказала, что вчера вечером к ней приходил Том.
32) Джек меня спросил, не хочу ли я выпить чашечку кофе.
33) Она спросила меня, почему я такая грустная.
34) Она сказала, что они очень редко ходят в театр.
35) Я спросила брата, как долго он собирается пробыть за границей.
36) Он сказал, что потерял часы.
37) Он предложил нам пойти в какой-нибудь другой клуб.
38) Она настояла на том, чтобы мы остались у нее еще на несколько дней.
39) Он отрицал то, что Майкл был с ними в тот вечер.
40) Она предложила отложить встречу до завтра.
41) Она извинилась за то, что опоздала.
42) Он пригласил меня на романтический ужин на пляже.
1) С гордостью он отметил, что их торговая марка известна каждому потребителю в стране.
2) Директор сообщил нам, что завод оснащен новейшей техникой.
3) Он нас уверил, что доставка товара будет произведена вовремя.
4) Владелец магазина сказал, что они прекратили продавать товар в кредит несколько месяцев назад.
5) Она сказала, что на распродаже можно купить одежду высокого качества по низкой цене.
6) Он сказал мне, что уволился с работы два месяца назад.
7) Она напомнила мне, что перед собеседованием необходимо заполнить анкету.
8) Он отметил, что на юге Италии наблюдается высокий уровень безработицы.
9) Министр сказал, что уровень инфляции в стране все еще остается высоким.
10) Он сказал, что новая европейская валюта была одобрена всеми странами, входящими в Европейский союз.
11) Она сказала, что если бы не финансовая помощь, они бы не смогли присоединиться к этому проекту.
12) Директор магазина с сожалением отметил, что многие покупатели не довольны качеством обслуживания.
13) Он сообщил своим друзьям, что прекрасно прошел собеседование и будет теперь работать в большой компании.
14) Банковский служащий сказал ей, где она сможет поменять деньги.
15) Служащий напомнил нам, что компания оплатила все счета.
16) Она хотела узнать, как правильно заполнить бланк заявления
17) Он спросил меня, когда заканчивается срок аренды.
18) Он поинтересовался, может ли покупатель вернуть бракованный товар и получить денежную компенсацию от производителя.
19) Она спросила, трудно ли ему было организовать свой бизнес.
20) Он спросил меня, где находится наш новый офис.
21) Он спросил, какие виды кредита предоставляет банк.
22) Менеджер по кадрам спросил меня, согласен ли я работать в ночную смену.
23) Он спросил, каков оборот этих товаров.
24) Она спросила, какой вид рекламы является наиболее эффективным.
25) Он поинтересовался, какие вопросы обсуждались на совете директоров.
26) Он спросил, сколько сотрудников работает на нашем предприятии.
27) Он спросил меня, получаю ли я пособие по безработице.
28) Она сказала, что будет лучше, если я уволюсь с этой работы.
29) Он предложил мне положить деньги на счет в банк.
30) Он попросил меня прийти на собеседование в следующую пятницу.
31) Она порекомендовала мне покупать одежду во время сезонной распродажи.
32) Он посоветовал мне дать рекламу по телевидению.
33) Он предложил мне взять краткосрочный кредит.
34) Он посоветовал мне застраховать имущество.
35) Он порекомендовал мне исследовать рынок, прежде чем инвестировать капитал.
36) Он сказал, что для успешного бизнеса очень важно нанять компетентных работников.
37) Он умолял меня дать ему взаймы немного денег.
38) Директор предложил проводить собрания каждую неделю.
39) Он посоветовал продавать товар оптом по более низкой цене.
40) Она сказала, что нам не следует заключать договор с этой компанией.
41) Он сказал, что если бы мы застраховали предприятие от данного риска, то мы бы не понесли такие потери.
C )
1) Он сказал, что президент Соединенных Штатов избирается в ходе всеобщих выборов на четыре года и может быть переизбран на второй срок.
2) Преступник сознался в преднамеренном убийстве.
3) Он сказал, что этого человека арестовали, потому что он несколько раз пытался ограбить банк.
4) Судья объявила, что подсудимый приговаривается к высшей мере уголовного наказания.
5) Он сказал, что преступник был пойман на месте преступления.
6) Он сказал, что это понятно каждому политику.
7) Он сказал, что особенно страдают от сегодняшней безработицы молодые люди.
8) Он сказал, что проведение переговоров по этому кругу вопросов не только желательно, но и необходимо.
9) Он сказал, что преступник совершил преступление в состоянии аффекта.
10) Он сказал, что сам будет вести данное судебное дело.
11) Следователь спросил, где я была вчера вечером.
12) Он хотел узнать, были ли обнаружены отпечатки пальцев на месте преступления.
13) Она спросила, какой размер штрафа он должен выплатить.
14) Судья спросила, хочет ли обвиняемый сказать что-либо в свою защиту.
15) Он спросил свидетелей, запомнили ли они номер машины.
16) Он поинтересовался, сколько преступлений было раскрыто за прошедший год.
17) Он спросил меня, за кого я собираюсь голосовать на выборах.
18) Она хотела узнать, как я отношусь к смертной казни.
19) Он спросил, не могу ли я порекомендовать ему хорошего адвоката.
20) Я спросил, кто ведет данное дело.
21) Она спросила, кому принадлежит законодательная власть в Великобритании.
22) Обвиняемый спросил, какой срок он может получить за данное преступление.
23) Судья попросила свидетеля говорить только правду.
24) Он умолял ее не звонить в полицию.
25) Он посоветовал мне нанять хорошего адвоката.
26) Полицейский приказал всем оставаться на своих местах.
27) Он порекомендовал мне нанять частного детектива.
28) Он посоветовал мне обратиться в суд.
29) Он попросил меня выступить в качестве свидетеля по данному делу.
30) Следователь попросил ничего не трогать на месте преступления.
31) Заключенный умолял надсмотрщика перевести его в другую камеру.
32) Адвокат порекомендовал подзащитному придерживаться данной версии.
33) Избиратели попросили депутата принять меры по улучшению их жилищных условий.
34) Он рекомендовал мне голосовать именно за этого кандидата.
Progress test
Units 3-4
Choose the correct word or phrase to fill the spaces.
1) Mother will be very tired if she ..… home by train. .
A) will go | B) shall go | C) goes | D) went |
2) If I ..… her address, I would give it to you.
A) knew | B)had known | C) know | D) shall know |
3) If I were taller, I ..... a policeman.
A) became | B) become | C) would become | D) shall become |
4) If I tell you a secret, ...... not to tell it to anyone else?
A) will promise | B) promise | C) would promise | D) promised |
5) Unless you ..... more careful, you will have an accident.
A) will be | B) shall be | C) are | D) were |
6) … he arrives, everyone must stand.
A) until | B) when | C) supposing | D) as long |
7) If you … away, please write to me.
A) go | B) will go | C) went | D) have gone |
8) If I … Jack, I'll tell him the news.
A) saw | B) have seen | C) see | D) shall see |
9) … you had a baby girl. What would you call her?
A) supposing | B) in case | C) when | D) until |
10) Peter … his exams if he studies hard.
A) passed | B) will pass | C) passes | D) is passing |
Choose the correct answer.
11) If I see/will see Mike I tell/will tell him everything.
12) If you don't hurry/will hurry, you will miss/miss the train.
13) If I go/would go to the seaside, I'll take/take my son with me.
14) If Mike receives/has received the telegram I'm sure he phones/will phone you tomorrow.
15) As soon as/before you hear the alarm, run for the exit.
16) His French won't improve provided/unless he studies with me.
17) If you phone/will phone me I will pick/pick you up.
18) If she changed/would change her job she earned/would earn more.
19) If I lived/would live in Spain I did/would do a lot of sunbathing.
20) If I stay/will stay late I always get/will get a taxi.
Дата: 2019-02-02, просмотров: 365.