Mikhail Lomonosov was one of the intellectual titans of XVIII century. His interests ranged from history, rhetoric, art and poetry A ______ . Alexander Pushkin described him as В ______ , whose lifelong passion was learning.
Lomonosov’s activity is a manifestation of the enormous potential of the Russian scientific community. Peter I reformed Russia, which allowed the country to reach the standard of С ______ many spheres. Great importance was placed on education. St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, founded by Peter I, established a university and a grammar school to educate intellectuals and researchers the country needed; however, these educational establishments could not fulfill the task they took on. It was Michail Lomonosov D ______ of establishing a university in Moscow. An influential courtier and the E ______ Count Shuvalov supported Lomonosov's plans for a new university and presented them to the Empress.
In 1755, on 25 January-St. Tatiana's Day according to the Russian Orthodox Church calendar— Elizaveta signed the decree that a university should be founded in Moscow. The opening ceremony took place on 26 April, when Elizaveta's coronation day was celebrated. Since 1755 25 January and 26 April F ______ Moscow University; the annual conference where students present the results of their research work is traditionally held in April.
1. who suggested in his letter to Count Shuvalov the idea
2. to mechanics, chemistry and mineralogy
3. a person of formidable willpower and keen scientific mind
4. favourite of Empress Elizaveta Petrovna, the patron of arts and science
5. the contemporary European powers in
6. are marked by special events and festivities at
7. famous among all educated people
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Ответ: 235146
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Window Shopping
The day would be spent with my best friends Kath and Kate. We are actually three Catherines (by birth spelt with a C), A ______ we are all K’s: Kat (that’s me), Kath and Kate — the 3K Window Shopping gang!
Window shopping is simply wonderful. You can look at any outfit. You can try on В ______ not a single item on sale for which the price is a problem. You will try something on, ponder, pout, twirl, think hard, check yourself in the mirror one last time and finally reflect С ______ right for you! The highlight of this regular adventure however, is generally the 3K chocolate and ice cream break in the Shopping Centre’s top floor cafii Of course we do not believe that we are wasting anyone’s time. We do D ______ as well, but a reliable equation for us is — 3Ks + shopping mall = a good time.
But E ______ out to be especially memorable. One of the stores had a questionnaire lottery with the first prize being a voucher worth £200. We filled in the question forms while in the cafiiand returned to the store by their 2.00pm deadline. Kate won the first prize but we had decided in advance that if any of us won something, we would share equally: All for one К and one for all! At this point our morning of window shopping paid off. We completed F ______ slightly less than 10 minutes: three skirts, three hats and three belts and three very OK, K’s.
1. not like to spend our time
2. that it’s probably not quite
3. that particular day turned
4. our real shopping in
5. sometimes go shopping for real
6. anything you want and there is
7. but when we are together
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Ответ: 762534
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The Hotel
“Have you stayed with us before sir?” asked the receptionist. His accent sounded middle-European; Czech possibly or Polish. Actually I hadn’t stayed at this particular hotel before A ______ to many others from the same chain that I had stayed at. “No — first time” I replied with unnecessary brevity. The thing is I always feel В ______ rather than treated as an individual. Every word that I was about to hear, I had heard before — delivered no doubt from the depths of a tourism and hospitality course. “Welcome to Newcastle sir. Is this your first visit to our city? Can I trouble you to complete this form? Actually the first two lines and the signature at the bottom will do. Would you like С ______ , Sir? This will automatically unlock room facilities like mini-bar and telephone and any other extras you may require. Can I see your passport sir?” The questions and information D ______ responses were actually required and I handed over my passport, credit card and partly filled out form. I was tempted to write under name and address “Donald Duck, Duck Towers, Disney Street” — E ______ ever read the form again. But being a creature of habit I wrote my real name and address. While my card was being processed I looked across the reception area through the wall height windows to the beautiful River Tyne. A wave of nostalgia came over me. It was good to be back. I found myself thinking about her again and wondering F ______ a voice broke in: “It’s a plastic key card sir. You also need it to activate the lift and when you get to your room, plug it into the switch on the left as you open the door. It will automatically supply electricity to the room. Any help with your baggage? No? Then enjoy your stay”. The accomplished young Pole smiled as he delivered the final command and duly processed, I proceeded to the card activated lift.
1. me to take a print of your credit card
2. points poured out smoothly, no verbal
3. if I would even see her when
4. although it seemed virtually identical
5. so sure was I that nobody would
6. me to help you with your luggage
7. as if I am being processed like a product
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Ответ: 471253
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Mobile phones On New Year’s Day, 1985, Michael Harrison phoned his father, Sir Ernest, to wish him a happy new year. Sir Ernest was chairman of Racal Electronics, the owner of Vodafone, A _______________________.
At the time, mobile phones weighed almost a kilogram, cost several thousand pounds and provided only 20 minutes talktime. The networks themselves were small; Vodafone had just a dozen masts covering London. Nobody had any idea of the huge potential of wireless communication and the dramatic impact B _______________________.
Hardly anyone believed there would come a day when mobile phones were so popular C _______________________. But in 1999 one mobile phone was sold in the UK every four seconds, and by 2004 there were more mobile phones in the UK than people. The boom was a result of increased competition which pushed prices lower and created innovations in the way that mobiles were sold.
When the government introduced more competition, companies started cutting prices to attract more customers. Cellnet, for example, changed its prices, D _______________________. It also introduced local call tariffs.
The way that handsets themselves were marketed was also changing and it was Finland’s Nokia who made E _______________________. In the late 1990s Nokia realized that the mobile phone was a fashion item: so it offered interchangeable covers which allowed you to customize and personalize your handset.
The mobile phone industry has spent the later part of the past decade reducing its monthly charge F _______________________, which has culminated in the fight between the iPhone and a succession of touch screen rivals.
1. trying to persuade people to do more with their phones than just call and text
2. that there would be more phones in the UK than there are people
3. and relying instead on actual call charges
4. that mobile phones would have over the next quarter century
5. the leap from phones as technology to phones as fashion items
6. and his son was making the first-ever mobile phone call in the UK
7. the move to digital technology, connecting machines to wireless networks
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Ответ: 642153
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Lindsay Wildlife Museum
Lindsay Wildlife Museum is a unique natural history and environmental education centre where visitors can listen to the cry of a red-tailed hawk, go eye-to-eye with a grey fox and watch a bald eagle eat lunch. More than fifty species of native California animals are on exhibit here.
Thousands of school children learn about the natural environment in their classroomsA __________________ of the museum. Nature- and science- oriented classes and trips are offered for adults and children. More than 600 volunteers help to feed and care for wild animals,В __________________. Volunteers are active in the museum's work, contributingС __________________.
The museum was founded by a local businessman, Alexander Lindsay. Sandy, as friends knew him, started teaching neighborhood children about nature in the early 1950s. Initially housed in an elementary school, the museum began offering school-aged children summer classes,D __________________.
After nearly a decade of the museum operation, it became apparent E __________________. With a new 5,000 square-foot home, the museum could now develop and display a permanent collection of live, native wildlife and natural history objects. People came to the museum for help with wild animals F __________________ urban growth. In response, a formal wildlife rehabilitation programme — the first of its kind in the United States of America — began in 1970.
1. that a permanent, year-round site was necessary
2. as well as field trips focused on the natural world
3. many hours of service to wildlife care and fundraising
4. that had been injured or orphaned because of intense
5. that needed public attention and a new building
6. as well as teach children and adults about nature
7. through education programmes and on-site tours
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Ответ: 763254
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Дата: 2019-02-02, просмотров: 1894.