Task 9. Discuss the questions
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

1. What problems can be solved with nanotechnology?

2. What are the nanotechnologies that have been already developed?

3. What are the future applications of nanotechnology?

4. Are there any risks connected with the introduction of nanotechnology?

5. What will the future of nanotechnology be?

Task 10. Enjoy the joke.

1) - Excuse me, where is the Nanotechnology department?

- You just trod on it!

 Task   11. Webquest. Use the Intrnet and find the information about modern investigations in «nanoscience» and be ready ro report back to the group.


«Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work».



advancement ( N ) –продвижение analytical ( Adj ) – аналитический appointment ( N ) – назначение (на должность) approximately ( Adv ) – приблизительно area ( N ) – область, сфера деятельности aspire ( V ) – стремиться bachelor ’ s degree – степень бакалавра department ( N ) – факультет doctorate ( N ) – степень доктора; работа над докторской диссертацией field ( N ) – сфера деятельности inquisitive ( Adj ) – любознательный master ’ s degree – степень магистра mind ( N ) – ум, разум, мышление offer ( V ) – предлагать permanent ( Adj ) – постоянный Ph.D. degree – степень кандидата наук position (N) – должность problem-solving (Adj) – способность решать проблему proposal (N) – предложение, проект, план prospective (Adj) – перспективный qualify (V) – подготавливать, квалифицировать receive (V) – получать require (V) – требовать research (N) – исследование research paper – исследовательская работа rigorous (Adj) – строгий, точный, напряженный skill (N) – навык specialize in (V) – специализироваться training (N) – обучение, подготовка trait (N) – черта (характера) ultimately (Adv) – в конце концов

Task 1. Discuss with a partner.

1. Do you agree or disagree with the quotation above?

2. Have you already thought about your future career? Have you made a decision about your future profession? What makes the profession chosen so attractive for you?

Task 2. Read the text «Education and training» and define the main idea of the text.

1. To become a successful physicist you should receive a Ph.D. degree in physics.

2. Higher education in the field of physics, specialized training, additional work experience and interpersonal skills and traits are key components for your future career ladder.

3. You should receive bachelor and master’s degrees to start a career as a physicist.

Education and Training

A Ph.D. degree in physics or closely related fields is typically required for basic research, independent research in industry, faculty positions, and advancement to managerial positions. This prepares students for a career in research through rigorous training in theory, methodology, and mathematics. Most physicists specialize in a subfield during graduate school and continue working in that area afterwards.

Additional experience and training in a postdoctoral, although not required, is important for physicists aspiring to permanent positions in basic research in universities and government laboratories. Many physics Ph.D. holders ultimately teach at the college or university level.

Master’s degree holders usually do not qualify for basic research positions, but may qualify for many kinds of jobs requiring a physics background, including positions in manufacturing and applied research and development.

Those with bachelor’s degrees in physics are rarely qualified to fill positions in research or in teaching at the college level. They are, however, usually qualified to work as technicians or research assistants in engineering-related areas, in software development and other scientific fields, or in setting up computer networks and sophisticated laboratory equipment. Increasingly, some may qualify for applied research jobs in private industry or take on nontraditional physics roles, often in computer science, such as systems analysts or database administrators. Some become science teachers in secondary schools.

Mathematical ability, problem-solving and analytical skills, an inquisitive mind, imagination, and initiative are important traits for anyone planning a career in physics. Prospective physicists who hope to work in industrial laboratories applying physics knowledge to practical problems should broaden their educational background to include courses outside of physics, such as economics, information technology, and business management. Good oral and written communication skills also are important because many physicists work as part of a team, write research papers or proposals, or have contact with clients or customers with nonphysics backgrounds.

                                     (From www.careercornerstone.org)


Дата: 2018-12-28, просмотров: 381.