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Задайте 10 специальных вопросов к тексту



Поставьте глаголы в скобках Present Perfect или Present Perfect Continuous

Here is a letter from Robinson Crusoe he wrote and put in a bottle:

Dear Anybody,                                                           

I __________ have been (be) on this island for six months now. It is a miracle that

I __________ (survive) for this long. I __________ (eat) fish and fruit since I got here. Fortunately, I __________ (not/see) any dangerous animals yet. When I arrived here the weather was fine, but it __________ (rain) continuously for the past two weeks, so I __________ (build) a shelter out of sticks and leaves, which is really quite cosy. My main problem is loneliness, as I __________ (not/speak) to anyone for so long. Recently I __________ (talk) to myself, but it isn't very interesting. Please help me.                                                  K. Crusoe

Поставьте глаголы в скобках Past Simple илиPresent Perfect.

1. A: Have you been (you/be) on holiday this year? B: No, I __________ (can/not) go, because I __________ (break) my leg in August and __________ (have) to stay in hospital.

2. A: __________ (you/visit) the National Museum yet? B: Yes, I __________ (be) there three times, but I __________ (not/see) everything yet.

3. A: I'm ever so sorry, Jim, but I __________ (burn) your dinner. Maria __________ (phone) and I __________ (forget) about the food. B: That's okay. I __________ — __________ (already/eat).

4. A: I __________ (buy) a new dress yesterday, but when I __________ (arrive) home, I __________ (find) a hole in the seam. B: What __________ (you/do)? __________ (you/take) it back to the shop?

5. A: No, I __________ (not/be) into town yet. I'll do it this afternoon.

6. A: Your hair __________ (grow) a lot since I last __________ (see) you. B: Yes. I __________ (want) to get it cut yesterday but I __________ (be) too busy.

7. A: I __________ (never/fly) before and I'm very nervous about it. B: I __________ (feel) like that the first time I __________ (fly), but I thoroughly __________ (enjoy) it.

8. A: I __________ (lose) my glasses __________ (you/see) them anywhere? B: No. Where __________ (you/put) them?

9. A: I __________ (put) them on the table a minute ago, but they're not there now.

10. A: __________ (you/ever/meet) anyone famous? B: Yes, I __________ (speak) to Paul McCartney and I __________ (see) John Lennon before he was killed.

Перeделайте предложения из активного залога в пассивный

An expert is restoring the antique car. The antique car is being restored by an expert.

2. Steven Spielberg has directed a lot of successful films.______________________

3. The judge has fined him £300__________________________________________

4. A number of reporters will meet the professor at the airport__________________

5. A famous designer is going to redecorate the President's house._______________

6. The Romans founded Bath in the first century A.D.________________________

7. A nightmare woke Mary up___________________________________________

8. Muslims celebrate Ramadan___________________________________________

9. Van Gogh painted "Sunflowers"_______________________________________


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Fair trade

Large companies have a lot of power in poor countries. The poor countries need to trade, so they want to sell their goods to richer countries. However, large companies can control the price of goods. They do not pay the poor countries very much money for their goods. Also, large companies from rich countries often control the businesses themselves in poorer countries. The people who work for these businesses in the poorer countries do not get very much money for their work, but they cannot leave because there are no other jobs. Because of all these things, the large companies are getting richer and the people in poor countries are getting poorer. Today, the richest 20 per cent of the people in the world have got sixty times more money than the poorest 20 per cent.

Fair trade organizations are trying to change the way international trade is done. They do not want all the money from trade to go to a small number of very large and rich companies; they want the people from poorer countries to get more money for their goods and their work.

These organizations usually work with groups of small companies in poor countries. They help those companies to make life better for their workers. When they work together in groups, the companies have more power and can make their goods more cheaply. When they sell these goods the money does not go to large, rich companies in the USA or Europe; it stays in the towns and villages, and is often used to build schools and hospitals.

Fair trade organizations work in richer countries, too. They try to teach people about fair trade and why it is important. They do not want people in richer countries to think only about buying the cheapest possible coffee, chocolate or bananas. They want them to think about other things too. Where do those goods come from? How much of the money will go to the people who really need it? How much of the money will go to countries that are already rich?

More people today understand the ideas behind fair trade. They want to help poorer countries, and they do this when they buy fair trade goods. The world trade in these goods is about 400 million dollars a year, and is getting larger. However, this is still only a very small part of all world trade - about 0.01 per cent. About 25 per cent of world trade is controlled by only 200 very large companies. Organizations like the Fair Trade Federation in the USA and the International Federation of Alternative Trade in the UK are trying to change this, but it is a long and difficult job.

Дата: 2018-12-28, просмотров: 508.