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The growing world of commerce

Every time you watch television, listen to the radio, travel on a bus, or buy something in a shop, you are taking part in the world of commerce. Hundreds of years ago, families worked for themselves: they looked after animals and grew food. But as people started to live together in towns and cities, they began to do different jobs. For example, one person made and sold bread, another person made and sold clothes, and so on. Today, there are hundreds of different kinds of jobs. People work, earn money and spend money.

In the modern world, large companies do business in every country, and they make a lot of money. Some of the largest companies are oil companies like Exxon Mobil, and car companies like Ford. These companies can make more than 100 billion dollars a year. They have a lot of power. Some people are worried that large companies have become more powerful than governments.

The value of world trade is about 4,000 billion dollars a year, and it is growing fast. Information technology and the Internet have changed the world of commerce. These changes are still happening, and nobody is sure where they will take us. But one thing is clear - the world of commerce will continue to grow.

Задайте 10 вопросов к тексту

Определите верны (T) или неверны (F) высказывания

A. Two hundreds of years ago, families worked for themselves: they looked after animals and grew food.

B. Some of the largest companies are oil companies like Exxon Mobil, and car companies like Ford can make more than 1000 billion dollars a year.

C. The value of world trade is about 4,000 billion dollars a year, and it is growing fast.


Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present Simple или Present Continuous

June:  Hi, Mum!

Mum: Hello, June. Where 1) are you calling(you / call) from?

June:  I __________ (be) at work at the moment. My boss __________ (have) lunch with his wife now. He __________ (often/take) her to lunch on Tuesdays.

Mum: Well, why __________ (you/phone)? Is there anything wrong?

June:  No, I just want you to know that I __________ (come) home next Saturday. Mum : What time __________ (your train/arrive) in Leeds?

June:  It __________ (leave) London at 11 o'clock and __________ (arrive) in Leeds at 2 o'clock.

Mum: See you on Saturday then.

Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму

I remember when I went (go) abroad for the first time. I __________ (just/leave) school. I __________ (study) very hard for my final exams and I __________ (feel) that I needed a holiday. A friend of mine __________ (want) to come as well so we __________ (look) at some brochures from the travel agent's. We __________ (read) for about an hour when my friend __________ (find) the perfect holiday - two weeks in Hawaii. We __________ (be) very excited about it. Finally the day of our holiday __________ (arrive). We __________ (just/leave) the house when the phone __________ (ring). I __________ (run) back into the house, but the phone __________ (stop) by the time I __________ (reach) it. When we __________ (arrive) at the airport we __________ (sit) in the cafeteria. The airline __________ (just/make) an announcement. Our flight was delayed for eight hours. We __________ (get up) very early and rushed to the airport, all for nothing.

Перепишите газетные заголовки, используя пассивный залог







A rare bird has been found in the remote countryside

2. .....................................................................................................

3. .....................................................................................................

4. .....................................................................................................

5. .....................................................................................................

6. .....................................................................................................


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Before money, people could not buy and sell. There was trade; but it had to be two-way trade: people exchanged goods. For example, they exchanged food for clothes. With money, buying and selling became two things that could happen at different times and with different people. A person could sell food to somebody on one day and get money for it; a week later, he or she could use the money to buy clothes from a third person.

There have been metal coins for thousands of years. Some of the earliest coins were used in Turkey, and they were made of electrum (gold and silver). But this caused problems. People used to take very small bits of metal from each coin. Each coin was then a bit smaller, so people wanted more coins for their goods, and prices went up.

Metal coins were used by the Greeks thousands of years ago. The Greek drachma was made of silver. For hundreds of years, it was the most common kind of money for trade in Europe and parts of Asia. The Greeks even put drachma into the mouths of dead people: they believed the money would pay for their journey to the next world.

The Romans also used silver coins (the denarius) and gold coins (the aureus). But the emperor Nero decided to put less gold and silver into the coins in order to make money for himself. After that, nobody wanted to use the coins, and this had a very bad effect on the Roman economy. The world had learned a lesson: money only works if people believe in its value.

Coins can be heavy. (For example, the people of Yap, an island in the Pacific, used stone coins; the biggest were about four metres across!) In the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, people did not want to carry large bags of coins with them, so they left the coins with traders. The traders gave them 'notes': these were just pieces of paper with a promise in writing to pay back the gold and silver coins. Soon, people started to use the notes themselves as money. Later, governments began to control money. They made their own notes for people to use.

In 1950, the first credit card was made. It was the Diners Club card, and it could only be used in 200 restaurants in New York. Today, most shops, hotels and restaurants in the world take credit cards, so people do not have to carry a lot of coins and notes with them when they travel.


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Stock markets

Usually, stock markets do not change very much in one day. But on October 19 1987, the Dow-Jones index fell by more than 500 points. Other stock exchanges around the world also fell. People became very worried about this because of what had happened nearly sixty years earlier. In 1929, the stock markets fell quickly and suddenly in the same way - and for the next ten years the world economy was in serious trouble. That period was called the Great Depression. People lost money, lost their jobs, and lost hope in the future of business.

Before the crash in 1929, the stock market in Wall Street was doing well - very well. People were spending money and companies were getting bigger. New companies were appearing as new inventions filled people's homes: fridges, electric lights, radios. Buying stocks in companies seemed like a good way to make money. Everybody wanted to buy stocks, so the price of stocks went up - and so people did make money. People were borrowing money to buy stocks and get rich.

But the economists at that time were worried. They knew that the stock market could not continue to go up when people were borrowing so much money. In October 1929, the market in Wall Street began to fall. As it fell, more and more people wanted to sell their stocks, so the market fell more quickly. Nobody answered the telephones at the stock exchange because it was too busy, so angry crowds came to Wall Street, trying to sell their stocks. Soon nobody could stop the fall.

The crash of the stock market changed the way Americans felt about money. Suddenly, they did not want to buy stocks. They did not feel that their money was safe in banks either, so many people started keeping their money in boxes at home. Banks and other companies went out of business as people stopped spending. By 1933, there were 13 million people without work in the USA. Some of these people also lost their homes.

The Depression in the USA caused problems in other countries, too, because a lot of countries traded with the USA. Businesses closed and millions of people lost their jobs. Governments and economists have studied the reasons for the Wall Street Crash of 1929 and the Depression of the 1930s. Today, there are more rules in the world's stock markets about buying and selling stocks. The stock markets still go up and down, but everybody hopes there will not be another crash like the one in 1929. However, nobody can be sure that it will never happen again.


Fair trade

Large companies have a lot of power in poor countries. The poor countries need to trade, so they want to sell their goods to richer countries. However, large companies can control the price of goods. They do not pay the poor countries very much money for their goods. Also, large companies from rich countries often control the businesses themselves in poorer countries. The people who work for these businesses in the poorer countries do not get very much money for their work, but they cannot leave because there are no other jobs. Because of all these things, the large companies are getting richer and the people in poor countries are getting poorer. Today, the richest 20 per cent of the people in the world have got sixty times more money than the poorest 20 per cent.

Fair trade organizations are trying to change the way international trade is done. They do not want all the money from trade to go to a small number of very large and rich companies; they want the people from poorer countries to get more money for their goods and their work.

These organizations usually work with groups of small companies in poor countries. They help those companies to make life better for their workers. When they work together in groups, the companies have more power and can make their goods more cheaply. When they sell these goods the money does not go to large, rich companies in the USA or Europe; it stays in the towns and villages, and is often used to build schools and hospitals.

Fair trade organizations work in richer countries, too. They try to teach people about fair trade and why it is important. They do not want people in richer countries to think only about buying the cheapest possible coffee, chocolate or bananas. They want them to think about other things too. Where do those goods come from? How much of the money will go to the people who really need it? How much of the money will go to countries that are already rich?

More people today understand the ideas behind fair trade. They want to help poorer countries, and they do this when they buy fair trade goods. The world trade in these goods is about 400 million dollars a year, and is getting larger. However, this is still only a very small part of all world trade - about 0.01 per cent. About 25 per cent of world trade is controlled by only 200 very large companies. Organizations like the Fair Trade Federation in the USA and the International Federation of Alternative Trade in the UK are trying to change this, but it is a long and difficult job.



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The growing world of commerce

Every time you watch television, listen to the radio, travel on a bus, or buy something in a shop, you are taking part in the world of commerce. Hundreds of years ago, families worked for themselves: they looked after animals and grew food. But as people started to live together in towns and cities, they began to do different jobs. For example, one person made and sold bread, another person made and sold clothes, and so on. Today, there are hundreds of different kinds of jobs. People work, earn money and spend money.

In the modern world, large companies do business in every country, and they make a lot of money. Some of the largest companies are oil companies like Exxon Mobil, and car companies like Ford. These companies can make more than 100 billion dollars a year. They have a lot of power. Some people are worried that large companies have become more powerful than governments.

The value of world trade is about 4,000 billion dollars a year, and it is growing fast. Information technology and the Internet have changed the world of commerce. These changes are still happening, and nobody is sure where they will take us. But one thing is clear - the world of commerce will continue to grow.

Дата: 2018-12-28, просмотров: 714.