1) Вы провели эксперимент с электричеством очень небрежно.
2) Открытие электричества привело к широкому использованию различных устройств и приборов в промышленности.
3) К середине 17 века немецкий ученый изобрел машину, которая производила статическое электричество.
4)Электрический ток был уже подан к тому моменту, когда вал машины начал вращаться.
5) Электрические явления были известны человечеству с древнейших времен.
6)Быстрое развитие инновационных технологий существенно повлияет на производство, распределение и потребление электричества к 2030 году.
7)Потребовалось несколько веков, чтобы развить науку об электричестве.
8)Сегодня электричество стало важной частью нашей повседневной жизни.
9) Технологии передачи электроэнергии будут зависеть от линий электропередач. К 2050 году.
10) После того как ученые начали изучать действие света, они пришли к выводу, что есть два различных мнения о природе света.
Make up short dialogues using the following verbs: to invent, to discover, to develop, to produce, to introduce, to prove, to present, to put forward. Begin your answer with the words:
To my mind… To my knowledge…
From my point of view… As far as I know…
In my opinion… As far as I can judge…
I think that… As far as I remember…
If you ask me… I can’t help thinking that…
Example: The corpuscular theory of light was introduced by Newton in the 17th century.
Student 1: I’d like to know (I wonder) who introduced the corpuscular
theory of light?
Student 2: As far as I know (to my mind) Newton advanced the theory.
Student 1: When did he put it forward?
Student 2: I believe he presented it in the 17th century.
1. Benjamin Franklin proved that lightning was electrical in 1753.
2. Nikola Tesla pioneered the generation, transmission, and the use of alternating current (AC) electricity in the late 1800.
3. Michael Faraday discovered the secrets of electromagnetism in 1831and introduced the concept of the electric field.
4. The American inventor, Thomas Edison, was able to produce a reliable, long-lasting electric light in 1879.
5. Alessandro Volta, a professor of Physics, established the true source of the electric current in 1800 and developed the first electric battery.
Topical Questions
1. Why cannot people live without electricity?
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of electricity?
3. Why should engineers follow the instructions while working with electrical equipment?
Give a brief talk about the discoveries in the field of electricity by famous scientists.
Listening Comprehension.
(The Audio Script)
Electricity is one of the most important inventions ever. It is the thing that powers the Earth. If there was no electricity, we’d be back in the dark ages. Few people stop and think just how amazing electricity is. With the flick of a switch, you can power almost anything. Think about what would happen if there was no electricity. We’d have no TV, no computers, no traffic signals. It would be like going back to living in caves. There are a few negative points about electricity, of course. Number one, it’s dangerous. Thousands of people die each year from electrocuting themselves or in electrical fires. And number two, it isn’t good for the environment. Most electricity comes from burning coal and that creates greenhouse gases.
Work in pairs. Discuss the following questions.
1) What would happen if there was no electricity?
2) What are a few negative points about electricity?
Listening gap fill
Electricity ______________________ most important inventions ever. It is the thing that powers the Earth. ______________________ no electricity, we’d be back in the dark ages. Few people stop and ______________________ amazing electricity is. With the flick of a switch, ______________________ almost anything. Think ______________________ happen if there was no electricity. We’d have no TV, no computers, no traffic signals. It would be like ______________________ living in caves. There are a few ______________________ about electricity, of course. Number one, it’s dangerous. Thousands ______________________ each year from electrocuting themselves or in electrical fires. And number two, it ______________________ the environment. Most electricity comes from ______________________ and that creates greenhouse gasses.
Дата: 2018-12-21, просмотров: 294.