Work with a partner to discuss the following
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

Work with a partner to discuss the following .

1- Are you able to imagine our life without electricity?

2 - What do you know about electricity?        

3 – Where did electricity come from?

4.- Do you know any scientists who made a great contribution to electricity?

     5. What effects can electricity produce?

     6 - What sources of electricity do you know?

     7- What are the main benefits of using electricity?

      8 - Does it have any disadvantages?

9 - What electrical equipment do you use at home?  (at the laboratories?)

10 What device or machine would you miss if you had to work without electricity for a day or week?

    10- Why should people be extremely careful while working with electrical


New words and word combinations

 discover (v) –открывать

 invent (v)– изобретать

 be associated with (v)– быть связанным с

comprehensible (adj.)  - понятный, постижимый

entity (n) –существо, организм

visible (adj.) – видимый, явный

filament (n) – эл. нить накала

charge (n)- эл. заряд

 refer to (v) – относиться к, ссылаться на

conversion (n) – преврaщение

renewable (adj.) – возобновляемый

 decipher (v) – расшифровывать, разбирать

accomplishment (n) – выполнение, завершение, (pl.) достижения

alternating current (n) –переменный ток

 enable  (v)- позволять

 involve (v) – включать в себя.

3. Skim the text below and answer the questions.

1) Why has electricity dramatically changed our daily life?

2) Why should we use electricity wisely?

                                                 TEXT 3A


   Electricity has become very useful and has changed everyone's life since the day it was discovered. Of course, it couldn't be invented for it is a set of natural phenomena, associated with the presence and flow of electric charges.

  The term “electricity” came from Greek “elektron” which means amber. But what is “electricity”? It is a mysterious incomprehensible entity which is invisible and visible, both at the same time.  It moves forward at the speed of light...yet sits and vibrates inside your AC cord without flowing forwards at all. It is totally weightless, yet it has a small weight. When electricity flows through a light bulb’s filament, it gets changed entirely into light. So, electricity is a class of phenomena, merely a type of event.                                          

  Electricity is the flow of electrical power or charge. It is both a basic part of nature and one of the most widely used forms of energy.

Electricity is actually a secondary energy source, also referred to as an energy carrier. That means that customers get electricity from the conversion of other sources of energy, such as coal, natural gas, nuclear, solar, or wind energy. These sources of energy are called the primary energy sources. The energy sources used to make electricity can be renewable or nonrenewable, but electricity itself is not renewable or nonrenewable.

Match column A to column B to make up a word combination

A                                                     B  

 1/discover                                        a/ energy-efficient

 2/ reduce                                         b/ machines

 3/ convert                                       c/ electricity

 4/ decipher                                     d/ notable accomplishments

 5/ make                                          e/ the principle of electricity

 6/ invent                                         f/ indoor light to homes

 7/ bring                                           g/ the first light bulb

 8/ power                                          h/ laptops

 9/ energize                                       i/ electricity supply

10/ become                                       j/ an impact

 11/ keep                                           k/ energy

Topical Questions

1. Why cannot people live without electricity?

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of electricity?

3. Why should engineers follow the instructions while working with electrical equipment?

Work in pairs. Discuss the following questions.

1) What would happen if there was no electricity?

2) What are a few negative points about electricity?

Listening gap fill

Electricity ______________________ most important inventions ever. It is the thing that powers the Earth. ______________________ no electricity, we’d be back in the dark ages. Few people stop and ______________________ amazing electricity is. With the flick of a switch, ______________________ almost anything. Think ______________________ happen if there was no electricity. We’d have no TV, no computers, no traffic signals. It would be like ______________________ living in caves. There are a few ______________________ about electricity, of course. Number one, it’s dangerous. Thousands ______________________ each year from electrocuting themselves or in electrical fires. And number two, it ______________________ the environment. Most electricity comes from ______________________ and that creates greenhouse gasses.

Work with a partner to discuss the following .

1- Are you able to imagine our life without electricity?

2 - What do you know about electricity?        

3 – Where did electricity come from?

4.- Do you know any scientists who made a great contribution to electricity?

     5. What effects can electricity produce?

     6 - What sources of electricity do you know?

     7- What are the main benefits of using electricity?

      8 - Does it have any disadvantages?

9 - What electrical equipment do you use at home?  (at the laboratories?)

10 What device or machine would you miss if you had to work without electricity for a day or week?

    10- Why should people be extremely careful while working with electrical


Дата: 2018-12-21, просмотров: 254.