Answer the following questions
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

1. Have you seen suspended ceilings?

2. Where did you see them?

3. Did you like their view and ornamentation?

4. Do you want to have ceilings of this kind in your flat?


Master the key terms and head words.

conduit - канал, трубопровод waste - отходы, отбросы, остатки

damage — повреждение, авария to maintain — содержать, поддер-

duct - проход, канал, труба            живать

fixture - прибор, арматура     to observe - наблюдать

fuel — топливо                          to be subject to ... — быть подле-

fume - пары, испарения                  жащим (чему-л.)...

183. Which of the given words are nouns? verbs?

observation, fix, waste, maintain, duct, observe, maintenance, wire, in­clude, space, amount, install, damage, require, renew

184. Read the terminological combinations, translate them from Russian.

a) maintenance costs — эксплуатационные расходы maintenance work — текущий ремонт

b) waste iron - железный лом waste pipe — спускная труба

c) pipeman — трубопроводчик pipe joint — стык труб pipe laying - укладка труб

d) fixed beam — закрепленная балка fixed bearing - неподвижная опора fixed costs — твердые цены

e) fuel wood — древесное топливо
fuel tank — бак для горючего

fuel engineering — технология топлива 185. Choose and put down the English terminological combinations (a) corresponding

to the given Russian ones (b). (a) fixed support, permanent observation, pipe support, fire protection, damaged membrane, pipe installation, pipe duct Model: fire protection — защита от огня

a)__________________      b) неподвижная опора

__________________ _______ поврежденная мембрана


__________________           постоянное наблюдение

_________________           трубопровод

__________________ _______ укладка труб

96                                                                         Essential Course

186. Translate the following combinations into Russian.

complex installations__________________

waste piping

communications wiring _______________

compressed air______________________

considerable space___________________

permanent observation________________

Read and translate the article.

Nowadays suspended ceilings have become a very popular and eco­nomical feature in many types of buildings. The most numerous among these buildings are office and laboratory structures. Many of them install and maintain complex mechanical and electrical installations above the ceiling. These installations include air conditioning ducts, water and waste piping, and electrical and communications wiring. They also include such services as fume ducting, vacuum piping, fuel gas lines, compressed air lines, water piping, and chemical waste piping. All these ducts and pipes occupy a considerable space in the buildings. In some of them they may be equal to the amount of their living space.

Ducts, pipes, and conduits can be placed in the space between the ceiling and the structure. Lighting fixtures, loudspeakers, and fire detec­tion devices may also be installed into the ceiling. Many such construc­tions can serve as membrane fire protection for the floor and roof struc­ture above.

Possible Change and Damage

It should be taken into account that any of these mechanical and electrical systems are rather complex. Naturally they are subject to fre­quent change and damage. That is why they require permanent observa­tion, maintenance, and repair. In order to guarantee their permanent ob­servation and repair, a suspended ceiling must be supplied with scaffolding possessing sufficient structural strength to support workers who install, maintain, and renew mechanical and electrical systems above the ceiling of the building.

187. Construct the questions in writing. Answer them.

Model: In, are, what part of the ceiling, maintained, complex mechanical installations

- In what part of the ceiling are complex mechanical installations

— They are maintained above the ceiling.

Unit Twelve. Ceiling                                   _______ ____ 97

1. include, these installations, what systems, do

_                                                                                                                          9

2. simple or complex, are, these mechanical and electrical systems

3. subject to, they, are frequent change and damage


4. why, possess, suspended ceilings, must, sufficient structural strength
_                                                                                                                           9

5. what systems, workers, install, maintain, repair, and renew, do


Т « rtito

Control Yourself REVIEW OF UNITS 10-12

Choose the correct variant.

1. Devices intended for light framing are made of

a) sheet metal.

b) metal plate.

2. Devices made of metal plate are used

a) for heavy timber.

b) for light framing.

3. Wood fasteners include

a) nails and bolts.

b) nails, screws, bolts, anchors.

4. Steel used for nails

a) is uncoated steel.

b) is coated steel.

5. The main property of finish nails is

a) that they have flat heads.

b) that they are headless.

6. Finish nails

a) differ in length from common nails.

b) are the same length as common nails.

7. Nails of a corrosion- resistant type

a) cannot be exposed to moisture.

b) can be exposed to rain, snow and fog.

8. Nails are popular for fastening wood since

a) they are simple to insert.

b) they require no predrilling of holes.

9. Screws have

a) only flat heads.

b) round, flat, and raised heads.

10. Screws are

a) little used in light framing.

b) much used in light framing.

11. Screws

a) cannot be reinserted.

b) can be reinserted.

12. The roof serves

a) for ornamental purposes.

b) for protecting the interior of the building.



Control Yourself. Review of Units 10-12

13. The pitched roofs

a) do not dry themselves quickly of water.

b) dry themselves quickly of water.

14. The covering of pitched roofs consists of

a) small individual units.

b) large heavy units.

15. The advantages of flat roofs are

a) that they can cover very broad buildings.

b) that they can serve as balconies and decks.

16. Thatched roofing is mostly used

a) for country buildings.

b) for roofs in big cities.

c) for historically restorated buildings.

17. The action of snow load and wind pressure

a) is the same on flat roofs and pitched ones.

b) is quite different on flat roofs and pitched ones.

18. The snow load on flat roofs

a) is at the minimum.

b) is at the maximum.

19. When the pitch of the roof increases

a) the weight of the snow load decreases.

b) the weight of the snow load increases.

20. In modern constructions the variants of the ceilings are

a) limited.

b) limitless.

21. Nowadays ceilings are produced of

a) artificial materials.

b) both natural and artificial materials.

22. Ceilings may be attached to

a) wood joists.

b) wood joists, steel joists, and wood rafters.

23. Suspended ceilings are produced of

a) various boards made of fibers.

b) gypsum, board, plaster and boards made of fibers.

24. Mechanical and electrical systems

a) can be subject to frequent change and damage.

b) are never subject to frequent change and damage.

What is the English for:

Укрепите груз!      Заделайте ящик!   Не стойте под грузом!


Unit Thirteen



Master the key terms and head words.

compartment - квартира, купе,   partition - перегородка, внут-

помещение                                 ренняя стена /

gross — полный, взятый целиком stud — косяк, стойка masonry - каменный

188. Put down the corresponding verbs. Translate the words.
Model: extension - to extend

transmission —to_____________________

isolation  — to_____________________

division   - to______________________

restriction — to_____________________

employment —to_____________________

189. Put down the combinations with the opposite meaning.
Model: internal construction - external construction

upper floor        —____________________

small units         —____________________

below the level  -______________________

demountable frame —____________________

low standards    —____________________

interior partition —_________________

190. Translate the examples into Russian.

Model: self-closing — закрывающийся автоматически

self-service   —________________

self-supplying -___________________

self-supporting —___________________

self-guarded —_________________

self-control  —________________

self-discipline -___________________

self-respect   —_______________

191. Read the following terminological combinations. Translate them from Russian,
water-tight partition — водонепроницаемая перегородка



Unit Thirteen. Walls

masonry cement — цемент для каменной кладки partition wall — промежуточная стена masonry shaft — шахта с кирпичной кладкой

Choose and put down the English combinations a) corresponding to the Russian ones b).

a) water engineer, water-tight tower, masonry bridge, water cooling, water supply, water piping, water content, water level, water heater

b) Model: water cooling - охлаждение водой

_______________ — уровень воды

_______________ - инженер-гидравлик

_______________ — содержание воды

_______________ — водонагреватель

______________ - водопровод

_______________ — водонепроницаемая башня

_______________ — водоснабжение

_______________ — каменный мост

192. Translate the following terminological combinations into Russian.

gross floor-area       simple surface         floor/roof loads

structural strength   internal wall

steel studs               employed units

Read and translate the article.

Classification and design of walls are divided into two categories: ex­ternal and internal construction. They possess different functions. The function of external walls is to support the upper floors and roof. The units employed for construction of walls are brick, timber, or stone masonry. As to interior walls they are mostly self-supporting. Their main function is dividing the space of the construction. They divide the gross floor area of a building into smaller units — compartments, or rooms. Their next func­tion may be to transmit floor/roof loads to a foundation. The construc­tional form for internal walls may be concrete block, timber frame, or stud, and demountable frame. If a high standard of fire resistance is required, bricks may also be used to construct internal walls.

Interior walls and partitions have simple surfaces but materials they are made of should be carefully chosen and combined. Their function is to guarantee structural strength, fire resistance, durability and acoustical iso­lation. An internal wall may be framed and the framing materials may be steel or wood studs.


Essential Course

Unit Thirteen. Walls



Master the key terms and head words.

Part 2

enclosure — отгораживание exit - выход like - как, подобно occupancy - владение

stair — ступенька stairs — лестница stairway - лестничное отделение


193. Put down the corresponding verb. Translate the words. Model: pressure — to press - жать, выжимать

occupancy -to____________________ -____________________

enclosure - to__________________ -____________________

prevention —to___________________ —___________________

restriction — to________________ —___________________

separation - to_________________ -____________________

extension - to

multi- - в сложных словах много-multimillionaire — мультимиллионер multiform — многообразный

194. a) Read the following combinations. Translate them from Russian, exit opening — запасной выход exit pipe — выпускная труба multiform choice — многообразный выбор shaft partition - шахтная перегородка

b) Read and translate into Russian.

elevator shaft air pressure elevator car fire walls

multistory open space spread of fire wired glass exitway corridor

Read the article. Translate it into Russian.

Fire MaUs

The function of a fire wall is to form a required separation in order to restrict the spread of fire through a building.

Every fire wall should extend from the foundation of a building to its roof. Every fire wall is supplied with an opening. It is of great importance to note that openings should be strictly restricted in size. Besides they must be closed with fire doors or wired glass.

A fire separation wall, like a fire wall, forms a required separation to restrict the spread of fire through a building. But, unlike a fire wall, a fire separation wall does not extend from foundation to roof. Openings in fire separation walls are also restricted in size and must be closed with fire doors or wired glass.

Fire separation walls are used to divide a building between mixed occupancies and for enclosure of stairways and exitway corridors.

Shaft walls are used to enclose a multistory open space in a building. To shaft walls belong elevator shafts, conduits, or pipes.

Walls for elevator shafts must be strong enough to bear air pressure and loads placed on them by the movements of the elevator cars within the shaft. Also, it is of importance to note that the noise of elevator machinery must be prevented from reaching other areas of the building.

195. Pair work. Put these questions to your groupmate. Let her/him answer them.

1. What is the function of a fire wall?

2. What should every fire wall be supplied with?

3. What are openings be closed with?

4. What is the main difference between a fire wall and a fire separation wall?

5. What do fire separation walls divide?

6. What units belong to shaft walls?

7. What requirements must walls for elevator shafts satisfy?


Master the key terms and head words.

sheathing — обшивка siding - наружная обшивка дос­ками

coverage — покрытие paint — краска

plywood — фанера, клееная фа­нера

196. Which of the given words are verbs? adjectives?

cover, necessary, save, relative, cheap, expensive, low, eliminate, decay


Essential Course

Unit Thirteen. Walls



197. Put down and translate the corresponding verbs.

Model: nail — гвоздь; to nail — забивать гвозди

cost — to_________________ —_____________________

decay -to______________________ —                  '            ~

paint - to____________________ -______________________

air - to___________________ -______________________

198. a) Read the terminological combinations. Translate them from Russian.
nailer - гвоздевой мастер                                                    }
painter — маляр, живописец

plywood siding — фанерная обшивка sheathing nail — обшивочный гвоздь plywood sheet - фанерный лист

b) Read and translate the following combinations.

labor cost                decay-resistant materials

cost saving              surface coverage

Read the article. Translate it into Russian.

Plywood siding materials are widely used in modern construction-business. They are popular because of their light weight and their relative cheapness. The cost ofthe material per unit area of wall is usually less than for other siding materials. Besides, the labor costs are also relatively low. The reason for it is the fact that large sheets of plywood are more quickly installed than the boards ofthe same area. In many cases, if it is necessary, the sheathing can be eliminated from the building if plywood is used for siding. This operation, if it is performed, leads to further cost saving.

It should be taken into account that usually plywood sidings must be painted in order to save them from decay. But if they are produced from decay-resistant material, they can be left to weather effects without the surface coverage.

199. Answer the following questions.

1. What are the advantages of plywood siding materials?

2. Why should plywood sidings be painted?

3. Which plywood sidings can be used without the surface coverage?

200. Translate the extract in writing. Use a dictionary if necessary.

Nailable Wails. When testing a surface the first nail is driven into the upper part ofthe wall. While doing it, it is necessary to leave some space between the nail head and the surface of the wall. The space should be equal to the thickness ofthe future plastering.

In order to test non-nailable surfaces, gypsum grounds are used.


Master the key terms and head words.

finished-обработанный, закон- veneer - однослойная фанера,
ченный                               искусственные доски

combustion - горение, возгора- to compare - сравнивать

201. Change the combinations. Use the combination 'Inf. + adverb' instead ofthe giv­
en 'adj. + noun'.

Model: cheap production - to produce cheaply

considerable protection___________________________ —----------

easy installation      —_________________________ ------

complete elimination —_________________________ .-----

slow combustion     —_____________________________

202. Read the terminological combinations. Translate them from Russian.

plasterer — штукатур

comparison method - метод сравнивания combustible mixture - горючая смесь finishing work — окончательная отделка elimination of waste - устранение отходов

203. Give the Russian for:

veneer plaster system     gypsum-board installation

plaster-type ceiling finish  comparatively cheap installation method

Read and translate the article.

Plaster-type finishes have always been the most popular for walls and ceilings in wood frame buildings. They are comparatively cheap. Usually they are much cheaper than other types of finish. Among their advantages there is also a high degree of fire-resistance that gives considerable protection to the combustible frame. After the Second World Wkr gypsum board became highly popular because of its lower cost and comparative ease of installation.

As to veneer plaster systems, they came into use also not long ago. In most small buildings, all wall and ceiling surfaces are covered with plaster or gypsum board. Some buildings are known to require fire walls, or fire separation walls between living units; in such buildings a gypsum board wall for fire resistance can be installed.

Such an installation eliminates the need to put up a wall of brick or concrete masonry.


Essential Course

Unit Thirteen. Wills



204. Translate the following extract in writing. Use a dictionary if necessary.

What is the thickness of block work? The load-bearing walls in single or two-storey housing the minimum thickness of block work is 90 mm. For three-storey housing it is equal to 140 mm. Non-block bearing block partitions may have the minimum of 60 mm.

TABLE VIII Types of Walls


interior wall внутренняя стена
exterior w. внешняя с.
smooth w. гладкая с.
dead w. глухая с.
main w. капитальная с.
brick w. кирпичная с.
thick, thin w. толстая, тонкая с.
veneered w. облицованная с.

Read the examples given in the table.

205. Pair work. Let your groupmate translate them a) from English into Russian; b) from Russian into English.


Master the head words.

gravity — тяготение, сила тяжести to penetrate — проникать, про-

face — плоскость, поверхность       Питывать

force — сила                                 to seal — закупорить, запереть

206. Read the following combinations. Translate them from Russian.

gravity dam - гравитационная плотина

force of gravity — сила тяжести, земное притяжение

watertight wall — водонепроницаемая стена

air current - воздушный поток

207. Put down the corresponding adjective.

Model: necessarily - necessary

traditionally —_____________________________

carefully —_____________________________

practically —_____________________________

completely -______________________________

Read and translate the article.

When can water penetrate a wall? Three conditions are necessary. Firstly, there must be water present at the outer face of the wall. Secondly, there must be a crack or a hole (opening) in the wall through which the water can move. And thirdly, there must be a force that will move the water through this opening. If any of these conditions is absent, water will not

penetrate a wall.

In what way can one keep water away from the walls of a building? In order to make a wall watertight, one can eliminate all the openings from the wall. That is a traditional method of making walls watertight. Besides, it is necessary to build walls very carefully, sealing every opening, elimi­nating every small hole or crack. One can also eliminate or neutralize all the forces that can move water through the wall and make it penetrable. To these forces belong gravity, surface tension, capillary action, and air cur­rents. 208. Answer the following questions.

1. What three conditions are necessary for water to penetrate a wall?

2. In what way is it possible to make a wall watertight?

3. What forces move water through a wall?

4. Why is it necessary to keep water away from penetrating a wall?

Unit Fourteen



Master the key terms and head words.                                     у

double — двойной                        single — единый, один

cased — заключенный в...        skylight — потолочное окно

regulations — правила, устав, ин- spring — пружина

струкция                            to slide — скользить

sash - оконный переплет          according to - согласно
shop — мастерская, магазин

209. Read the terminological combinations. Translate them from Russian.

sash bolt — оконная задвижка shop window — витрина sliding sash — раздвижное окно skylight window — окно верхнего света single-sashed window — одностворчатое окно

counter- pre/. — контр-, противо-counteract — противодействовать counter lath — решетина

Combine prefix counter- with the nouns: weight; motion; balance.

210. Add single or double. Translate the examples into Russian.

Model: double-deck bridge - двухъярусный мост

_________________ track — однопутный

_________________ foundation - отдельный фундамент

_________________ house — одноквартирный дом

_________________ window — одностворчатое окно

_________________ level bridge — двухъярусный мост

_________________ way — двухколейная дорога

_________________ screw bolt — болт с двойной нарезкой

211. Choose and put down the proper attributes to the nouns given below.

Attributes: spring, single, airtight, sliding, impenetrable


Unit Fourteen. Window

Nouns: ___________ wire — пружинная проволока

___________ support — пружинная опора

___________ surface — воздухонепроницаемая поверхность

___________ window - непроницаемое окно

___________ house — одноквартирный дом

___________ contact — скользящий контакт

212. Translate the examples into Russian.

a) Mind suffix -abk.

unmovable slabs     penetrable surface  buildable structure

openable window   workable material   usable design

b) Mind suffix -ability.

durability, serviceability, workability, buildability 213. Translate the following sentences in writing.

1. Serviceability data will be used for modeling purposes.

2. The ability to produce quality finished ceilings is being considered.

3. The strength and durability of concrete is being constantly increased,

4. The buildability of the structure did not present any high-risk activi­ties other than the normal ones.

Read and translate the article.

/. Civil Engineering, 1998.

Skylight  Roofvindo »  Fixed Single-hung Double-hung Sliding

Fig. 6

The main functions of windows are light and ventilation. Windows also serve for ornamentation of a building since ancient times. In those faraway days windows were frequently produced in shops. While nowadays windows are mostly produced in factories. What are the necessary components of a window? To these belong glass, frames, and sashes. The area of glass in win­dows of different types is determined according to the regulations. For ex­ample, in a modern housing construction the area of a glass should be equal at least to one length of the floor space. Window frame may be solid or cased

----- _________________ _________                Essential Course

Unit Fourteen. Window



frame carrying the sashes. As to sash it is a separate light frame that serves for carrying the window glass.

There exist single-hung and double-hung windows. Both of these types possess one or two moving sashes, securely held in tracks in the frame. Sash­es can be fixed or sliding that slide up and down in tracks in the frame. In order to counterbalance the weight of the sashes, double-hung windows are supplied with a system of special springs. Fixed windows are practically im­penetrable: they do not leak air or water; they are wind-proof. But they have their disadvantages: they can be opened only to not more than theipsize.

Windows may also be placed in roofs. Roof windows may be fixed or openable. Fixed windows are skylights while openable are roof windows. 214. Pair work. Put these questions to your groupmate. Let her Aim answer them.

1. What are the three functions of windows?

2. Where were windows produced in faraway times?

3. Where are windows mostly produced nowadays?

4. What factor determines the area of glass in windows of different types?

5. What should the area of a window glass be equal to?

6. Which part of a window carries the sashes?

7. Which part of a window carries the window glass?

8. How are windows classified nowadays?

9. Do fixed and sliding sashes differ? In what way do they differ?


10. What systems are double-hung windows supplied with?

11. What type of windows is impenetrable?

12. Where are skylights placed?


Master the head words.

condensation - сгущение, кон- to shrink - усыхать, сокращаться

денсация                            to swell — разбухать, увеличивать-
rubber — резина, каучук          ся

215. Read the terminological combinations. Translate them from Russian.

rubber cement — резиновая мастика rubber coating — покрытие резиной condensation water — конденсат

iron waste — железный лом

swell of iron waste — увеличение железного лома

swelling soil — разбухающая почва

shrinking crack — усадочная трещина

216. a) Add prefix re-; translate the words.

Model: new - renew - возобновить

paint  -_________________ -_______________________

organize —__________________ —_____________________

open   -________________ -_______________________

heat    -____________________ -_______________________

b) Add suffix -able; translate the words.

Model: open - openable - могущий быть открытым

work   -________________ -_______________________

condense —___________________ -_______________________

support -__________________ -_______________________

c) Add suffix -age; translate the words.

Model: use - usage - использование

ton —___________________ —______________________

cover  —_______________ —_____________________

217. Translate into Russian.

openable hole         workable elements  supportable structures

218. Translate the examples into Russian.

usage of plastic coverage    rubber coverage of roof

silo tower tonnage              shrinkage of wood

219. Read and translate the following questions.

1. What are the traditional frame materials?

2. Does wood, as a structural material, have any disadvantages? What are they if any?

3. Why should wood be regularly repainted?

4. In what way can the flow of cold and heat through aluminum details be prevented?

220. Translate the following word combinations.

relatively expensive and unworkable material _______________

exterior window frame surface __________________________

plastic or synthetic rubber components_____________________


Essential Course

Unit Fifteen


Read and translate the article.

The traditional frame material for windows is wood. But in the last decades aluminum, steel, plastic and combination of these materials are also commonly used. Wood is known to be a good thermal insulator and is extremely workable. It is easily turned into sashes. But its disadvantage is that it shrinks and swells when the weather conditions change. That is why wood elements require repainting every few years. As to aluminum, it is relatively inexpensive and easily workable as a sash material. Besides, it requires no periodic repainting. But aluminum should be thermally bro­ken and supplied with plastic or synthetic rubber components in order to prevent the flow of heat or cold through the metal. Aluminum also has its disadvantages. It is known to conduct heat so well that very soon conden­sation will form and even frost on interior window frame surface during cold winter weather.

221. Pair work. Have a talk with your groupmate. Use the questions of Ex. 219.


Master the key terms and head words.

floor — настил, пол, этаж, ярус     to follow — следовать за, следить

flooring — деревянный настил     to influence — влиять на

combustion — горение, воспламе- to measure - измерять, мерить

нение                               nozzle — сопло, наконечник, пат-
homogeneous — однородный, го-   рубок

могенный                        reflection - отражение
to deal with... - иметь дело с...

222. Distribute the words into three columns: nouns, adjectives, verbs.

follower, homogeneous, deal with, reflection, arrange, arrangement, noz­zle, combustible

223. a) Form the corresponding adjectives, translate the words.
Model: space - spacious - просторный

danger -_________________ -______________________

homogeny —____________________ —_____________________

pore    —___________________ —________ ,____________

b) Form the verbs. Translate the words.

Model: like - подобный   to like - уподобиться

hard  -__________ to_________ -_____________

light -___________ to_________ -_____________

strength —____________ to_________ —____________

straight —_____________ to_________ —____________

224. Read the combinations. Translate them from Russian,
measuring device    - измерительный прибор
poured-in-place floor — наливной пол

like poles                — одноименные полюса

hard waste              — твердые отходы

225. Choose the proper preposition and fill it in.

on, to, with, among, from, in, of

1. Ceilings and floors belong____ the most important components

_______ any building.



hard flooring —

overturned brick -


Essential Course

2. Acoustics____ the room depends____ the flooring material used.

3. Dark flooring materials influence___ the intensity____ light in

the room.

4. Floors are subject____ moisture and dirt.

5. Floors are designed to deal____ structural loads.

6. One should strictly follow___ instructions and regulations deal­ing the constructional design.

7. When making a poured-in-place floor it is necessary to protect the walls     the room     splashes.

226. Choose and put down a) the English terms corresponding to the given b) Russian ones.

a) The English terms: space, isolation, installation, mixture, homoge­
neous, timber, tank, tile, mile.

Model: floor space — площадь пола

light-absorbing_______________ —_________________ настил

floor______________________ —_______________ изоляция

floor_____________________ -_________________ плитка

measured_________________ -__________________ миля

measuring_________________ —__________________ бак

light______________________ —_____________ установка

construction________________ —____________ дерево (лес)

homogeneous______________ —________________ смесь

b) Give the English for:

площадь пола —______________________________________

однородная смесь —___________________________________

мерная миля —_______________________________________

плитка для пола —____________________________________

осветительная установка —_____________________________

светопоглощающий настил -

227. a) Name the terminological combinations with the opposite meaning.

Model: hard woods - soft woods

light weight concrete —__________________________

light industry -________

live load —____________________________________

cheap techniques -_______________________________

low cost -______________ ________________

мерный бак -_______________________________________

Unit Fifteen. Floor

light coloring -________________________________________

hard water -__________________________________________

b) Give the English for:

тяжелая промышленность —_________________________

высокая стоимость —_______________________________

жесткая вода -_________________________ ;_____________

мягкие породы дерева —_______________________________

пережженный кирпич —________________________________

228. Read and translate the following questions.

1. What are the main functional components of any modern building?

2. In what way does a hard (soft) flooring influence the acoustics of a room?

3. What flooring materials help create a brighter room?

4. What people's activities are floors subject to?

5. How should floors be designed? What problems should the designers deal with?

Read and translate the article.

Floors belong to one of the most important functional components of a building. Floors influence the acoustics of a room: it depends on wheth­er a hard or soft flooring is used. Floors also react in various ways with light. Some flooring materials are known to produce mirroriike reflection. As to dark flooring materials, they, on the contrary, absorb light and this absorption makes a room darker. As to light materials, they reflect Hght and help create a lighter and brighter room.

Floors are subject to moisture, dirt, and dust. They are also subject to the action of feet and the load of furniture. That is why they require more cleaning and maintenance work than any other components of a building.

It should be taken into account that floors should be designed in such a way as to deal with the problems of sanitation, fire-resistance, and com­bustibility. They should also be designed so as to deal with the structural loads they will place on the frame of the building.

Poured-in-place floors

One should strictly follow the job practice for making poured-in-place floors. The measured materials for making the mastic must be put into the concrete mixer in the strictly correct order. The water and the emulsion should be carefully mixed till the mastic becomes homogeneous.

When making a poured-in-place floor, mastic is applied with a spray gun and its nozzle must be kept away from the floor surface.



Essential Course

Unit Fifteen. Floor



Ornamental Floor Covering

Master the key terms and head words.

adhesive—клейкий, связывающий  stove — печь, сушильная печь
cutter — резец, фреза                to tap — слегка ударять

svb-pref. — под-, недо-subclass — подкласс subfloor - основание под пол

degree - градус, степень immediate — немедленный, непо­средственный mallet - молоток, ступка

229. Read the terminological combinations. Translate them from Russian.

adhesive substance — клейкое вещество degree of hardness — степень твердости cutter instrument — режущий инструмент adhesive power — сила сцепления degree of safety — степень безопасности substructure — основание, нижнее строение

230. Find the Russian terms b) corresponding to the English ones a).

Model: ornamental glass — узорное стекло
a) immediate action                     b) режущая головка

subdivision                                 градусы ниже нуля

rectangular timber                       мгновенное действие

rubber mallet                               подразделение

cutter head                                  брусковой пиломатериал

degree of frost                            резиновый молоток

231. Choose the English sentences b) corresponding to the given Russian ones a).

Model: 2-1

a) 1. Основание под пол насеките, очистите и промойте водой.

2. В этом помещении делайте, пожалуйста, рисунчатый пол.

3. При устройстве пола... с прямоугольным рисунком плитки рас­полагайте параллельно стенам, с диагональным рисунком плит­ки располагайте под углом 45°.

4. Наносите мастику на основание на один ряд плиток.

5. После нанесения мастики необходимо сразу же укладывать плитку.

6. Укладку плиток ведите по разработанным картам раскроя.

7. Подогрев плиток производите на электроплите.

8. Плотнее, пожалуйста, прижимайте плитку к основанию.

9. Для более плотного прилипания плитки осадите ее ударами
резинового молотка.

10. Резку плиток производите при помощи резаков.

Ь) 1. Make an ornamental floor covering in the room, please.

2. Scratch, clean, and wash out the subfloor.

3. When making a floor with... a rectangular design set the tiles parallel to the wall,... a diagonal design set the tiles at 45° to the wall.

4. Cut the tiles with a cutter.

5. For better adhesion tap the tiles into position with a rubber mallet.

6. Lay the tiles to the prepared design.

7. Apply mastic to the subfloor only for one course of tiles.


8. Tiles should be laid immediately after the mastic has been applied.

9. Press the tiles tightly to the subfloor, please.

Laying the Parquet Floor

Master the key terms and head words,
battens - рейки                            row - ряд

to batten - скреплять рейками    string — шнурок

direction — направление           tongue — гребень

to face - облицовывать               to lay - настилать

joint — стык, шов                       to saw — пилить

joist - балка

232. Put down a) the corresponding adjective; b) the corresponding verb. ■a) Model: jointly-joint - объединенный

hardly     -______________ -_________________

directly -______________ -_________________

previously -_________________ -_________________

10, Heat up the tiles on an electric stove.

b) Model: perforation - to perforate - пробивать отверстие

selection —______________ —________________

direction —______________ —________________

addition —_____________ —________________

regulation —________________ —________________

233. a) Read the examples. Translate them from Russian.

sawer - пильщик                         sawdust — опилки


Essential Course

Unit Fifteen. Floor



face of building — фасад здания

joint stock company — акционерное общество

b) Translate the following combinations,
flooring battens      present strip

preparatory work    parquet-floor layer

234. Connect the English terminological combinations with the corresponding Russian ones.
Model: jointless floor - бесшовный пол                             у

направляющая пружина

акционерное общество

дощатая переборка

потолок на деревянных балках

брусковый гвоздь

прямое действие

место стыка

пиленый лес

круглая пила

8. Before the first row is laid fix a string along the line of the course.

9. Every strip should be moved toward the previ­ously laid one.


10. Force the strip into posi­tion by tapping a piece of board set against the strip.

11. Nail the pressed strip down.

12. The nail should be ... 60-70 mm long.


13. Saw the strips with a disc saw, please.

14. When laying short parquet strips make the joints on common joists.

15. An additional common joist should be set up here.

previously laid strip

sawn timber joist nail disk saw batten wall joint place joint stock company joist ceiling direct action batten spring

235. a) Read the given sentences, fry

1. Lay a parquet floor in this

2. Select flooring battens of
the same wood.

3. Lay the parquet floor only after all the preparatory work has been done.

4. Parquet strips should be laid in the direction of the light. Parquet strips in corridors should be laid in the direction of the move­ment of the people.

5. Lay the strips working to­wards yourself.

6. The tongue of the laid strip should face, the par­quet-floor layer.

7. Lay the first row of par­quet strips ... mm from the wall.

to translate the English sentences into Russian.

1. В этом помещении настилай­
те паркетный пол.

2. Рейки основания подбирайте
из древесины одной породы.

3. Настилку пола из паркетных досок производите после окончания подготовительных работ.

4. Паркетные доски укладыва­ются по направлению света. В коридорах паркетные доски укладываются по направле­нию движения людей.

5. Настилку досок ведите «на себя».

6. Гребень укладываемой доски должен быть обращен в сторо­ну паркетчика.

7. Первый ряд паркетных досок кладите на расстоянии ... мм от стены.


8. Перед укладкой первого ряда натяните шнур вдоль линии ук­ладки.

9. Каждая последующая доска при­двигается к ранее уложенной.


10. Придвигайте доску ударом мо­лотка по прокладке из обрезка доски.

11. Прижатую паркетную доску при­бивайте гвоздями.

12. Гвозди для прибивки паркета должны быть длиной 60—70 мм.


13. Доски распилите, пожалуйста, дисковой пилой.

14. При настилке укороченных пар­кетных досок стык должен быть на лаге.

15. Здесь надо установить дополни­тельную лагу.

b) Read and translate the questions. Answer them consulting the sentences given above.

1. How should flooring battens be selected?

2. When must the parquet floor be laid?

3. In what direction should parquet strips be laid?

4. What direction should the tongue of the laid strip face?

5. How should the first row of parquet strips be laid?

6. Where should a string be fixed?


7. In what way should every strip be moved?

8. In what way should the strip be forced into position?

9. How long should the nails be?

10. What kind of saw is used for sawing the strips?


means — средства, ресурсы rise - подъем, повышение horizontal - горизонтальный

Master the key terms and head words, access - доступ, подход available — имеющийся в нали­чии, годный


Essential Course

Unit Fifteen. Floor



Supply the words according to the model.

Model: duration - durable — durability

access -_______________ -________________

avail -_____________ -________________

236. Which of the words are nouns? adjectives?

availability, accessible, equal, equality

237. Read the combinations. Translate them from Russian, available data — данные, имеющиеся в распоряжении means of reproduction — средства воспроизведения rising moisture - возрастающая сырость

238. Give the Russian for:

domestic stairways              means of access

pitch length                         steadily rising costs

Read and translate the article.

Practically every modern building is supplied with stairways of some kind. A stairway is designed to provide a means of access between different floor levels of a building. Nowadays stairways are produced of various con­struction materials but the most popular among them are timber and rein­forced concrete. Of them timber may be used for domestic stairs of all kinds because of its economical availability. As to reinforced concrete it is popular because of its durable qualities, great resistivity to decay and great resistance to fire. It should be taken into account that domestic timber stairs must be designed for safe and comfortable use by people of different ages.

What is required of stair construction? The main requirements are the following. Firstly, there should be guaranteed equal rise for every step and landing. Secondly, the maximum pitch length to the horizontal must be 42°. Thirdly, stair length must include not less than two rises and not greater than sixteen.

239. Pair work. Have a talk with your groupmate. Use the following questions.

1. What house do you live in? Is it a modern or an old one?

2. Is it a multistorey building?

3. What materials is it constructed of?

4. What storey (floor) do you live on?

5. What materials are the stairways made of?

6. Is there an elevator (a lift) in your house?

7. Do you have to use it?

8. How many rooms are there in your apartment (flat)?

9. What colours are the walls in the rooms?

10. Do you like your flat or would you like to change it for another (big­ger or smaller) one?

11. For how long have you been living in your house?

12. Are there trees and bushes around it?

Underfloor Services

Master the key terms and head words.

boiler - котел                             to distribute - размещать, рас-
capacity — емкость, объем      пределять

facility - доступность, удобство to raise - повышать, поднимать

facilities - устройства, средства raised - поднятый, выпуклый

240. Combine the given attributes a) with the nouns b) and form the English combina­tions corresponding to the given Russian ones c).

a) distribution                              b) substation capacity of air

distributing                                  load        piping


с) распределение воздуха

распределительная подстанция _ распределенная емкость

распределительный трубопровод
распределенная нагрузка_____

241. Read the following terminological combinations. Translate them from Russian.

facility of access — доступность воздуха raised panel — выпуклая панель capacity of boiler — емкость котла

242. Translate the following combinations.

computer facilities  finish-floor surface raised access flooring
limited capacity     removable panels raised finish-floor surface

Read and translate the following article.

In offices and computer facilities, floors are frequently used for the distribution of electrical and communication wiring.

In computer rooms and offices supplied with a large number of elec­tronic machines raised access flooring is frequently used. Raised access


Essential Course

flooring is a raised floor surface. It consists of small individually remov­able panels. Under these panels, wiring, ductwork, and other services may be installed. This type of flooring provides unlimited capacity for wiring, piping, and ductwork. The space below the flooring can serve for air distri­bution. Any changes in underfloor systems can be made quite easily. Con­ditioned air can be supplied to computer rooms through the space below the raised access flooring.

243. Translate the following questions and answer them.            )

1. What parts of buildings are frequently used for the distribution of elec­trical and communication wiring?

2. In what rooms and offices is raised access flooring frequently used?

3. What panels does a raised floor surface consist of?

4. What kinds of services may be installed under these panels?

5. What purposes can the space below the flooring serve?

6. Why can any changes in underfloored systems be easily made?

7. In what way can conditioned air be supplied to computer rooms?



Control Yourself


Choose the correct variant.

1. External and internal constructions possess

a) the same functions

b) different functions

2. The main function of interior walls is

a) dividing the space of the constructions

b) transmitting floor/roof loads to a foundation

3. Interior walls and partitions usually have

a) simple surface

b) complex surface

4. The framing materials of internal walls may be

a) steel or wood studs

b) concrete blocks

5. Openings in fire walls

a) should be strictly restricted in size

b) may be of any size

6. The fire separation wall

a) extends from foundation to roof

b) extends from floor to ceiling

7. Shaft walls enclose

a) a one-storey open space \   . .,.. Л   u-*                   r ma building.

b) a multistorey open space )

8. Plywood siding materials are

a) relatively cheap

b) rather expensive

9. Large sheets of plywood are

a) more slowly installed than the boards "i ..; u\     . ,, . . „ ... .. .  , ? of the same area.

b) more quickly installed than the boards /


Essential Course

Control Yourself. Review of Units 13-15



10. Plywood sidings

a) never decay

b) may decay

11. If plywood sidings are made of decay-resistant materials

a) they must have the surface coverage

b) they can be left without the surface coverage

12. In small buildings, wall and ceiling surfaces

a) are left uncovered

b) are covered with plaster or gypsum board

13. Windows are produced

a) in factories only

b) both in shops and factories

14. The area of glass in windows

a) may not be strictly determined

b) should be determined according to the regulations

15. Openings in fire separation walls

a) are not restricted in size

b) are restricted in size

16. In order to make a wall watertight

a) it is necessary to build walls very carefully

b) one should eliminate every hole or crack

17. There exist

a) double-hung windows only

b) both single-hung and double-hung windows

18. A system of special springs is used in
a) single-hung windows

a) double-hung windows

19. Roof windows

a) are always fixed

b) may be fixed or openable

20. The properties of wood as a frame material

a) do not depend on changes of the weather

b) depend on changes of the weather: they shrink and swell

21. Dark flooring materials

a) produce mirrorlike reflections

b) absorb light and darken a room

22. Floors require

a) less cleaning and maintenance work "i than other compo-

b) more cleaning and maintenance work / nents of a building.

23. The design of the floors

a) is independent of the structural loads of the building frame

b) should depend on the structural loads of the building frame

24. When making a poured-in-place floor

a) mastic is applied with a spray gun

b) mastic is poured on the floor from a mixer

25. Parquet strips should be laid

a) in the direction of the light

b) in the direction of the movement of the people

26. Modern stairways are produced

a) of various construction materials

b) of reinforced concrete only

27. Stair length must include

a) not less than one rise

b) not less than two rises

28. Raised access flooring consists of

a) small removable panels

b) large removable panels

29. Wiring, ductwork, and other services are installed

a) above these panels

b) under these panels


Essential Course


30. Any changes in underfloor systems can be made

a) only with great difficulty

b) quite easily

What is the English for:

внешняя стена                   толстые стены

внутренняя стена              тонкие стены



"Small Words" • «Короткие слова»

Все слова в языке подразделяются на полнозначные и служеб­ные. К полнозначным относятся существительные, смысловые гла­голы, прилагательные, наречия, числительные. Служебные слова не обозначают конкретных предметов, действий, качеств. В предложе­ниях они связывают полнозначные слова и помогают обратить их в связную речь. К числу служебных (их называют и «короткие слова» — "small words") относятся артикли, предлоги, служебные и, модаль­ные глаголы, их заменители, союзы, послелоги.

Английский язык науки и техники (в отличие от так называемо­го «разговорного языка») не является языком «коротких слов». Боль­шое число полнозначных слов в отраслевой литературе сложны по структуре и длинны. К примеру, distribution -распределение, redistri­ bution перераспределение, automatically автоматически и др.

Знание определенного минимума полнозначных слов (терми­нов и слов общего значения) необходимо для полноценной работы с текстом поданной специальности. При этом, однако, твердое зна­ние служебных слов (а это, в основном, "small words") играет не ме­нее важную роль. Указывая на характер связи между словами, эти «короткие слова» (вместе с другими языковыми средствами) опре­деляют значение как словосочетания, так и предложения, а указы­вая на связь между предложениями - и всего текста.

Знание служебных слов и понимание их роли необходимы для грамотного осмысления английского текста. Не следует, выписав из словаря полнозначные слова, пытаться связывать их «по смыслу». Перевод следует осуществлять только с опорой на значения «корот­ких слов».

244. Translate the following extract. Mind the "small words".

Concrete is the most widely used construction material. The free­dom of form and the relatively low cost of the material are among the most important reasons to select it as a construction material. The low cost ar­gument is important only if durability of the material is guaranteed over a long time period, without need for repairs. Often only the costs needed for construction are taken into account, and future expenses for maintenance and repair are not considered. So, it seems important to explore the prop­erties of the material under various conditions and to see whether it is pos­sible to expend its lifetimes. "Better", "stronger" and "more durable" are the key words of the family of materials called concrete.

Conjunctions                                                                              l &

Conjunctions • Союзы

Для понимания смысловых связей, объединяющих компонен­ты предложения, необходимо знание значений союзов и предлогов. К числу употребительных в специальной литературе относятся сле­дующие союзы:


Союз (союзное слово) Его русское значение
1. after после того, как
2. although хотя
3. as так как, когда
4. as так (такой) же ... как
5. as far as насколько
6. as if как если бы, как будто
7. as soon as как только
8. as though как если бы, как будто
9. because потому что
10. before до того, как; прежде чем
11. for так как, потому что
12. if если; ли
13. in order to для того, чтобы
14. in case в случае, если
15. once раз, если уж
16. provided (that) при условии, если
providing (that) в случае
17. since так как; с; с тех пор, как
18. so that так что; так чтобы
19. than чем
20. that что, чтобы
21. though хотя
22. till пока
23. unless если... не
24. until пока... не
25. when когда, при
26. while пока; в то время, как
27. where где, куда, там
28. whereas тогда как
29. whether ли
30. whether... or (not) ли... или (нет)

9 - 6049


Revision of Grammar

245. Use the proper '"small words". Translate the Russian words given in brackets into English. Fill in the necessary prepositions.

1. Wood has been used (как, в качестве)________ a construction

material (c)_________ ancient times.

2. (Можно)_____ see (из)______________ the given data that us­age    brick has an extremely long history.

3. Glass becomes a conductor (после того, как)_________ (оно)

_________ has been heated (до)_________ a red hot. .

4. This type_________ construction material is popular and Widely

used (из-за)_________ (его)_________ high fire-resistance

(и)_________ durability.

5. Skyscrapers are constructed (из)________ reinforced concrete.

6. (Что касается)_______ water ducts they are laid (под)______


7. The covering is damaged (из-за)_________ (его)__________

being corroded.

8. The disadvantage_____ all these designs is (их)____ high cost.

9. Polythene is widely used in modern construction (в качестве)

an insulating material.

10. Different types_________ tiles differ (no)_________ colour,

shape, and size.

11. Developing new business is never easy. (Оно)_______ (может

быть)_________________ a very difficult task (для)______

a small firm (c)_________ a limited budget.

12. Panel is a thin wide piece placed (между)________ the mem­bers     thicker framing.

13. Panel heating is formed (из)_________ jointless piping bedded

(в)_____ walls and ceilings. Hot water circulates (через)____

(них)________ (для)________ the heating_______ the rooms.

14. (Какая)________ purpose (может)________ the space (ниже,

под)_________ flooring serve?

15. (С помощью, посредством)______ founda­
tions the walls and the floors______ a building are guarded (от,

против)_________ the action__________ frost, rain, water.

16. (Для)______ small buildings foundation design is usually (значи­тельно) simpler (чем) for large ones.

17. Structural design, style, and materials______ a building (долж­ны быть) compatible.

18. Many connections (в)_____ wood structures depend (от)____

direct bearing of one member (на)________ another.

The Meanings of Owe______________________________ --

19. Plaster (должна)_________ never (быть)_________ applied

(на)_________ the dirty surface.

20. Dirty spots and salty spots (должны быть)_______________

________ removed (прежде чем)________ plastering begins.

21. Plaster to be applied is used (в пределах, в течение)____ one

hour (после того, как)_________ (она)_________ has been

prepared and (ее)______ temperature (должна быть)_______

_______ (не ниже)___________________ the definite level.

The Meanings of "One" • Значения местоимения "One"

One может выполнять в предложении различные функции.

One — подлежащее:

One should be punctual.             Следует быть аккуратным.

One заменитель существительного:

Construction materials used in   В промышленности используют-
industry are of different          ся строительные материалы

types; concrete is an exam-     разных видов; бетон принад-

ple of the most popular one.           лежит к числу наиболее попу-

лярных (материалов).

Сочетание one of переводится один из:
One of the projects turned out to  Один из проектов оказался наибо-
be the most effective one.               лее эффективным.

246. Translate the following examples in writing.

1. One must do one's duty (долг).

2. One of the group is a designer; the rest are builders.

3. There exist some problems, but all of them are soluble ones.

4. There exist many construction materials from which one may choose.

5. Some substances are efficient insulators, others — poor ones.

6. The new method proved to be much cheaper than the old ones.


7. One should know that these installations cannot operate on oil.

8. One may choose only one of the projects.

9. The history of brick is a long one, since the main properties of clay have been known to people since the ancient times.

>> •

10. Exact knowledge of the state of the foundation of a building makes it possible for one to determine its durability in the future.

132                                                               Revision of Grammar

11. One can hardly proceed in construction without a definite purpose and an idea of what one is sure to get.

12. There was a time when heat was considered to be a kind of substance which flowed from a body of high temperature to one of lower temperature.

13. One of the objectives in studying the properties of a construction mate­rial is to state the degree of its fire-resistance.

14. No material is considered to be a perfectly elastic one even at very low stress.

15. Short bridges should cost less to build than longer ones. /

Forms of the Verb • Глагольные формы

Сложные глагольные формы в английском языке образуются из различных сочетаний четырех элементов: вспомогательных гла­голов to be и to have и двух причастий Participle I и Participle II.

Примеры: is melting, has melted, have been melting; is being pro­duced, was produced, has been produced.

247. Translate the given participles in writing. Translate them back from Russian into English.

constructed _____________ ___ supplying  _____________

supplied ___________ ___ indicating  _____________

replaced ___________    replacing   _____________

decreased ___________ ____ decreasing _____________

indicated ___________ ____ constructing _____________

using  ____________    brought ________________

used                                  bringing ________________

adding _____________ ____ done   ________________

added___________________    insulated ________________

insulating________________    doing  ________________

248. What is the meaning of the following constructions? Mind the Participles.

... equipment used in the research ...

... engineers using new experimental designs...

... damaged bridges...

... loads damaging roof coverings ...

... efficient materials being supplied...

... corrosion caused by pure water...

... artificially produced cement...

... minerals being burnt and mixed with limestone.

Рекомендаци и по переводу                                                  133

249. In the given examples the verb "to be" has different meanings. What are they?

1. The new construction materials are being successfully used for build­ing purposes.

2. The construction materials to be supplied will be carefully tested be­fore being used.

3. The researchers are successfully using the new construction materials.

4. Some new construction materials are to be used for building this ex­perimental centre.

5. What new materials can be used for construction purposes?

Рекомендации по переводу

Перевод английского предложения не следует начинать с пер­вого слова. Любое предложение надо дочитать до конца и лишь по­сле этого осмыслить его и оформить средствами русского языка.

Если понимание (перевод) предложения вызывает затруднение, рекомендуется прежде всего определить в нем сказуемое. Сказуемое составляет смысловой центр предложения, занимает относительно постоянное место и обычно имеет формальные признаки.

Формальные признаки сказуемого


-S makes
-ed (или особая форма у нестан- made, dried, played
дартных глаголов)  
am, is, are is (are) making
was, were was (were) made
have, has, had have (has, had) made
must, should must (should) make
have (has, had) to have to make
am (is, are) to are to be made
was (were) to was to make
do, does, did does not make
can, could can (could) make
may, might may (might) have made
will, would will (would) make
shall, should shall (should) make
ought to ought to make

134                                                               Revision of Grammar

250. State the voice and the tense form of the following verbs. Model: was removed - Past Indefinite Passive

melts ________________    does not oppose___________

damage__________________ ____ had been used_____________

extends__________________    will not be heated__________

is balanced                                  will be linked

is not opposed _________        will release_________

was prevented __________        will have been removed   ^_

251. Change the sentences into questions.

1. Steel was combined with concrete.

2. The use of this device requires considerable care.

3. New testing methods are being discussed.

4. Support structures will be built over this area.

5. Numerous computers regularly analyze the data.

252. Put down the tense forms of the verbs.

Model: to lower - Pres. Perf. have (has) lowered

to heat  - Past Indef.                                                      

to discharge — Pres. Contin.                                               

to remove — Pres. Perf.                                                       

to burn  — Pres. Perf. Contin.________________________

to waste — Future Indef.                                                    

to demand — Past Perf.          _______________________

to move — Future Perf.                                                     

253. Copy the following sentences. Underline the predicates (ones in the Passive Voice with two lines). Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. The asphalt sections have varying mixes and depths of materials.

2. Pavement research and other studies are to be carried in the near future.

3. The embankments will be constructed from polystyrene.

4. The construction industry is undergoing considerable development.

5. What does the strength of concrete depend upon?

6. The lowest temperature theoretically possible is called the absolute zero.

7. The construction of the bridge is expected to begin next spring.

8. It will take about 31 months to complete.

9. The first section of the bridge will be opened to traffic next year.


10. Safety zones have been built in the whole area.

11. Bolts connect heavy timber framing.

12. The selection of the concrete aggregate depends on its properties.

Terminology   *__________________________ 135

13. According to plan the design work should be finished by this autumn


14. The projects are being completed by different firms.

15. A large coal mine was being shut down during the planning phase of the project.

16. Glass consists of white sand, soda, and chalk. These ingredients are mixed and melted at very high temperatures.

1 7. Coloured glass is produced by adding metallic oxides during the process of melting.

18. Dust and dirt have been carefully removed from the surface to be plas­tered.

19. Plaster should be used within one hour after it has been prepared.

20. Steel-framed structures may be damaged in earthquake areas.

Terminology • Терминология

Перевод образцов специальной литературы любой отрасли имеет свои особенности.

К числу главных относятся краткость и точность изложения. Для специальной литературы характерны наличие отраслевой тер­минологии, традиционность в употреблении «общей лексики», рас­пространенность ряда синтаксических оборотов, наличие сложных атрибутивных групп.

Термины отраслевого языка выражают специальные понятия; их характеризует повышенная смысловая точность.

Каково же происхождение терминов? В современном языке, помимо других источников, широко используются латинские и гре­ческие элементы. К примеру, из лат. diffractus (преломление) обра­зовалось англ. diffraction, из лат. differentia (разность) — англ. differ­ential и т.д.

Многие термины имеют греческое происхождение: hydor — вода, phone — звук дали hydrophone (гидрофон), heteros — другой и (h)oras - путь дали heterodyne (гетеродин) и т.д.

Соединение латинских и греческих элементов порождает терми­ны-гибриды. Например, сочетание грен, аег — воздух и лат. planum — плоскость дало airplane (аэроплан), грен. tele — далеко и лат. video — видение породило television (телевидение) и т.д.

Терминологические сочетания чрезвычайно разнообразны по смысловой структуре и по количественному составу.

136                                                               Revision of Grammar




1. Следует отметить, что значение одного и того же (по буквен­ному составу) термина зависит от его отнесенности к определенной отрасли. К примеру, термин stringer в строительстве обозначает кру­ жало; в морском деле — стрингер, а в горном деле — продольный брус. Термин line может обозначать слово линия (телефонная, силовая и т.д.), меридиан, экватор, формы корпуса судна и др., live circuit значит цепь под напряжением, live shell — боевой снаряд, live wood — свежее или сырое дерево.

2. При выборе значения сложного термина и его переводе важ­но определить смысловую связь между его компонентами. Так, со­четания обозначения вещества (металл, газ, жидкость...) и предме­та, например, steel wire, gas turbine, ice barrier, обычно переводятся на русский язык сочетаниями «прилагательное+существительное»: стальная проволока, газовая турбина, ледяной барьер... Если же в двух-компонентном термине второй компонент — производитель дейст­вия, то русский эквивалент, как правило, состоит из сочетания двух существительных: air heater нагреватель воздуха, water filter фильтр для воды, load binder — стяжка для груза.

3. Точное понимание термина часто достигается связью с кон­текстом. К примеру, сочетание computer control может означать управ­ ление с помощью вычислительной машины. В этом случае первый ком­понент - способ управления машиной. Но если первый компонент — объект, то сочетание имеет значение — управление вычислительной машиной.

4. Примерами важности контекста для определения значения сложного термина могут служить случаи, когда определяемое сло­во имеет обобщенное значение. В этом случае основная смысло­вая нагрузка ложится на определяемое. Например, термин machine в сочетании machine components переводится как детали машин, а в сочетании machine gun пулемет. Интересны сочетания с терми­ном load: maximum load, total load, useful load означают предельная нагрузка, полная нагрузка, полезная нагрузка, а сочетания water load, live load, dead load означают водяной балласт, рабочая нагрузка, соб­ ственный вес.

5. Атрибутивная группа термина может состоять из нескольких слов и включать в себя разные части речи — существительные, при­лагательные, причастия. При осмыслении и переводе терминов та­кого типа необходимо выявить точную смысловую связь всех ком­понентов, из которых сложный термин состоит. Например, в тер­минологическом сочетании flat-nosed pliers плоскогубцы pliers оз-

начает щипцы, nose — наконечник, носок, a flat — плоский; сложный термин load carrying capacity имеет значение грузоподъемная способ­ность (capacity — возможность, способность, carry — нести, load — груз).

Concrete-mixing-water-ratio переводится как водоцементное от­ ношение (ratio — отношение, пропорция, concrete — цемент, water — вода, mixing — смешение).

6. Сложная атрибутивная группа может включать предлоги и союзы, например, center of all-metal construction центр, имеющий цельнометаллическую конструкцию. Flaw in wood в переводе на рус­ский язык означает пороки древесины, a floor area of a building значит площадь пола здания. Примеры показывают, что при переводе исполь­зуются иные по синтаксической структуре связи.

7. Новые термины могут быть образованы путем слияния двух основ: transceiver (от transmitter и receiver) приемопередаточная ус­ тановка.

8. При переводе термина на русский язык возможны случаи, когда один термин должен переводиться по-разному. Так, термин design в тексте по машиностроению должен быть передан словом конструирование; в других областях он должен быть переведен как проектирование или сохранить свое первоначальное значение ди­зайн.

Термин engineer помимо значения инженер (engine машина) может означать техник, механик, машинист, слесарь, а в сочетании engineer in charge — прораб, начальник цеха или заведующий производ­ ством.

9. «Ложные друзья переводчика» — это такие термины, кото­
рые вызывают ошибочные ассоциации с русскими терминами. При­
мерами могут служить такие термины, как resin смола (а не рези­
specific удельный (а не специфический). Английский термин di­
имеет значение направляющий диполь, которое не присуще рус­
скому директор.

10. Интересно отметить и образность ряда терминов. Она дос­
тигается использованием обычных, не специальных слов: dead space —
мертвое пространство, зона молчания, conductor alive — проводник под
fool-proof— предохранительная деталь, буквально защита от

* Приведенные примеры взяты из книги Э.Ф. Скороходько «Вопросы перевода анг­лийской технической литературы». - М.: КДУ, 1973.

10 - 6049

138                                                               Revision of Grammar




254. Compare the English terms with the corresponding Russian ones. Mind the structural differences. Cover the left column. Translate the Russian terms back into English.

1. water-supply \            -

*Т > водоснабжение water service J

water-resisting property — водостойкость walling — возведение стен precompressed air — предельно сжатый воздух air piping — воздуховод

2. floor height — междуэтажная высота                  J
town gas — газ бытового назначения

hand-formed brick — кирпич ручной формовки plastered brickwork — кирпичная оштукатуренная кладка cut glass — граненое стекло

3. bearing wall — несущая стена
non-bearing wall — ненесущая стена
glass-fibre veneer — стеклофанера
fibre-glass roofing material — стеклошифер

255. Connect the English terminological combinations with the corresponding Russian ones.

Model: reinforced bridge - усиленный мост


interchange of air деревянный мост
air preheater кирпичная глина
air collector двускатный
house water-supply закрепление болтами
brick clay воздухообмен
with two sloping surfaces крупнопанельный
bolting воздухонагреватель
large-panel балочный мост
girder bridge воздухосборник
timber-work bridge домовое водоснабжение

256. Add the prefixes to the words. Translate the new words.

re-  building under- pressure
adjustment water
melting loading
un-  equality over- loading
balanced load stress
finished masonry time

non- bearing construction corrosive material ferrous metal

257. Read the terminological combinations. Translate them from Russian into Eng­

bottomless hole — бездонная дырка

concealed joint — скрытый шов

running costs - текущие расходы

intermediate member — промежуточная балка

vapor tube — пароотводная труба

consumption per capita — потребление на душу населения

258. Choose the proper attributes (a) and form the English combinations (b) corre­
sponding to the Russian ones (c).

Model: (a) bottomless (b) pit - (с) бездонная яма

(a) intermediate, vapor, retarded, running, concealed, bottomless, of foundation

(b) wiring        (с) промежуточное положение repairs проточная вода

position          паровое пространство

water               замедленное действие

pit                   скрытая проводка

space              подошва фундамента

action             текущие расходы

259. Translate the following combinations into Russian.

exterior cladding                 structural openings

installation of boilers          spread of vapor

260. a) Change the terminological word combinations according to the model.

Model: carefully consumed fuel - careful consumption of fuel

sufficiently protected interior      constantly applied methods

carefully concealed technologies poorly supplied means

exactly determined sizes             safely retarded vapor

partially installed cladding          poorly lit premises

b) Give the Russian for the following word combinations.

a) Service Agency contact information supermarket section


_______________________________ Revision of Grammar

Attributive Ward Combinations                                               141


commercial market filtration systems thermal efficiency company policy

b) to minimize problems

to combine filtration with system operation to inform on product import and export

c) text-based communication                                   }
Internet-based services

interest in filtration-based terminology control-oriented firms

d) personnel and technology resources
conditioning and refrigerating systems
filter fibre diameters
remanufactured compressors
service company documentation
traditional metal and plastic models

261. Translate the extract given below in writing.

The newly-produced cooling tower has a cooling capacity of up to 2,000 tons. It consists of spray nozzles, double-wall, polyethylene shell, and direct-drive ventilation. The manufacturer claims that this engineered plastic covered tower provides longer life than traditional metal towers, without the high budget costs typically associated with those designs. The new cooling towers are extremely energy efficient.

Attributive Word Combinations • Атрибутивные сочетания

Словосочетания строятся из двух или более полнозначныхслов. Число этих слов практически неограниченно. Сочетания этих слов образуют единое смысловое целое. Например: wood fibre древесное волокно, wood-pulp paper бумага из древесной массы, wood-wool tim­ ber плиты, изготовленные из тонкой стружки. Атрибутивным сло­восочетаниям свойственно иметь в своем составе одно стержневое слово-основу. При этом, если словосочетание состоит из цепочки существительных, основой всегда является последнее существитель­ное. В цепочке слов, относящихся к основе словосочетания, всегда

соблюдаются определенные смысловые отношения, а именно: чем ближе к основе стоит определение, тем более постоянный признак оно выражает. Так, в сочетании this old half-ruined thatch roof слово thatch выражает существенный и стабильный признак существитель­ного roof, а слова old и half-ruined передают признаки переменные и, соответственно, занимают более отдаленную от «главного» слова позицию. При переводе сочетания следует прежде всего обратить внимание на основу. Затем осознать смысловые связи между други­ми членами и дать перевод. При этом в русском варианте часто из­меняется порядок слов, меняются части речи, вводятся предлоги. Возможны и другие структурные изменения. Например, словосо­четание available data переводится как данные, имеющиеся в распоря­ жении. Словосочетание British made pipes переводится как трубы бри­ танского производства, a smaller-scale production of timber-wood как производство строевых лесоматериалов в меньшем масштабе, low-level production производство на низком уровне, а сочетание lower-level production производство на более низком уровне. Возможны и изме­нения значения основы в сравнении со значением, данным в сло­варе. Так, product development переводится как выпуск продукции, а не развитие.

В современном языке строительства все большее распростра­нение получают сочетания, включающие существительные и при­лагательные или причастия. Для перевода таких сочетаний надо осознать их содержание и подыскать соответствующий русский пе­ревод, например: computer-connected towers - башни, для связи кото­ рых используются компьютеры, long-term erosion protection защита от эрозии, действие которой рассчитано на долгий срок. Важно отме­тить, что атрибутивные сочетания различной структуры и разных смысловых значений имеют чрезвычайно широкое распростране­ние в современном языке строительных специальностей.

Умение разобраться в смысловой структуре словосочетания и понять его содержание чрезвычайно важно для точного понимания содержания текста в целом и для понимания его информативно-не­сущих частей.

262. Give the Russian equivalents of the following attributive combinations.

1. project director project manager project-development engineer key-decision makers


Revision of Grammar

Attributive Word Combinations



2. water heater
water engineer
water addition
water-cooled construction

3. waste pipe
waste elimination
waste utilization

4. wood industry
wood structure
wood coverings
wood fastenings
wood burner

5. nail factory
nail head
nailabJe wall
nail-making machine

6. environmental protection
Environmental Protection Agency
Clean >\&ter Act

long term plan

new pollution control facilities

civil and environmental engineering

7. service life reconstruction project multistory building watering facilities

8. weather problems asphalt layers unpaved roads highway construction roadway service life traditional highway construction

practical environmental innovations in the highway construction in­dustry

9. technical breadth and depth
surface storage strengthening
high-density pipe manufacturing
pipe storage area repair

10. glass-fibre reinforced concrete
steadily growing cement industry
steadily continuing industry consolidation

practically realized environmental innovations in the industry newly constructed multistory reinforced concrete buildings

11. reinforced concrete structure carbon fiber reinforcement grids wireless communication towers steel-framed structures

12. construction technology preconstruction stage construction defects reuse in road construction

13. large-scale projects standard steel sections civil engineering courses building crafts supplementary course

14. large-scale developments purpose-made panel doors service-pipe isolation valve aluminum roofing system

15. predesign tests epoxy-coated reinforcement computer-connected lighting towers design-built project

anti-icer liquid freeze/thaw cycles

16. water-supply engineers
long-term erosion protection
environment-safe coating for corrosion protection

263. Translate the article. Mind the attributive complexes. Read the word combinations.

cantilever bridge — консольный мост cantilever girder — консольная балка cantilever truss — сквозная консольная форма

Дата: 2018-11-18, просмотров: 1109.