№ 1.
Dear Affiliates,
The World Customs Organization, the World Bank and Algerian Customs are organizing a Research Workshop on “Measurement in Customs and Tax Administrations in Developing and Emerging Countries”, which will take place in Algiers on 5 and 6 March 2012.
The objective of this workshop is to promote applied research on existing measurement tools and/or experiments conducted by customs and tax administrations, international organizations and donors and to deepen the analysis of measurement as a technique.
The WCO invites you to consider contributing a research paper on this theme. The deadline for contributions is 1 November 2011.
The Call for Papers can be found on the WCO website at this link –
Yours faithfully,
Mikhail Kashubsky
INCU Secretariat
№ 2.
Dear Affiliates,
A new Masters of Business Administration (MBA) with a specialization in Customs Management has been launched in Arusha, Tanzania by the East & Southern Africa Management Institute (ESAMI) in collaboration with the Centre for Customs & Excise Studies (CCES), University of Canberra.
ESAMI is chartered to grant degrees by eight countries in the ESA region: Kenya, Namibia, Malawi, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe. The new degree marks a milestone for customs in Africa, as students from these countries have the opportunity for specialized postgraduate studies similar to what CCES has been offering in Canberra (face-to-face) and in all continents (online).
For further information please see –
Yours faithfully,
Mikhail Kashubsky
NCU Secretariat
№ 3.
(from: WTO 12.01.2012.)
WCO Technology & Innovation Forum 2012
What: An exclusive platform for the world class experts in border technologies
Where: Renaissance Marriott Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
When: 6-9 March, 2012
Who: Border & enforcement agencies, international organizations, academia, private sector
1. Establish and reinforce your company’s position in the Customs technology sector by taking a presence at this premier meeting;
2. Benefit from face-to-face contact with a very specific target market and interact with high level decision makers on a cost effective and informal basis;
3. Build market share and new customer relationships during challenging economic times;
4. Update your market knowledge and learn about new developments in your sector from your fellow trade participants;
5. Present the latest achievements of the technological progress as well as new business models directly to the potential clients.
Early Bird Special!
Contact the WCO Events team before 31 January 2012 to learn how you can save ?200 off the regular registration fee.
Local Resident Discount
If you or your company are based in Malaysia, please contact the WCO Events team to learn about the special conditions.
Visit the WCO Technology & Innovation website at www.eiseverywhere.com/ti2012
Contact us today: RegistrationTI2012@wcoomd.org
For Exhibition & Sponsorship Opportunities, please contact Mr. Greg Pilkington (Greg.Pilkington@wcoomd.org)
№ 3.
A memorandum of understanding (MoU) is a document describing a bilateral or multilateral agreement between parties. It expresses a convergence of will between the parties, indicating an intended common line of action. It is often used in cases where parties either do not imply a legal commitment or in situations where the parties cannot create a legally enforceable agreement. It is a more formal alternative to a gentlemen's agreement.In some cases depending on the exact wording, MoUs can have the binding power of a contract; as a matter of law, contracts do not need to be labeled as such to be legally binding. Whether or not a document constitutes a binding contract depends only on the presence or absence of well-defined legal elements in the text proper of the document (the so-called "four corners"). This can include express disclaimers of legal effect, or failure of the MoU to fulfill the elements required for a valid contract (such as lack of consideration in common law jurisdictions).
№ 1.
ФТС в 2011г. перевыполнила план
Федеральная таможенная служба (ФТС) РФ с начала 2011г. до 27 декабря 2011г. перечислила в федеральный бюджет РФ 5 трлн 845,7 млрд руб., что на 36% больше, чем в прошлом году. Об этом говорится в сообщении пресс-службы ФТС. На 2011г. прогнозируемая сумма доходов бюджета, администрируемых таможенными органами, была установлена в размере 5 трлн 826,5 млрд руб. Таким образом, ФТС перевыполнила план на текущий год на 0,3%.
Напомним, в 2010г. ФТС РФ обеспечила поступление в федеральный бюджет платежей в объеме 4 трлн 329,8 млрд руб. Таким образом, в 2011г. ведомство превысило уровень прошлого года по данному показателю более чем на треть.
Сбор таможенных платежей был обеспечен таможенными органами, в том числе, за счет эффективно организованного администрирования платежей, уплачиваемых при ввозе товаров, в частности по НДС, ввозным таможенным пошлинам, акцизам и таможенным пошлинам, уплачиваемым физическими лицами. Ежедневно в федеральный бюджет поступало в среднем 25,6 млрд руб. таможенных платежей. В среднем каждый сотрудник таможни в 2011г. обеспечил поступление в федеральный бюджет более 90 млн. руб.
Материал предоставлен службой новостей РБК
№ 2.
Дата: 2018-11-18, просмотров: 317.