A) the scope of relations connected with the power
B) sphere of material production and exchange
C) the scope of the legal relationship
D) sphere of social relations
E) the scope of economic relations
Which of theories explain the state as the establishment of God?
A) law
B) negotiated
C) patriarchal
D) theocratic
E) authoritarian
What is an inherent part of the state?
A) state ownership
B) Elite
C) Parliament
D) private property
E) territory
6. The extreme form of nationalism is …
A) genocide of the small nations
B) patriotism
C) the development of the national economy
D) immigrants deportation
E) internationalism in relations between nations and peoples
7. A sociologist defines society as a group of people who reside in a defined area, share a culture, and who:
A) interact
B) work in the same industry
C) speak different languages
D) practice a recognized religion
E) have the same position
What is the basis of power legitimacy?
A) The presence of the army
B) Constitutional order
C) Territory
D) Bureaucracy
E) Foreign policy
9. Which type of political regime is characterized by the restriction of political freedom, the use of force:
A) monarchic
B) theocratic
C) democratic
D) authoritarian
E) liberal
10. The United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and the countries of Western Europe are examples of __________countries.
A) subordinate-income
B) low-income
C) middle-income
D) high-income
E) no-income
1. According to Auguste Comte, societies contain __________, forces for conflict and change.
A) social statics
B) social functions
C) social dynamics
D) social choices
E) social impute
Where did establish Absolute monarchy?
A) Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, United Arab Emirates
B) Denmark, Austria, Switzerland
C) Japan, Spain, South Korea
D) the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada
E) Brazil, Argentina, Chile
The institutions through which public policies is implemented
A) Political culture
B) The ruling party
C) Government
D) Social movement
E) Civil society
4. Expand the essence of the "legitimacy" category
A) public recognition of power
B) the process of performing the functions of power
C) the transfer of power from one political entity to another
D) the transfer of power by inheritance
E) the power belongs to the elite
5. The main reason of the political crisis:
A) do not use a proportional system
B) does not reveal human talent
C) power is not inherited
D) conservative view
E) the inability of the political system to reflect the requirements of the population
6. What is the main characteristic of the political regime:
A) the level of political freedoms
B) the level of political socialization
C) using a proportional system
D) the level of use of political myths
E) the presence of territory
7. Auguste Comte described the Law of the three stages: he believed that knowledge moved to the __________—explanations were based on abstract philosophical speculations, and the state ) becomes the prominent social unit.
A) negative stage
B) positive stage
C) theological stage
D) metaphysical stage
E) scientific stage
8. According to T. Hobbes theory absolute sovereignty is:
A) identity
B) State
C) people
D) elite
E) party
9. Characteristic of an authoritarian regime is:
A) lack of political opposition
B) planned economy
C) political freedom
D) developed civil society
E) decentralization , legal state
10. The nations of Eastern Europe and many Latin American countries are examples of __________ countries.
A) subordinate-income
B) high-income
C) middle-income
D) low-income
E) no-income
Which of the political system is characterized as a totalitarian regime?
A) American
B) the monarchy
C) the military junta
D) presidential
E) Soviet
2. What kind of ideology has this description: the freedom of the individual as a guarantor of private property and freedom of action, the principle of the free market and competition:
A) social - democratic and socialist
B) liberal and liberal - democratic
C) Communist and radical leftist
D) conservative
E) fascist
3. From Marx’s viewpoint, the __________ is composed of those who must sell their labor because they have no other means to earn a livelihood.
A) bourgeoisie
B) lower class
C) proletariat
D) agricultures
E) none of the above
Дата: 2018-09-13, просмотров: 432.