To support heavy vehicles moving at high speeds, a modem road is made up of several layers. Each layer helps the layers above it support the weight and pressure of moving traffic. Roads that carry more traffic at higher speeds, like highways, are built to stronger standards than roads that carry less traffic, such as rural roads.
The number of layers in a road often depends on the intended use of the road, but generally roads have three distinct layers. From bottom to top, the layers are the roadbed, the base course, and the wearing course.
Roadbed. The roadbed is the very bottom layer of a road. Natural soil is the most common roadbed material. The roadbed is shaped to make a smooth, level surface that will support the layers built over it. Engineers use bulldozers and other construction equipment to distribute soil evenly along the roadbed. If a road is planned through an area where the natural landscape is uneven, soil can be removed or filled in as needed to obtain a level surface.
Base Course. The base course rests directly on top of the roadbed and is often made up of compacted gravel. If the roadbed material itself is suitable, it may be treated, or stabilized, and used as the base. Soil can be stabilized by adding or mixing materials such as calcium chloride, bituminous material, lime, or portland cement to the soil. For very inexpensive, light-traffic roads, stabilized soil alone can suffice as the finished road surface. Drainpipes are usually installed within the base course to control rain and moisture drainage. Without adequate drainage, roads may buckle or collapse as water swells the ground underneath. Some roads include a second base layer, called the top course, for extra support.
Wearing Course. A road's top layer, which directly supports moving vehicles, is called the wearing course. It is made of a solid layer of pavement and is designed to be smooth and to withstand erosion from traffic and weather. Two main types of pavements are used - bituminous, or flexible, pavement and concrete, or rigid, pavement. Bituminous pavement is cheaper and easier to construct, but it requires more maintenance. Concrete pavement lasts for a very long time with minimal upkeep but is much more expensive and time-consuming to build.
Ex.2 Answer the questions.
1. What is the function of the layers from which a modern road is made up of?
2. What does the number of layers in a road often depend on?
3. What are the layers of a road?
4. What is the roadbed?
5. What do engineers use bulldozers and other construction equipment for?
6. What does the base course rest directly on?
7. What are drainpipes usually installed for?
8. What may happen with a road without adequate drainage?
9. What is the wearing course of a road made of?
10. What are the main types of pavements?
Two main types of pavements are used - bituminous, or flexible, pavement and concrete, or rigid, pavement. Bituminous pavement is cheaper and easier to construct, but it requires more maintenance. Concrete pavement lasts for a very long time with minimal upkeep but is much more expensive and time-consuming to build.
Bituminous pavements are made with by-products of petroleum, such as asphalt. Weather and seasonal changes can cause roadways and the earth below them to rise or fall slightly. As these natural shifts occur, bituminous pavements allow the road surface to bend or flex slightly without breaking.
Bituminous material softens when heated and can be prepared and applied in a wide range of concentrations. Thin layers of bituminous material are sometimes applied with a pressure sprayer to the base course or the top course. The bituminous material seeps into the crushed rock and penetrates the tiny spaces between the compacted rocks, binding the aggregate together.
Asphalt, thick bituminous material, can be used directly as a pavement. Asphalt can be applied in thin overlays less than 2 cm (0.75 in) deep or in layers several centimeters deep, depending on the type of surface and its purpose. Asphalt is mixed with aggregates. The asphalt and aggregates are usually mixed and heated at a plant. The material is then transported to the construction site, where it is spread directly over the base course or top course and compacted. Asphalt surfaces are easy to construct and repair.
Concrete or rigid pavements are made from a mix of portland cement and aggregate. Concrete pavements have a long life and require little maintenance. Concrete is generally laid as a single thick layer directlyеover a base course. For heavily ' traveled roads, concrete layers can range in thickness from 20 to 36 cm (8 to 14 in). Concrete is usually laid in long sections or slabs of varying length. Metal bars or dowels inserted into the edges of the slabs help connect the joints where one slab ends and another begins.
Concrete is a strong material and can withstand compression, but it has poor tensile strength (resistance to being pulled). When the ground underneath expands and contracts from seasonal or weather changes, the concrete becomes prone to cracking. Cracks can occur at or near the joints where concrete slabs meet or on the slabs themselves. Deep cracks can allow the broken concrete slabs to move upward or downward, creating an uneven road surface. Metal bars or dowels inserted between the slabs help hold the slabs together. Reinforced concrete contains steel bars or mesh imbedded within the concrete layer. The steel helps hold concrete together over time, even if cracks occur. Unreinforced concrete may be used when cost is a factor, or where weather conditions are more mild. Unreinforced slabs have several shallow grooves cut into them, allowing the concrete to crack at defined points. The cracked slabs are kept in place by pressure and by the grainy texture of the concrete itself.
Ex.2 Answer the questions.
1. What types of pavements are used?
2. What is the difference between bituminous pavement and flexible pavement?
3. What are advantages and disadvantages of concrete pavement?
4. What are bituminous pavements made with?
5. How do weather and seasonal changes influence pavements?
6. How does bituminous material work?
7. How can asphalt be used?
8. How can asphalt be applied?
9. How is asphalt made?
10. How are rigid pavements made?
11. How is concrete laid?
12. What is monorail concrete?
13. When the concrete become prone to cracking?
14. Where can cracks occur?
15. What helps hold the slabs together?
16. How does the steel help?
Grammar revision
Unit 1
Reported speech
Ex.1. Fill in: say, tell or ask in the correct form.
1. Tony said he enjoyed the performance.
2. I can’t __for sure, but I think she’s divorced.
3. Never __me a lie again.
4. The teacher __she was happy with our results.
5. She __me for a loan of $50.
6. Don’t __the secret to anybody else.
7. My neighbour always __hello” whenever he sees me.
8. Please __me if I look okay in this dress.
9. She __ the doctor how long she would have to stay in hospital.
10. He __he had never seen such a ridiculous film before.
11. “Of course I’ll help you,” she __to me.
12. Can you __me the way to the nearest bank?
13. Don’t __ I didn’t __you they were coming.
14. Mum promised to __us a story before we go to bed.
15. I wish she’d stop __ favours.
16. She stopped to __a passer-by the time.
17. The twins look alike. I can’t __one from another.
18. She __me to meet her at the cinema at 8 o’clock.
19. I remember her __ something, I just can’t remember exactly what.
20. And now I would like to __a few words about this year’s competition.
21. To __you the truth, this is the first time I’ve tasted blackberries.
22. She did __me her name but I can’t remember it now.
23. I don’t feel like arguing so we’ll__ no more about the subject.
Ex.2. Turn the following sentences into Reported Speech.
1. “Will you take the dog out for a walk?” he asked me He asked me if/whether I would take the dog out for a walk .
2. “How much money have you got?” he asked me.
3. “Did you really write this poem?” she asked Tim.
4. “How did the operation go?” they asked the doctor.
5. “Will you be going on holiday next Easter?” he asked her.
6. “Is that your daughter walking along the pier, Mary?” Joan asked.
7. “Why is he acting this way?” she asked me.
8. “Can you let Joan know I’ll be late?” she asked me.
9. “Which of these dresses suits me best?” she asked Lynn.
10. “Does this bicycle belong to anyone?” he asked.
11. “Who used my toothbrush?” he asked.
12. “Do you want to join us at 6.00?” he asked me.
13. “Why didn’t you tell me about the party?” he asked me.
14. “Have you been to York before?” she asked Sue.
Ex.3. Turn the following sentences into indirect questions. Omit question marks where necessary.
1. Where are you going? (I want to know ) / I want to know where you are going.
2. Did he steal the money? (I doubted)
3. Has she told anyone about our engagement? (He wondered)
4.What time does the train leave? (Could you tell me )
5. Who did it? ( She wondered )
6.Where have you been? (He wanted to know )
7.Does he speak French fluently? (I wonder )
8.Will she be on time? (I doubt )
9.How long has he been working here? (Do you know )
10. Are they moving house? (I want to know )
Ex.4. Turn the following sentences from Direct into Reported Speech.
1. “Put out your cigarettes please!” he said to us. He asked us to put out our cigarettes.
2. “Wipe your feet on the mat!” mother said.
3. “Please forgive me!” she said.
4. “Could you babysit for me tonight?” he said to me.
5. “You shouldn’t eat so much meat,” she said to me.
6. “Be here on time in future,” Tom’s boss said.
7. “Could you pass me the salt?” Barry said to her.
8. “Let’s buy some new curtains!” Sally said.
9. “You’d better go to bed early,” Henry said.
10. “Don’t be horrible to your little sister!” his father said.
Ex. 5. Turn the following sentences into Reported Speech.
1. She said, “You needn’t pay until Christmas.” She said (that) I wouldn’t have to pay until Christmas.
2. She said, “When shall we let them know”.
3. She said, “Shall I carry your suitcase?”.
4. She said, “I can’t play chess very well.”
5. She said, “We must finish the work today.”
6. She said, “You needn’t wear formal clothes.”
7. She said, “You should take more exercise.”
8. She said, “Shall I get you an aspirin?”
9. She said, “Tony must have missed his bus.”
10. She said, “We’ll go to the zoo tomorrow.”
11. She said, “I may take up skiing.”
12. She said, “What shall I buy him for his birthday?”
13. She said, “They won’t arrive on time.”
14. She said, “They needn’t be at the meeting next week.”
Ex.5. First write an appropriate introductory verb, then report the following sentences.
1. “I’ll be home early.” He promised to be home early.
2. “Press the button first.”
3. “I didn’t copy John’s work.”
4. “He never tells the truth.”
5. “I’m so good at maths.”
6. “She’s so beautiful!”
7. “Peter is unable to attend the meeting tomorrow.”
8. “No, I won’t tell you what happened.”
9. “I think you should go home.”
10. “That’s how you fix it.”
11. “You really ought to go home.”
12. “This is how I began my career.”
13. “Yes, I told them everything.”
14. “I’m sorry I shouted.”
15. “You lied to me.”
16. “I’d like you to carry the bag.”
17. “Don’t forget to ask Janet.”
18. “Don’t touch this wire.”
19. “You may go now.”
20. “Come on, try it again!”
21. “She really must attend more frequently.”
22. “Would you like to go to the theatre?”
23. “You mustn’t talk during the exam.”
24. “Go ahead, enter the race!”
25. “Run immediately!”
26. “Please, please tell me the truth!”
27. “James never told me he was working undercover.”
28. “You can take my car.”
29. “I won’t do it again.”
30. “Give me the money or I’ll shoot you.”
31. “Would you like me to help?”
32. “Give me everything.”
33. “I’m sorry I was late.”
34. “Yes, he is very handsome.”
35. “I know that musician well.”
36. “Please, explain once more.”
37. “You are never on time.”
Ex.6. Turn the following sentences into Reported Speech using special introductory verbs.
1. “Don’t go near the bull.” She warned me not to go near the bull .
2. “What a brilliant idea!”
3. “I’ll definitely take you to the park tomorrow.”
4. “Let’s have the wedding in the spring.”
5. “Please, please don’t tell my father what happened.”
6. “You are always late.”
7. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there when you needed me.”
8. “You switched the reports, didn’t you?”
9. “No, I won’t lend you the money.”
10. “You can’t go to the party tonight.”
11. “Shall I hang out the washing?”
12. “Don’t forget to send Mum a birthday card.”
13. “This is how you switch on the machine.”
14. “I’m the best tennis player in the club.”
15. “Go ahead, propose to her.”
Ex.7. Put the following statements into Reported Speech.
1. “I’m going out now, but I’ll be in by nine,” he said. (Omit now.) He was said going out but he’d be in by nine.
2. “I’m working in a restaurant, and don’t much care for it,” she said.
3. “I can’t live on my basic salary,” said Peter. “I’ll have to offer to do overtime.”
4. “My young brother wants to be a tax inspector,” said Mary. “I can’t think why. None of my family has ever been a tax inspector.”
5. “We’re waiting for the school bus,” said the children. “It’s late again.”
6. “I’ve made a terrible mistake!” said Peter.
7. “You’re always making terrible mistakes,” I said. “You should be used to it by now.”
8. “We make $450 a week,” said one of the men, “and send most of it home to our wives,”
9. “It’s lonely being away from our families,” said another, “but we earn three times as much in this factory as we would in our own country.”
10. “We’ve been here for two and a half years.” said the man who had spoken first, “and we’re going to stay another six months.”
11. “I’ve got a job on an oil-rig,” said Paul. “That’ll be very hard work,” I said.
12. “I know it’ll be hard,” he replied, “but 1 don’t mind hard work, and it’ll be a good experience.”
13. “The ice will soon be hard enough to skate on,” said Tom.
14. “I’ll look for my skates when I get home,” Ann said.
15. “I’m living with my parents at present, she said, “but I hope to have a flat of my own soon.
16. “I’m leaving tomorrow,” she said, “by the 4.30 from Victoria.”
17. “We’ll come and see you off,” we said.
18. “I’ve just bought a car,” said Peter, “but it’s not insured yet so I can’t take you for a drive.”
19. .“I’d like to speak to Susan,” said Mary, “but I’m bathing the babies
and they will drown if I leave them alone in the bath while I go to the phone.”
20. Mary has just received a postcard from Ann, beginning, “I’m coming up to London next week. I hope you and Jack will meet me for lunch one day.” (Imagine that Mary is reading this card to Jack. Begin: Ann says…)
21. “Nothing ever happens in the village,” she said. “It’s like a dead
village. All the young people have drifted away to the towns.”
22. “I’ve missed my train,” said Bill. “Now I’ll be late for work and my boss will be furious.”
23. “We’ll wait for you if you’re late.” they said.
24. “They are supposed to be landing at London airport,” I said. “But if the fog gets any thicker the plane may be diverted.”
25. “If you lend me the chainsaw,” said Mary, “I’ll bring it back the day after tomorrow.”
26. “I hate getting up on dark mornings,” grumbled Peter.
27. “It is horrible,” agreed his wife, “but the mornings will be lighter
soon and then it won’t be quite so bad.”
28. “The sales are starting tomorrow.” said the typist. “As soon as we
finish work the whole typing pool is going to make a dash for the shops.”
29. “I hope you’ll all get what you want,” I said.
30. “I wish I had something to eat,” said Peter.
31. “You’ve only just had lunch,” said his sister. “I don’t know how you
can be hungry again so soon.”
32. “If you’re short of money I can lend you f50,” said my aunt, “and you can take your time about paying it back.”
33. “I usually take my dog out for a walk when I come home from work,” he said.
34. “I have a message for your brother,” I said.
35. “He isn’t at home,” said Ann. “He left two days ago.”
36. “I bought this bag in Milan.” I said.
37. “You shouldn’t have bought that colour,” said Peter. “It doesn’t go
with your coat.”
38. “I must hurry. My father is always furious if any of us are late for
meals,” she said.
39. “If you want to smoke you’ll have to go upstairs,” said the bus conductor.
Ex.8. Put the following into indirect speech.
1. “If children can learn a complicated language like Japanese by the time they are five,” said the Japanese professor, “they should be able to learn the language or music. At the moment I’m teaching a class of forty three-year-olds to play the violin,” he added.
He said that the children could learn a complicated language like Japanese by the time they were five, they should be able to learn the language or music. At the moment he was teaching a class of forty three-year-olds to play the violin.
2. “The puppy can sleep on our bed,” said Tom.
“I’d rather he slept in a basket,” said his wife. “That puppy will soon be a very big dog and then there won’t be room for all three of us.”
3. “I’ll try by myself first.” said Ann, “and if I find that I can’t manage I’ll ask Tom to help me.”
4. “Let’s camp by this stream,” said Mary. “If we go on, it may be dark before we find another good place.”
5. “I wish we’d brought our guitars,” said the students. “Then we could have offered to play in the restaurant and perhaps they’d have given us a tree meal.”
6. “I booked a double room on the first floor,” said Mr Jones. “I’m afraid we didn’t get your letter,’ said the receptionist, “and all the first and second floor rooms have been taken. But we could give you two single rooms on the third floor.” “That wouldn’t do me at all.” said Mr Jones.
7. “I’ve had gypsies on my land for two years,” said the farmer, “and they’ve given nobody any trouble; but now the Council have asked me to tell them to move on. I don’t see why they should be asked to move and I’m writing to my MP about it.”
8. “This letter is full of mistakes!” snorted Mr Jones. “I did it in rather a hurry,” admitted the typist. “I suppose I’d better type it again.”
9.“If you’d like to go on any of these tours,” said the receptionist, “the hotel will arrange it.” “We’d like to go on them all,” said the American couple.
10. “We’ll try to find your passport,” said the policeman, “but it’ll be very difficult because a lot of suspicious characters sleep on the beach in summer and any one of them might have robbed you.”
11. “Let’s go to the races!” said Ann. “We might make our fortunes. I’ve been given a very good tip for the 2.30.” “I’ve had “good tips” from you before,” said Paul. “And they were disastrous.”
12. “I don’t know why you waste so much time polishing the car.” Said Mr Jones. “The neighbours all polish their cars,” said Mrs Jones, “and I don’t want our Mini to look like a poor relation. If you were any good you’d help me instead of standing there criticizing,” she added.
13. “I’m sorry for not having a tie on,” said Peter. “I didn’t know it was going to be a formal party.”
14. “I’d have enjoyed the journey more if the man next to me hadn’t snored all the time,” said Paul.
Ex.9. Put the following questions into indirect speech.
1. “Who has been using my typewriter?” said my mother.
2. “Do you want to see the cathedral?” said the guide.
3. “Do you mind working on the night shifts?” he asked.
4. “Would you like to come with us?” they said.
5. “Who did you give the money to?” asked Ann.
6. “How long does it take to get to Edinburgh by coach?” asked the tourist.
7. “How much do you think it will cost?” he said.
8. “What did you miss most when you were in prison?” Mary asked the ex-convict.
9. Another passenger came in and said, “Is this seat taken?”
10. “How do you get on with your mother-in-law?” said Paul.
11. “How did you get into the house?” they asked him.
12. “What were you doing with these skeleton keys?” said Mr. Jones. “Were you trying to get at the secret files?”
13. “Did you sleep well?” asked my hostess.
14. “Have you been here long?” the other students asked him.
15. “Can you tell me why Paul left the university without taking his degree?” Paul’s sister asked.
16. “How many people know the combination of the safe?” said the detective.
17. “Are there any letters for me?” said Mary.
18. “How long have you been learning English?” the examiner said.
19. “Why aren’t you taking the exams?” said Paul.
20. “Are these free-range eggs?” said the customer.
21. “Where are you going for your summer holidays?” I asked them.
22. “Will it be all right if I come in a little later tonight?” asked the au pair girl.
23. “Have you ever seen a flying saucer?” said the man.
24. “Where can I park my caravan?” she asked the policeman.
25. “Would you like a lift?” said Ann. “Which way are you going?” I said.
26. “Who do you want to speak to?” said the telephonist.
27. “Does anyone want tickets for the boxing match?” said Charles.
28. “What are you going to do with your old car?” I asked him.
29. “Do you grow your own vegetables?” I asked.
30. “What train are you going to get?” my friend inquired.
31. “Could you change a five-pound note? I’m afraid I haven’t got anything smaller,” said the passenger to the conductor.
32. “How many sleeping pills have you taken?” said the night sister.
“I have no idea,” said Mr. Jones sleepily.
33. “Could we speak to the manager, please?” said the two men.
“Have you an appointment?” said the secretary.
34. “Do you think you could live entirely on your own for six months,” said Tom, “or would you get bored?”
35. “Did any of you actually see the accident happen?” said the
36. “Could I see Commander Smith?” the lady asked.
“I’m afraid he’s in orbit,” I said. “Would you like to leave a message?”
Ex.10. Turn the following conversations into Reported Speech using special introductory verbs.
A. "Carter, when are you taking your holidays this year?" said the manager.
"Actually, I've already been on holiday, sir. Don't you remember? I went on safari in Kenya," said Carter.
"Oh yes, of course. You went in March, didn't you?"
"That’s correct, sir," said Carter.
"Did you enjoy it?" the manager asked.
"Well, I didn't manage to see many animals. It was very disappointing," Carter replied.
"Have you got any plans to go back there?" the manager said.
"Well, yes, actually I've already booked tickets for next year. I'm going in February. I think it will be a better time for seeing the animals," said Carter.
"So, we'll be looking for a new accountant then, if you come face to face with a lion," said the manager.
The manager asked Carter when he was taking his holidays that year...
B. "Let's spend the weekend in Scotland," said Andrea. "We can find a cheap bed and breakfast in the Highlands."
"And just what are we going to do all weekend with nothing but sheep for company!" Cathy said. "I'll teach you to ski," said Andrea.
Andrea suggested spending…
C. "James, have you written to the University of Madrid yet?" Mr Mills said. "No, I'm sorry," said James. "I haven't had time."
"There's no point in apologising to me, James," said Mr Mills. "You see, you must apply early
because they fill their places very quickly."
"The thing is that I'm afraid I won't pass my Spanish exam," said James. "Well, have you been working hard?" said Mr Mills.
"Yes, I have," said James, "but I'm much better at French, and I had hoped to apply to Paris." "Yes, it's true you are better at French," said Mr Mills. "If I put your name down for the
Sorbonne, will you write tonight?"
"Yes sir, I'll write as soon as I get home," James promised.
Mr Mills asked James if he…
Ex.11. Rewrite the following as a conversation. Mind the punctuation.
A. Stephen denied having got them lost and refused to take responsibility for their situation. Catherine accused him of not knowing how to read a map, and threatened to leave him if he didn't get them out of the mess. Stephen complained that she always made him do all the work. Catherine apologised for not helping but begged him to do something, adding that she didn't want to spend the night in the open. Stephen promised that they would find somewhere to stay, and urged her to keep calm. He eventually asked her to help him with the map reading. She laughed and suggested that perhaps he should try holding the map the right way up.
“It’s not my fault we got lost,” Stephen said…
B. The diver boasted about having found a shipwreck full of treasure on the ocean floor. His friend accused him of lying as that part of the sea had been explored thoroughly, yet the diver still insisted, claiming that only he had searched that particular area. Then his friend went on to tell him that if that was the case, he should notify the authorities as soon as possible in order to lay claim to the treasure. She warned him that if he failed to do this someone else might claim the treasure for themselves. It was at this stage that the diver admitted that the wreck wasn't that old and that the treasure consisted of Monopoly money!
“I have found…
Ex.12. Turn the following dialogue into Reported Speech.
Joan: Mmm, I’m really going to enjoy this sandwich. I’m so hungry. I haven't eaten anything since breakfast. Are you sure you don't want anything?
Geoffrey: Yes. I’ve eaten too much already today. I can’t eat another thing.
Joan: Why not just have a glass of milk then?
Geoffrey: Good idea.
Joan: I really enjoyed the visit to the aquarium this morning. What shall we do this afternoon?
Geoffrey: Let’s go to the folk museum. It looks very interesting.
Joan: Yes, but don’t forget we have to be back at the hotel by six.
Geoffrey: We definitely have enough time, don’t worry.
Joan: Oh no! I can’t find my purse. I must have dropped it in the car park.
Geoffrey: I’ll go back and look for it if you like.
Joan said that she was going to enjoy her sandwich because…
Ex.13. Turn the following sentences into Reported Speech using special introductory verbs.
1. “Don’t go near the bull.” She warned me not to go near the bull.
2. “What a brilliant idea!”
3. "I’ll definitely take you to the park tomorrow."
4. “Let’s have the wedding in the spring.”
5. “Please, please don’t tell my father what happened.”
6. “You are always late.”
7. “I’m sorry I wasn't there when you needed me.”
8. “You switched the reports, didn’t you?”
9. “No, I won’t lend you the money.”
15. “You can’t go to the party tonight.”
16. “Shall I hang out the washing?”
17. “Don’t forget to send Mum a birthday card.”
18. “This is how you switch on the machine.”
19. “I’m the best tennis player in the club.”
20. “Go ahead, propose to her.”
Ex.14. Rewrite the following sentences in Reported Speech.
1. "I’m learning French," he said. "I’m going to Paris for my holidays."
He said he was learning French, adding that he was going to Paris for his holidays.
2. "Can you take the dog for a walk?" he said to her. "I'm busy."
3. "You shouldn't smoke," she said. "It's bad for your health."
4. "Can I borrow your pen, please?" he said to her. "I need to write something."
5. "Please don't talk," said the teacher. "This is a test."
6. "Why don't you turn off the TV?" she said to him. "You aren't watching it."
7. "Come to our house tonight, Mary," he said. "Jim wants to see you."
8. "Have you read your newspaper?" he asked her. "I want to look at it."
9. "The baby should be asleep," she said. "It’s ten o'clock."
21. "I don’t want any more cake," she said. "I’ve had enough."
22. "Don’t play near the road," their mother said. "It's too dangerous."
23. "I like Susan," he said. "She’s very friendly."
24. "I’m teaching Jane's class," she said. "She’s on holiday this week."
25. "Sarah would like to have the house," he said. "She’s lived here a long time."
26. "You could become famous, June," he said. "You’re a very good singer."
27. "Are you going to take the job?" he asked her. "Or will you wait for a better one?"
28. "Can you phone Julie?" she asked me. "I heard she has had a fight with Mark."
29. "Do you know when May will be back?" she asked. "She’s been away all week."
9.19 "Do you think we should try this new restaurant tonight?" he asked his wife. "I’ve heard it’s very good."
30. "If anyone phones," she said, "tell them I won't be here until tomorrow."
31. "I'd love to go to Venice," she said. "I’ve never been there."
32. "Don't ask Simon how to use the computer," she said. "He doesn't know a thing about them."
33. "I must go now," said Samantha, "or I might miss the bus."
34. "I’m sorry I didn’t phone you yesterday," said Charlotte. "I had to visit my aunt."
Ex.15. Complete the sentences using the words in italics.
1. "You should go to the dentist Tina," he said.
advised He advised Tina to go to the dentist.
2. "Try to remember your books tomorrow," she said.
urged She ……… our books the next day.
3. "You took mу pencil!" Mark said to Mandy.
of Mark ……… his pencil.
4. "Don’t forget to take your keys," said Dad.
m е Dad ………… mу keys.
5. "I hate the English weather," said Celine.
about Celine ………. the English weather.
6. "You must have another piece of apple pie, Laura," said Grandad.
on Grandad …………. piece of apple pie.
7. "I`ll never let you down," lan told Elizabeth.
promised Lan ………… Elizabeth down.
8. "You never put the cар оn the toothpaste, John," said Магу.
complained Mаrу ………..the cаp оn the toothpaste.
9. "I'm the best-looking bоy in the class," said Greg.
that Greg ………… the best-looking bоy in the class.
10. "Would you like to соте to lunch next Friday?" Bill said to mе.
invited Bill ……………. the following Friday.
11. "I did not eat the biscuits," said Alex.
eating Alex ………… the biscuits.
12. "Let’s go out for dinner," said Amanda.
going Amanda …………… for dinner.
13. "You must not touch these ornaments," said Lisa to us.
to Lisa ……………. the ornaments.
14. "Не knows where the stolen paintings аrе," said Sue.
claimed Sue ………..the stolen paintings were.
15. "You mау now kiss the bride," said the priest to David.
permission The priest ………. the bride.
16. "Don’t drive the саr; the brakes aren’t working," Dad said to mе.
not Dad ………… the cаr because the brakes weren't working.
17. "It’s а bоy!" said the midwife.
exclaimed The midwife ………. а bоy.
18. "Please, please don’t hurt mе," she cried.
not She ………. her.
19. "Do give mе the mоnеy!" she said to mе.
urged She ……….the mоnеy.
20. "Yes, I think you аrе right to complain," said Lorna to mе.
agreed Lorna ……… complain.
21. "Please leave mе alone," Clare said to them.
asked Clare ………. alone.
22. "I'm sorry I hurt your feelings, Jane," I said.
hurting I …………..her feelings.
23. "ОК, it was mе. I tore Mum’s new dress," she said.
having She ……….. Mum’s new dress.
24. "Call аn ambulance immediately!" said Воb to the passer-by.
to Воb ………….. an ambulance immediately.
25. "Would you like mе to do the washing up?" said Dаn.
offered Dаn …………. the washing up.
26. "No, I won’t go to the party with you," said Lena.
refused Lena …………. the party with mе.
27. "You сan use mу credit card," Jake said to mе.
m е Jake …………..his credit card.
28. "Go ahead, join the expedition," he said to her.
encouraged Не …………. the expedition.
29. "Go away оr I’ll lose mу temper," he said to mе.
his Не ……… if I didn't go away.
30. "Yes, I’ll paint the bathroom," said Catherine.
agreed Catherine ………… the bathroom.
Ex.16. Find the word which should not be in the sentence.
1. He claimed that to have met the Queen of Spain. (that)
2. Sophia wanted to know what time did they returned home the previous night.
3. The players complained of to the coach about having to play in the hail.
4. Margaret promised to will be careful with the money given to her.
5. The boy asked to his mother if he could play with his friends.
6. He said about that he was feeling under the weather.
7. She said she was ready to go, but adding that the taxi was waiting.
8. The manager told us do not to misuse office equipment.
9. Did he tell to you what happened?
10. She demanded that to be given his name and address.
11. They suggested to buying her a nice wedding present.
12. It is important that he to attend the conference.
13. He told me that I would not have had to leave early the next day.
14. She apologised for having keeping us waiting.
15. Jack wondered whether that to go ahead with his plan.
16. He asked me if he could use my computer and I said he could to.
17. The manager insisted that we are put an advertisement in the papers.
18. Do you know what time do the children finish school?
19. My sister encouraged me how to try once more.
20. They accused him of having been falsified the documents.
Unit 2
Questions/short answers
Ex.1. Fill in: who, whose, which, what, where, how long, how often, what time, when, how many, how much, how or why.
1. “What does she do for a living?” “She’s a florist.”
2. “__ bag is this?” “It’s Mary’s.”
3. “__ skirt do you prefer, the long one or the short one?” “The short one.”
4. “__ people work in this office?” “Thirty.”
5. “__ is your mother coming back?” “Next week.”
6. “__ didn’t you tell me that you were leaving?” “I forgot.”
7. “__ does a ticket to Edinburgh cost?” “Ј50.”
8. “__ have you been living in London?” “Three years.”
9. “__ times a week do you go to the gym?” “ Four.”
10. “__ car is that parked outside?” “John’s.”
11. “__ bus goes to the airport?” “The number 24.”
12. “__ were you born?” “In Brighton.”
13. “__ does the plane arrive at Heathrow?” “Twelve o’clock.”
14. “__ don’t you come with us to the theatre?” “I’d love to.”
15. “__ do you get to work?” “By bus.”
16. “__ is that tall man over there?” “My uncle.”
17. “__ times have you been to France?” “Three.”
18. “__ is the cheapest way to get to Liverpool, by bus or by train?” “By bus.”
19. “__ do you see your parents?” “Every month.”
20. “__ kind of films do you like?” “Adventure stories.”
Ex.2. Write questions to the parts of the sentences in italics.
1. James arrived late. Who arrived late?
2. Tina cooked the food .
3. She likes ice skating.
4. My father drove me to school.
5. It was Ann’s fault.
6. He bought a new tie.
7. Shakespeare wrote that play.
8. Daniel shouted at Sarah.
9. Sheila didn’t talk to Diane.
10. Henry arrived at ten o’clock.
11. My sister had a baby.
12. Paul gave the parcel to Mary.
13. Anita opened the window.
14. The car belongs to Barbara.
15. I have five brothers.
16. The ticket cost $50.
17. Nick lives in London .
18. My favourite food is pizza.
19. Simon likes Julie.
20. Dennis was born in 1970.
21. My favourite pet is the cat.
22. Tom is getting married to Lisa.
23. Paul gave the parcel to Barbara.
24. The film lasted three hours.
Ex.3. Full in the appropriate question tag.
1. You have got enough money, haven’t you ?
2. He will be on time, __?
3. There is enough food for everyone, __?
4. She used to fight with her brother, __?
5. Everyone felt embarrassed, __?
6. I am dressed smartly enough, __?
7. That’s your car, __?
8. You will pick me up, __?
9. Let’s eat dinner now, __?
10. Don’t leave without me, __?
11. You have been invited, __?
12. There are a lot of people here, __?
13. She left an hour ago, __?
14. He hates pizza, __?
15. That was your father, __?
16. Tell me, __.?
17. Let me know, __?
18. Ann can’t speak French, __?
19. She has a brother, __?
20. I am older than you, __?
Ex.4. Add an appropriate response expressing disappointment, disapproval, surprise or confirmation.
1. “He is in India.” “He is?”(surprise)
2. “It is very cold today.” “__?” (confirmation)
3. “It’s five o’clock already.” “__?” (surprise)
4. “She failed the exam.” “__?” (disappointment)
5. “Mary’s ill.” “__?” (surprise)
6. “He missed the bus.” “__?” (disappointment)
7. “Jack’s her cousin.” __?” (confirmation)
8. “I haven’t read that book.” “ __?” (surprise)
9. “He’s a very quiet child” __?”(confirmation)
10. “She’s very rude.” “__?” (disapproval)
Ex.5. Add question tags and short answers to the following.
1. “You used to play the piano, didn’t you?” “Yes, I did.”
2. “She’s got a loud voice, __?” “Yes, __”
3. “Walk a bit slower, __?” “No, __”
4. “He works for Laura, __?” “No, __”
5. “You’ve been to Japan, __?” “Yes, __”
6. “You’re coming to the party tonight, __?” “No, __”
7. “They had been told about it, __?” “Yes, __”
8. “Don’t repeat what I told you, __?” “No, __”
9. “They won’t be very happy, __?” “No, , __”
10. “You have an appointment this morning, __?” “Yes, __”
11. “They bought that car last year, __?” “Yes, __”
12. “He’s going to be surprised, __?” “Yes, __”
Ex.6. Rephrase the sentences using so, neither/nor or but as in the example:
1. Both Simon and Joe play football. Simon plays football. So does Joe.
2. Peter can’t drive and I can’t either.
3. I’ve been to America. David hasn’t.
4. Sally and Ann don’t want to come.
5. Both Mary and Sam are at school.
6. Mark doesn’t speak French and Tim doesn’t either.
7. Jane saw the play. Kate did too.
8. I don’t like watching cricket. Daniel does.
9. Sean hasn’t done his homework. Pam hasn’t either passed the exam. My friend didn’t pass.
10. Both Peter and I are going to the concert.
11. Don’t approve of gambling. My friends don’t either.
12. Paul has been informed. Louise has too.
13. Tom doesn’t like Thai food. His wife does.
14. Charlie won’t come and Dan won’t either.
15. I can play the violin. My brother can’t.
Ex.7. Add an appropriate response to the following sentences.
1. That’s Harry over there! (surprise) So it is!
2. She’s found a job! (surprise)
3. George doesn’t like strawberries. (addition − I)
4. Diana has gone on holiday. (addition − Alice)
5. Rebecca doesn’t like Caroline. (addition − I)
Ex.8. Fill in the blanks using the verb in brackets.
1. A: Will Bill come to the races? (think)
B: I don’t think so. He’s not very well.
2. A: Will you go away for Christmas? (hope)
B: __ I need a rest.
3. A: Will your grandmother have to go into hospital? (afraid)
B: __ She’s very sick.
4. A: How do you know that John will be late? (tell)
B: __He mentioned it before leaving.
5. A: Are you going shopping tomorrow? (suppose)
B: __There’s no food in the house.
6. A: Is the whole family invited to the reception? (appear)
B: __The hall is too small.
7. A: Will you be at home this evening? (expect)
B: __I haven’t made any plans.
8. A: Do you think Caroline likes Hugh? (imagine)
B: __They don’t seem to get on very well together.
9. A: Can you lend me some money? (afraid)
B: __I haven’t been paid yet.
10. A: Do you think it will rain tomorrow? (hope)
B: __I want to go on a picnic.
11. A: Will he approve of the plan? (expect)
B: __He’s accepted all our ideas so far.
12. A: Will you be at the wedding? (afraid)
B: __I’ll be in Glasgow that weekend.
Unit 3
Ex.1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense, then identify the types of conditionals as shown in the example.
1. If you don’t do (not/do) your homework, you won’t be allowed to go out. (Type 1)
2. If he __ (take out) a loan, he’d be able to buy a car.
3. Keep the noise down or else someone __ (hear) us.
4. The state of the economy __ (improve) provided that there is a change of government.
5. I won’t go on holiday unless you __ (come) with me.
6. If you __ (talk) less, you would be able to concentrate on your work.
7. If she __ (read) the newspaper, she would have known about the earthquake.
8. If the food __ (not/be) so good, we wouldn’t have eaten so much.
9. If you __ (stop) complaining, we would be able to get some work done today.
10. Even if I __ (phone) them, it would have been too late to change their minds.
11. Unless you __ (turn down) the music, I won’t be able to concentrate on what I’m doing.
12. Unemployment will decrease provided the government__ (take) appropriate measures.
13. If you continue to threaten me, I __ (have to) seek legal advice.
14. I__ (speak) to her if she apologised for her appalling behaviour.
15. I wouldn’t have been able to sit the exam if you __ (not/help) me.
16. What __ (he/say) if you told him the truth?
17. If you watch this film, you __ (get) an idea of how difficult life is for these tribes.
18. If you __ (cancel) within the time limit, we would have given you a full refund.
19. If she had realised how late it was, she __ (not/ring) us.
20. We could have some fresh air if you __ (open) the window.
Ex.2. Complete the text by putting the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.
Einstein is reported to have said, “If I 1) had known (know) the destruction I would cause, I 2) __ (become) a watch-maker. If we 3) __ (continue) to use nuclear energy as a : means of defence, we 4) __ (make) our planet uninhabitable. If the public 5) __be) more aware of the dangers, they 6) __ (demand) the right to live in a safer society. If the Cold War had developed into World War III, the human race 7) __ (be/wiped out) forever. Unless we 8) __ (discover) a way to prevent nuclear war, by the 21st century we 9__ (face) major disaster. Some scientists claim that if we 10) __ (tap into) the natural energy in the universe, we 11) __ (provide) ourselves with a never-ending, pollution-free source of power. Only if we 12) __ (put) more money into research and less into defence 13) __ (we/be able to) discover other forms of energy. As long as we 14) __ (continue) to abuse knowledge and power, the earth 15) __ (remain) an insecure planet to inhabit.
Ex.3. Put the verbs into the correct forms.
1. I’ve hung out the clothes. It’s lovely and sunny; if it stays (stay) like this they will be (be) dry in two hours.
2. French is essential in this job. All the telephonists speak it. If they (not know) French they (not understand) half the callers.
3. How did you do in the car rally? ~ We came in last actually; but only because we got lost. If we (not got) lost we (come) in somewhere in the middle. We certainly (not be) last.
4. I wasn’t really surprised that we got lost because I knew that the navigator couldn’t map-read. ~ But if you (know) that why you (take) him as navigator?
5. This flat would be all right if the people above us (not be) so noisy.
6. A group of spectators, including myself, left the stand just before the end of the game. When we were half way down the stairs a goal was scored and there was a great cheer from the spectators. If there (not be) a goal the crowd (not cheer).
7. If the crowd (not cheer) we (not run) back up the stairs to see what had happened.
8. If we (not run) back we (not crash) into the rest of the spectators on their way down, and there (not be) this frightful accident.
9. If the pain (return) you’d better take another pill.
10. If you aren’t going to live in the house why you (not sell) it? If I (have) a house I couldn’t use I (sell) it at once.
11. No, I didn’t know any Russian at that time. ~ But if you (not know) Russian why you (offer) to give him Russian lessons? ~ Because I knew that he (refuse). He always rejected my offers.
12. Tell him to bring his bicycle inside. If he (leave) it outside someone (steal) it.
13. Why do people always wear dark clothes at night? If pedestrians (wear) light coloured clothes drivers (see) them much more easily.
14. She must have loved him very much because she waited for him for fifteen years. If she (not love) him she (not wait) so long.
15. He looked so small and weak that nobody asked him to do anything. If he (look) strong he (be) expected to dig all day like everyone else.
16. The government are talking of pulling the village down to make room for an airport. ~ If they (start) doing it the village people (resist)?
17. If you are catching an early train tomorrow you (like) to have breakfast at 7.00?
18. We’ll have to break the ice on the pond; otherwise the ducks (not be able) to swim. And if they (not be able) to swim they (not be able) to get food. (Use can/could forms where possible.)
19. When he left school he became a fisherman. His family didn’t like it at all. They (be) much happier if he (become) a greengrocer like his father.
20. They still say that if he (go) into the greengrocery business when he left school he (be) comfortably off now instead of being poor.
21. But he says that if he (have) his life again he (make) the same choice.
22. So many parcels and no baskets! If I (know) that we were going to buy so much I (bring) a basket.
23. No one bathes here. The water is heavily polluted. If you (bathe) in it you (be) ill for a fortnight.
24. I can hear the speaker all right but I wish I could see him too. ~ It he (stand) on a barrel we all (see) him and that (be) much better.
25. Look at poor Tom trying to start his car by hand again! If I (be) Tom I (get) a new battery.
26. I expect you’ll see Jack at the lecture tonight. If you (do) you please (remind) him about tomorrow’s meeting?
27. The headmaster decided that Peter was the culprit and expelled him from the school. (If the headmaster had been more intelligent he….)
28. But I blame the real culprit even more. If he (admit) his guilt Peter
(not be) expelled.
29. The only thing I haven’t got is a balcony. If I (have) a balcony I (grow) plants in pots. Then my flat (be) perfect!
30. Jack rang while you were out. ~ Oh dear! If I (know) he was going to ring I (stay) at home.
31. My unmarried friends are always telling me how to bring up my children. I sometimes think that if they (have) children they (make) just as many mistakes as I do.
32. (At a cinema) Ann: Don’t worry. They get married in the end. Mary: Then you’ve seen it before. If you (tell) me that we (go) to something else!
33. Be careful about the time. If you (spend) too long on the first question you (not have) enough time to do the others properly.
34. We had a lot of trouble putting the tent up. If it (not be) so windy perhaps it (not be) quite so difficult.
35. Ann (sitting beside her open fire): I love open fires; if I (have) nothing hut a radiator to sit beside I (get) quite depressed.
36. Lucy, a student at a residential college: Couldn’t I leave the hostel and get a flat, mother?
37. Mother: No, you couldn’t. I know very well what (happen) if you (have) a flat. You (play) the guitar all night and (miss) your classes in the morning; then you (fail) your exams and (have) to repeat the year. And you (not feed) yourself properly and (get) run down. And then you (catch) some infection and (die) of it, and we (have) to leave this district as the neighbours (keep) saying that we had caused your death by letting you have your own way!
Ex.4. Rewrite the following as conditional sentences.
1. You have to go to Athens to see the Acropolis.
If you go to Athens, you can see the Acropolis.
2. You need to pass your driving test before you can drive. Unless __ .
3. You must study harder to pass your exams. If__ .
4. As long as the rain continues we can’t play football. Unless __ .
5. Tom had to ask for a pay rise or he wouldn’t have got one. Unless __ .
6. You need all the right spices to make an authentic Indian meal. If __ .
7. Going there by bus will be cheaper than going by train. If __ .
8. Entering this competition could win you a mountain bike. If __ .
9. We will have to leave without him if he doesn’t arrive in the next 10 minutes. Unless __ .
10. We will be able to go swimming if the weather improves. Unless __ .
Ex.5. Read the following situations, then write as many conditional sentences as possible.
1. As long as it rains, I’ll stay at home.
If it rains, I’ll stay at home. Only if it rains will I stay at home. I won’t stay at home unless it rains.
2. I’ll save money, then I’ll go to France on holiday.
3. Wait five minutes and I’ll give you a lift.
4. I’ll cook and you can do the washing up afterwards.
Ex.6. Rewrite the following sentences omitting “If”.
1. If I were you, I wouldn’t apply for the post of firefighter.
Were I you, I wouldn’t apply for the post of firefighter.
2. If you should go to the post office, could you buy me some stamps?
3.If anyone should ring, will you take a message?
4.If you had turned off the oven sooner, the pizza wouldn’t have burnt.
5.If I were younger, I’d accept his offer.
Ex.7. Rewrite the following as mixed conditionals.
1. He’s not a good worker, so he wasn’t promoted.
If he were a good worker, he would have been promoted.
2. They walked 40 kilometres, so they’re exhausted now.
3.You didn’t make an appointment so we can’t see you tomorrow.
4.She didn’t take the medication and now she’s ill again.
5.The flight left on time, so they will be in Moscow by now.
6.They were working in the rain all day, so they’re soaking wet now.
7.She didn’t study at all so she’ll do badly in the test.
8.He’s so gullible that he believed everything you said.
9.She was talking all day, so her throat is sore now.
10.He doesn’t listen to anyone’s advice, so he didn’t do what you suggested.
Ex.8. Complete the following sentences with an appropriate conditional clause.
1. If you want an exotic holiday, you should go to Thailand.
2. Unless you give him enough notice, __.
3. If you hadn’t overfed the cat, __.
4. Had I known she was in trouble, __.
5. Only if he apologises __.
6. The argument wouldn’t have started if__.
7. If I had more time, __.
8. You wouldn’t have had so much trouble if __.
9. Should I meet her again, __.
10. Had I known how late I was going to be__ .
11. Only if we start recycling __.
12. If you had tried harder, __.
13. Had he given me clearer instructions, __.
14. If we leave at six o’clock, __.
15. Should she ring while I’m out, __.
Ex.9. Complete the sentences using the words in italics. Use two to five words.
1. You’d better cut down on sugar.
were If I were you, I would cut down on sugar.
2. Tom got lost because we didn’t give him clear directions.
have Tom __if we had given him clear directions.
3.If you don’t criticise his work, he’ll never improve.
unless He’ll never improve __his work.
4.She doesn’t have many friends because she is shy.
Were If she __ have many friends.
5.We’ll only sign the contract if he changes that clause.
will Only if he changes that clause __the contract.
6.He’s afraid of heights, so he won’t come climbing.
were If he __he would come climbing.
7.Lucy can prepare the report, but she’ll have to be given instructions.
only Lucy can prepare the report __instructions.
8.As long as you give it back by Friday, you can borrow my book.
provided You can borrow my book __by Friday.
9.If you don’t lend us some money, we won’t be able to go to the theatre.
unless We won’t be able to go to the theatre __some money
10.She missed the meeting because her car broke down.
broken She wouldn’t have missed the meeting if __down
11.I need to get this to her, but I haven’t got her fax number.
had If __I could get this to her
12.He forgot about the invitation so he didn’t go to the dinner.
not Had __the invitation, he would have gone to the dinner
13.I think Bill should look for a better job.
were If __look for a better job.
14.We didn’t take a map so we got lost.
taken If __we wouldn’t have got lost
15.Mark didn’t tell her it was a secret so she told Pam.
have If Mark had told her it was a secret, __Pam.
Ex.10. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.
I have had a long career. If I 1) hadn’t been chosen (not/be/chosen) to play the lead in my school play, I 2) __ (not/become) what I am today. I was only nine and I’m sure I 3) __ (feel) nervous if 4) __ (not/have) my parents’ support. They encouraged me to take dancing classes after that. If only I 5) __ (not/refuse)! I love dance now and if I 6) __ (be) younger, I 7) __ (study) ballet. Apart from that, I don’t have many regrets about my career. I wish I 8) __ (perform) more in the theatre, but I suppose if I 9) __ (have), I 10) __ (not/have) time to do so many film roles.
Ex.11. Write sentences as in the example:
1. You didn’t watch the news so you didn’t know there was a train strike.
I wish I had watched the news. If I had watched the news, I would have know there was a train strike.
2. You work long hours and you can’t spend much time with your family.
3. You wanted to travel abroad but you forgot to renew your passport. You can’t drive a car so you can’t get around easily.
4. You wanted to play tennis but you broke your racquet.
5. You want to go swimming but you have lost your swimming costume.
6. You want to climb the mountain but you are afraid of heights.
7. You didn’t set your video correctly so you didn’t record the film.
8. You want to go out tonight but you haven’t got enough money.
9. You want to cook an Italian meal but you have no pasta left.
Ex.12. Rewrite the text using wishes or if-clauses as in the example:
Dear Mary,
I just had to write and let you know what a terrible day I’ve had today. As my neighbour is ill I offered to take her dog for a walk. My neighbour did warn me that he’s very energetic but I didn’t listen. He dragged me all around the park. What a disaster! He was so excited that he knocked another neighbour off her bicycle. Unfortunately she hurt her leg and she was very angry with me. I shouldn’t have taken the dog for a walk. To make matters worse, I had forgotten to lock the front door as we’d left the house in a rush. My house was burgled. Why was I so stupid? I hadn’t even renewed our house insurance. My husband keeps going on about it. Well, hopefully tomorrow will be better.
With love, Lisa
I wish I hadn’t had such a terrible day today.
Ex.13. Complete the sentences using the words in italics. Use two to five words.
1.It’s a pity I can’t go to the cinema today, but I have to babysit.
could I wish I could go to the cinema today, but I have to babysit.
2.It’s a shame we didn’t go out for dinner.
gone I wish __for dinner.
3.I don’t have many friends here.
had I wish __here.
4.It’s a pity I can’t go out tonight but I have to work late.
could I wish __but I have to work late.
5.It’s a shame we didn’t go home for Christmas.
gone I wish __for Christmas.
6.If it weren’t raining, we could go for a walk.
stop I wish __we could go for a walk.
7.It’s a pity that I wasn’t given the position.
been I wish __the position.
8.I’ve been offered a job in Spain, but I can’t speak Spanish.
speak I wish __because I’ve been offered a job in Spain.
Ex.14. Complete the following sentences as shown in the example.
1.If Bob hadn’t broken his leg, he could have come with us.
2.If only he hadn’t lied to Sally__.
3.If John is in trouble, __.
4.If only she had more patience, __.
5.If she had won the competition, __.
6.Ann wishes she had set the alarm, __.
7.I wish I hadn’t left the oven on too long, __.
8.If only I had written down her phone number, __.
9.If she hadn’t been sitting in the sun all afternoon, __.
10.Tom wishes he hadn’t gambled last Sunday, __.
Ex.15. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.
1. Suppose they had not turned up (not/turn up) to meet you, what would you have done?
2. If only I __ (not/eat) so much last night.
3. If she __ (tell) me it was a secret, I wouldn’t have told anyone.
4. Suppose you __ (miss) your connection, how would you have got home?
5. Suppose he __ (catch) you smoking, what would you do?
6. I’d rather we __ (leave) now.
7. If only I __ (not/stay) out so late last night.
8. It’s high time you __ (take) some responsibility for your actions.
9. Supposing you __ (fail) your exams, what would you have done?
10. It’s time you __ (light) the fire – it’s getting very cold.
11. She spends money as if she __ (have) loads of it, but I know she’s in debt.
12. If we __ (install) a burglar alarm, this wouldn’t have happened.
13. I’d rather we __ (go) home now.
14. I wish she __ (study) harder instead of watching TV all the time.
15. I’d rather she __ (not/wear) my dress last night. She’s ruined it.
Ex.16. Read the following situations, then make sentences using would rather or had better.
1. You want to play tennis not squash. I would rather play tennis than play squash.
2. You don’t want her to invite him to the party.
3. You want to be left alone to read and don’t want to go to the cinema.
4. It would be more sensible for you to go and rest for an hour.
5. I would prefer to spend Christmas in Spain and not go home.
6. We should have waited for him at home.
7. Mary always wears horrible orange lipstick. You wish she wouldn’t.
8. Your friend turns up late and you are angry with him.
Ex.17. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
1. I’d rather go (go) fishing this afternoon.
2. I’d rather you __ (not/wear) my red dress to the dance tonight.
3. I’d rather you __(say) that you didn’t want to come!
4. I’d rather__ (go) by plane but I couldn’t afford the air fare.
5. I’d rather you __ (not/use) such bad language! It upsets people.
6. We prefer__ (watch) films to __ (watch) political programmes.
7. I’d rather you __ (not/tell) them the news yet.
8. I prefer__ (cook) dinner rather than __ (eat) in that restaurant.
9. We’d prefer __ (call) our child David, rather than __ (call) him Stephen.
10. We would rather __ (recycle) our rubbish than __ (use) non-recyclable goods.
11. He had better__ (not/tell) her or I’ll be furious!
12. After a lot of thought, we’ve decided that we would prefer __ (get/married) in Portugal rather than in England.
13. It would have been better if she __ (give) us the information sooner.
14. You’d better __ (not/wake) her up because she hasn’t slept for two days.
15. I would prefer__ (pay) in cash rather than by credit card.
Ex.18. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate auxiliary verb.
1. She had her hair permed and now she wishes she had’t…
2. Her husband spends a lot of money and she wishes he __.
3. I suspect they’ll be late again but I wish they __.
4. She always forgets people’s names but she wishes she __.
5. He invited 20 people for dinner and now he wishes he __.
6. She doesn’t know how to use a computer but she wishes she__.
7. They never ring before coming round but I wish they __.
8. You’re always interfering in my affairs and I wish you __.
9. We didn’t invite the Smiths but I wish we __.
10. You told them I could do the job but I wish you __.
Ex.19. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
Dear Sarah,
I’m having an absolutely fabulous time here on Ischia! I wish you 1) had decided (decide) to come with me. It 2) __ (be) even better if you were here. I wish I 3) __ (try) harder to persuade you to come with me. If only you 4) __ (change) your mind! I’m sure you could get time off work if you 5) __ (ask). I/ you can’t come to Ischia, 6) __ (you/consider) meeting in Rome at the beginning of next month? Of course if you 7) __ (come) with me in the first place, we 8) __ (have) a great time right now. Anyway, if you 9) __ (give) me a ring, I 10) __ (tell) you exactly what my plans are and then you can decide what you want to do.
Love, Julia
Unit 4
Adjectives and Adverbs
Ex.1. Rewrite the sentences putting the adjectives into the correct place, then identify what kind of adjectives they are.
1. I love ice-cream, (strawberry, Italian, tasty). I love tasty Italian strawberry ice-cream. (opinion, origin, material)
2. They have a sofa. (leather, navy-blue, modern)
3. He loves his bike. (new, red, expensive, mountain)
4. She has a voice. (lovely, singing, pure)
5. He’s just sold that suit to a woman. (beautiful, slim, tall, French,
6. She bought curtains. (brown and orange, dining-room)
7. She bakes cakes. (chocolate, delicious, birthday, round)
8. June has a puppy. (tiny, brown, fluffy)
9. She was given a dress. (black, spectacular, Italian, evening)
10. He bought a racquet. (tennis, graphite, new)
11. He has a grandfather. (French, ninety-year-old, wonderful)
12. We watched a film. (boring, German, black and white)
13. She wears lipstick. (pink, horrible, glossy)
14. We used to have a teacher. (strict, old, biology, American)
15. It was a dress. (wedding, antique, cream, stunning, lace)
16. Yesterday we went to the club. (huge, sports, modern)
17. Mary has a job. (sales, demanding, new)
18. The house has a kitchen. (large, well-equipped, white, modern)
19. It was a pool. (marble, huge, white, swimming)
20. He has a bag. (black, big, school)
21. I have rarely seen such a film. (American, well-made, detective)
Ex.2. Underline the correct adjective.
1. A gold/golden eagle glided gracefully across the sky.
2. She ruined her silk/silky suit by washing it.
3. We had to climb over a low stone/stony wall.
4. He approached the task with steel/steely determination.
5. This soap will leave your skin feeling silk/silky and soft.
6. Leathery/leather coats never seem to go out of fashion.
7. This plant has soft feather/feathery leaves.
8. We spotted the metal/metallic blue car speeding into the tunnel ahead.
9. The manager’s stone/stony expression showed that all was not well.
10. She was given an expensive gold/golden watch for her twenty-first birthday.
Ex.3. Put the adjectives in the correct order.
It’s a 1) beautiful large stone (stone, beautiful, large) villa on the coast, with spectacular views of the sea. You will love the 2) __ (old, huge, marble) swimming pool we have in our 3) __ (mountainside, terraced, colourful) garden. There is a 4) __ (sunny, stone, rectangular) patio at the front with many 5) __ (terracotta, flower-filled, circular) pots. The house has five 6) __ (elegant, white, medium-sized) bed-rooms and three marble bathrooms - each with its own 7) __ (antique, little, wonderful) wall-painting. The living room has a 8) __ (cool, lovely, marble) floor with 9) __ (expensive, Persian, antique) rugs and comfortable sofas. You can eat in the many 10) __ (Italian, excellent, traditional) restaurants nearby and enjoy using the facilities in the new sports centre.
Ex.4. Make compound adjectives to describe the following.
1. A student who has been taught well. a well-taught students.
2. A letter that you have been waiting for a long time.
3. A person who loves having fun.
4. A garden which is tended perfectly.
5. A life that is free of trouble.
6. A visit that was not timed well.
7. An action that is not advisable.
8. A journey of seven days.
Ex.5. Fill in “the” where necessary.
1. He takes the disabled children in his area riding on Friday afternoons.
2. When the government decided to raise taxes __rich people were unhappy and __poor were devastated.
3. Christmas can be a very sad time for __ lonely people and __ homeless.
4. We were relieved to hear that all __injured were recovered from the wreckage before the plane exploded.
5. __survivors carried __injured people to the ambulance.
6. __deaf communicate by using sign language.
Ex.6. Rewrite the sentences putting the adverbs in the correct place and making any other necessary change.
1. Ferries sail to the island. (weekly, twice, only, during the winter)
Ferries sail to the island only twice weekly during the winter.
2. He does the shopping. (reluctantly, at the supermarket, every week)
3. She waited for her test results. (worriedly, in the hospital, all day)
4. The clock strikes twelve times. (exactly, in the hall, at midday)
5. My mother used to read to me. (aloud, always, in the evenings)
6. The soldiers marched. (to the battlefield, bravely, yesterday)
7. They go by car. (at weekends, to the leisure centre, sometimes)
8. We arrived after a bumpy flight. (in Scotland, eventually, safely, extremely)
9. The detective had been following the suspect. (all day, carefully)
10. She walks. (quickly, every morning, to the station)
11. The little boy ran. (excitedly, from the room, suddenly)
12. She turned up looking annoyed. (at the party, unexpectedly, terribly)
13. He studied. (hard, all morning, in his bedroom)
14. She looked at her reflection. (for ten minutes, carefully, in the mirror)
15. The children sit and play. (in their room, for hours, happily)
16. He waved goodbye. (to his friend, at the airport, sadly)
17. The old boat sailed into the harbor. (slowly, through the water, this afternoon)
18. He ran to answer the phone. (down the stairs, to the hall, quickly)
19. She sat reading a book. (all day, lazily, by the fire)
20. He looked to see if anyone was there. (out the window, nervously, this morning)
Ex.7. Identify the words in italics as adjectives or adverbs.
This year’s road race was the 1) best (adjective) I’ve ever seen. The event is held 2) yearly, and entrance to the main stand is 3) free. The race is always a 4) sure exhibition of exceptionally 5) fine driving. It was a 6) cold morning, and the teams had woken up 7) early to get their cars ready. They had trained 8) long and 9) hard to get here. The race was due to start at 11 o’clock, but started 10) late as the track wasn’t 11) clean . There was a 12) loud roar when all the drivers started their cars, then they proceeded 13) quickly to the starting line. The gun went off, and the cars moved, as if in 14) slow motion. They drove 15) past the stands, and turned a 16) tight corner onto the main circuit. On the fifth lap one driver made a 17) wrong decision, and his car stopped 18) dead as it collided with a safety-barrier. The race was 19) fast, and all the drivers drove 20) well, but it was 21) clear from the beginning who was going to win: an Australian driver had taken the 22) inside lane and overtaken everybody in only the second lap. Over the rest of the race he managed to distance himself 23) further from all the other cars. It was an 24) easy victory for him, and he continued round the track for an 25) extra lap to celebrate his win.
Ex.8. Underline the correct item.
1. I managed to get to New York easy/easily by flying there directly/direct.
2. She has been deeply/deep upset by his behavior late/lately.
3. Late/lately the cost of living has been increasing; things generally are not nearly/near as cheap as they used to be.
4. It is wide/widely believed that she was wrong/wrongly accused.
5. Laura is a very shy person who rare/rarely goes out and she does not mix free/freely with the other students.
6. She is highly/high regarded in the school as people can get on with her easily/easy.
7. I was not full/fully satisfied with the doctor as he had wrong/wrongly diagnosed my previous illness.
8. “Do you intend to leave shortly/short?” “I think so. I’ve nearly/near finished.”
9. He’ll surely/sure get a good grade; he’s been studying very hardly/hard for the past year.
10. I was prettily/pretty embarrassed when I realised that I had hardly/hard money to pay the bill.
11. He came last/lastly in the race and was prettily/pretty disappointed by his performance.
12. The train goes direct/directly to Edinburgh without stopping so it will probably be full/fully.
13. She free/freely admitted that she had not been working very hardly/hard recently.
14. It is wide/widely believed that politicians are people who can’t be full/fully trusted.
15. Sure/surely we must be near/nearly there by now.
Ex.9. Underline the highlighted word(s) which can be used. In some sentences all words might be possible.
1. Ann has four children, and they’re all quite/rather/fairly/pretty well behaved.
2. That was quite/rather/fairly/pretty an interesting speech Jane gave. I was quite/rather/fairly/pretty impressed.
3. Life is quite/rather/fairly/pretty more difficult now than it was in the past.
4. It was quite/rather/fairly/pretty obvious that he was lying.
5. Ken is quite/rather/fairly/pretty a good painter and quite/rather/fairly/pretty imaginative too.
6. The supermarket stocks quite/rather/fairly/pretty a wide variety of imported products but they are quite/rather/fairly/pretty expensive.
7. It’s quite/rather/fairly/pretty colder today than it was yesterday. Be quite/rather/fairly/pretty sure to dress up well.
8. She’s quite/rather/fairly/pretty an arrogant woman. I find her quite/rather/fairly/pretty an arrogant woman. I find her quite/rather/fairly/pretty difficult to get on with.
9. Can we stop for a bite to eat soon? I’m feeling quite/rather/fairly/pretty hungry.
10. The exercise took quite/rather/fairly/pretty longer than I expected.
11. This exercise is quite/rather/fairly/pretty difficult but I’m quite/rather/fairly/pretty sure you can do it.
12. The journey takes quite/rather/fairly/pretty a long time but the ticket is quite/rather/fairly/pretty cheap.
Ex.10. Put the adjective in brackets into the correct form.
Kinsale may be one of 1) the smallest (small) towns in Southern Ireland but it’s also one of 2) __ (famous). It is well known for its 3) __ (wonderful) fish restaurants. Some of 4) __ (good) known chefs in the world have trained in the restaurants there. The town itself is one of 5) __ (picturesque) in Southern Ireland. It’s situated by the sea, which ensures that it is 6) __ (cool) in the summer than other inland towns. A 7) __ (huge) cathedral over-looks the town and it is one of 8) __ (breathtaking) in the whole area. To the north of the town lies one of 9) __ (high) mountain ranges in the country. The town is very 10) __ (beautiful), with its many craft shops and narrow cobbled streets. Most tourists visit Kinsale for its fish restaurants, which are family owned. This means that the service there is 11) __ (good) than in other restaurants. The staff are 12) __ (welcoming) there than anywhere else. The food may be 13) __ (expensive) but you’ll have one of 14__ (pleasurable) evenings of your life there. So go ahead and visit Kinsale.
Ex.11. Change the words in brackets into adverbs and them into the correct form.
Finally, a new washing powder that gets rid of stains 1) effectively (effective) and leaves your clothes 2) __ (brilliant) white. New “All-bright” cleans 3) __ (powerful) than any other product on the market. It gets the dirt out 4) __ (quick) and 5) __ (thorough) than any ordinary powder. Indeed, in no time at all new “All-bright” will be selling 6) __ (good) than any other brand at your supermarket. With a prize-winning formula that has been researched 7) __ (extensive) by our scientists than any other product, success is guaranteed. With new “All-bright” your money will go 8) __ (far) than it’s ever gone before. So pick up your box of new “All-bright” today!
Ex.12. Underline the correct item.
I am writing to request 1) farther/further information on the climbing holidays you run. I am 2) most/much interested in climbing, but fear that I will be 3) older than the other participants. Also, I am 4) far/very less fit than I used to be. Nonetheless, I am 5) even/very keener on the sport than ever. So my question is, will there be climbs which are 6) a bit/most easier for older ones like me? In addition, do you do discounts for pensioners? Your holidays are 7) very/even expensive for someone on a low income. I look forward to hearing from you and receiving 8) any/more details.
Ex.13. Fill in “as” or “like”.
1. Although it lives in the sea, the whale is classed as a mammal. It may look __a dangerous beast, but it is really __gentle __a lamb.
2. My friend George describes himself __ a great singer. He thinks he has a voice __an angel, but when he sings it sounds __ a cat wailing! He works __a taxi driver and everybody keeps telling him not to give up his job!
3. McTaverty’s Tavern has been described __the best restaurant in Perthshire, with dishes that smell delicious and taste __they have been made with only the finest ingredients. Surprisingly, the prices are not __ high __ you might expect.
4. Majorie works __a criminal lawyer and is regarded __an expert in her field. She works extremely hard and at the end of a long day in court all she feels __ doing is collapsing in front of the TV.
5. If you want to go on a diet, do __ your doctor tells you. There are some foods such __ vegetables which you can eat __ much of __ you want. Why not try soya meat? It tastes just __ real meat and can be used in the same way __ mince, but is a low-fat food.
6. __ I was saying, you look exactly __ my cousin Hilary - you know, the one who works __ an air hostess.
7. Fred was known __ an unpunctual person and __ usual, he was late again. After standing in the rain __ an idiot for half an hour, gradually getting wetter and wetter, I decided to go home before I began to look __ a drowned rat.
8. Howard and Hugh aren’t related but they look almost exactly the same __ each other. They are referred to __ “The Twins”. When they walk into a room, it’s __ seeing double.
9. For __ long __ I live, I’ll never forget my first holiday in Hawaii. It was __ paradise. I intend to return there __ soon __ I can afford the airfare.
10. Trying to make sense of the written word is a bit __ being lost in a forest: all the trees look the same, just __ for a young child all the words look the same __ each other.
Ex.1. Insert suitable prepositions (at, to, in) in the following .
1. Could I speak to Tom, please? − I’m afraid Tom’s _____ work. But Jack’s ______ Would you like to speak _____ him?
2. How do I get _____ the air terminal? − Turn right _____ the end of this street and you’ll see it _____ front of you.
3. He started going ______ school ____ the age of five. So now he’s been _____ school for ten years. He’s leaving______ the end of this year.
4. He goes _____ his office every day except Sunday. On Sundays he stays _____ home and works ______ the garden.
5. I think I left my umbrella _____ the bus. I’d better write ____ the Lost Property Office.
6. We arrived _____ the airport _____ good time for the plane.
7. Can I look up a word _____ your dictionary? I left mine_____ home.
8. Our train arrived _____ York _____ 6.30. Paul met us _____ the station.
9. Have you been _____ the theatre recently?-Yes, I was _____ the Old Vic last night.
10. I’m returning _____ France _____ the end of this term.- Are you coming back _____ England after the holidays?
11. He isn’t living _____ home now, but if you write_____ his home they’ll forward the letter _____ his new address.
12. I went _____bed early but I couldn’t get _____ sleep because the people _____ the next room were talking so loudly.
13. _____ first I found the work very tiring, but _____ a few weeks I got used _____ it.
14. There was an accident _____ the crossroads _____ midnight last night. Two men were taken _____ hospital. I believe one of them is still_____ hospital.
15. _____ the daytime the streets are crowded but _____ night they are quite deserted.
16. _____ first her father refused to allow her to go back _____ work; but_____ the end he agreed.
17. _____ the beginning of a textbook there is a preface, and _____ the end there is an index.
18. He went _____sea_____18, and spent all his working life_____ sea. He retired _____ 56 and went to live _____the country.
19. I saw Tom _____ the bus stop this morning but couldn’t speak_____ him because we were standing _____ a queue and he was _____ the front of it and I was _____ the back.
20. I’ll leave some sandwiches_____ the fridge in case you are hungry when you come in.
21. We’d better start _____ six, because climbing up _____ the gallery takes some time. I hope you don’t mind sitting _____ the gallery.- No, of course not. When I go _____ the opera I always go _____ the gallery.
22. He is always _____ a hurry. He drives _____ a tremendous speed.
23. When he began speaking _____ English, she looked ______ him_____ amazement.
24. Write _____ink and put your name_____ the top of the page.
25. We start serving breakfasts _____ 7.30.Shall I send yours up_____ your room, or will you have it _____ the restaurant?
26. He’s always _____ a bad temper _____ breakfast time.
27. According _____ the guidebook there hotels _____ the town.
28. The pilot climbed _____ 5.000 metres and flew_____ that height till he got _____ the coast. Then he came down _____ 1.000 metres and began to take photographs.
29. I’m interested _____chess but I’m not very good _____ it.
30. Who is the girl _____the blue dress, sitting_____ the head of the table?
31. I couldn’t offer him a room _____ my flat because _____ that time my mother-in-law was staying with us.
32. The train stopped _____ all the stations, and long before we got _____ London every seat was taken and people were standing _____ the corridors.
33. Shall we discuss it _____ my room, or shall I come _____ your office?
34. _____ my astonishment I was the only person _____ the bar. Everyone else had gone _____ the Casino.
35. The Loch Ness Monster is supposed to supposed to live _____ the bottom of the Loch and come_____ the surface from time _____ time.
36. You can’t say that he lives _____ luxury. There’s hardly any furniture _____ in his room. He hasn’t even got a desk to write ____ .
Ex. 2. Fill the gaps in the following sentences from the list (at, by, into, of, off, on, out (of), to, under, with)
1. I’m going to Bath on Monday with Tom. Would you like to come ____ us? - Are you going ____bus? - No, we’re going____ Tom’s car.
2. I saw him standing ____ the queue but I don’t know whether he got ____ the bus or not.
3. How do you go ____school? - It depends ____ the weather ____ wet days I go____ tube; ____fine weather I go ____ foot.
4. The car stopped ____ the traffic lights and wouldn’t start again, so the driver got ____ and pushed it ____the side ____ the road.
5. Someone threw a stone ____ the speaker. It hit him ____ the head and knocked his glasses____ .
6. I want to post this ____ a friend ____ Italy. Will he have to pay duty ____ it?
7. According ____Tom, it is impossible to live ____Paris ___ less than 10.000 a year.
8. Are you ____your own (alone)? - No, I’m ____ a friend____ mine.
9. You ought to be ashamed ____ yourself for coming ____ my nice clean kitchen ____ muddy boots.
10. Children get presents ____ Christmas and ____ their birthdays.
11. How would we get ____ (escape from) this room if the hotel were ____ fire?
12. He arrived ____ London ____ 6p.m. _____ a foggy November day. We often have fogs ____ November.
13. The man ____his back____ the camera is the Minister ____ Agriculture.
14. How do I get ____ the Public Library?- Go ____ the end ____this street and turn right; turn left ____ the next traffic light and then take the second turning ____ your right. This will bring you ____ Brook Street, and you’ll find the library____ your left.
15. Alternatively you could get a 14 bus _____ this stop and ask the conductor to tall you where to get ____ (alight).
16. The boy was learning against the wall ____ his pockets. “Take your hands ____ your pockets,” said his father sharply.
17. As she was getting ____ the car one ____ her buttons fell ____Although we were ____ a hurry she insisted ____ stopping to look for it.
18. Mr Jones is very keen____ punctuality. His lessons start dead _____time and you get ____ terrible trouble if you’re late.
19. The man _____ the pipe and red hair is the brother _____ the girl ____ blue.
20. Don’t leave your luggage ____ the corridor. It’ll be____ everyone’s way. Bring it ____ the compartment and put it ____the rack.
21. He sits ____ his desk all day ____ his head ____ his hands. It gets ____ my nerves.
22. ____ mistake I opened Mary’s letter instead ____ my own. She was very angry ____ me and said that I’d done it ____ purpose.
23. I buy a newspaper ____my way ____the station and read it ____ the train. By the time I get ____ London I’ve read most ____ it.
24. He was charged ____ driving while ____ the influence ____ alcohol.
25. People who drop litter ____ the pavements are liable ____ a fine ____$ 50.
26. He accused me ____ selling secret information ____ the enemy.
27. You look worried. Are you ____ some sort____ trouble? - Yes, ____ a way. I’m ___ debt and my creditors want to be paid____ the end ____ the month, and ____ the moment I haven’t any money____ the bank.
28. The car skidded ____the tree, the windscreen was smashed and the driver was cut ____ the face ____ splinters ____ glass.
29. Four people were injured ____ the demonstration. Three ____ them are students ____ the university, the fourth is here ____ holiday. That’s him over there ____ his arm ____plaster.
30. This picture was painted ____ Picasso; and there’s another Picasso ____ the opposite wall.
31. The horse stopped suddenly and the rider fell ____ . He couldn’t get ____ again without help and there was no one ____ sight.
32. The children hastily changed ____ bathing thinks and jumped ____ the river____ shouts of delight.
33. We’ll have to go ____ car; we can’t go ____bus____ account ____ the bus strike.
34. Divers breathing a mixture ____ helium and oxygen can work ____ a depth ____ 100 metres.
35. I’m tired ____working ___ the suburbs and I’ve asked to be transferred ____our central branch.
36. Can I have Monday ____ ? or Can I have a holiday ____ Monday? I want to go ____my grandson’s wedding.
Ex.3. Insert suitable Prepositions, choosing them from the list (at, by, during, for, from, in, of, on, over, since, till, under, with)
1. I’ve lived in this street for ten years.
2. He has lived ____ 101 Cornwall Gardens____ 1966.
3. ____the age ____ 18 he was sent to prison ____ theft.
4. He was ___prison____ two years. ____ that time ha became interested ____ pigeons.
5. There is a parcel of books ____you____ the table ____ the hall.-Oh, they must be ____ my brother. He always sends me books ____ my birthday.
6. We heard that Bill wasn’t ____ arrest but was helping the police ____ their enquiries. The police are interested ____ a bank robbery which took place ____ Bill’s last holidays.
7. Much Ado About Nothing is____ Shakespeare, and you’ll find more ____his plays____ the bookcase ____ the corner.
8. As the child was too young to travel ____ herself, they arranged ____ her to travel ____ the care ____ a friend of the family.
9. Have you heard ____John ____his return?-Yes, I had a letter ____Monday. He’s thinking ____ going back____ America.
10. He was ill ____a week and____ that week his wife never left his side.
11. Aren’t you coming ____us? - No, I’m waiting ____ Tom. - But he won’t be ready____ some time.-I’m not ____ a hurry. I’ll wait till he’s ready.
12. I’m very sorry ____being late. It was good ____you to wait ____me.
13. Passengers may leave bulky articles ____ the stairs ____ the conductor’s permission, but the bus company will not be responsible ____ such articles.
14. Remember to be ____good time____ the opera because if you’re late they won’t let you ____the end ____ the act.
15. I want two seats____ Romeo and Julie t____ Friday night.
16. ____spite____ the heat he refused to take ____his coat.
17. He was wounded ____the shoulder____ a bullet fired ____an upstairs window.
18. While ____their way from the coast ____the mountains they were attacked ____ a jaguar.
19. What platform does the train ____. York leave_____?-Platform 8, and you’d better hurry. It’ll be leaving ____a minute.
20. He invited me to dinner ____his club and____ the meal he asked me ____ advice about his investments.
21. He’s not independent ____any means. He depends ____his father ____ everything.
22. He has a picture ____ Picasso (Picasso painted the picture) and he can’t decide whether to hang it ____the hall ____the right as you come ____ or ____the sitting room ____the fireplace.
23. I’m tired ____ hearing about Tom and his Picasso. He can hang it ____ his garage ____all I care!
24. He said he was ____debt and asked me ____a loan____$ 50.
25. What’s the cheapest way ____getting ____London ____Edinburgh?-Well, you could hitch hike there ____next ____nothing, or you could go ____coach____ about $ 20.
26. I was horrified____ his appearance. He looked as if he hadn’t slept ____ weeks.
27. When he gets back ____the office he expects his wife to meet him ____ the door ____ his slippers, and have a hot meal waiting____ him.
28. Yesterday the children went____ a walk and didn’t get back____ 10p.m. Their mother was furious ____them ____coming in so late.
29. Passengers who get ____or ____a bus (i.e. who board or leave it) except____ the official stops do so ____ their own risk.
30. The rows are lettered ____A to T, beginning ____ the row nearest the stage. So if Tom is sitting ____B 26, and Jack is sitting ____C 26, Tom will be directly____ front ____Jack.
31. What’s the best way ____ cooking a lobster? - Cook it ____ boiling salted water, and serve it cold ____mayonnaise.
32. He was fined ____ parking his car____ a no-parking area.
33. He opened the door ____a rusty key and went down the steps ____ the cellar, followed by Bill ____a torch.
34. The adults worked ____6a.m. to 6p.m. ____ an hour ____lunch. Boys ____18 were not supposed to start____8 a.m. (earlier than 8a.m.)
35. He died ____ heart failure ____ Tuesday night. His wife is still suffering____ shock.
36. The house is ____fire! Send ____the Fire Brigade!
Ex.4. Insert a suitable word in the following sentences (about, at, away, only), by, for, form, in, into, on, out, to, under, up, with, over).
1. He insisted on seeing the documents.
2. They succeeded ____ escaping ____the burning house.
3. I am not interested ____ anything that happened ____ the very remote past.
4. The children are very fond____ swimming ____ summer they spend most____ their time____ the water.
5. How are you getting ____ at school?-I’m getting____ all right except ____English. I’m very bad____ English; I’ll have to work harder ____it, and spend more time ____ it.
6. Paul goes ____ school ____you, doesn’t he? How’s he getting ____ his English? or How’s his English getting____? - I don’t know. We’re not ____ the same class. But he gets ____ the other students all right. He has heaps ____friends.
7. There is no point____ going____ car if we can’t park near the theatre.
8. She made a point ____coming late so that everyone would look ____. her.
9. It never occurred ____ me to ask him ____proof____ his identity.
10. ____ first, driving on the left is confusing, but you’ll soon get used____ it.
11. I’ve heard such a lot ____ him that I’m looking forward ….. seeing him very much.
12. He was so absorbed ____ his work that when I came ____, he didn’t even look ____ (raise his head).
13. I’m sorry ____Tom. (I pity him). He has worked ____ Brown and Company ____ ten years and now the firm has been taken……. by Jones Ltd, and they’re going to dismiss him.
14. I’m sorry ____ being late____ Monday. Or I’m sorry ____ Monday.
15. The complete set ____ books can be ordered ____$10____ Jones and Company. (Jones and Company will send them to you if you write enclosing $ 10)
16. I’m waiting ____ my friend. He’ll be here ____a moment.
17. I see ____ today’s paper that you need a secretary ____a knowledge of French. I should like to apply ____ the post.
18. You can’t rely ____him. He’s almost always late____ appointments.
19. If you do not comply ____ the traffic regulations you will get ____ trouble ____ the police.
20. Wine is good ____you, but it is expensive____ England because there is a fairly tax ___it.
21. ____fairy stories, stepmothers are always unkind ____ their stepchildren; but my stepmother has always been very good ____me.
22. He was so infuriated ____ the play that he walked____ (left the theatre) ____ the middle ____the first act.
23. My au pair girl takes care____ my little boys (look _____them) _____ the afternoons. She’s very good ____ children. (She can manage them well.)
24. He threw stones ____ his attackers, trying to drive them ____
25. I threw the ball ____ Peter, but instead ____throwing it back____ me, he ran ____and hid it.
26. I object ____ being kept waiting. Why cant’s you be ____ time?
27. “ ____accordance____ the wishes____ my people,” the president said, “I am retiring____ public life.”
28. This regulation doesn’t apply ____ you. You are ____(less than) 18.
29. I’m not exactly keen ____ cooking; but I prefer it ____ washing up. (Washing up is worse than cooking.)
30. I was so afraid ____ missing the train that I took a taxi ____ the station.
31. What ____ taking the day ____ and spending it ____ the seaside?
32. I don’t object____ lending you my pen, but wouldn’t it be better if you had a pen ____ your own?
33. Don’t ask the office ____ information. I will provide you ____all the information you need.
34. I disapprove____ people who make all sorts ____ promises which they have no intention ____ keeping.
35. I was ____ the impression that I had paid you ____ the work you did ____ me.
Ex. 5 Insert a preposition (at, by, in, of, on, past, till/until, to, with) if necessary.
1. He asked ____ his father ____money.
2. They paid____ me____ the books.
3. I thought he would offer____ Ann the job, but he offered it ____ me.
4. Keep ____me a place, and keep a place ____Ann too.
5. They showed ____ us photographs ____ their baby.
6. Buying presents ____ children is sometimes very difficult. ____ the end I bought a kite ____ Tom and a torch ____ Ann.
7. Pass the salt____ your father, Peter, and pass ____ me the pepper, please.
8. When you have lunch ____ a restaurant, who pays ____ the bill?-Oh, each ____ us pays ____ what he has had.
9. Paul’s a pianist. He sometimes plays ____us ____ the evening. Last night he played some Chopin.
10. I think I’ll be able to find ____Ann a job.- Could you find a job ____me, too?
11. He sold the picture ____an American dealer ____ $5.000.
12. He promised ____us a share ____the profits.
13. He built a very nice house ____ Jack ____ only $50.000. I wonder what sort____ house he would build ____me____$ 30.000.
14. She is knitting socks ____ refugees. I wish she’d knit ____me some socks.
15. Sitting ____ the floor isn’t exactly comfortable. Throw ____ me a cushion, please, Ann.
16. if you are going ____ the Post Office, could you buy ____ me a book ____ stamps?
17. If you write ____me a song I’ll sing it ____ the school concert. I’ll get Paul to accompany ____me____ the guitar.
18. Could you lend ____ us your lawnmower, please?-I’m afraid you’ll have to ask ____ someone else to lend____ you one. We’ve lent ours ____ Mr Jones and he always keeps it ____ ages.
19. I thought you’d be late____ dinner, so I ordered some sandwiches ____ you; they’re ____ the bar. I haven’t paid ____ them: you can pay ____ the barman.
20. I explained ____ him that it was the custom ____ England to wash he’s car at the weekend.
21. I described the machine ____ him and asked ____ him if he could make ____ me one like it.
22. He told ____ us that she’d been attacked ____the street. We asked ____ her to describe her attacker and said he was a tall man ____ a help.
23. He told ____ them to wait____ him____ the bridge.
24. I cannot repeat ____ you what she said ____ me____ confidence.
Ex.6. Fill in the correct particle(s).
1. Pass me the newspaper I want to see what’s on at the cinema tonight.
2. Mercian diplomats have broken ____ all relations with Northumbrio.
3. According to the police report, the thieves broke ____through the back door.
4. Please have a seat- the meeting is___ to start.
5. Scientists have broken ____ in their fight against TB.
6. There was mass panic when cholera broke ____ in the city.
7. You aren’t allowed to leave the auditorium until the concert is ____
8. They became annoyed with Sam, who kept breaking ____their conversation.
9. I’m not surprised Sally and Jim broke ____; they kept quarrelling all the time.
10. Thousands of villagers fled when war broke ____ in the north of the country.
11. On seeing the pictures he broke ____ and confessed to his crimes.
12. Can you break the report ____ into five separate sections?
13. By 1980, flared trousers were ____ . Nobody seemed to like them any more.
14. He took a deep breath before breaking the bad news ____ Mrs Jones.
15. This is a difficult task – do you think he will be ____ it?
16. We may be ____ a cold winter this year?
Ex.7. Fill in the correct preposition.
1. Helen was absent from school for more than a week.
2. John is bad ____ algebra.
3. The money we owe the bank amounts ____ over $ 100,000.
4. I’ve been acquainted ____ Norman for many years now.
5. I wish Vince wouldn’t boast ____ winning the lottery.
6. Beware ____ holes in the pavement when you walk round this city.
7. Paul was ashamed____ himself after his unfair attack ____his friends.
8. Peter blamed Alan ____ losing so much money in bad deals.
9. When the broken window was discovered Sam put the blame ____ his brother.
10. The police blamed the fire ____ people smoking in the building.
11. Let’s agree ____ the best way to solve this problem.
12. Helen’s so argumentative! She never agrees ____ anything I say.
13. Very few people believe ____ ghosts.
14. George is busy ____ his homework right now.
15. What time is the train due to arrive ____ St. Petersburg?
16. When he arrived ____ school the gates were locked.
17. Both families approved ____ the marriage.
18. John was angry ____ Anne’s attitude towards the children.
19. She was angry ____ Pete ____ not ringing her.
20. I was angry ____ George ____ his behavior on the school trip.
21. Ben was anxious ____ Amanda to pass her driving test.
22. Sheila was anxious ____ her impending French test.
23. You must take all the tablets if you are to benefit ____ them.
24. You mustn’t let people take advantage ____ you like than.
25. There’s no advantage _____ rushing through your work if you are going to make a lot of mistakes.
26. Albert Einstein was brilliant ____ physics.
27. This film begins ____ the hero running to catch the 8 o’clock train.
Ex.8. Explain the phrasal verbs in italics.
1. The company is planning to bring out a new perfume in the summer. Launch; produce
2. The situation calls for immediate action.
3. The director’s death brought about the collapse of the company.
4. Do carry on with your work while I’m away.
5. Heavy smoking brought on his death.
6. John was completely carried away by the music and lost track of time.
7. The nurse brought the patient round by putting cold water on his face.
8. They managed to carry the task through despite opposition.
9. This tune brings back memories of my childhood.
10. The sale of the painting will bring in several thousand pounds.
11. We need to carry out some tests to find out what’s wrong with you.
12. She was nervous about charring the meeting, but she carried it off without any problems.
13. Please don’t bring up the subject of politics in class.
14. The meeting was called off due to the President’s sudden illness.
15. When fire broke out we called out the fire brigade.
16. They tried to bring down the government by starting a revolution.
Ex.9. Fill in the correct preposition.
1. She applied to the manager ____the post of editor of the magazine.
2. He is crazy_____ all kinds of fast cars.
3. I wouldn’t bet____ it being warm tomorrow.
4. The manager of the bank had to account____ all the money that was missing.
5. . I didn’t realize there would be a charge ____ using this telephone.
6. The police announced that they were going to chare someone____ the murder of the priest.
7. Nobody seems to care ____ what is happening in the world today.
8. James mother told him to care____ himself during the journey.
9. Mark was very clever____ figuring out how machines worked.
10. It was very clever_____ you to remember to bring an umbrella.
11. If you apply now, you’re assured ____getting a place on the course.
12. You can’t compare Elvis Presley____ Michael Jackson. Elvis is the king.
13. Compared ____ winters in Moscow, this isn’t really cold at all.
14. The Police Inspector wasn’t able to comment ____ . The case as they had no new evidence.
15. I’m going to have to stop eating chocolate. I think I’m addicted ____ it.
16. Michael’s been asked to contribute ____. This new science fiction magazine.
17. I couldn’t get into the museum because it was crowded ____ tourists.
18. Scientists are still trying to find a cure ____ AIDS.
19. You have to comply ____ these rules or you will lose your job.
20. Brian’s been accused ____ cheating in his exams.
21. Maria should go and see a doctor. She has been complaining____ back pains for weeks now.
22. I’m going to complain ____ the manager ____ this meal. It was terrible.
23. It upsets me when people are cruel ____ their pets.
24. He doesn’t seem to be aware ____ what’s going on around him.
25. This new book I’m reading is based ____ the life of Jackie Onassis.
Ex.10. Fill in the correct particle(s).
1. While I was walking down Oxford Street I came across a good record shop.
2. You should try to cut ____ the number of cigarettes you smoke a day.
3. After a death of his father the young man came ____ a lot of money.
4. I wonder how she came ____ that expensive car.
5. We were driving slowly enjoying the countryside, when a police car cut ____ and stopped us.
6. The writer’s new book came ____ in time for Christmas.
7. This necklace came ____ me from my grandmother.
8. The stain came ____of the shirt when it was washed.
9. Tim isn’t cut ____ such a high-pressure job.
10. The performance came ____ well.
11. Nothing about the accident came ____ in the news.
12. You are always cutting ____ our conversation!
13. You’d better come ____ a good excuse or you’ll be in trouble.
14. Our electricity was cut ____ because we forgot to pay the bill.
15. After playing football in the rain he came ____ a bad cold.
16. Do come ____ anytime. We can have a cup of coffee together.
Ex.11. Fill in the correct preposition.
1. Your diet is deficient in iron.
2. The TV programme was aimed ____ teenagers.
3. She had to beg ____money on the street.
4. He is very careless ____ his clothes.
5. There was a long delay ____ the completion of the road.
6. As it was icy he lost control of his car and crashed ____ a wall.
7. The couple took great delight ____ their newborn baby.
8. I was delighted ____ the news of their engagement.
9. Sue is very attached ____ her pet dog.
10. She couldn’t concentrate ____ what she was doing because the television was on.
11. The holiday was different ____ the one they had last year.
12. The only difference ____ the twins is in their characters; one is shy while the other is outgoing.
13. There is a great demand ____ economical cars.
14. T he Manager demanded an explanation ____ his assistant.
15. A policeman arrested the woman ____ stealing from a shop.
16. Contrary ____ what the newspaper said, the minister had agreed to sign the treaty.
17. Babies are depended ____ their mothers for everything.
18. The doctor told the woman that she was allergic ____ dairy products.
19. The young actress could never dream ____ starring in such a film.
20. Although her husband has been dead for years, she still dreams ____ him.
21. Are you conscious ____ the fact that you have caused us a lot of trouble?
22. In the desert you can die ____ thirst.
23. A lot of people died ____ the accident.
24. The boy was bored ____ his computer game after having played it all day.
25. We were doubtful ____ whether we should sign the contract or not.
Ex.12. Fill in the correct particle(s).
1. The death penalty should be done away with.
2. The car drew ______ at the side of the road.
3. You shouldn’t spend all your money as you may need something to fall ______ in the future.
4. It was after midnight when the train finally drew ______ at the station.
5. If you fall ______ your rent, you’ll be evicted.
6. The soldiers fell ______ the oncoming army and defeated them.
7. You shouldn’t do ______ your parents. They do care for you.
8. Joan is crying because she fell _______ her best friend.
9. Do ______ your shoe laces or you’ll trip.
10. The house was so badly built that two walls fell ______ after three months.
11. Peter went to the bank to draw ______ $ 300 to pay for his new computer.
12. Our holiday plans fell ______ due to lack of money.
13. When the man approached her, she drew ______ in fear.
14. He wants to save up to buy a car so he’ll have to do ______a holiday this year.
15. She fell ______ his story and gave him all her money, only to find he was a conman.
16. After a long discussion she fell ______ our plan.
Ex.13. Fill in the correct preposition(s).
1. She’s experienced in restoring paintings.
2. He was doubtful ____ passing his physics tests.
3. The athlete failed ____ his attempt to break the world record.
4. Tom failed ____ pass his driving test for the fourth time.
5. London is famous ____ it’s museums.
6. Mary found it difficult to cope _____ two children and a full-time job.
7. Diane argued ____ Sally ____ who would do the ironing.
8. After such a hard winter we are all eager____ summer to come.
9. Now that Jane is 9, she is capable ____ crossing the street on her own.
10. He didn’t accept the job because he was dissatisfied ____the wages offered.
11. I don’t there is any excuse ____ such bad behavior.
12. The boss was furious ____me ____the mix-up in travel arrangements.
13. The receptionist had a little difficulty ____understanding the foreign tourist.
14. She is an expert ____ cooking Japanese food.
15. Professor Davidson is an expert ____Sociology.
16. He’s an expert ____ this type of machinery.
17. She’s an expert ____ Greek history.
18. The memory of this computer is equal ____ that one.
19. All the children are fond ____ their new teacher.
20. She remained faithful ____ her beliefs.
21. Most people believe that experiments ____ animals should be stopped.
22. Everybody congratulated him ____ his success.
23. This music is familiar _____ me.
24. A literature student should be familiar ____ Jane Austen’s novels.
25. All the students were enthusiastic ____ the school trip.
26. She was envious ____my diamond engagement ring.
Ex.14. Explain the phrasal verbs in italics.
1. They managed to get along despite their difficulties. (have a good relationship).
2. I don’t understand what you’re getting at by saying such things.
3. She gets on with all her colleagues; she’s such a nice person.
4. He tried to get through to Ann but the phone was engaged.
5. Although he caused the accident, he got away with a small fine.
6. She’s good at getting her ideals across; everyone understands her.
7. She gives away all her old clothes to charity.
8. The people couldn’t get on the bus because it was already full.
9. It took him three weeks to get over his chest infection.
10. The student failed to get through the whole exam in the time allowed.
11. The Indians had to give in when the cavalry surrounded them.
12. She tried hard to give up smoking.
13. The food supplies gave out after three days so they had nothing but water.
14. The engine was dirty so the car gave off a lot off fumes.
Ex.15. Fill in the correct preposition(s).
1. He was very jealous of his friend’s success.
2. The old lady was generous ____ her grandchildren.
3. The little boy was very frightened ____ the dog next door.
4. To make a good impression ____ his employer he volunteered to work late.
5. The actress was not impressed ____ the role she was offered.
6. The watch he bought from the man was identical ____ the one I had lost.
7. The key ____ his success is his decisiveness.
8. The students were dismissed ____ class at the end of the lesson.
9. The doctor was intent ____ helping the patient.
10. The baby had no intention____ eating it’s food.
11. He is very keen ____ playing computer games.
12. They were keen ____ do something different at the weekend.
13. The girl had heard ____ the accident from an old friends.
14. He was not heard ____ his pen friend in Russia for ages.
15. I’ve heard ____ him but I haven’t met him.
16. He forgave me ____ insulting him.
17. The man was found guilty ____ murder.
18. The women felt guilty ____ leaving her dog outside all night.
19. The boy was expelled ____ school for hitting his teacher.
20. There has been an increase ____ The price of fuel recently.
21. She was good ____ everything at school.
22. She’s good ____ her dog because it keeps her company.
23. The man was not involved ____ the fight.
24. She was afraid ____ jump from the building even through it was on fire.
25. That student was hopeless ____ getting her work in on time.
26. The ice-cream consisted ____ chocolate, bananas, coconut and cream.
Ex.16. Fill in the correct particle(s).
1. Even though the police went after the criminals they didn’t catch tem.
2. “His line is engaged at the moment. Do you want to hold _____ or ring back later?”
3. John won’t be ay work today; he’s gone _____ the flu.
4. Sorry for being late but I was held _____ in the traffic.
5. Melanie is going to go ____ the dancing competition.
6. The fire will go _____ if you don’t put more wood on it.
7. The rovers held _____ The bank and escaped with thousands of pounds.
8. Yes, of course – bring some friends with you. There should be plenty of food to go _____ .
9. She held _____ some very important information which she refused to reveal.
10. Even though Joe was very angry he managed to hold _____ his anger.
11. Even though the police went _____ the evidence many times, they didn’t find anything.
12. The villagers fear that the supply of water will not hold ______ for the summer.
Ex.17. Fill in the correct preposition(s).
1. The surgeon is going to operate on my father tomorrow.
2. Ireland qualified _____ the World Cup Finals in 1990.
3. He insisted ____ having his lawyer present.
4. Mary is married ____ John.
5. If he persist ____ coming to work late every day, I’ll have to speak to him.
6. He was criticized for his neglect ____ his duties.
7. Frank is very mean person. He finds it very difficult to part ____ his money.
8. There were many abjections ____ the council building another shopping centre.
9. Mary was very nervous ____ having a blood test.
10. Many people are ignorant ____the long term effects of pollution.
11. He wrote a cheque ____ $ 250.
12. His arguments are lacking ____ logic.
13. John takes great pride ____ his new car.
14. Sally prides herself ____ being very honest.
15. Carmel is very proud ____ her daughter’s achievements.
16. She paid ____ her new dress ____ cheque.
17. As the shop didn’t accept credit cards, I had to pay ____ cash.
18. You can’t expert Joe to know everything. He’s still relatively new ____ the job.
19. He presented the new employee ____ the manager.
20. He was presented ____ a gold watch on his retirement.
21. I sometimes mistake Clare ____ her sister on the phone.
22. I’m hoping ____ a second interview next week.
23. John is notorious ____ telling lies.
24. He’s fortuned ____ having many good friends.
25. She quarreled ____ Andrew _____ which television programme to watch.
Ex.20. Fill in the correct particle(s).
1. Let’s make for that island wait for the storm to pass.
2. Can’t you use a different pencil? I can hardly make ____ your writing.
3. Instead of reading books to her, Mary’s father used to make ____ stories.
4. He offered to make ____ all the inconvenience by sending them on a free holiday.
5. After shouting at each other for an hour, they decided to make ____
6. She passes ____every time she sees blood.
7. We were very sorry to hear that your grandfather passed ____ last week.
8. “ I’ll pay you ____ for that!” shouted Johnny to a friend who had played a trick on him.
9. I’ll have to pay ____ my Visa bill or I’ll be charged a fortune in interest.
10. If you get caught, you’ll have to pay ____ your crime.
11. We watched the demolition men pull ____ that old building.
12. He waited excitedly on the platform for his friend’s train to pull _____ .
13. Pull yourself _____ and stop crying.
14. The company pulled _____ despite the economic crisis.
Ex.21. Fill in the correct preposition.
1. She has a talent for music so we try to encourage her as much as possible.
2. Why do you waste so much money____ phone calls?
3. My season ticket is valid ____ three months, so I don’t have to renew it until February.
4. My student card gives me a 10% discount, but it is only valid ____ certain shops.
5. She spent a lot of time ____ explaining the project to us.
6. I like to spend my money ____ clothes and foreign holidays.
7. Peter has terrible taste ____ clothes. He wears flowery shirts with green and orange striped jeans.
8. I love the taste ____ this wine- it’s very dry and has a nice fruity flavor.
9. You should not worry ____ your exam results. After all, there’s nothing you can do now to change them.
10. I’m very suspicious ____ that man in the corner- I’m sure he’s been following me!
11. How is your statement relevant ____ this discussion?
12. John said he would vouch ____ me if anyone were to suggest that I committed the crime.
13. I was tired ____ walking such a long distance.
14. I’m tired ____ listening to you moaning about him all the time.
15. I fell obliged ____ be nice to Jack because he’s given me so much help.
16. I tried to warn you ____ him but you wouldn’t listen.
17. Your dress is really similar ____ the one I just bought!
18. Could you please refrain _____ smoking-this is a hospital!
19. Fell free to make use ____ any of the books on the shelves.
20. Now that I’ve become used ____ all the noise I quite enjoy living here.
21. If you don’t stop teasing me, I’ll throw this book _____you.
22. If you throw the fish ____ the seals, they are sure to come to eat them.
23. You shouldn’t let yourself get upset _____ such silly things.
24. That comment was not worthy ____ you!
25. If you subscribe ____ this magazine now, you get a 30% discount.
26. It looks as though I’m going to have to deal ____ all the problems myself.
Ex.22. Fill in the correct particle(s).
1. If you like, I’ll put away all your winter clothes for next year.
2. The army was called in to put ____ the rebellion.
3. He puts his success ___ being in the right place at the right time.
4. The idea lan put ____ is the best so far.
5. The cricket match was put ____ until the weather had improved.
6. Over Christmas I’ve put ____ at least 3 kilos.
7. At home we have two fire-extinguishers in case we have to put ____ a fire.
8. Of course sir, I’ll just put you ____ to Mrs Thomson’s office. Please hold the line.
9. After her death, a statue was put ____ in the town square to honour her.
10. I can’t stand him, but I’ll have to put ____ his being there because John likes him.
11. You’ll never guess who I ran ____ in the supermarket- your friend Tom!
12. Can you believe that he ran ____ all our money? I didn’t thing he was capable of theft.
13. He runs people ____ all the time. He never says anything nice about anyone.
14. We’re run ____ bread. Go and get some, please.
Ex.23. Fill in the correct preposition.
1. At the age of eight months I took my first steps, much to everyone’s amazement.
2. ____ the top of the street there’s a baker’s that sells the most delicious bread.
3. ____ the beginning we got along very well, but now all we seem to do is fight and argue.
4. ____ the end of the story the murderer was caught.
5. We had decided to go to France, but ____ the end we went to Rome.
6. ____ first I thought he was very rude, but now I quite like him.
7. The computer chooses data ____random, so that there is no bias or discrimination involved.
8. ____ my request, they ordered me a taxi.
9. “____ popular request, I proudly present comedian Dave Jones,” said the announcer.
10. Our baby-sister lives close ____ hand, so it’s no problem calling her at a moment’s notice.
11. When Chris met Ann it was love ____ first sight.
12. ____ the top of this hill there is a casino.
13. Put your essay ____ top of that pile over there.
14. The sports shop is ____ 31, Pine Street.
15. ____ all accounts she was a well-behaved little girl.
16. We decided to go ____ bus, but we had to wait for an hour at the bus-stop. The next time we go, we’ll go _____ taxi for sure.
17. I was sitting ____ the bus, reading my book, when Dave sat down beside me.
18. We saw her sitting _____ the taxi and waved at her, but she didn’t notice us.
19. He must have reached Israel _____ now.
20. Don’t worry, I won’t post it. I’ll make sure the letter is delivered ____ hand.
21. The teacher asked the children to learn the poem ____ heart.
22. Although she seems to be a selfish old women she must be kind ____ heart.
23. I’m sorry, but I did the wrong exercise for homework ____mistake.
24. We took him ____ surprise by arranging a party for his 50th birthday.
25. She told me that she had sent the letter ____ post a week ago.
26. The ship was lost _____ sea.
Ex.24. Fill in the correct particle(s).
1. My brother left for France last night so the whole family went to the airport to see him off.
2. “ The butler will see you ____ ,” said Lord Thornton to his visitor as he stood up to leave.
3. We asked if we could see ____ the vacant house, thinking we might want to buy it.
4. “ I’m going to see ____ it that you never work in this town again!” shouted John’s boss.
5. John was not fooled by Helen’s charm. He could see right ____ her.
6. ‘Don’t worry about your university fees. We’ve got some money set ____ for your education,” said David to his son.
7. It took only a few weeks to set ____ the business.
8. We set ____ at 6.00 a.m. in order to reach Birmingham by lunchtime.
9. In the north of Scotland, once bad weather sets ____ it’s bound to last for a long time.
10. A problem at the Nantes office has set the programme ____by about three months.
11. It wasn’t his fault that he lost his job- somebody had set him ____
12. If we want to get this done by five o’clock, we’d better set ____immediately.
13. He said he would set his dogs ____ the boys if they came into his garden again.
Ex.25. Fill in the correct preposition.
1. I won the competition more by luck than by skill.
2. Jane’s bad behavior left everyone ____ a loss for words.
3. The old building was ____ danger of collapsing.
4. We must catch this man _____all costs! He is armed and dangerous.
5. “____ once in your life think of someone besides yourself!” said Tom to his brother.
6. My name’s William but people call me Bill ____ short.
7. Before a plan is carried out, it must be studied ____ detail to make sure everyone knows what they have to do.
8. The sign by the beach said “Motorboats and jet skis ____ hire”.
9. When Jenny went to buy the dress she had been saving up for, she was disappointed to find that the shop did not have her size ____ stock.
10. It was only ____ chance that Kathy learned about her friend’s wedding.
11. “I wonder if we could discuss my salary ____ private,” said Bob to his boss.
12. I’ve never been introduced to Patricia but I know her ____ sight.
13. In our hi-tech world there are many things, that we take ____granted.
14. Ann collapsed ____ tears upon hearing of her grandfather’s death.
15. Why don’t we do something else ____ a change? I’m sick and tired of going to the cinema every Saturday.
16. When the teacher opened the door to the classroom he was pleased to see all the pupils hard ____ work.
17. As the time came for Daniel and Jessica to part, they promised each other that they would stay ____ touch.
18. “I pushed Sarah over ____ accident. I didn’t mean to hurt her,” cried Tina.
19. “You’ll be ____ charge of the children until 12.00 when we get back,” I told the babysitter.
20. This diet seems to work fine. Take Mrs Jones, ____ instance. She has lost three kilos in a week.
21. When I went to make a phone call all the telephones were ____use, so I had to wait.
22. “This time I’m back ____ good. I’m never going back to Australia again,” Nick’s brother assured him.
23. Jane was ____ a hurry and didn’t notice she had dropped her purse.
24. Dora was still ____ pain after her operation; she couldn’t even get out of bed.
25. “Until I know ____ certain that I’ve passed my driving test I won’t buy a car.”
26. The room was _____ a mess because the cleaners had not had time to clear it up.
27. I would like to see your proposal ____ writing before I make a decision.
28. She’s staying with her aunt ____ the time being, until she finds a flat.
29. Most shops sell goods____ a profit because they have bought them very cheaply.
Ex.26. Fill in the correct particle(s).
1. Don’t worry, I’ll stand by you whatever problems you may have.
2. Even though they knew he was innocent, no one stood ____ him.
3. Tom’s taken ____ fishing; it’s a very relaxing pastime.
4. Joanna really stands ____ with her red hair.
5. You take ____ your father; you’re a lot like him.
6. Their business is being taken ____ by a digger company.
7. Simon is too young to take ____ such a big responsibility.
8. RAC stands ____ Royal Automobile Club.
9. Everyone was taken ____ when the manager stood up and walked out of the meeting.
10. As the plane took ____ we had a wonderful view of Hong Kong.
11. Why don’t you take some time____ ? You look exhausted.
12. One of my colleagues was ill yesterday so I stood ____ her.
13. I was taken ____ by her; she fooled me completely.
14. She had to take her skirt ____ because she had lost a lot of weight.
15. This is quite complicated, so you might not take ____ all the information the first time.
16. Work is going well; we’ve taken ____a lot of new clients.
17. Military nurses were told to stand ____ in case of an attack.
18. I don’t know why she stands ____ that sort of behavior. I wouldn’t tolerate it.
19. If washing powder doesn’t take that sport_____ , maybe bleach will.
20. When we heard he had no place to stay, we offered to take him ___ .
Ex.27. Fill in the correct preposition(s).
1. The miners are on strike again. They want better pay.
2. He hid the file ____ purpose so that no one would find it.
3. When Tom is ____ duty he does a lot of sport to relax.
4. She accepted the prize ____ behalf of her father, who was abroad.
5. The drinks machine is ____ order; you’ll have to go out and buy something.
6. Everything is ____ control. There is no need to panic.
7. The plane fell on the floor and smashed ____ little pieces.
8. I’m sorry, but that item is ____ stock. We have sold them all.
9. Don’t buy those now- wait till they’re ____ sale.
10. I see their house is ____ sale- they must be planning to move away.
11. _____ regard to your question, the answer is “yes”.
12. I was _____ the impression that you like football, but I was wrong.
13. He discovered, ____ his surprise, that it was already ten o’clock.
14. There are a lot of animals ____ our farm in Devon.
15. I’m telling you this ____ the record, so you mustn’t print it.
16. Suddenly, ____ warning, a car pulled out from a side road and crashed into her car.
17. The house is ____ fire! Call the fire brigade!
18. This information is ____ limits to all but authorized personnel.
19. The police officer said, “You are ____ arrest.”
20. Welcome ____ board this flight to Rome.
21. Strawberries are ____ season at the moment, so they’re very expensive.
22. It is ____ the law to sell alcohol to children.
23. We sat down ____ a field to have our picnic.
24. We live ____ the outskirts of town, not ____ the centre.
25. I am not ____ good terms with my brother; we’re always fighting.
26. I’ve heard this song so many times that I know it ____ heart.
27. The bridge is ____ repair; it collapsed last night.
28. You’re getting ____ the point; that’s not what we’re talking about.
29. He started ____ scratch and built up an empire.
30. I was late for work _____account of the bus strike.
Ex.28. Fill in the correct particles.
1. We weren’t expecting Bob to turn up so we were very surprised when he did.
2. He’s turning___ work of a very high standard these days.
3. I’m going to turn ____ now; I have to get up early tomorrow.
4. Please turn ____ the lights when you leave.
5. The new detergent is claimed to work ____ even the most difficult stains.
6. I’m sure you’ll be able to work ____ your problems with each other.
7. There’s no one else I can turn ____. You’re my last hope.
8. The lettering on the monument has been worn ____ by acid rain.
9. You’ll get worn ____ if you don’t stop working so hard.
10. I couldn’t turn ____ his offer; it was too good to refuse.
11. I felt sick yesterday morning but the feeling had worn ____ by lunchtime.
12. Please turn _____ and do the exercise on the next page.
Ex.29. Fill in the correct prepositions of place or movement (between, down, on top of, over, in/inside, above, in front of, past, up, among, next to/ by/ beside,, through, under, below, behind, along, opposite, at, round/around, near, outside, on, against, onto, out of, across, to/towards/in the direction of, into)
Reported Speech
Direct Speech | Reported Speech | |
Present Simple | "She works hard," he said | He said (that) she worked hard. |
Present Continuous | "She is working hard," he said. | He said (that) she was working hard. |
Past Simple | "She worked hard," he said. | He said (that) she had worked hard. |
Past Continuous | "She was working hard," he said | He said (that) she had been working hard. |
Future Simple | "She will work hard," he said. | He said (that) she would work hard |
Future Continuous | "She will be working hard," he said. | He said (that) she would be working hard. |
Present Perfect | "She has worked hard," he said. | He said (that) she had worked hard. |
Present Perfect Continuous | "She has been working hard," he said. | He said (that) she had been working hard. |
Time Words
Direct Speech Reported Speech tonight, today, this week/month/year that night, that day, that week/month/year now then, at that time, at once, immediately now that since yesterday, last night/week/month/year the day before, the previous night/week/month/year tomorrow, next week/month/year the following day/the day after, the following/next week/ month/year two days/months/years etc ago two days/months/years etc beforeДата: 2018-11-18, просмотров: 2250.