There are many things that need to be noted when one talks about the _______ and _______of nuclear weapons. Whatever the reason's for acquiring arms, every country needs to _________________. In the race to do so, some countries have gone way ahead of others, and thus find a place in the list of top 10 nuclear weapons countries in the entire world.
The race for arms among the top 10 military powers of the world has been hot since the past ____ - ____ years. There are other countries too that are believed to possess nuclear arms and warheads, but that remains a ____________ or __________________.
For now, let us have a look at the top 10 nuclear power countries around the world. This list is arranged according to the years in which each country kick-started their respective nuclear programs.
1. _________________________________
First Test: __________________
Code Name: _____________________________
Active Warheads: ______________
Total Warheads: ____________________
Status: NPT (Non-Proliferation Treaty)
During World War II, it was feared that the Nazi regime would strive to develop nuclear weapons. As such, the United States started the ____________________________ along with _________________ and the _______________________________. ___________________ was first developed in ________. The US bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 2 Japanese cities, and is the only nation till date to have used nuclear weapons against any other country.
2. Russia
First Test: _______________
Code Name: RDS-1
Active Warheads: ____________
Total Warheads: _____________
Status: NPT
After the World War, Russia needed to restore some balance of power during the Cold War era. They were ______________ and scrambled to develop their own nuclear weapons program, to be on level terms with terms with the US. It is also believed that Russia made use of many __________ to help develop their projects. Russia has the distinction of detonating the the most powerful device by humans, the Tsar Bomba (_____megatons).
3. ___________________
First Test: __________
Code Name: __________________
Active Warheads: _______
Total Warheads: ___________
Status: NPT
_____________ was first tested by the UK in ___________. A lot of its resources and data was taken from the Manhattan Project, that was done in ______________ with the United States. The UK's main aim was that its project act as a deterrent to Russia. It did not want to rely completely on the US for help, and wanted to be an independent nuclear power itself.
4. ____________
First Test: __________
Code Name: Gerboise Bleue
Active Warheads: _____
Total Warheads: ________
Status: NPT
Now the French did not want to be lagging behind either. It wanted to be a power to reckon with, at least in Europe, if not around the world. A commendable fact is that most of the project was carried out on _________________ data. Gerboise Bleue was tested in ___________.
5. China
First Test: ___________
Code Name: 596
Active Warheads: _________
Total Warheads: ___________
Status: NPT
China was wary of both the US and Russia. 596 was first tested in _________. But once the Chinese got started, they worked hard and fast, and were striving to be at par with the 2 superpowers of the world, Russia and the US. Although, China is the only country in the nuclear weapons club to have adopted the 'first no use' policy.
6. _________
First Test: _____________
Code Name: __________ Buddha
Total Warheads: ______
Status: Non-NPT
India tested ___________ Buddha in _______. India maintained that it was a peaceful nuclear program, but it was alleged that dual-use technology was apparent, where civilian nuclear technology could be secretly channeled to weapons technology. India's aim was to be at par with China, and also make sure that its neighbor __________ was aware of its capabilities.
7. __________
First Test: ________
Code Name: Vela Incident
Active Warheads: NA
Total Warheads: __________
Status: ___________
__________ has never officially declared that it is a nuclear weapons state, and has always maintained that whatever it does is related to its civilian nuclear program. Though, images of bunkers for weapons, mobile missile launchers, and launch sites have been captured through ___________________________ on numerous occasions.
8. _______________
First Test: ____________
Code Name: Chagai-I
Active Warheads: NA
Total Warheads: ___________
Status: Non-NPT
Not wanting to be left behind by India, _____________ started its own nuclear program, which is believed to have been helped by China. But it was only in __________that Pakistan tested Chagai, and is believed to be a nation in hot ____________ of increasing its stockpile.
9. ___________________
First Test: _______________
Code Name: _____________
Active Warheads: NA
Total Warheads: __________
Status: Non-NPT
The first test by North Korea was as recently as _________. North Korea was a member of the NPT until ____________. Not much is known about the tests and subsequent projects, as North Korea is one of the most secretive countries in the world.
10. Others
______________________________________________________________________: These are NATO countries, and as a result of the NATO nuclear weapons sharing program, these nations have deployed and stored nuclear weapons that have been provided by the United States. This program is believed to be compliant with the NPT, as the US possesses absolute custody and control of these nuclear weapons.
Ex . 16. Translate into English .
Ситуацию в Сирии и на Ближнем Востоке в целом обсудили глава российского МИД Сергей Лавров и генеральный секретарь ООН Пан Ги Мун в ходе 70й сессии Генассамблеи ООН в Нью-Йорке. Центральной темой разговора была угроза со стороны группировки ИГИЛ. Сергей Лавров считает, что правительство Сирии, умеренная оппозиция и международное сообщество должны бороться с экстремистами совместно. А любые односторонние шаги неэффективны.
Нанося авиаудары в Сирии Россия может добиваться уступок от Запада в конфликте на Украине, считают некоторые западные политики. Хотя Дамаск находится в 3.000 километрах южнее Киева, для Владимира Путина Сирия и Украина могут быть двумя фронтами одной войны, цель которой — блокировать евроинтеграцию Украины, считают некоторые представители ЕС, США и НАТО.
Самолеты Воздушно-космических сил России нанесли точечные удары по девяти объектам «Исламского государства» в Сирии, включая командный пункт. Об этом говорится в сообщении официального представителя Минобороны РФ Игоря Конашенкова, размещенном в субботу, 3 октября, на официальной странице ведомства в социальной сети Facebook.
Российские бомбардировки в Сирии вызвали серьезное напряжение среди государств «нормандской четверки». В пятницу власти этих стран распространили заявление, в котором призвали Москву немедленно отказаться от атак на сирийскую оппозицию и сфокусироваться на борьбе с ИГИЛ. Москва, в свою очередь, отрицает, что наносит удары по сирийской оппозиции.
США не видят военного решения кризиса в Сирии, заявил американский президент Барак Обама на пресс-конференции в Белом доме. Путь к решению проблем в Сирии — политический переход, включающий разные силы”, — уточнил президент США и добавил, что готов работать с Россией над политической трансформацией в этой стране.
Наблюдатели ОБСЕ зафиксировали три самолета на оккупированных территориях Донбасса, говорится в отчете за 1 октября. Также, надземная разведка 29 сентября зафиксировала 29 основных боевых танков, шесть военных грузовиков, 11 установок неопределенной техники в районе села Круглик (32 км юго-западнее Луганска)
НАТО заявило о расследовании инцидента с бомбардировкой больницы международной организации “Врачи без границ” в афганском городе Кундуз, в альянсе не исключают, что это произошло вследствие удара сил США, передает в субботу агентство Франс Пресс. Число погибших при обстреле госпиталя возросло до 9 человек, ранены 37 человек.
Дата: 2018-11-18, просмотров: 388.