1. … … cold outside?
2. … … dark as … … no sun.
3. How many friends … you …?
4. … … many social events at our university.
5. What … … in the file?
6. … … difficult to explain this.
7. What time … …?
8. The car … … four wheels.
9. … … 24 students in our group.
10. … … hard to study a foreign language?
б) переведите на английский язык.
1. В книге 8 глав.
2. Это слишком дорого.
3. Сегодня не жарко.
4. У собаки четыре лапы.
5. Сколько упражнений в учебнике?
6. Сколько у вас детей?
7. Сегодня ветрено?
8. В кабинете нет мебели.
9. Это далеко отсюда?
10. В нашем городе несколько театров.
Задание 6. Переведите словосочетания с местоимениями.
а) на русский язык:
ask him, their office, find it, behave yourselves, answer me, buy them, her daughter’s job, our garden, show us, his car, my studies, help her, explain yourself, make themselves, our dean’s office, send them, sell it, listen to me, give us, take mine, asked himself, your driver’s license, my credit book, its walls.
б) на английский язык:
скажите ему, подождите меня, посмотри на себя, дом моих родителей, спросите их, наш университет, их родной город, делаю сам, дайте нам, продайте свою машину, купите его, возьмите их, помогите его секретарю, помогите ему, переведите сами, его крыша, ее работа, извините нас, расскажите им.
Задание 7. Количественные определители many / much, (a) few / (a) little, all, most, both, neither, none, no, (an)other
Переведите словосочетания
а) на русский язык:
Little experience, both of them, a few minutes, no scientist, another question, much information, a little time, none of them, many people, neither of them, few good teachers, other data, most people, all my colleagues, the other hand, much work, other information, neither of the dictionaries, both of the phenomena, a little tired, most of the time, another reason.
б) на английский язык:
Немного обеспокоенный, оба глаза, еще одно задание, мало опыта, несколько критериев, ни один из нас, все виды животных и растений, много новостей, другое (второе) ухо, мало советов, с другой стороны, большинство наших студентов, мало вакансий, ни один человек, много традиций, все задания, ни один из (2) друзей, большинство стран, еще один час.
Задание 8. Переведите словосочетания с основными предлогами времени и места
а) на русский язык:
At night, to work, in the street, after breakfast, in July, on the floor, on Monday, at university, in the room, in 2022, at that moment, at the lecture, in the garden, on the 1st of May, to the station, at the bus stop, into the bag, out of the room, in the kitchen, before the class, at 6 p.m., in the photo, in the XXth century, in August, on Christmas, in the afternoon, on the way home, from work, at home, in a few days.
б) на английский язык:
В четверг, в июле, на работе, на лекцию, после обсуждения, на картине, в два часа, через два часа, в то время, на стене, перед ужином, в поле, в 1998 году, в канун Нового Года, в кошелек, из кармана, на собрании, в университете, утром, на закате, из России.
Задание 9. Переведите формы английского глагола
а) на русский язык:
to come, shown, discussing, goes, laid, makes, spoke, talking, ate, to be, had, known, bought, understand, saw, includes, situated, bring, separates, washing, caught, consists, played, found, to teach, written, reads, forgotten, spend, built, fights, to put, eating, went, leading.
б) на английский язык
играет, обсудили, кладет, найти, потерянный, ходим, обучающий, видит, понял, принесенный, знал, был, помытый, отделять, прочитал, забыла, ловят, понимать, показывает, увиденный, ушедший, иметь, были, съеденный, сделанный, состоящий, тратить, ставит, лидировать, включал в себя, беседуют, покупающий, принес, строит.
Задание 10. Модальные глаголы с простым инфинитивом (Can/could/may/might/must/should/have to/be to/need to/be able to)
а) вставьте в пропуски подходящий по смыслу модальный глагол:
1. Look at those clouds in the sky! It … rain. 2. She … read when she was five. 3. Students … always be in time for classes. 4. Home plants … be watered regularly. 5. The people of the Earth… be more careful with nature. 6. We … write a grammar test on Friday. 7. I won’t … to come, I’m afraid. Too much work to do for tonight. 8. Mom! Why no? Yesterday you said I … go, and today you say I … not! 9. This car … not be fixed. We will … buy a new one. 10. Hurry up! It’s already 7 o’clock. Dad … be already at home. He always comes at half past six.
б) переведите на английский язык:
1. Он, должно быть, занят. 2. В четыре часа мне придется уйти. 3. Можете идти. 4. Сосед моего друга не умеет плавать. 5. Вам следует идти по левой стороне шоссе. 6. Вы должны беречь клиентскую базу вашей компании. 7. Я не смогу вам помочь. 8. Возможно, я вернусь поздно. 9. Я должен встретиться с делегатами конференции 22 января в 9 утра. 10. Я ничего не мог сделать для нее.
Задание 11. Времена зоны настоящего ( Present Simple/ Present Continuous).
а) Дополните предложения глаголами в правильной видо-временной форме:
1. Don’t come in now. The boss … (talk) on the phone. 2. Our company … (not / produce) medical equipment. 3. Your English is better now. You … (make) progress.4. Ms. Johnson … (teach) Math. 5. The Earth … (go) around the moon. 6. Dunkin often … (take) his father’s car. 7. We … (finish) the project. 8. Look! A star …(fall)! 9. The director’s assistant … (speak) 3 foreign languages. 10. A leather bag … (cost) a lot. 11. I … (not/know) how to do it. 12. I … (understand) that you … (not/speak) the truth.
б) Переведите на английский язык:
1. Вы не туда идете. Вам нужно идти в обратном (opposite) направлении. 2. Осторожно! Ваза падает! 3. Они мне не верят. 4. Босс хочет чашечку кофе. 5. Нет, я не сплю. А что? 6. Сын моего соседа часто попадает в истории (get in trouble).7. Смотри! Кот ловит мышку! 8. Он не часто видится с отцом. 9 . Я тебя не понимаю. 10. Я бегу в магазин. 11. Он переводит текст. 12. Профессор читает лекции по истории Англии.
Лексико-грамматический материал: словообразование, артикль, предлоги места и времени расширенно, предлоги, передающие падежные отношения,числительные, порядок построения вопроса, времена зоны будущего, времена зоны прошлого.
Задание 1. Руководствуясь правилами чтения, прочитайте следующие слова:
Age, knew, talk, autumn, us, requirement, wash, wait, turn, cyclist, since, architecture, science, whole, guess, frown, success, cucumber, develop, lecture, use, accident, although, popularity, air, severe, saw, complaint, admire, engaged, offered, try, furious, equipment, lion, foreign, hour, renewable, company, nationality, taught, guide, discussion, dawn, tie, even, sea, economic, found, electricity, murder, allow, during, pause, agency, earn, tight, obscure, guilty, mechanic, loudly, gym, fought, announce, qualify, knee, language, author, university, watch, ocean, island, earth, analyze, economy, accept, situation, atmosphere, weather, pure, chemistry, washable, realize, understood, wrong, answer, spy, also, ever, scientific, experience.
Задание 2. Письменно распределите слова в четыре колонки: noun/ verb/ adjective/ adverb. Выделите суффиксы . Переведите слова на русский язык .
Entertainment, classify, nearly, friendly, protection, hardly, creative; curious, variety, sorrowful, stainless, satisfy, competent; lovely, statement, darken; cultural; generation, acceptable, agreement, realize, fully, fragrant; judgment; painless; advisable; political; protection; inventive; debate; discussion; comparatively; obvious; brightness; important; thicken; politely; childish; pollution; harmful; width; courageous; timely; announcement; frighten; economical; drizzly.
Задание 3. Вставьте в пропуски артикль, если он нужен.
1. Do you like _____ dogs? 2. We met _____ businessman yesterday. 3. Did you like _____ movie I gave you? 4. It's easy to get _____ taxis downtown. 5. I love _____ book I'm reading right now. 6. I like _____ books. 7. Can you take this to _____ boss? 8. She has _____ easy job. 9 He had _____ good meal at that restaurant last week. 10. Her boyfriend is _____ nice guy. 11. He passes every exam. He's ____ intelligent guy. 12. ____ phone is ringing! Can you answer it? 13. When I was travelling in Mexico, I met ____ woman from Brazil. 14. He spends a lot of time playing ____ video games. 15. What's ____ time? 16. Did you watch ____ news last night on TV? 17. ____ alcohol isn't good for your health if you drink too much. 18. I've got ____ old car. 19. ____ fast food restaurants are really common here. 19. He has ____ great job. 20. What time do you go to ____ school? 21. Both cities are on ____ Pacific Ocean. 22. I have _____ few friends in the States. 23. It costs ____ hundred dollars. 24. It's ____ biggest mall in the city. 25. She's ____ lawyer I told you about.
Задание 4. Предлоги пространства и времени
а) переведите словосочетания на русский язык
Across the street, _last Sunday, in front of the house, in the South, over the head, during the lecture, for a week, by seven p.m., from morning till night, since last Friday, behind the wardrobe, _this year, opposite the church, between us, among his friends, under the ground, above the river, below zero, to the North, along the street, up the road, down the stream, through the fog, off the bike, get on the bus, get off the train, get in the car, get out of the car, get on the horse, get off the cycle, _next week.
б) переведите словосочетания на английский язык
К следующей неделе, выше нуля, под горой, в течение года, передо мной, в следующем семестре, через реку, по мосту, с 10.00 до 12.00, сквозь дым, во время концерта, на прошлой неделе, напротив нас, вниз по лестнице, к востоку, садиться на велосипед, ниже стандартного уровня, выходить из трамвая, за забором, между ним и тобой, вдоль горизонта, с утра, садиться в машину, вверх по стене, выходить из машины, на западе, среди людей, (смотреть) в окно, в следующую субботу, сойти с лошади, садиться в поезд, (упасть) со стола
Задание 5. Предлоги, передающие падежные отношения ( of, to, by, with)
а) переведите словосочетания на русский язык:
To work with a screwdriver, a book of poems, to explain to the students, the rule explained by the teacher, pay by credit card, saw with my own eyes, to go by bus, the ground covered with snow, to write a letter to a friend, to cut with a knife, the hit of the year, a monument to Pushkin.
б) переведите словосочетания на английский язык:
Сделал собственными руками, объяснить ее брату, отправить почтой, загрузить грузовик мебелью, ворот рубашки, жить охотой, подойти к мосту, берега Темзы, передвигаться скачками, памятник Салавату Юлаеву, есть вилкой.
Задание 6. Напишите словами по-английски:
1. 245; 533; 816.
2. 3,562; 7,324.
3. Сто книг; сотня страниц; сотни людей.
4. Тысяча машин; тысячи людей; миллион книг.
5. 2+3=5; 7-4=3; 3х5=15; 10:2=5.
6. 1 Января; 8 Марта.
7. Глава 5; автобус 6.
8. 3.45; 8.09.; 16.001, 12.15, 19.51 (десятичные дроби)
9. 2/3; 4/5, 4/9.
10. Час, полчаса, четверть часа, полтора часа.
Задание 7. Порядок построения вопросительного предложения.
а) Задайте общий вопрос и вопрос к почеркнутому слову:
1. Jane teaches Math. 2. I knew the truth. 3. Maria studied abroad. 4. The radio was invented in 1895. 5. Michael has passed all the exams well. 6. They write tests every two weeks. 7. The children are at home. 8. I am going to the bank. 9. There was a bill in the envelope. 10. The ostrich has got 2 legs.
б) Допишите разделительный вопрос:
1. She is your friend,…? 2. You haven’t got a dog, …? 3. Everybody is looking for him, …? 5. Your sister reads a lot, …? 6. You studied in Moscow, …? 7. Ann can’t come,…? 8. Let’s call it a day, …? 9. You want to become a good specialist, …? 10. Old granny Hanna never went to university, …?
Задание 8. Времена зоны будущего (Future Simple, Present Continuous, be going to do, Present simple)
а) Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужную форму:
1 A: Your house is very small.
B: I know. I .... (move) to a bigger house next year.
2 A: I have got a new job!
B: Wonderful! I… (call) Mum and tell her the good news.
3 A: How old is your daughter?
B: She .......(be) fourteen next week.
4. A: What time are you leaving?
B: The train …(depart) at 6.30 a.m.
5. A: You …(go) to the fair?
B: Yes, but I …(not/buy) anything.
6 A: You … (have) a party next weekend?
B: Yes. I hope everybody....(come).
7 A: What are your plans for tonight?
B: Well, I......(meet) Steve at 8 o'clock.
8 A: I must buy some bread.
B: You'd better hurry. The shops… (close) in half an hour.
9 A: I've left my jacket at home.
B: I .... (go) back and get it for you.
10 A: Have you booked a taxi to take you to the airport?
B: Yes. It ......(come) at eight o'clock in the morning.
б) Переведите на английский язык:
1. Я не собираюсь с вами спорить. 2. Если я не успею на автобус, я опоздаю на работу. 3. Я вечером провожаю Анну в аэропорт. 4. Ты не одолжишь мне ноутбук? 5. Когда шеф возвращается из Италии? – Точно не знаю. Думаю, он приедет в конце следующей недели. 6. Возможно, я буду свободен в пять. 7. Я буду в вашем распоряжении (at your disposal) через пять минут. 8. Я спрошу его об этом, если увижу сегодня. 9. Распечатать этот документ? 10. В четверг я еду на конференцию в Москву.
Задание 9.Времена зоны прошлого ( Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect)
а) Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужную форму:
1. They (learn) all the new words. 2. When I arrived at the restaurant, Victoria (already/ order) a glass of water. 3. They needn't worry about the test. 4. I (think) of it just when you (open) your mouth. 5. Three people (visit) him in hospital last Friday. 6. Martin (cycle) for 50 miles on scenic routes three weeks ago. 7. He noticed that Peter (not/ paint) the old chair. 8. We (never/ try) chicken Tandoori before. 9. (you/ find) a job yet? 10. She (take) out her pen and (start) writing. 11. Emily and Molly (know) each other for more than 10 years now. 12. First he (listen) to the announcement, then he (go) to a café for a drink. 13. Before Emma laid the table, she (have) a talk with her mother. 14. When she (have a bath), the child (begin) to cry. 15. She (be) late four times this week. 16. What's that lovely smell in here? - Jasmin (bake) a yummy cake. 16. The Titanic (hit) an iceberg in 1912 and (sink) within three hours. 17. She asked me if I (learn) the new words.
б ) Переведите на английский язык :
1. Разве ты еще не видел этот фильм? 2. Мы не знали, что делать дальше, и поэтому решили подождать. 3. Когда преподаватель диктовал последнее предложение, дверь открылась, и вошел директор. 4. Я потеряла перчатки. Ты их видел где-нибудь? – Нет, а когда ты в последний раз их надевала? 5. Когда мы пришли, все еще смотрели телевизор. 6. Почему ты до сих пор не перевел статью? 7. Дождь начался два часа назад. 8. Когда мы приехали в аэропорт, самолет уже взлетел. 9. Разве вы не были в Италии? – К сожалению, нет. Но я был в Испании прошлой зимой. 10. Вчера мы встретили Дэна. Он нес большую коробку.
Лексико-грамматический материал: словообразование, глаголы и прилагательные с фиксированными предлогами, страдательный залог, употребление модальных глаголов со сложными формами инфинитива
Задание 1. Руководствуясь правилами чтения, прочитайте следующие слова:
Successfully, foreign, unfortunately, sincerely, proficiency, constitution, spread, language, support, private, culture, survive, further, fought, Australia, arrive, almost, thousand, suffer, discover, knee, wound, threat, wheat, sugar, island, rare, giant, marine, turtle, resources, undeniable, outline, entertainment, cartoon, character, generate, producer, production, industry, called, huge, technology, intelligent, education, include, public, official, quality, associate, unattractive.
Задание 2. Перепишите предложения, вставив в пропуски подходящие по смыслу однокоренные слова, образованные из слов, данных в скобках.
1. He was sitting __ in his seat on the train. (comfort)
2. He was acting in a very __ way. (child)
3. This word is very difficult to spell, and even worse, it's __. (pronounce)
4. He's lost his book again. I don't know where he has __ it this time. (place)
5. You shouldn't have done that! It was very __ of you. (think)
6. He didn't pass his exam. He was __ for the second time. (succeed)
7. Some of the shanty towns are dreadfully __ . (crowd)
8. The team that he supported were able to win the__ . (champion)
9. There is a very high __ that they will be late. (likely)
10. I couldn't find any ___ in his theory. (weak)
11. He wants to be a ___ when he grows up. (mathematics)
12. You need to be a highly trained __ to understand this report. (economy)
13. She arrived late at work because she had___ . (sleep)
14. The road was too narrow, so they had to ___ it. (wide)
15. They had to __ the lion before they could catch it. (tranquil)
16. He needed to __ the temperature. (regular)
17. I think that you should ___. It may not be the best thing to do. (consider)
18. There was a three-hour __ because of the strike. (stop)
19. You need a ___of motivation, organization and revision to learn English. (combine)
20. I try not to go to the supermarket at 5pm because it's __. (practice)
Задание 3. Прилагательные с фиксированными предлогами. Перепишите предложения, заполняя пропуски предлогами. Для выполнения упражнения вам потребуется словарь.
1. Venice is famous ......... its canals.
2. My son is afraid ......... the dark.
3. Maria is married ......... my cousin.
4. The second hotel was different ......... the first.
5. Lucas is very good ......... drawing.
6. I'm tired ......... waiting for the bus. Let's take a taxi.
7. George was worried ......... his father's health.
8. I didn't know you were interested ......... science.
9. Why are you angry ......... him?
10. We were very pleased ......... the service.
11. He is responsible … preparing handouts.
12. He said he was sorry … keeping me waiting.
13. If you are serious … going ahead with this, let's have a meeting.
14. The Mini-TV is very popular … our younger customers.
15. South Africa is rich … natural resources like diamonds and gold.
16. He has very little experience. I don't think he would be capable… running such a large project.
17. I am very proud …my younger sister.
18. I'm not sure if he is aware … all the facts.
19. The students are bored … these exercises.
20. Betty is very friendly … Bob.
Задание 4. Глаголы с фиксированными предлогами. Перепишите предложения, заполняя пропуски предлогами (если это необходимо). Для выполнения упражнения вам потребуется словарь.
1. I can't find my wallet. Can you help me look … it?
2. Joanna prefers classical music… pop.
3. We're hoping to have a barbecue tomorrow. It depends … the weather.
4. If you're going to be late, phone … me.
5. Tim explained … the film crew what they had to do.
6. Annie applied … the BBC … a job as a radio presenter.
7. I can't go out yet, I'm waiting … a phone call.
8. When I saw Derek, I congratulated … him … his promotion.
9. Helen is a lawyer. She specializes… environmental law.
10. Terence is going to ask … his boss … a pay rise.
11. You should apologize … your behaviour.
12. The journalist asked … the actor … his latest role.
13. What time do you normally leave … the office in the evening?
14. This song reminds me … last summer.
15. At the summit the politicians discussed … globalization.
16. Melanie just can't stop talking … her new car!
17. How much money do you spend … cigarettes every month?
18. The teacher split the class … four groups.
19. Could you look … our dogs while we're away?
20. Why aren’t you listening … me?
Задание 5. Страдательный залог.
а) Образуйте формы страдательного залога от следующих видо-временных форм глаголов:
to write, will help, should bring, is looking for, has bought, can wash, was reading, ate, were listening, have told, must wear, had got, could do, will have finished, to have made, may close.
б) Перепишите предложения в страдательном залоге.
1. They speak English and French at this hotel.
2. The little boy broke the window last week.
3. Our secretary typed this enquiry.
4. Jill uses the computer quite often.
5. The secretary defended some colleagues.
6. Picasso painted this picture.
7. Last year they published ten books.
8. Molly has knitted this cardigan.
9. Next year George will visit Marc in London.
10. Jim has opened the window.
11. Frank has broken many windows.
12. Lucy buys many books.
13. David has written some letters.
14. Benjamin Franklin invented the lightning conductor.
15. All students have learned the irregular verbs.
Задание 6. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в правильной видо-временной форме в действительном или страдательном залоге.
1. That door … (paint) yesterday.
2. Michelangelo … (paint) the Sistine Chapel.
3. Michael Schumacher … (drive) for Ferrari in 2003.
4. In the UK, everyone … (drive) on the left.
5. Inter-city trains … (usually/drive) by men.
6. The 'La Stampa' newspaper … (read) by two million people in Italy.
7. My car… (steal)! Call the police!
8. The thieves … (steal) the gold last week.
9. The Queen … (open) the bridge tomorrow.
10. The bridge … (destroy) by the storm last night.
11. I … (learn) Japanese when I was in Tokyo.
12. I … (teach) by an old Japanese man.
13. This letter should…(type), not handwritten!
14. The new secretary … (type) at 100 wpm.
Задание 7. Модальные глаголы со сложными формами инфинитива.
а) Подчеркните модальный глагол с инфинитивом и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. They can’t have arrived so early.
2. She must have forgotten about it.
3. Ann may be sleeping.
4. This document shouldn’t have been wiped out.
5. Bears shouldn’t be fed or they will ask for food from other tourists.
6. We could have taken a taxi but finally decided on the tube.
7. You might have e-mailed me at least!
8. You needn’t have translated my words, he understands English.
9. The criminal may have been able to get in touch with his accomplices.
10. The guests must be already getting round.
б) Образуйте нужную форму инфинитива глагола, указанного в скобках, и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. The computer isn’t working. It must…(damage) during production.
2. That man may …(notice) the bank robbers’ getaway car.
3. Someone must … (break) the window and climbed in.
4. I’m not really sure where Beverly is. She may … (sit) in the living room, or perhaps she’s in the backyard.
5. Claire was very upset you didn’t go to her birthday party. You might … (go).
6. I can hear Al’s voice from the next room. He must …(talk) on telephone.
7. You shouldn’t … (shout) at Samantha. She will never forgive you!
8. You needn’t … (do) the washing up. I was going to put everything in the dishwasher.
9. And as for her weight, it shouldn’t … (mention), of course.
10. English grammar can’t … (study) in a few days.
в) Переведите на английский язык.
1. Свет выключен. Должно быть, все легли спать.
2. Тебе необязательно было делать это сегодня.
3. Возможно, ему удалось исправить положение.
4. Все гостиницы переполнены. Нам следовало забронировать номер заранее.
5. Этот молоко, должно быть, хранили в холодильнике больше недели.
6. Возможно, Энн уже ждет нас на вокзале.
7. Не может быть, что картину украли.
8. Полицию следовало вызвать немедленно.
Лексико-грамматический материал : словообразование, фразовые глаголы, сослагательное наклонение, неличные формы глагола
Задание 1. Отработайте чтение следующих слов.
Design, urgent, technology, applied, purpose, encourage, creativity, component, opportunity, various, particular, circumstance, authentic, include, almost, accuracy, fairly, guideline, discussed, advisable, vocabulary, contribute, course, wholesale, resource, invaluable, entirely, verify, human, anxious, luxury, luxurious, ultimate, artificial, determine, develop, spontaneous, posture, casual, stylish, instant, community, revenue, initiative, liability, retail, supplier, casual.
Задание 2. Перепишите предложения, вставив в пропуски подходящие по смыслу однокоренные слова, образованные из слов, данных в скобках. Переведите предложения .
1. It isn't very …that Paula is at home, is it? She usually works at this time. (like)
2. Megan was told by her dietician that she was becoming …thin and should eat more. (danger)
3. … is the spice of life, says the proverb and everyone should try and do new things and meet new people to avoid becoming bored. (vary)
4. Harry had a difficult …and was brought up by an aunt and uncle living in the country. (child)
5. The whole dispute began after a small …over the money needed to finance the new company. (agree)
6. The introduction of insecticides in the 20th Century …agriculture across the world. (revolution)
7. All the coastal towns in this area are …by strong tradition of dance and there is a festival of dance that takes place every August.
8. My company has spent a lot of money building a new, … factory which will nearly double production. (computer)
9. I was just trying to be …towards him and he accused me of wanting his money! (friend)
10. The south-west of England, for example Devon and Cornwall, is known as the …part of the United Kingdom. (sun)
11. What you may think is …is really just over-enthusiasm. He would never harm anyone. (hostile)
12. Anyone being rude and …to our staff will be asked to leave the premises immediately. (abuse)
13. Men have more of a …to put weight on around the waist and stomach areas and this is something they should be aware of.
14. Three weeks after winning the lottery, Daniel Perkins had the …to lose a court case in which he was being sued for nearly $2million.
15. The pharmaceutical company's …have discovered a better way of combining medicines to create a flu remedy. (search)
16. The stock market has risen …in the last six months and now is a good time to invest. (consider)
17. Herbert has been a(n) …member of this company's staff. I don't know what I would do without him!(dispense)
18. The food at the restaurant was simply delicious. I just didn't think there was enough … . (vary)
19. Even though the actors did quite a poor job of bringing the book to the stage, the …was of the highest quality. (produce)
20. Even though he is only 17, he is a very …tennis player who could have a big future in the game.(promise)
Задание 3. Фразовые глаголы.
а) переведите следующие фразовые глаголы с помощью словаря:
come on, speak up, give up, look after, fall behind, turn on, switch off, figure out, put up with, fall out, put on, take off, go on, make up, let down, work out, come in, go out, take on, catch up, look forward to, make up with, be in, take down, look for, come across, watch out.
б) переведите предложения, содержащие фразовые глаголы, на русский язык
1. She never gave up hope that he would get well. 2. I could not do without my cell phone. 3. I had trouble getting through to you because my phone had bad reception. 4. What time did you get up this morning? 5. He gave up smoking. 6. He let us down when he didn't do as he said he would. 7. She has always looked up to her older sister. 8. It was hard to make out the words on the old memorial stone. 9. He tends to put off paying his taxes. 10. The firemen put out the fire. 11. His daughter takes after him in business sense. 12. The airplane took off on time.
в) вставьте в пропуски необходимые предлоги и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. I don't know where my book is. I must look …it.
2. Fill … the form, please.
3. The music is too loud. Could you turn … the volume, please?
4. Quick, get … the bus or you'll have to walk home.
5. Turn … the lights when you go to bed.
6. Do you mind if I switch … the TV? I'd like to watch the news.
7. The dinner was ruined. I had to throw it ….
8. When you enter the house, take … your shoes and put …your slippers.
9. If you don't know this word, you can look it …in a dictionary.
10. They looked … him when his parents couldn't.
11. Watch … or you might get hurt.
12. We had been quarreling for two years, but we made …last night.
Задание 4. Определите тип условного предложения и переведите предложения
А ) на русский язык
1. If you go out with your friends tonight, I will watch the football match on TV.
2. If you had switched on the lights, you wouldn’t have fallen over the chair.
3. If I were you, I would be spending my vacation in Seattle.
4. If Nancy gets good marks,her dad will buy a new computer for her.
5. If my mother wasn’t tired,she would make a cake.
6. If she hadn't gone to England, she wouldn’t have met Orlando Bloom.
7. If I hadn’t arrived at the airport so late, I would not have missed my flight.
8. If you buy one t-shirt, you will get the second one free.
9. If I were you, I would apologize to her right away.
10. If you had saved some money earlier, you wouldn’t have been broke right now.
б) на английский язык
1. На твоем месте я бы не стал ей помогать.
2. Я бы сейчас сходила с вами в кино, если бы так сильно не устала.
3. Если ты потеряешь работу, новую будет найти трудно.
4. Я бы ушел, если бы она не попросила меня остаться.
5. Если ты сегодня вечером придешь, я приготовлю что-нибудь вкусненькое.
6. На его месте я бы отказалась от этой работы.
7. Если он узнает правду, он никогда не простит меня.
8. Наш кот укусит тебя, если ты почешешь ему живот.
9. Я бы никогда не сказал тебе этого, если бы не думал, что это очень важно.
10. У меня нет ручки, но если бы была, я бы конечно, дала ее вам.
Задание 5. Переведите предложения с ‘ I wish ”
а ) на русский язык :
1. I wish I were a child again.
2. I wish you would do something instead of just sitting and whining.
3. I wish they had come.
4. I wish I had chosen another profession when he was twenty.
5. I wish she would visit more often.
6. I wish I knew her telephone number.
8. I wish you didn’t have to go so soon.
9. I wish I hadn’t said it.
10. I wish I had studied harder at school.
б) на английский язык:
1. Жаль, что у меня нет машины.
2. Жаль, что ты отказался от этой работы.
3. Хотелось бы, чтобы ты приходил домой пораньше.
4. Жаль, что ты не сказал правду.
5. Жаль, что у нее так мало терпения.
6. Хотелось бы, чтобы люди ели более здоровую пищу.
7. Жаль, что я забыл ему позвонить.
8. Жаль, что у нас так мало времени.
9. Жаль, что ты провалил экзамен.
10. Жаль, что ты не спросил об этом.
Задание 6. Определите тип конструкции ( Complex Subject или Complex Object ) и переведите предложения
а ) на русский язык :
1. She is known to live in France.
2. Miss Bright believed Brown to have stolen the money.
3. Do you often have your car repaired?
4. The tickets were supposed to be sold in the afternoon.
5. We noticed the woman enter the house through the back door.
6. She is likely to succeed.
7. I saw you dancing in the gym.
8. The bag is not likely to have been stolen.
9. The inspector would like you to explain everything to him.
10. Hot weather makes me feel bad.
11. He seems to be sleeping.
12. Parents usually expect their children to be obedient.
13. He has had a bad tooth pulled out.
14. They expected him to be caught by the police.
15.I saw her running along the road.
16. Father made me show my school report.
17. You are certain to win.
18. Let them go.
19. He is said to have been killed by robbers.
20. Don’t let the girl go to the wood alone.
б) на английский язык:
1. Я хочу, чтобы моя бабушка сводила меня в цирк.
2. Говорят, что он знает 5 иностранных языков.
3. Не позволяйте детям поздно ложиться спать.
4. Похоже, она нас не понимает.
5. Я не слышал, как она это сказала, потому что она говорила тихо.
6. Я слышу, что кто-то плачет.
7. Маловероятно, что пойдет дождь.
8. Я хочу, чтобы вы написали тест.
9. Я не ожидал, что ты так быстро закончишь отчет.
10. Ожидается, что цены на нефть упадут.
11. Не заставляй ее лгать.
12. Говорят, что он не сдал экзамен.
Задание 7. Перепишите предложения, используя правильную форму глагола (инфинитив или герундий) и переведите их на русский язык:
1. Dan enjoys __ (read) science fiction.
2. Cheryl suggested __ (see) a movie after work.
3. I miss__(work) in the travel industry. Maybe I can get my old job back.
4. Where did you learn _ (speak) Spanish? Was it in Spain or in Latin America?
5. Do you mind __ (help) me translate this letter?
6. He asked __ (talk) to the store manager.
7. You've never mentioned ___ (live) in Japan before. How long did you live there?
8. If he keeps __ (come) to work late, he's going to get fired!
9. Debbie plans __ (study) abroad next year.
10. I agreed ___ (help) Jack wash his car.
11. I hope ___ (graduate) from college next June.
12. Models practiced __ (walk) with a book balanced on their heads.
13. Mandy has promised __ (take) care of our dog while we are on vacation.
14. Mr. Edwards chose ____ (accept) the management position in Chicago rather than the position in Miami.
15. I don't know what she wants __ (do) tonight.
16. Frank offered __ (help) us paint the house.
17. Sandra decided __ (study) economics in London.
18. Witnesses reported __ (see) the bank robber as he was climbing out of the second-story window.
19. Stephanie dislikes ___ (work) in front of a computer all day.
20. Mrs. Naidoo appears __ (be) the most qualified person for the job.
Задание 8. Переведите предложения на английский язык. При переводе используйте инфинитив или герундий.
1. Джон любит плавать.
2. Дождь прекратился пару часов назад.
3. Мы остановились, чтобы перекусить.
4. Я решил поступить в магистратуру.
5. Древние племена жили охотой.
6. Ребята предложили сходить в кино.
7. Хозяйка предложила сделать нам кофе.
8. Дэн отказался разговаривать со мной о его брате.
9. Он почему-то отрицает, что мы знакомы.
10. Я боюсь идти через мост. Кажется, он опасный.
11. Я устала мыть посуду каждый вечер.
12. Мы хотим немного поболтать.
Дата: 2019-12-10, просмотров: 404.