Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой


Main part

A 55-year-old man turned to the doctor’s general practitioner’s office,

alcohol abuser, smoker, complaining of pain in the abdomen,

spreading upward, occur more often after 1.5-2 hours after copious, acute or

fatty foods, lasting up to 3 hours, aggravated by lying on the back,

decreasing in a sitting position with an inclination forward, pulling the legs to the chest.

Sometimes pain radiates to the left half of the chest.

Also notes nausea, lack of appetite, bloating.

After each meal for 1 hour, a mushy, sometimes

watery stool containing drops of fat.

Notes weight loss.


1. State the most probable preliminary diagnosis.

2. List the possible complications of this disease.

3. What survey methods are used to confirm and clarify

the diagnosis?

4. What are the main objectives of conservative management / treatment of patients with this

a disease?

5. List the main medical and non-medical treatment

measures shown for this patient.


Situational task 198 [K002061]



Main part

A 38-year-old patient, an engineer, consulted a local GP with complaints of

repeated heart attacks that occur for no reason, without any

connection with movement, unrest, eating, accompanied by chest tightness,

lack of air, trembling of the whole body. Attacks stop on their own. After

stopping one of the attacks of the heartbeat was a short-term loss of consciousness.

Outside of an attack, weakness, fatigue, dizziness worries.

The patient considers himself within a year. It all started with ailment, long

subfebrile condition, arthralgia, interruptions in the work of the heart. Myocarditis was diagnosed,

was treated in a hospital. At discharge, doctors recommended taking medication.

belladonna, because there was a constant tendency to bradycardia - the pulse rate was

between 50-55 per minute.

Three months ago, the first heart attack occurred, then it repeated through

three weeks, and more recently, seizures occur 3-4 times a week. ECG picture in

attack time:

Anamnesis of life: in the past it’s almost healthy, there were no serious diseases,

I was always physically active, went skiing, visited the pool.

Gynecological history without features, childbirth 1 without complications.

Objectively: at the time of examination, the patient's condition is satisfactory. Pulse - 48

per minute, irregular (5-7 drops, or pauses, per minute). HELL - 130/70 mm RT. Art.

Borders of relative cardiac dullness in the V intercostal space along the midclavicular line.

In lung vesicular breathing, no wheezing. The abdomen is soft, painless with

palpation, the liver is not enlarged. There are no fathers.

On the ECG immediately after examination of the patient:


1. Your presumptive underlying diagnosis.

2. What are the criteria for the main diagnosis.

3. What conditions should be used for differential diagnosis?

4. Indicate additional examination methods to clarify the diagnosis.

5. Select a treatment tactic.


Situational task 199 [K002062]



Main part

A 39-year-old man complains about an appointment with a local GP

shortness of breath, palpitations, cough. Shortness of breath and intermittent palpitations

notes for 5 years. About a week ago he contracted tonsillitis with the appearance of high

temperature, cough. On the night before going to the doctor, I could not sleep because of severe

shortness of breath, increasing in a horizontal position. In adolescence were

frequent sore throats, against which pains in large joints bothered. Observed at

neurologist regarding chorea.

Objectively: orthopnea, acrocyanosis, NPV - 28 per minute, edema of the lower extremities,

lifting apical impulse. Pulse of weak filling, arrhythmic, 96 beats

per minute. Heart rate according to auscultation - 110 per minute. Blood pressure - 100/60

mmHg Art., body temperature - 37.4 ° C. The liver is enlarged, slightly painful with

palpation. With percussion, the heart is enlarged left and right. In the lower parts of the lungs

fine bubbling rales. With auscultation of the heart - arrhythmia with the absence of periods

the right rhythm. At the top is a three-tune melody with a low dull extra

component, emphasis II tone on the pulmonary artery. Three-tune melody is heard in

Botkin's point. Systolic and protodiastolic murmur at the apex. Systolic

noise at the apex is amplified on exhalation, carried out in the axillary region.

Complete blood count: ESR - 32 mm / hour, white blood cells - 11300 in 1 mm 3 . Biochemical

blood test: C - reactive protein (++++). DFA - 0.500 (N up to 0.200).


1. Formulate a presumptive diagnosis.

2. What are the criteria for the main diagnosis.

3. What complications of the underlying disease do you suspect?

4. Make and justify a plan for additional examination of the patient.

5. Justify the treatment tactics, the choice of drugs.


Situational task 200 [K002063]

Дата: 2019-12-10, просмотров: 287.