Main part
A 60-year-old patient was admitted to the hospital with complaints of shortness of breath, pain in the left half
chest during coughing and breathing, hemoptysis, fever up to 38 ° C,
weakness. She became ill sharply 2 days ago, when suddenly an attack of suffocation
accompanied by pain in the left half of the chest, palpitations; was
short-term loss of consciousness. An emergency doctor was offered
hospitalization, which the patient refused. Today the dyspnea attack repeated
hemoptysis appeared, hospitalized. The patient's condition is severe, skin
integument pale cyanotic. Swelling of the lower extremities is observed, more than the left,
varicose veins, hyperemia of the skin of the left lower leg with a cyanotic hue.
Respiratory rate - 26 per minute. Pulse - 110 beats per minute, rhythmic, small
filling. HELL - 90/60 mm RT. Art., I tone at the apex of the heart is weakened, the emphasis of II tone over
pulmonary artery. With percussion of the lungs, the blunting of the pulmonary sound in
left subscapular region, here is heard the noise of friction of the pleura. On an ECG
recorded an increase in Q waves in lead III and S in lead I, segment elevation
ST and negative T wave in lead III, blockade of the right bundle branch block.
1. What is the most likely diagnosis for this patient?
2. Justify your diagnosis.
3. Make a plan for additional examination of the patient.
4. What is your further therapeutic tactic?
5. Indications and methods of surgical treatment.
Situational task 189 [K002052]
Main part
A 21-year-old patient called a local therapist at the doctor’s house urgently in connection with
complaints of the release of large amounts of red blood from the rectum with
bowel movements, rapid stool up to 5 times a day, fever up to 38 ° C,
general weakness.
The appearance of blood in the stool notes over the past 2 months, has gradually become
the stool becomes more frequent, the consistency has changed to a mushy, general weakness has appeared,
low-grade fever, worsening within 3 days.
On examination, the skin is pale. HELL - 110/70 mm RT. Art. Pulse - 96 per minute,
rhythmic. The tongue is covered in white. The abdomen is soft, painful in the left
iliac area. Symptoms of peritoneal irritation are negative.
The patient was sent to a hospital for the selection of therapy and further examination
in order to clarify the diagnosis.
1. Formulate a preliminary diagnosis.
2. With which diseases is it necessary to make a differential diagnosis?
3. What studies need to be done for this patient?
4. What groups of drugs can be used to treat this
5. What are the possible complications of this disease?
Situational task 190 [K002053]
Main part
A 21-year-old student turned to a polyclinic at a local physician
complaints of recurrent diarrhea, pain and bloating during the last 6
months, unexplained weight loss (about 5 kg).
She noticed that diarrhea becomes less pronounced if she stops eating
eat bread.
Also worried about the itchy rash on the extensor surfaces of both elbows,
spontaneously formed small hemorrhages in the skin.
Notes that she began to feel general weakness and malaise last
month. On examination, body temperature - 36.8 ° C, heart rate - 80 beats per minute, blood pressure - 115/75 mm
Hg. Art., NPV - 16 per minute, O 2 saturation - 99%.
From the anamnesis: sick with type I diabetes.
According to the general analysis of blood, serum iron, ferritin, free
transferrin, iron deficiency anemia is established.
1. What is the etiology and pathogenesis of this disease?
2. What changes in stool are characteristic of this disease?
3. Name and describe a complication (syndrome) that develops with prolonged
uncontrolled course of this disease.
4. What studies must be performed to confirm the diagnosis
5. What are the basic principles for treating this disease?
Situational task 191 [K002054]
Дата: 2019-12-10, просмотров: 270.