Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой


Main part

Patient P. 35 years old turned to a consultative appointment with a general practitioner

a district policeman complaining of drowsiness, weakness, and pastiness of the face,

dry skin, constipation.

From the medical history: these symptoms have been bothering for the past 5

months. Six months ago, she was operated on for diffuse toxic goiter.

(DTZ). Since that time, I haven’t applied to doctors, I haven’t received treatment.

Objectively: the general condition is satisfactory. The skin is dry.

Pastosity of the face, imprints of teeth on the tongue. There are no edemas, striae, hirsutism. At

percussion of lungs over all pulmonary fields defines a clear pulmonary sound.

The vesicular breathing, no wheezing. BH - 16 per minute. Relative cardiac

dullness is normal. Heart sounds are clear, rhythmic. Heart rate - 55 per minute. HELL - 95/70 mm RT.

Art. The abdomen is soft, painless. The liver and spleen are not enlarged. Kidneys not

palpated. The symptom of striking is negative on both sides. On the skin of the neck

postoperative scar. The thyroid gland is not palpable. Lactorrhea


The results of the study.

General blood test: red blood cells - 3.3 × 10 12 / l, hemoglobin - 105 g / l, white blood cells -

6.4 × 10 9 / l, eosinophils - 1%, basophils - 1%, stab neutrophils - 3%,

segmented neutrophils - 64%, lymphocytes - 24%, monocytes - 7%, ESR - 10 mm / h.

Urinalysis: color - yellow, specific gravity - 1022, protein - neg., Sugar - neg.,

epithelium - 4 in the field of view, leukocytes - 0-2 in the field of view, red blood cells - 0-1 in the field of view.

Biochemical analysis of blood: sugar - 4.2 mmol / l, AST - 17 units / liter, ALT - 21 units / liter,

Na - 139 mmol / L, K - 4.2 mmol / L, Fe - 4.7 μmol / L.

Ultrasound of the thyroid gland: V ave. Lobes - 0 cm 3 , V lion. shares - 1.1 cm 3 , V total. - 1.1

cm 3 . Normal echogenicity. Diffuse heterogeneous structure, nodular formations

not defined.

ECG: rhythm - sinus bradycardia, heart rate - 56 per minute, EOS horizontal.

Moderate metabolic changes in the myocardium. Hormonal profile and definition

antibodies: TSH - 19.8 μIU / ml, T4 free. - 7.0 pmol / l


1. Assume the most likely diagnosis.

2. Justify your diagnosis.

3. Make and justify a plan for an additional examination of the patient.

4. Make and justify a treatment plan.

5. Assess the prognosis for the patient. Choose a tactic for further observation.


Situational task 173 [K002022]



Main part

Patient V., 45 years old, was admitted to the hospital as a physician

local. Concerned about headaches, flashing flies before the eyes, constant

thirst, rapid urination, lower back pain, severe weakness, change


From the anamnesis: over the past 5 years after the cessation of menstruation noticeably

appearance has changed: the face has turned red and rounded, limbs have grown thinner, has increased

in the volume of the stomach, dry skin became, the hair on the head became thinner, a mustache appeared.

It was observed by a neurologist for 3 years in connection with lower back pain, which

treated as osteochondrosis. For 2 years was observed by a general practitioner

precinct about hypertension (maximum blood pressure - 170/100 mm RT. Art.)

Objectively: height - 175, weight - 110 kg, BMI - 35.9 kg / m 2 . The patient looks

significantly older than their age, there is a redistribution of subcutaneous fat

fiber, its excessive deposition in the region of the VII cervical vertebra, in the supraclavicular

areas on the chest and abdomen. The skin is dry, "marble", thinned, many

hemorrhage; on the elbows, abdomen, in the armpits - hyperpigmentation. On the hips

- crimson-red wide striae. In the lungs, vesicular breathing, no wheezing. BH - 17 in

a minute. The borders of the heart are extended to the left. Heart sounds are muffled, rhythmic. Heart rate -

92 per minute. HELL - 190/100 mm RT. Art. The abdomen is soft, painless, enlarged due to

subcutaneous fat. The liver along the edge of the costal arch, painless.

Laboratory research. General blood test: red blood cells - 5.3 × 10 9 / l,

hemoglobin - 135 g / l, white blood cells - 10.2 × 10 9 / l, stab neutrophils - 10%,

segmented neutrophils - 76%, lymphocytes - 12%, monocytes - 2%, eosinophils -

0%, ESR - 3 mm / h.

Biochemical analysis of blood: glucose - 7.7 mmol / l, K + - 2.5 mmol / l, Na - 170

mmol / L, cholesterol - 5.7 mmol / L, Ca - 3.6 mmol / L, ALT - 34 IU, AST - 42 IU, total

protein - 57 g / l.

Urinalysis: reaction - alkaline, specific gravity - 1025, sugar ++, protein -

0.25, white blood cells ++.

ECG: rhythm - sinus, heart rate - 84 per minute. The electric axis is horizontal.

LV hypertrophy. Dystrophic changes in the myocardium of the left ventricle.

X-ray examination of the skull and spine revealed

pronounced osteoporosis of the back of the Turkish saddle, osteoporosis of the bones of the spine.

MRI shows a diffuse increase in both adrenal glands.


1. Assume the most likely diagnosis.

2. Justify your diagnosis.

3. Make and justify a plan for an additional examination of the patient.

4. Make and justify a treatment plan.

5. Assess the prognosis for the patient. Choose a tactic for further observation.


Situational task 174 [K002023]

Дата: 2019-12-10, просмотров: 300.