Main part
Patient N. 52 years old, driver, turned to the local GP physician
paroxysmal pain behind the sternum with radiation to the left shoulder, shoulder blade,
arising during fast walking, intense physical activity,
accompanied by a sense of fear, stopping at rest. Considers herself ill in
for two months, was treated by a neurologist with a diagnosis of intercostal neuralgia.
I took Analgin, Diclofenac, physiotherapeutic procedures - without effect.
From the anamnesis it is known that for about 5 years he suffers from arterial hypertension with
the maximum increase in blood pressure to 175/100 mm RT. Art., constant
does not receive antihypertensive therapy.
Heredity: father and older brother suffered a myocardial infarction before
55 years.
Bad habits: smokes for 20 years at 20 cigarettes per day; alcohol
moderately consumes.
Objectively: the condition is relatively satisfactory. Height - 170 cm, weight - 98
kg BMI - 33.91 kg / m 2 . Hypersthenic physique. Skin and visible
mucous membranes of normal color. There are no peripheral edemas. In the lungs breathing
vesicular, performed in all departments, no wheezing. Percussion above the surface
light, clear light sound. NPV - 17 per minute. Auscultatory: at the top of the heart
weakening of the I tone, above the aorta - emphasis of the II tone. Heart sounds are muffled, rhythmic. HELL -
170/100 mmHg Art. Heart rate - 88 beats per minute. The abdomen is soft, on palpation
painless in all departments. The liver is not enlarged. Symptom of striking
lumbar region negative. Physiological administration is normal.
In the analyzes: total cholesterol - 5.6 mmol / L, TG - 2.4 mmol / L, HDL-C - 0.9
mmol / l, XL-LDL - 3.57 mmol / l; creatinine - 89 μmol / L, GFR (according to the formula CKD-EPI)
= 84 ml / min.
On the ECG: sinus rhythm, correct with heart rate - 88 beats per minute. Hypertrophy
left ventricular myocardium.
1. Assume the most likely diagnosis.
2. Justify your diagnosis.
3. Make and justify a plan for an additional examination of the patient.
4. What groups of drugs should be prescribed to a patient?
Justify your choice.
5. On stress-ECHO-KG deterioration of contractility was revealed in 4 segments. Your
further tactics of patient management?
Situational task 164 [K002008]
Main part
Patient R., 55 years old, locksmith, turned to the local GP physician
compressive pain behind the sternum with radiation to the interscapular space,
predominantly arising when walking fast or when climbing stairs more
than one span at the usual pace, stopping with 1 tablet
Nitroglycerin sublingual.
From the anamnesis it is known that for the first time chest pains occurred about two years
ago, since then there has been no marked progression of the disease.
Bad habits: smokes for a long time 2 packs a day;
abuses alcohol.
Objectively: the condition is relatively satisfactory. Body temperature 36.6
° C. Height - 162 cm, weight - 95 kg. BMI - 36.2 kg / m 2 . Hypersthenic physique. Skin
integuments and visible mucous membranes of physiological color and normal humidity.
There are no peripheral edemas. In lungs, harsh breathing is carried out in all departments, wheezing
not. NPV - 18 per minute. With percussion, the shift of the left border is determined
relative dullness of the heart to the left by 0.5 cm. Heart sounds are muffled, rhythm
correct. HELL - 130/80 mm RT. Art. Heart rate - 87 beats per minute. The abdomen is soft, with
palpation painless in all departments, increased in volume due to subcutaneous
fat layer. The liver does not protrude from under the edge of the costal arch. Symptom of striking
negative in the lumbar region. Physiological administration is normal.
In the analyzes: total cholesterol - 6.2 mmol / l, TG - 2.5 mmol / l, cholesterol-HDL - 0.8
mmol / L, cholesterol-LDL - 4.2 mmol / L.
On the ECG: sinus rhythm, correct with heart rate - 76 beats / min. EOS deviation to the left.
Left ventricular hypertrophy.
1. Assume the most likely diagnosis.
2. Justify your diagnosis.
3. Make and justify a plan for an additional examination of the patient.
4. Prescribe treatment and justify.
5. When conducting stress echocardiography revealed a deterioration in local
myocardial contractility in 4 segments. Your tactics of reference.
Situational task 165 [K002011]
Дата: 2019-12-10, просмотров: 301.