Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой


Main part

Patient M., 27 years old, turned to the local GP on the 2nd day of illness with

complaints of severe headache in the frontal region, pain in the eyeballs, muscles

and joints, general weakness, lack of appetite, frequent dry cough, nasal congestion

nose and slight discharge from the nose, a feeling of tickling and scratching behind the sternum.

Anamnesis of the disease: fell ill on January 15 in the morning, when

felt chills, the temperature rose to 39.0 ° C, a headache appeared in

forehead, pain when moving eyeballs. I didn’t sleep at night, chills replaced

feeling of heat. The next day, a dry cough appeared, nasal congestion, feeling

perspiration behind the sternum, the temperature increased to 39.5 ° C, the headache intensified.

Epidemiological history: 2 days before the disease visited friends in

dormitories, among which were persons with similar symptoms.

Objectively: a state of moderate severity, clear consciousness. Face

puffy, somewhat hyperemic. There is no rash on the body. Nasal breathing is difficult.

In the throat, spilled bright hyperemia of the posterior pharyngeal wall and its granularity are noted

single hemorrhages on the mucosa of the soft palate. In the lungs - harsh breathing,

single dry rales. Pulse - 102 beats per minute, rhythmic, blood pressure - 115/80 mm RT. Art.

Heart sounds are muffled. The abdomen is soft, painless. Liver and spleen not



1. Assume the most likely diagnosis.

2. Justify your diagnosis.

3. Make a plan for a laboratory examination of the patient to verify the diagnosis.

4. What antiviral drugs would you recommend to the patient? Name

the mechanism of their action on influenza viruses. Justify your choice.

5. Who is subject to compulsory influenza vaccination? What are the modern

vaccines for the prevention of influenza.



Situational task 86 [K000321]



Main part

Patient M., 16 years old, was sent from the clinic to the infectious diseases hospital

August 20 with complaints of poor appetite, aching pain in the right hypochondrium, darkening

urine, icteric coloration of the skin and sclera.

Anamnesis of the disease: fell ill on August 14, when the temperature rose to 38 ° C,

appeared headache, nausea, double vomiting. All subsequent days remained

temperature within 37.6–38 ° С, general weakness, headache, nausea worried

poor appetite. On August 19, he noticed a darkening of urine and lightening of feces. August 20

yellowness of the skin and sclera appeared.

Epidemiological history: lives in a student dormitory in room 4

person. Periodically eats in the dining room at the place of study.

Objectively: general state of moderate severity. Temperature 37.5 ° C.

The skin and sclera are moderately icteric, no rash. Peripheral lymph nodes

not palpable. In the lungs, vesicular breathing, no wheezing, BH - 16 per minute. Tones

hearts are muffled, the rhythm is correct. Pulse - 64 beats per minute, blood pressure - 100/60 mm RT. Art.

The tongue is moist, coated at the root with white coating. The stomach is not swollen, soft,

painless. The liver protrudes 2 cm from under the edge of the costal arch, sensitive

on palpation. The spleen is palpated. Lumbar

negative on both sides.

Biochemical parameters: total bilirubin - 160 mmol / l, direct - 102

mmol / L, indirect - 58 mmol / L, Alt - 640 IU / L, ACT - 488 mmol / L, alkaline

phosphatase - 102 units, prothrombin index - 60%.

In the analysis of urine, bile pigments are determined.


1. Assume the most likely diagnosis.

2. Justify your diagnosis.

3. Make and justify a plan for an additional examination of the patient.

4. Tactics of patient management. Justify your choice.

5. What are the methods of prevention of this disease.


Situational task 87 [K000323]



Main part

Patient E. 32 years old, businessman, hospitalized on day 2 of the disease with a diagnosis

"Flu, hypertoxic form." The disease began acutely, even suddenly. On the background

chills appeared, head fell ill, body temperature increased

up to 40.2 ºС. He noted photophobia, lay with his eyes closed, asked to turn off

TV. In the evening there was twice vomiting, the "throbbing" headache remained.

The next morning, his health worsened: he did not understand where he was, sought

go to work, while trying to get up fell.

Upon receipt, the condition is serious, the consciousness is darkened. Disoriented but

responds to his name, complains of a severe headache. Body temperature 39.2 ° C.

The face is very pale. On the skin of the abdomen, buttocks and lower extremities, small stellate

a rash of blue-violet color, there are also petechial elements on the hands. Sharp

stiff neck and Kernig symptom. Pulse - 116 beats per

minute, rhythmic, blood pressure - 130/90 mm RT. Art. Heart sounds are clear. With spinal

puncture obtained under high pressure turbid liquid with a high neutrophilic

(99%) pleocytosis - 15400 cells / ml; protein - 2.64 g / l; Pandy reaction (++++).


1. Assume the most likely diagnosis.

2. Justify your diagnosis.

3. Make and justify a plan for an additional examination of the patient.

4. Indicate the treatment plan for this patient.

5. After 1 month, the patient complains of moderate weakness, moderate headache

pain, decreased performance, sometimes dizziness. Tonsils not

increased, no raids. HELL - 100/60 mm RT. Art., pulse - 76 beats per minute.

The control bacterial culture of the smear from the oropharynx and from the nose is negative. IN

urinalysis increased ESR - 26 mm / hour. What is the next tactic

patient management?


Situational task 88 [K000324]

Дата: 2019-12-10, просмотров: 288.