Main part
Patient L. 16 years old complains of headaches, nosebleeds,
leg pain after a long walk.
On examination, the patient’s hypersthenic constitution, developed
shoulder girdle, hyperemia of the face. The pulse on the radial artery is tense, rhythmic with
frequency of 64 per minute, symmetrically on both sides. 2 cm left border of the heart
outward from the left midclavicular line. Heart sounds are sonorous, clear, at all
at the auscultation points, a rough systolic murmur is heard
vessels of the neck and interscapular space, emphasis II tone on the aorta. Brachial arterial pressure
arteries - 170/110 mm RT. Art., on the femoral artery - 150/80 mm Hg at both sides.
1. Select and justify the leading syndrome.
2. Establish a preliminary diagnosis.
3. Outline a plan for examining the patient in the first step.
4. Define the circle of differential diagnosis.
5. Define treatment tactics.
Situational task 73 [K000257]
Main part
Patient A., 38 years old, was admitted by ambulance to the admission department of the hospital with
complaints of a throbbing headache accompanied by a feeling of constriction
head, palpitations, sweating, chills. Over the last 6 months notes
weight loss of 4 kg. Measured blood pressure irregularly. History of the last 8 months - frequent
hypertensive crises stopped by emergency doctors (he doesn’t remember the drugs).
I did not take hypotensive therapy constantly, but with blood pressure increases above 170/100
mmHg Art. took Captopril 25 mg by mouth without a pronounced effect.
On examination: HELL - 220/130 mm RT. Art., heart rate - 180 beats per minute. Temperature
body - 37.8 ° C, pallor of the skin, tremors, cooling hands, photophobia.
Short-term syncope was noted. Intravenous therapy
slow administration of the drug Urapidil with a decrease in blood pressure over an hour to 160/90 mm
Hg. Art.
1. Highlight the leading syndromes.
2. Establish a preliminary diagnosis.
3. Outline a plan for examining the patient in the first stage.
4. Define the circle of differential diagnosis.
5. Define treatment tactics.
Situational task 74 [K000288]
Main part
45-year-old patient, a programmer by profession, turned to a general practitioner
the district police with complaints of pain in the epigastric region, mainly on an empty stomach and
at night, causing him to wake up, as well as for almost constant heartburn,
feeling of heaviness and fullness in the epigastric region after eating, heartburn,
belching sour, nausea.
From the anamnesis it is known that the patient smokes a lot, abuses coffee, eats
irregularly. Often there are exacerbations of chronic pharyngitis. Sick for about three years.
Not examined, treated independently (took herbal medicine).
On examination: satisfactory condition. BMI - 32.0 kg / m 2 . Skin integument
clean, normal color. The body temperature is normal. Zev - tonsils, back wall
pharynxes are not hyperemic. In the lungs, vesicular breathing, no wheezing. Heart sounds
muffled, rhythmic, heart rate - 70 beats per minute, blood pressure - 120/80 mm RT. Art. Stomach
participates in the act of breathing, on palpation is soft, painful in the epigastric region,
there is no tension in the abdominal muscles, a symptom of shocking along the lumbar region
EFGDS: the esophagus is freely passable, longitudinal folds are thickened, focal
hyperemia of the mucosa of the distal esophagus, the cardia does not close completely. IN
an empty stomach contains a small amount of light secretory fluid and
mucus. The folds of the gastric mucosa are thickened, convoluted. Onion 12-finger
the bowel is deformed, a mucosal defect of up to 0.5 cm is detected on the back wall
diameter. The edges of the defect have clear boundaries, hyperemic, edematous. Defect bottom
covered with fibrinous overlay of white color. Postbulbar departments without
pathology. The urease test for the presence of H. pylori is positive.
1. Assume the most likely diagnosis.
2. Justify your diagnosis.
3. Make and justify a plan for an additional examination of the patient.
4. What treatment would you recommend to the patient as part of a combination
therapy? Justify your choice.
5. Is it necessary to take a patient to the dispensary? What to assign
to the patient as preventive therapy "on demand" when
symptoms characteristic of exacerbation of peptic ulcer?
Situational task 75 [K000304]
Дата: 2019-12-10, просмотров: 309.