Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой


Main part

A 69-year-old patient was referred by a local GP to the clinic complaining of

severe shortness of breath with slight physical exertion, asthma attacks

at night. Deterioration is observed about a week before hospitalization.

From the anamnesis: 6 years ago, dilated cardiomyopathy was diagnosed.

The patient constantly received the selected treatment: Hypothiazide - 12.5 mg per day,

Fosinopril - 20 mg daily, Carvedilol - 12.5 mg 2 times a day. Weakness observed

during physical activity. The patient reported that a few days ago after

hypothermia appeared cough, body temperature increased to 37.4 ° C. Due to

growing weakness, stopped taking Carvedilol, used heavy drinkѐ,

vitamins. The condition has worsened.

Objectively: weight - 76 kg, height - 168 cm. Cyanosis. On auscultation: congestive rales

in the lungs on both sides; heart sounds are deaf, rhythmic, protodiastolic rhythm

gallop. Heart rate - 105 beats per minute. HELL - 105/70 mm RT. Art. Symmetric edema of the lower


In blood tests: sodium - 138 mmol / l, potassium - 3.9 mmol / l.

ECG: sinus rhythm, blockade of the left bundle branch block, ventricular

extrasystoles. QRS 0.13 sec

Echocardiography: diffuse hypokinesia of the walls of the left ventricle, ejection fraction - 36%,

the final diastolic size of the left ventricle is 69 mm.


1. Assume the most likely diagnosis.

2. What determines the severity of the patient's condition? What contributed to the development

heart failure decompensation? Justify your diagnosis.

3. Make and justify a plan for an additional examination of the patient.

4. What groups of drugs should be prescribed to the patient? How to be with the appointed

ACE inhibitor fosinopril in connection with blood pressure 105/70 mm RT. Art. - cancel

decrease or increase the dose? What to do with carvedilol?

5. If, despite adequate therapy, it is not possible to achieve persistent

heart failure compensation, are there any reserves in the treatment?


Situational task 53 [K000229]



Main part

Male F. 34 years old, a loader, during hospitalization in the pulmonology department

complains of weakness, weight loss in the last month, shortness of breath, pain in


Objectively: the patient’s condition is moderate, temperature is 37.6 ° С,

smoothing of intercostal spaces is noted on the right, there is sharply reduced

voice trembling and significantly reduced percussion sound from the 5th rib along the shoulder blade

and axillary lines. The breathing in the upper parts of the right lung is somewhat

weakened, in the lower - not carried out. Left on all pulmonary fields - vesicular.

The rhythmic pulse, 82 beats per minute, satisfactory filling and tension,

tones are clear, no noise.

Laboratory data.

General blood test: white blood cells - 9.9 × 10 9 / l; eosinophils - 1%; stab

neutrophils - 3%; segmented neutrophils - 76%; lymphocytes - 15%; monocytes -

5%; ESR - 35 mm / hour.

General analysis of bronchial washings: leukocytes - 2-3 in the field of view, single

alveolar and epithelial cells.

Bronchial lavage water (3 analyzes) for Mycobacterium tuberculosis using

microscopy - KUM neg.

Inoculation of bronchial washings on non-specific microflora - growth

There is no pathogenic microflora.

Urinalysis: normal.

On the chest x-ray: on the right below the V rib to

aperture is determined by intense homogeneous dimming with a distinct oblique upper

the border.


1. Assume the most likely diagnosis.

2. Justify your diagnosis.

3. Make and justify a plan for an additional examination of the patient.

4. Define the circle of diseases for differential diagnosis.

5. Define patient management tactics.


Situational task 54 [K000230]



Main part

Patient M., 35 years old, at the reception by a local GP

weakness, fatigue, cough with a small amount of sputum,

shortness of breath with little exertion, sweating at night for 1.5-2

months. Today, during a coughing fit, the patient felt a sharp pain in his right

half of the chest, increased shortness of breath, increased heart rate.

From the anamnesis: 3 years ago, a right-sided dry pleurisy was transferred, was treated by a doctor

general practitioner. Contact with tuberculosis patients denies. FLG passes

regularly, the last one year ago (without pathology).

Objectively: a state of moderate severity. Temperature - 37.5 ° C. Sick

low nutrition, the skin is pale, peripheral lymph nodes are not

enlarged. The right half of the chest lags in the act of breathing. NPV - 24 per minute.

Percussion on the right - tympanic sound, on the left - shortening in the upper sections

pulmonary sound. Auscultatory on the right - breathing is sharply weakened, on the left in

of the interscapular region, single wet rales are heard. Heart sounds are clear

the rhythm is correct, tachycardia. Pulse - 120 beats per minute, blood pressure - 90/50.

Laboratory data.

General blood test: red blood cells - 4.1 × 10 12 / l, hemoglobin - 143 g / l; white blood cells -

9.6 × 10 9 / l, eosinophils - 2%, stab neutrophils - 5%, segmented

neutrophils - 69%, lymphocytes - 19%, monocytes - 5%; ESR - 25 mm / hour.

Urinalysis: no pathological changes.

Analysis of sputum at the office: m / scopia - no CMC found.

Chest x-ray of the chest in a direct projection: on the right

easy collapsed by 1/5 of hemitrax due to the air layer. In the lung tissue in

upper and middle fields, focal shadows of different sizes, small and medium are determined

intensities prone to fusion. In C1, C2 on both sides - decay cavity 1-2.5 cm

in diameter. The roots are poorly differentiated. Heart without features.


1. Assume the most likely diagnosis.

2. Justify your diagnosis.

3. Make and justify a plan for an additional examination of the patient.

4. Define the circle of diseases for differential diagnosis.

5. Define patient management tactics.


Situational task 55 [K000231]

Дата: 2019-12-10, просмотров: 268.