Man is blessed with intelligence, and he has certainly harnessed it to invent devices that make everyday life easy and comfortable. However, as technology advances, does man depend on it so much that he forgets to think on his own? Or does it provide so much comfort that our physical activity becomes almost nil?
"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity."Albert Einstein
Gone are the days when we used to wake up hearing a cock crow. Now, we wake up when our smartphone tells us to, and moreover, we can ask it to shut up too. If you want to know today's stock exchange rates, simply use the Internet. You need to buy something? Simply select the product with a click, and you will get it at your doorstep. Obviously, such awesome inventions have saved us a lot of time in our daily lives.
However, the above quote by Albert Einstein is enough to tell the tale. Even scientists and inventors of modern technology knew that man is eventually going to misuse technology to such an extent, that we will forget being human first. When the telephone came into our lives, it was a moment of ecstasy, since communication was no longer dependent on telegrams and postcards. When mobile phones arrived, it became even easier to communicate. And then, these mobile phones became smarter.
Technology is becoming smarter day by day, and our dependence on it is making us dumber day by day. The million dollar question here is, are modern inventions actually making us lazy and/or dumb? Let's find out.
Video Games
Video games inspire us to spend our time in front of computer screens, and keep us engrossed doing 'productive work' combating enemies and teaching us war tactics that are so 'pivotal' in everyday life. Right?
The Idiot Box
Truly, the idiot box has entertained us so much, and made us 'idiots'. When we have nothing to do, we browse through the channels and spend hours just trying to pick the right channel to watch.
We are heavily dependent on computers these days, and want everything ready-made. Businesses need them to produce MIS reports, give calculations ready-made, and the like. But when was the last time we did mental calculations? When was the last time we did not rely on presentations and charts to make a business deal? When was the last time you did the math on your own, without any calculator or computer? When was the last time we chose to ditch the computer and instead go for a real game outside?
Microwave/Modern Kitchen Appliances
These are must-have equipment in everyone's kitchen. Yes, food processing has become much easier these days, but it has also given birth to the fast food culture. Nevertheless, we need to ask this question to ourselves: where are we headed? Fast food has brought in many diseases, and is also one of the reasons for the increasing rates of obesity around the world.
This has made us the most laziest, and devoid of all physical activity. We're not willing to walk even a few steps when we have a vehicle. Yes, it has made transportation much easier, yet, made us super-lazy in the bargain.
Social Networking Sites
Kids, these days, are not willing to engage themselves in outdoor activities. Gone are those days of childhood when we used to enjoy nature, build tree-houses, and wander around everywhere. Today, kids will spend time updating their social networking profiles instead of playing or engaging in real sports and other activities.
Goodbye to the' Good Old Library'
The dust on old books, the smell of pages; I'm sure we all miss this. Yet, we want to spend more time browsing our mobile apps. Sadly, even our libraries are replacing books with e-books, CDs, and DVDs, thanks to technology.
Smartphones have indeed made life easy, and made us dumb, literally. We want all our gadgets to think for us, make decisions for us, give us the output immediately at our behest.
Yet, sometimes, when I wonder that these gadgets were supposed to save our time, why is it that we still don't find time for ourselves? We use that 'saved' time to simply browse through our phones, and spend our time chatting. Moreover, instead of connecting with a person who is physically present close by, we want to 'connect' with the entire world, virtually. We don't know about our neighbors, but have friends thousands of miles away on social networking sites.
However, does technology cause laziness, or do lazy people create technology? Well, both are equal. Someone must be lazy enough not to accept the manual, monotonous work system. Even the development of technology requires intelligence. Nevertheless, it is a few intelligent minds that do the thinking for all of mankind.
Appendix 3. GRAMMAR BANK
Артикль это служебная часть речи, которая служит для выражения категории определенности/неопределенности и ставится перед существительным или перед словами, являющимися определениями к нему. В русском языке артикли отсутствуют.
1.1 Неопределенный артикль ( The Indefinite Article )
Неопределенный артикль а/аn употребляется перед словами, начинающимися с гласной происходит от числительного one и означает один из многих, какой-то, любой.
I am a student . - Я студент (один из многих).
Не is an engineer. - Он инженер .
Если перед существительным в единственном числе стоит неопределенный артикль, то во множественном числе он опускается.
This is a computer. - These are computers.
Иногда артикль a (an) переводится словом один. in a week - через (одну) неделю
Неопределенный артикль употребляется в некоторых устойчивых выражениях:
it’s a pity - жаль
in a hurry - в спешке
it’s a shame - стыдно , жалко
it’s a pleasure - приятно
to have a good time - хорошо провести время
1.2 Определенный артикль (The Definite Article)
Определенный артикль the переводится словами этот, это, эти, Употребляется перед существительными, как в единственном, так и но множественном числе.
Определенный артикль употребляется:
- когда речь идет об определенном лице или предмете:
Where is the doctor? - Где д октор ? (известный нам)
- перед существительным, если ему предшествует прилагательное и превосходной степени или порядковое числительное:
It is the most expensive restaurant in our city.
Это самый дорогой ресторан в нашем городе.
The second exam will be in English – Второй экзамен будет по английскому языку.
- перед географическими названиями (названиями океанов, морей, рек, горных хребтов, частей света и т.д.)
the Pacific Ocean - Тихий океан
the Thames - Т емза
the Baltic Sea – Б алтийское море
the Alps- Уральские горы
the West - з апад
the South - юг
- перед названиями ряда стран и местностей (с определяемыми словами States, federation, Republic и т.д.):
the United States of America- Соединенные Штаты Америки
the Crimea - Крым
перед существительными, единственными в своем роде:
the Earth – Земля
the S un ~ солнце
the Moon - луна
- перед фамилиями, употребленными во множественном числе для обозначения членов одной и той же семьи:
the Smirnovs – семья Смирновых
the Browns - семья Браунов
-в выражениях:
in the morning - утром
in the evening - вечером
in the afternoon (in the day-time) - днем
to play the piano - играть на пианино
to keep the house - сидеть дома
to tell the truth - говорить правду
Дата: 2019-12-09, просмотров: 335.