Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

К каждому вопросу даны несколько вариантов ответа. Выберите тот, который считаете правильным. Если Вы затрудняетесь с ответом, просто пропустите вопрос.


1. ..... she speak Slovakian? 




 2. Where ..... you live? 




 3. ..... your friends live near here? 




 4. Where ..... you live? 




 5. ..... it rain a lot in Vienna? 




 6. ..... penguins live in the Arctic or the Antarctic? 




 7. ..... they work here? 




 8. ..... it snow a lot in Iceland? 




 9. ..... hearing bad news make you depressed? 




 10. ..... London have many museums? 






Правильные ответы:

1. ..... she speak Slovakian? 

       Does<····· правильный ответ


 2. Where ..... you live? 

       Do<····· правильный ответ


 3. ..... your friends live near here? 

       Do<····· правильный ответ


 4. Where ..... you live? 

       Do<····· правильный ответ


 5. ..... it rain a lot in Vienna? 

       Does<····· правильный ответ


 6. ..... penguins live in the Arctic or the Antarctic? 

       Do<····· правильный ответ


 7. ..... they work here? 

       Do<····· правильный ответ


 8. ..... it snow a lot in Iceland? 

       Does<····· правильный ответ


 9. ..... hearing bad news make you depressed? 

       Does<····· правильный ответ


 10. ..... London have many museums? 

       Does<····· правильный ответ


К каждому вопросу даны несколько вариантов ответа. Выберите тот, который считаете правильным. Если Вы затрудняетесь с ответом, просто пропустите вопрос.


1. Are you doing anything special ..... the weekend? 





 2. The English examination is ..... July. 





 3. What have you got ..... your bag. 





 4. Do not walk ..... the grass. 





 5. Gerhard buys things ..... flea markets. 





 6. I met Christine ..... university. 





 7. I had a meal ..... the train. 





 8. Mary doesn't work ..... Sundays. 





 9. I started work this morning ..... 8am. 





 10. Mr Smith's office is ..... the second floor. 





 11. There are lots of managers ..... my company. 





 12. Don't believe everything you read ..... newspapers. 





 13. Gerhard has some nice pictures hanging ..... his office wall. 





 14. I visited the museum ..... Monday. 





 15. This is the best cake ..... the world! 





 16. I always feel positive ..... the start of the week. 





 17. Waiter, there's a fly ..... my soup. 





 18. I was born ..... 1968. 





 19. Trude usually works better ..... the morning. 





 20. The cat sat ..... the mat. 








Правильные ответы :

1. Are you doing anything special ..... the weekend? at<····· правильный ответ


 2. The English examination is ..... July. in<····· правильный ответ


 3. What have you got ..... your bag. in<····· правильный ответ


 4. Do not walk ..... the grass. on<····· правильный ответ


 5. Gerhard buys things ..... flea markets. at<····· правильный ответ


 6. I met Christine ..... university. at<····· правильный ответ


 7. I had a meal ..... the train. on<····· правильный ответ


 8. Mary doesn't work ..... Sundays. on<····· правильный ответ


 9. I started work this morning ..... 8am. at<····· правильный ответ


 10. Mr Smith's office is ..... the second floor. on<····· правильный ответ


 11. There are lots of managers ..... my company. in<····· правильный ответ


 12. Don't believe everything you read ..... newspapers. in<····· правильный ответ


 13. Gerhard has some nice pictures hanging ..... his office wall. on<····· правильный ответ


 14. I visited the museum ..... Monday. on<····· правильный ответ


 15. This is the best cake ..... the world! in<····· правильный ответ


 16. I always feel positive ..... the start of the week. at<····· правильный ответ


 17. Waiter, there's a fly ..... my soup. in<····· правильный ответ


 18. I was born ..... 1968. in<····· правильный ответ


 19. Trude usually works better ..... the morning. in<····· правильный ответ


 20. The cat sat ..... the mat. on<····· правильный ответ


К каждому вопросу даны несколько вариантов ответа. Выберите тот, который считаете правильным. Если Вы затрудняетесь с ответом, просто пропустите вопрос.


1. ..... had never possessed a standing army or a police force. 


       A Tudors

       The Tudors


 2. My father is ...... 


       an engineer

       the engineer


 3. Is there ..... in the street? 


       a school

       the school


 4. In ..... end we decided not to go to the cinema but to watch television. 





 5. ..... Earth is millions of kilometres from ..... Sun. 





 6. I have left my book in ..... and I would like you to get it for me. 


       a kitchen

       the kitchen


 7.  Give me ....., please. 


       an apple

       the apple


 8. Is there ..... for me? 


       a letter

       the letter


 9. This is ..... wine I have ever drunk. 


       a best

       the best


 10. Russian people like ...... 


       a tea

       the tea



Правильные ответы :


1. ..... had never possessed a standing army or a police force. 

       The Tudors<····· правильный ответ


 2. My father is ...... 

       an engineer<····· правильный ответ


 3. Is there ..... in the street? 

       a school<····· правильный ответ


 4. In ..... end we decided not to go to the cinema but to watch television. 

       the<····· правильный ответ


 5. ..... Earth is millions of kilometres from ..... Sun. 

       the<····· правильный ответ


 6. I have left my book in ..... and I would like you to get it for me. 

       the kitchen<····· правильный ответ


 7. Give me ....., please. 

       an apple<····· правильный ответ


 8. Is there ..... for me? 

       a letter<····· правильный ответ


 9. This is ..... wine I have ever drunk. 

       the best<····· правильный ответ


 10. Russian people like ...... 

       tea<····· правильный ответ




К каждому вопросу даны несколько вариантов ответа. Выберите тот, который считаете правильным. Если Вы затрудняетесь с ответом, просто пропустите вопрос.


1. When I came to the party, John ..... home. 

       had already been gone

       had already gone

       was gone


 2. This house ..... in 1930. 


       was built

       has built


 3. Mr. Green ..... at the University since 1989. 

       is teaching

       has been teaching

       has been taught


 4. Everybody ..... by the terrible news yesterday. 


       was shocked

       is shocking


 5. I ..... last Friday. 


       was arrived

       have arrived


 6. Detroit ..... as the first capital city of Michigan, but now Lansing is the capital city of Michigan. 


       was chosen

       have been chosen


 7. Robert Burns ..... a lot of wonderful poems. 


       has written

       was written


 8. This is a large hall. Many parties ..... here. 

       are held

       are being held

       has been held


 9. I don't think we must ..... everything tomorrow. 


       have finished

       be finished


 10. This situation is serious. Something must ..... before it's too late. 


       be done

       have done


 11. He ..... the girl's name now. 


       is remembered

       has remembered


 12. It's a big company. It ..... two hundred people. 

       is employed




 13. A prize ..... to whoever solves this equation. 

       will be giving

       will be given



 14. This dictionary ..... a week ago. 


       has published

       was published


 15. Local police ..... the bank robber. 

       have been arrested

       have arrested                                                               

       was arrested









Правильные ответы :


1. When I came to the party, John ..... home. 

       had already gone<····· правильный ответ


 2. This house ..... in 1930. 

       was built<····· правильный ответ


 3. Mr. Green ..... at the University since 1989.

       has been teaching<····· правильный ответ


 4. Everybody ..... by the terrible news yesterday. 

       was shocked<····· правильный ответ


 5. I ..... last Friday. 

       arrived<····· правильный ответ


 6. Detroit ..... as the first capital city of Michigan, but now Lansing is the capital city of Michigan. 

       was chosen<····· правильный ответ


 7. Robert Burns ..... a lot of wonderful poems. 

       wrote<····· правильный ответ


 8. This is a large hall. Many parties ..... here.                          

       are held<····· правильный ответ


 9. I don't think we must ..... everything tomorrow. 

       finish<····· правильный ответ


 10. This situation is serious. Something must ..... before it's too late. 

       be done<····· правильный ответ


11. He ..... the girl's name now. 

       remembers<····· правильный ответ


 12. It's a big company. It ..... two hundred people. 

       employs<····· правильный ответ


 13. A prize ..... to whoever solves this equation. 

       will be given<····· правильный ответ


 14. This dictionary ..... a week ago. 

       was published<····· правильный ответ


 15. Local police ..... the bank robber. 

       have arrested<····· правильный ответ



                                PASSIVE VOICE      



К каждому вопросу даны несколько вариантов ответа. Выберите тот, который считаете правильным. Если Вы затрудняетесь с ответом, просто пропустите вопрос.


1. A cinema is a place where films ...... 


       are shown

       have been shown


 2. The house ..... by a pop star. 


       was bought

       have bought


 3. Weekends ..... outdoors by most English people. 


       are spended

       are spent


 4. In more than 200 years the USA Constitution ..... 26 times. 

       is amended

       is being amended

       has been amended


 5. Battle Creek is a hard-working city, where businesses ..... dedicated employees who want to build a good life for their families. 


       have found

       have not found


 6. A new supermarket ..... next year. 

       will be built

       will built

       is building


 7. The books must ..... by 12 December. 

       be returned

       have returned

       will be returned


 8. Two men tried to sell a painting that ...... 

       was stolen

       had been stolen

       had stolen


 9. A new book ..... by that company next year. 

       will publish

       will be published

       is publishing


 10. Everybody ..... by the terrible news yesterday. 


       was shocked

       is shocking


 11. Our plan ..... by the members of the committee. 


       is being considered

       is considered


 12. Detroit ..... as the first capital city of Michigan, but now Lansing is the capital city of Michigan. 


       was chosen

       have been chosen


 13. People ..... this road very often. 

       aren't used

       don't use

       haven't used


 14. This house ..... in 1930. 


       was built

       has built


 15. The secretary ..... to her new boss yesterday. 


       was introduced

       is introduced







Правильные ответы :


1. A cinema is a place where films ...... 

       are shown<····· правильный ответ


 2. The house ..... by a pop star. 

       was bought<····· правильный ответ


 3. Weekends ..... outdoors by most English people. 

       are spent<····· правильный ответ


 4. In more than 200 years the USA Constitution ..... 26 times. 

       has been amended<····· правильный ответ


 5. Battle Creek is a hard-working city, where businesses ..... dedicated employees who want to build a good life for their families.  

       found<····· правильный ответ


 6. A new supermarket ..... next year. 

       will be built<····· правильный ответ


 7. The books must ..... by 12 December. 

       be returned<····· правильный ответ


 8. Two men tried to sell a painting that ...... 

       had been stolen<····· правильный ответ


 9. A new book ..... by that company next year. 

       will be published<····· правильный ответ


 10. Everybody ..... by the terrible news yesterday. 

       was shocked<····· правильный ответ


 11. Our plan ..... by the members of the committee. 

       is being considered<····· правильный ответ


 12. Detroit ..... as the first capital city of Michigan, but now Lansing is the capital city of Michigan. 

       was chosen<····· правильный ответ


 13. People ..... this road very often. 

       don't use<····· правильный ответ


 14. This house ..... in 1930. 

       was built<····· правильный ответ


 15. The secretary ..... to her new boss yesterday. 

       was introduced<····· правильный ответ




К каждому вопросу даны несколько вариантов ответа. Выберите тот, который считаете правильным. Если Вы затрудняетесь с ответом, просто пропустите вопрос.


1. ..… you wait a moment, please? 






 2. I ….. leave the party early last night. I wasn’t very well. 

       have to

       was to

       had to



 3. She ….. help you tomorrow. 


       will be able to

       will can

       is able to


 4. Hello, ..… I speak to Tom, please? 






 5. It was the principle of the tiling. People ….. to keep their words. 




       are able


 6. I ….. to work tomorrow. 






 7. I haven’t decided yet where to go for my holiday. I ….. go to Greece. 






 8. He is terribly fat. He ..… eat too much. 





 9. I am so angry with them. I ..… kill them! 






 10. We haven’t got much time. We ….. hurry. 






 11. It’s a secret. You ….. tell anyone. 






 12. Take an umbrella. It ..… rain later. 






 13. Jim gave me a letter to post. I ….. remember to post it. 






 14. Are you going to read the report? No, I ..… . I already know what it says. 






 15. I didn’t ..… to get up early, so I didn’t. 












Правильные ответы :            

1. ..… you wait a moment, please? 

       can<····· правильный ответ


 2. I ….. leave the party early last night. I wasn’t very well. 

       had to<····· правильный ответ


 3. She ….. help you tomorrow. 

       will be able to<····· правильный ответ


 4. Hello, ..… I speak to Tom, please?                                                                   

       can<····· правильный ответ


 5. It was the principle of the tiling. People ….. to keep their words. 

       ought<····· правильный ответ


 6. I ….. to work tomorrow. 

       have<····· правильный ответ


 7. I haven’t decided yet where to go for my holiday. I ….. go to Greece. 

       may<····· правильный ответ


 8. He is terribly fat. He ..… eat too much. 

       mustn’t<····· правильный ответ


 9. I am so angry with them. I ..… kill them! 

       could<····· правильный ответ


 10. We haven’t got much time. We ….. hurry. 

       must<····· правильный ответ


 11. It’s a secret. You ….. tell anyone. 

       mustn’t<····· правильный ответ


 12. Take an umbrella. It ..… rain later. 

       might<····· правильный ответ


 13. Jim gave me a letter to post. I ….. remember to post it. 

       must<····· правильный ответ


 14. Are you going to read the report? No, I ..… . I already know what it says. 

       needn’t<····· правильный ответ


 15. I didn’t ..… to get up early, so I didn’t. 

       need<····· правильный ответ





К каждому вопросу даны несколько вариантов ответа. Выберите тот, который считаете правильным. Если Вы затрудняетесь с ответом, просто пропустите вопрос.


 1. Len was looking out of the window ..... listening to what his wife was saying. 

       instead of




 2. The teacher had to stop several times ..... the rule because she saw that it was difficult for the children to understand it. 


       to explain



 3. Anne was able to keep the kids still ..... telling them an interesting story. 



       instead of


 4. I would like ..... you and some of my other friends for dinner some time. 



       to invite


 5. My big grey cat Fluffy is good ..... mice. 

       to catch

       at catching



 6. ..... looking out of the window, they noticed a fire in the opposite building. 





 7. Adam offered ..... for me tonight because he saw that I felt awful. 



       to work


 8. Let’s get together tonight. I want to talk about ..... a new business. 



       to open


 9. I prefer ..... jeans in winter and light shorts in summer. 


       to wear



 10. I don’t have your book. I remember ..... it back to you. 

       to be given

       to give



 11. Speaking ..... thinking is like shooting without aim. 





 12. Helen seemed genuinely pleased ..... seeing me. 





 13. The comedy was hilarious, but somehow I didn’t feel like ..... . 



       to laugh


 14. As an English proverb says “It’s no use ..... over spilt milk.” 


       to cry



 15. Don’t switch off the light. The child is afraid ..... in the dark. 

       of sleeping

       to sleep





Правильные ответы :


1. Len was looking out of the window ..... listening to what his wife was saying. 

       instead of<····· правильный ответ


 2. The teacher had to stop several times ..... the rule because she saw that it was difficult for the children to understand it. 

       to explain<····· правильный ответ


 3. Anne was able to keep the kids still ..... telling them an interesting story. 

       by<····· правильный ответ


 4. I would like ..... you and some of my other friends for dinner some time. 

       to invite<····· правильный ответ


 5. My big grey cat Fluffy is good ..... mice. 

       at catching<····· правильный ответ


 6. ..... looking out of the window, they noticed a fire in the opposite building. 

       on<····· правильный ответ


 7. Adam offered ..... for me tonight because he saw that I felt awful. 

       to work<····· правильный ответ


 8. Let’s get together tonight. I want to talk about ..... a new business. 

       opening<····· правильный ответ


 9. I prefer ..... jeans in winter and light shorts in summer. 

       wearing<····· правильный ответ


 10. I don’t have your book. I remember ..... it back to you. 

       giving<····· правильный ответ


 11. Speaking ..... thinking is like shooting without aim. 

       without<····· правильный ответ


 12. Helen seemed genuinely pleased ..... seeing me. 

       at<····· правильный ответ


 13. The comedy was hilarious, but somehow I didn’t feel like ..... . 

       laughing<····· правильный ответ


 14. As an English proverb says “It’s no use ..... over spilt milk.”

       crying<····· правильный ответ


 15. Don’t switch off the light. The child is afraid ..... in the dark. 

       of sleeping<····· правильный ответ






К каждому вопросу даны несколько вариантов ответа. Выберите тот, который считаете правильным. Если Вы затрудняетесь с ответом, просто пропустите вопрос.


1. Susan is a fashion designer. Now, she ..... at a new set of clothes to be shown at a fashion show in April. 


       is working

       has been working

       has worked


 2. Nora, you look awfully tired. What ..... all day? 

       do you do

       are you doing

       have you been doing

       have you done


 3. You may take this magazine. I ..... through it already. 


       have looked

       am looking

       have been looking


 4. David is quite an athlete. He wants to be strong and healthy that’s why he ..... every morning. 

       is jogging

       has jogged


       has been jogging


 5. How long ..... a course of lectures on Medieval History? 

       does Professor Donaldson deliver

       is Professor Donaldson delivering

       has Professor Donaldson been delivering

       has Professor Donaldson delivered


 6. About 85 percent of American students ..... public schools, which are supported by state and local taxes. 


       are attending

       have attended

       have been attending


 7. How long ..... Jerry? - But I don’t know him at all. I have never met him. 

       do you know

       have you known

       has you known

       did you know



 8. As far as I know Mike ..... Italian for quite some time, but he still doesn’t understand very much. 

       is learning

       has been learning                                      

       has learnt



 9. Jake is a good footballer. Do you know since when ..... football? 

       he has been playing

       he plays

       has he been playing

       is he playing


 10. Sara, my next door neighbour, has a car, but she ..... it very often. 

       doesn’t use

       isn’t using

       hasn’t used

       hasn’t been using


 11. A group of scientists are travelling around Africa. How many countries ..... so far, I wonder? 

       have they visited

       have they been visiting

       they have visited

       do they visit


 12. Look here! I simply refuse to believe what you ..... me now. 

       are telling

       have been telling

       have told



 13. I have found a good job. It's in Brazil. I ..... to go to Brazil. I don't like living in cold climates. 

       have always wanted

       always wanted


       is wanting


 14. Be careful with paint. It ..... a certain amount of lead. 


       is containing

       has contained



 15. Excuse me I ..... a public telephone. Is there one near here? 

       have been looking for

       have looked for

       look for

       am looking for



Правильные ответы :


1. Susan is a fashion designer. Now, she ..... at a new set of clothes to be shown at a fashion show in April. is working<····· правильный ответ


 2. Nora, you look awfully tired. What ..... all day? 

       have you been doing<····· правильный ответ


 3. You may take this magazine. I ..... through it already. have looked<····· правильный ответ


 4. David is quite an athlete. He wants to be strong and healthy that’s why he ..... every morning. 

       jogs<····· правильный ответ


 5. How long ..... a course of lectures on Medieval History? 

       has Professor Donaldson been delivering<····· правильный ответ


 6. About 85 percent of American students ..... public schools, which are supported by state and local taxes. 

       attend<····· правильный ответ       


 7. How long ..... Jerry? - But I don’t know him at all. I have never met him. 

       have you known<····· правильный ответ


 8. As far as I know Mike ..... Italian for quite some time, but he still doesn’t understand very much.  

       has been learning<····· правильный ответ                                   


 9. Jake is a good footballer. Do you know since when ..... football? 

       he has been playing<····· правильный ответ


 10. Sara, my next door neighbour, has a car, but she ..... it very often. 

       doesn’t use<····· правильный ответ


 11. A group of scientists are travelling around Africa. How many countries ..... so far, I wonder? 

       have they visited<····· правильный ответ


 12. Look here! I simply refuse to believe what you ..... me now. 

       are telling<····· правильный ответ


 13. I have found a good job. It's in Brazil. I ..... to go to Brazil. I don't like living in cold climates. 

       have always wanted<····· правильный ответ


 14. Be careful with paint. It ..... a certain amount of lead. 

       contains<····· правильный ответ


 15. Excuse me I ..... a public telephone. Is there one near here? 

       am looking for<····· правильный ответ




К каждому вопросу даны несколько вариантов ответа. Выберите тот, который считаете правильным. Если Вы затрудняетесь с ответом, просто пропустите вопрос.


 1. Margaret didn’t wear her shoes; she was barefoot. She ..... on a piece of broken glass and cut her foot. 


       had stepped

       was stepping

       had been stepping


 2. Everybody was laughing merrily while Harris ..... them a funny story. 


       had told

       was telling

       had been telling


 3. Scarcely ..... out of the window when I saw a flash of light. 

       had I looked

       I was looking

       had I been looking

       was I looking


 4. He had been away for many years and when he visited his native town, he saw that it ..... greatly. 


       was changing

       had been changing

       had changed


 5. I got lost in the forest because I took the road I ..... before. 

       didn’t never take

       never took

       had never taken

       didn’t take


 6. I saw Paul at the airport. He ..... for his brother’s plane to arrive from Canada. 

       had been waiting

       was waiting


       had waited


 7. Tom ..... breakfast this morning because he didn’t have any time 

       wasn’t eating

       hadn’t eaten

       didn’t eat

       hadn’t been eating




 8. Alan ..... out almost every day last year, but now he can’t afford it. 

       used to eat


       was eating

       had eaten


 9. When Alice was small, she ..... of darkness and always slept with the light on. 

       used to be afraid

       was afraid

       had been afraid



 10. Her face was stained with tears and her eyes were red. She ..... . 


       was crying

       had been crying

       had cried


 11. Mrs. Smith was busy last weekend because her grandchildren ..... with her. 

       had been staying

       were staying


       had stayed


 12. Our neighbours called the police when they found out that somebody ..... into their house. 


       was breaking

       had broken

       had been breaking


 13. Yesterday I came up to a stranger who looked like Jane Faster and started talking to her. But she wasn’t Jane. It was clear I ..... a mistake. 


       was making

       had made

       had been making


 14. The two boys came into the house. One had a black eye and the other a cut lip. They ..... . 

       had been fighting

       had fought


       were fighting


 15. Robert didn’t answer the phone when Mary called. He ..... a shower and didn’t hear the phone ring. 

       had been taking

       was taking

       had taken





Правильные ответы :

1. Margaret didn’t wear her shoes; she was barefoot. She ..... on a piece of broken glass and cut her foot. 

       stepped<····· правильный ответ


 2. Everybody was laughing merrily while Harris ..... them a funny story.                       

       was telling<····· правильный ответ


 3. Scarcely ..... out of the window when I saw a flash of light. 

       had I looked<····· правильный ответ


 4. He had been away for many years and when he visited his native town, he saw that it ..... greatly. 

       had changed<····· правильный ответ


 5. I got lost in the forest because I took the road I ..... before. 

       had never taken<····· правильный ответ


 6. I saw Paul at the airport. He ..... for his brother’s plane to arrive from Canada. 

       was waiting<····· правильный ответ


 7. Tom ..... breakfast this morning because he didn’t have any time 

       didn’t eat<····· правильный ответ


 8. Alan ..... out almost every day last year, but now he can’t afford it. 

       used to eat<····· правильный ответ


 9. When Alice was small, she ..... of darkness and always slept with the light on. 

       used to be afraid<····· правильный ответ


 10. Her face was stained with tears and her eyes were red. She ..... . 

       had been crying<····· правильный ответ


 11. Mrs. Smith was busy last weekend because her grandchildren ..... with her. 

       were staying<····· правильный ответ


 12. Our neighbours called the police when they found out that somebody ..... into their house. 

       had broken<····· правильный ответ


 13. Yesterday I came up to a stranger who looked like Jane Faster and started talking to her. But she wasn’t Jane. It was clear I ..... a mistake. 

       had made<····· правильный ответ


 14. The two boys came into the house. One had a black eye and the other a cut lip. They ..... . 

       had been fighting<····· правильный ответ


 15. Robert didn’t answer the phone when Mary called. He ..... a shower and didn’t hear the phone ring. 

       was taking<····· правильный ответ




К каждому вопросу даны несколько вариантов ответа. Выберите тот, который считаете правильным. Если Вы затрудняетесь с ответом, просто пропустите вопрос.


1. Lionel will come to London as soon as you ..... a place for him to stay. 

       have found

       will find

       will have found

       are going to find


 2. Where ..... work after you graduate from the University? 

       are you going to

       you are going to

       will you

       you will


 3. When Jerry enters a Medical school he ..... Chemistry for more than four years. 

       will be studying

       will study

       will have been studying

       will have studied


 4. I'll come home late tonight. But I don’t think that by the time I come the children will have gone to bed; they ..... for me. 

       will wait

       will be waiting

       will have been waiting

       will have waited


 5. I'll come home late tomorrow. I ..... out with my friend. 

       will be dining

       will dine

       will have been dining

       am dining


 6. Ted is looking for a job. He is a good worker and I hope that by the end of the month he ..... a good job. 

       will find

       is going to find

       will have found

       is finding


 7. My room has been in a mess for days. So tomorrow afternoon I ..... it. 

       will clean

       am going to clean

       will have cleaned

       am cleaning




 8. The windows in my flat are dirty. I haven't cleaned them yet. I ..... it this Saturday. 

       will do

       will be doing

       am doing

       am going to do


 9. My father is repairing our car. We hope that by Sunday he ..... it. 

       will have repaired

       will repair

       will be repairing

       will have been repairing


 10. My parents are returning from Italy next Monday at 7 p.m. So this time next Monday I ..... them at the airport. 

       will meet

       will be meeting

       will have met

       will have been meeting


 11. Who ..... of the dog when you go to America? 

       will take care

       will be taking care

       is taking care

       is going to take care


 12. She is in the country now and she ..... there for another week. 

       will have been staying

       will be staying

       will stay

       will have stayed


 13. Don’t worry. I will switch off all the lights in the house when I ..... to bed. 

       will go

       will have gone


       will be going


 14. She is not sure if she ..... his telephone number in the telephone directory. 

       will find

       will have found


       will be finding


 15. The dog will wait for his master near the door until his master ..... from work.  

       gets back

       will get back

       won’t get back

       will be getting back




Правильные ответы :

1. Lionel will come to London as soon as you ..... a place for him to stay. 

       have found<····· правильный ответ


 2. Where ..... work after you graduate from the University? 

       are you going to<····· правильный ответ


 3. When Jerry enters a Medical school he ..... Chemistry for more than four years. 

       will have been studying<····· правильный ответ


 4. I'll come home late tonight. But I don’t think that by the time I come the children will have gone to bed; they ..... for me. 

       will be waiting<····· правильный ответ


 5. I'll come home late tomorrow. I ..... out with my friend. 

       am dining<····· правильный ответ


 6. Ted is looking for a job. He is a good worker and I hope that by the end of the month he ..... a good job. 

       will have found<····· правильный ответ


 7. My room has been in a mess for days. So tomorrow afternoon I ..... it. 

       am going to clean<····· правильный ответ


 8. The windows in my flat are dirty. I haven't cleaned them yet. I ..... it this Saturday. 

       am going to do<····· правильный ответ


 9. My father is repairing our car. We hope that by Sunday he ..... it. 

       will have repaired<····· правильный ответ


 10.  My parents are returning from Italy next Monday at 7 p.m. So this time next Monday I ..... them at the airport. 

       will be meeting<····· правильный ответ


 11. Who ..... of the dog when you go to America? 

       is going to take care<····· правильный ответ


 12. She is in the country now and she ..... there for another week. 

       will be staying<····· правильный ответ


 13. Don’t worry. I will switch off all the lights in the house when I ..... to bed. 

       go<····· правильный ответ


 14. She is not sure if she ..... his telephone number in the telephone directory. 

       will find<····· правильный ответ


 15. The dog will wait for his master near the door until his master ..... from work. 

       gets back<····· правильный ответ





К каждому вопросу даны несколько вариантов ответа. Выберите тот, который считаете правильным. Если Вы затрудняетесь с ответом, просто пропустите вопрос.


 1. Why did you say that Paul ..... a careful driver? 



       hadn't been


 2. She explained that she ..... me her book; she should take it back to the library the next day. 

       can't give

       couldn't give

       is not able to give


 3. The librarian didn’t think the students ..... their books to the library by the following week yet. 

       would take

       would have taken



 4. The shop assistant showed me a book and said that the book ..... the museums of our town. 


       was describing

       had described


 5. The mother reminded me that I ..... to feed the dog and take him out for a walk. 

       shouldn't forget

       don't have to forget

       not to forget


 6. Mr. Clemence said that because of the fire part of the building had gone completely, and the rest of it ..... . 

       was falling down

       had been falling down

       fell down


 7. In my interview I asked Celia Young why ..... another romantic novel. 

       she had written

       had she written

       she wrote


 8. Nina said Lucy complained that her friends never ..... any attention to what she told them. 

       would pay


       had paid


 9. I knew Linda ..... around Europe for three months already. 

       was travelling

       had been travelling

       had travelled

 10. Mark told Nancy that he ..... his dog at last, and the worried expression began to disapper from his face. 

       had found


       must find


 11. They explained to us that the Local History museum, which was usually open every Sunday, ..... that day. 

       was closed

       was being closed

       had been closed


 12. Alice explained to us that the flower shop ..... down the road. 

       was situated

       is situated

       had been situated


 13. Alice told me ..... that coat because it wasn't long enough. 


       to buy

       not to buy


 14. The personel manager was interested ..... to quit my present job. 

       why had I decided

       why I had decided

       why I decided


 15. Cindy was not sure if the delegation ..... or not, and she didn't know whom to ask about it. 


       was arriving

       had arrived








Правильные ответы :


1. Why did you say that Paul ..... a careful driver? 

       wasn't<····· правильный ответ


 2. She explained that she ..... me her book; she should take it back to the library the next day.

       couldn't give<····· правильный ответ


 3. The librarian didn’t think the students ..... their books to the library by the following week yet. 

       would have taken<····· правильный ответ


 4. The shop assistant showed me a book and said that the book ..... the museums of our town. 

       described<····· правильный ответ


 5. The mother reminded me that I ..... to feed the dog and take him out for a walk. 

       shouldn't forget<····· правильный ответ


 6. Mr. Clemence said that because of the fire part of the building had gone completely, and the rest of it ..... . 

       was falling down<····· правильный ответ


 7. In my interview I asked Celia Young why ..... another romantic novel. 

       she had written<····· правильный ответ


 8. Nina said Lucy complained that her friends never ..... any attention to what she told them.

       paid<····· правильный ответ


 9. I knew Linda ..... around Europe for three months already. 

       had been travelling<····· правильный ответ


 10. Mark told Nancy that he ..... his dog at last, and the worried expression began to disapper from his face. 

       had found<····· правильный ответ


 11. They explained to us that the Local History museum, which was usually open every Sunday, ..... that day. 

       was closed<····· правильный ответ


 12. Alice explained to us that the flower shop ..... down the road. 

       was situated<····· правильный ответ


 13. Alice told me ..... that coat because it wasn't long enough. 

       not to buy<····· правильный ответ


 14. The personel manager was interested ..... to quit my present job. 

       why I had decided<····· правильный ответ


 15. Cindy was not sure if the delegation ..... or not, and she didn't know whom to ask about it. 

       had arrived<····· правильный ответ


К каждому вопросу даны несколько вариантов ответа. Выберите тот, который считаете правильным. Если Вы затрудняетесь с ответом, просто пропустите вопрос.


1. Did you learn ..... ? 

       a lot of things at school today

       at school today a lot of things

       today a lot of things at school


 2. It’s getting late. Are ..... in the park  

       still the children playing

       the children still playing

       the children playing still


 3. Does Wanda ..... ? 

       write a letter to her parents every week

       a letter to her parents write every week

       every week write a letter to her parents


 4. This is my first visit to London; I ..... . 

       never have been there before

       have been there never before

       have never been there before


 5. Sam took out his album because ..... . 

       to show us his photos he wanted

       he wanted to show us his photos

       his photos he wanted to show us


 6. Don't put all these things in your bag; ..... . 

       it is not enough big

       it is big not enough

       it is not big enough


 7. It took Felix ..... to repair his car. 

       so much time

       such much time

       much so time


 8. There ..... on TV. In fact there are less of them nowadays. 

       are not enough good films

       good films are not enough

       not enough are good films


 9. Nancy ..... when she learnt about her mother's illness. 

       was awfully upset

       awfully was upset

       was upset awfully



 10. Denny was very hungry, so ..... . 

       he quickly ate his dinner

       he ate quickly his dinner

       quickly he ate his dinner


 11. When the light is bad, ..... . 

       I very well can't see

       I can't very well see

       I can't see very well


 12. Nick plays football well; ..... , but not as well as Nick. 

       his brother also plays football

       also his brother plays football

       his brother plays football also


 13. ..... on the shelf over there? 

       I shall put your books

       Shall I put your books

       Shall I your books put


 14. Tom and Jerry ..... for the job of a policeman. 

       have both applied

       both have applied

       have applied both


 15. Who ..... to the theatre with? 

       Jane go

       did Jane go

       Jane did go







Правильные ответы:


1. Did you learn ..... ? 

       a lot of things at school today<····· правильный ответ


 2. It’s getting late. Are ..... in the park 

       the children still playing<····· правильный ответ


 3. Does Wanda ..... ? 

       write a letter to her parents every week<····· правильный ответ


 4. This is my first visit to London; I ..... . 

       have never been there before<····· правильный ответ


 5. Sam took out his album because ..... . 

       he wanted to show us his photos<····· правильный ответ


 6. Don't put all these things in your bag; ..... . 

       it is not big enough<····· правильный ответ


 7. It took Felix ..... to repair his car. 

       so much time<····· правильный ответ


 8. There ..... on TV. In fact there are less of them nowadays. 

       are not enough good films<····· правильный ответ


 9. Nancy ..... when she learnt about her mother's illness. 

       was awfully upset<····· правильный ответ


 10. Denny was very hungry, so ..... . 

       he quickly ate his dinner<····· правильный ответ


 11. When the light is bad, ..... . 

       I can't see very well<····· правильный ответ


 12. Nick plays football well; ..... , but not as well as Nick. 

       his brother also plays football<····· правильный ответ


 13. ..... on the shelf over there? 

       Shall I put your books<····· правильный ответ


 14. Tom and Jerry ..... for the job of a policeman. 

       have both applied<····· правильный ответ


 15. Who ..... to the theatre with? 

       did Jane go<····· правильный ответ



К каждому вопросу даны несколько вариантов ответа. Выберите тот, который считаете правильным. Если Вы затрудняетесь с ответом, просто пропустите вопрос.


1. Last Wednesday my friend didn’t come late to work. I came ..... . 


       the last



 2. Some students are ..... about their homework as others. 

       more serious

       not serious

       not as serious


 3. They’ve got ..... money than they need. 


       the least



 4. I like both football and baseball but I prefer ..... . 

       the last

       the latter

       the least


 5. I didn’t get up very early yesterday. You got up ...... . 


       more early

       the earliest


 6. Ron Gregg has just written a new book. His ..... book is selling very well. 





 7. I have known Liz for years. She is ..... than her sister Jane. 

       far more serious

       a bit serious

       not so serious


 8. It was a very bad mistake. In fact it was ..... mistake she had ever made. 


       the worst



 9. Susan is better-looking than Ada; however, Liz is ..... one. 

       the best-looking





 10. Her illness was ..... than we at first had thought. 

       the most serious

       not as serious

       far more serious


 11. Tim is not at all talkative; he always keeps his thoughts to himself. He is ..... guy I’ve ever met. 

       the most reserved

       more reserved



 12. Let’s not go by train. Going by bus is ..... . 


       the most cheap

       a lot cheaper


 13. I like skiing ..... as skating. 


       as much

       as more


 14. I can’t walk very fast. You are younger; you can walk ..... . 

       much faster


       the fastest


 15. Leo drives a car well, but Collin does it ..... . 

       the best


       as well





Правильные ответы :


1. Last Wednesday my friend didn’t come late to work. I came ..... . 

       later<····· правильный ответ


 2. Some students are ..... about their homework as other

       not as serious<····· правильный ответ


 3. They’ve got ..... money than they need. 

       less<····· правильный ответ


 4. I like both football and baseball but I prefer ..... . 

       the latter<····· правильный ответ


 5. I didn’t get up very early yesterday. You got up ...... . 

       earlier<····· правильный ответ


 6. Ron Gregg has just written a new book. His ..... book is selling very well.                               

       latest<····· правильный ответ


 7. I have known Liz for years. She is ..... than her sister Jane. 

       far more serious<····· правильный ответ


 8. It was a very bad mistake. In fact it was ..... mistake she had ever made. 

       the worst<····· правильный ответ


 9. Susan is better-looking than Ada; however, Liz is ..... one. 

       the best-looking<····· правильный ответ


 10. Her illness was ..... than we at first had thought. 

       far more serious<····· правильный ответ


 11. Tim is not at all talkative; he always keeps his thoughts to himself. He is ..... guy I’ve ever met. 

       the most reserved<····· правильный ответ


 12. Let’s not go by train. Going by bus is ..... . 

       a lot cheaper<····· правильный ответ


 13. I like skiing ..... as skating.

       as much<····· правильный ответ


 14. I can’t walk very fast. You are younger; you can walk ..... . 

       much faster<····· правильный ответ


 15. Leo drives a car well, but Collin does it ..... . 

       better<····· правильный ответ





К каждому вопросу даны несколько вариантов ответа. Выберите тот, который считаете правильным. Если Вы затрудняетесь с ответом, просто пропустите вопрос.


 1. My friend Marion is coming from Chile. I am sorry not ..... about it earlier. 

       to tell

       to be told

       to have been told

       to have told


 2. Joan likes taking care of sick animals. She is pleased ..... this kind of work all the time. 

       to have been doing

       to be doing

       to have done

       to do


 3. Tom had an accident because he had exceeded speed limit. He shouldn’t ..... so fast. 


       be driving

       have driven

       have been driving


 4. I am awfully sorry ..... you in this stupid way. 

       to bother

       to be bothering

       to have bothered

       to be bothered


 5. Anna tried ..... two birds with one stone. 

       to kill

       to have killed

       to be killing

       to have been killed


 6. Modern art is when you buy a picture ..... a hole in the wall – and decide that the hole looks   better. 

       to cover

       to be covering

       to have covered

       to have been covering


 7. A great mistake that you can make in life is ..... you are always right. 

       to have thought

       to think

       to be thinking

       to have been thinking


 8. Everything comes to him who knows how ..... . 

       to have waited

       to be waiting

       to have been waiting

       to wait


 9. Don’t disturb her. She went to bed very late. She may still ..... . 


       be sleeping

       have been sleeping

       have slept


 10. He suddenly awoke from his trance; there was a decision ..... . 

       to be made

       to make

       to have made

       to have been made


 11. I am glad ..... to stay with them in their country-house. 

       to invite

       to be invited

       to have invited

       to have been invited


 12. That woman is still sitting. She seems ..... over an hour. 

       to wait

       to be waiting

       to have been waiting

       to have waited


 13. It is difficult ..... a friend who knows all about you and still likes you. 

       to find

       to have found

       to be finding

       to have been finding


 14. John is very proud. He is not the one ..... about. 

       to order

       to be ordered

       to have ordered

       to have been ordered


 15. Good-bye! I am so pleased ..... you. – The pleasure is mine. 

       to meet

       to be meeting

       to have been meeting

       to have met






Правильные ответы :


1. My friend Marion is coming from Chile. I am sorry not ..... about it earlier. 

       to have been told<····· правильный ответ


 2. Joan likes taking care of sick animals. She is pleased ..... this kind of work all the time. 

       to have been doing<····· правильный ответ


 3. Tom had an accident because he had exceeded speed limit. He shouldn’t ..... so fast. 

       have been driving<····· правильный ответ


 4. I am awfully sorry ..... you in this stupid way. 

       to have bothered<····· правильный ответ


 5. Anna tried ..... two birds with one stone. 

       to kill<····· правильный ответ


 6. Modern art is when you buy a picture ..... a hole in the wall – and decide that the hole looks better. 

       to cover<····· правильный ответ


 7. A great mistake that you can make in life is ..... you are always right. 

       to be thinking<····· правильный ответ


 8. Everything comes to him who knows how ..... . 

       to wait<····· правильный ответ


 9. Don’t disturb her. She went to bed very late. She may still ..... . 

       be sleeping<····· правильный ответ


 10. He suddenly awoke from his trance; there was a decision ..... . 

       to be made<····· правильный ответ


 11. I am glad ..... to stay with them in their country-house. 

       to have been invited<····· правильный ответ


 12. That woman is still sitting. She seems ..... over an hour. 

       to have been waiting<····· правильный ответ


 13. It is difficult ..... a friend who knows all about you and still likes you. 

       to find<····· правильный ответ


 14. John is very proud. He is not the one ..... about.

       to be ordered<····· правильный ответ


 15. Good-bye! I am so pleased ..... you. – The pleasure is mine. 

       to have met<····· правильный ответ





К каждому вопросу даны несколько вариантов ответа. Выберите тот, который считаете правильным. Если Вы затрудняетесь с ответом, просто пропустите вопрос.


1. Karen is being very rude. I have never heard ..... to her mother like that before. 

       that she talks

       her talk

       her to talk


 2. After the lesson the teacher had ..... the books back to the library. 

       the pupils took

       the pupils to take

       the pupils take


 3. Tim heard ..... and saw a woman appear in the doorway. 

       the floor boards to creak

       the floor boards creak

       the floor boards creaking


 4. Marion saw a blind man with an eye-seeing dog ..... the street. 

       to cross

       to be crossing



 5. I would like ..... outside the office. 

       my car to be parked

       my car to have been parked

       my car to park


 6. Abigail had nothing to read and I advised ..... a few books from the local library. 

       she to borrowed

       her to have borrowed

       her to borrow


 7. Sally felt ..... to tremble. 

       her hands begin

       her hands to begin

       her hands to have begun


 8. The children are making too much noise. I’d like ..... quiet. 

       they to be

       them to be

       that they be


 9. Have you ever seen ..... in public places? 

       my daughter to misbehaving

       my daughter to misbehave

       my daughter misbehave




 10. The oil prince annoyed her, but Joanna didn’t allow ..... the better of her. 

       irritation to get

       irritation get

       irritation to have got


 11. Will your mother allow ..... ? 

       her cell phone to be used

       her cell phone to have been used

       her cell phone to use


 12. I find ..... a very nice woman and a very skilled computer programmer. 

       her to be

       she to be

       her be


 13. Linda has never believed ..... any common sense. 

       her husband to have had

       her husband to have

       her husband having


 14. We rely on ..... the tickets for our trip to Australia. 

       Jane to book

       Jane's booked

       Jane to have booked


 15. The students didn’t notice ..... into the lecture room. 

       the lecturer come

       that the lecturer comes

       the lecturer to be coming






Правильные ответы :


1. Karen is being very rude. I have never heard ..... to her mother like that before. 

       her talk<····· правильный ответ


 2. After the lesson the teacher had ..... the books back to the library. 

       the pupils take<····· правильный ответ


 3. Tim heard ..... and saw a woman appear in the doorway. 

       the floor boards creak<····· правильный ответ


 4. Marion saw a blind man with an eye-seeing dog ..... the street. 

       cross<····· правильный ответ


 5. I would like ..... outside the office. 

       my car to be parked<····· правильный ответ


 6. Abigail had nothing to read and I advised ..... a few books from the local library. 

       her to borrow<····· правильный ответ


 7. Sally felt ..... to tremble. 

       her hands begin<····· правильный ответ


 8. The children are making too much noise. I’d like ..... quiet. 

       them to be<····· правильный ответ


 9. Have you ever seen ..... in public places? 

       my daughter misbehave<····· правильный ответ


 10. The oil prince annoyed her, but Joanna didn’t allow ..... the better of her. 

       irritation to get<····· правильный ответ


 11. Will your mother allow ..... ? 

       her cell phone to be used<····· правильный ответ


 12. I find ..... a very nice woman and a very skilled computer programmer. 

       her to be<····· правильный ответ


 13. Linda has never believed ..... any common sense. 

       her husband to have<····· правильный ответ


 14. We rely on ..... the tickets for our trip to Australia. 

       Jane to book<····· правильный ответ


 15. The students didn’t notice ..... into the lecture room. 

       the lecturer come<····· правильный ответ




К каждому вопросу даны несколько вариантов ответа. Выберите тот, который считаете правильным. Если Вы затрудняетесь с ответом, просто пропустите вопрос.


1. He couldn’t but ..... some money from the bank. 

       to borrow



 2. ..... the past seemed impossible for Felix. 

       To forget



 3. It is enough to make a cat ..... . 

       to laugh



 4. Mary looks so upset and forlorn that I can’t but ..... sorry for her. 


       to feel


 5. There was nothing to do but ..... them with the information they required. 


       to supply


 6. The aim of a good general is not to fight but ..... . 

       to win



 7. You ought ..... the doctor’s instructions if you don’t want to fall ill again. 

       to follow



 8. Let’s ..... time watching this silly comedy! 

       not waste

       not to waste


 9. I have always considered John ..... a decent fellow. 

       to be



 10. Their family was made to sell their house for nothing and ..... the town. 

       to leave



 11. Tastes are said ..... with age. 

       to change





 12. There was a lot of traffic, but we managed ..... to the airport in time. 


       to get


 13. I’d rather ..... roses on my table than diamonds on my neck. 


       to have


 14. Ann would sooner miss her class than ..... to go to a disco. 

       to refuse



 15. The thief got into the house because I had forgotten ..... the window. 

       to shut






Правильные ответы :


1. He couldn’t but ..... some money from the bank. 

       borrow<····· правильный ответ


 2. ..... the past seemed impossible for Felix. 

       To forget<····· правильный ответ


 3. It is enough to make a cat ..... . 

       laugh<····· правильный ответ


 4. Mary looks so upset and forlorn that I can’t but ..... sorry for her. 

       feel<····· правильный ответ


 5. There was nothing to do but ..... them with the information they required. 

       supply<····· правильный ответ

       to supply


 6. The aim of a good general is not to fight but ..... . 

       to win<····· правильный ответ


 7. You ought ..... the doctor’s instructions if you don’t want to fall ill again. 

       to follow<····· правильный ответ


 8. Let’s ..... time watching this silly comedy! 

       not waste<····· правильный ответ


 9. I have always considered John ..... a decent fellow. 

           to be<····· правильный ответ


 10. Their family was made to sell their house for nothing and ..... the town. 

           leave<····· правильный ответ


 11. Tastes are said ..... with age. 

           to change<····· правильный ответ


 12. There was a lot of traffic, but we managed ..... to the airport in time. 

           to get<····· правильный ответ


 13. I’d rather ..... roses on my table than diamonds on my neck. 

           have<····· правильный ответ


 14. Ann would sooner miss her class than ..... to go to a disco. 

           refuse<····· правильный ответ


 15. The thief got into the house because I had forgotten ..... the window. 

           to shut<····· правильный ответ






К каждому вопросу даны несколько вариантов ответа. Выберите тот, который считаете правильным. Если Вы затрудняетесь с ответом, просто пропустите вопрос.


1. She bent down and looked at the tiny kitten ..... under the table. 


       having sat

       having been sat


 2. After her younger sister was born, Margaret felt ..... and betrayed. 


       being forgotten



 3. I wonder what Doctor Brown thinks of the medical problem ..... now. 

       being discussed


       having been discussed


 4. Alice didn’t like her Biology classes; she thought they were ..... . 


       being boring



 5. ..... to see as much as possible of the town, we hired a car. 

       Having wished




 6. Going back to his office, Fisher had a ..... feeling of strong anger and mild grief. 



       being mixed


 7. Julia sat ..... in a corner of the sofa looking extreemely miserable. 

       being hunched


       having hunched


 8. A ..... kindness deserves no thanks. 



       having forced


 9. I heard him ..... something from the opposite side of the street, but I pretended not to hear. 


       having shouted




 10. Suddenly Stella noticed the smoke ..... through the roof of one of the houses. 



       having come


 11. They looked at Julia in surprise as though ..... her story. 

       not having believed

       not believing

       not believed


 12. ..... by the beauty of the girl’s face, Lester didn’t notice that she was sitting in a wheelchair. 


       Being fascinated



 13. The man pointed to a large pink and gray dwelling house ..... behind the parking lot. 


       being towered

       having towered


 14. A large bay window, ..... from the outside wall, overlooked the ocean. 



       being projected


 15. The girl was sitting with her back to the window, her head half ..... . 

       being turned

       having been turned







Правильные ответы :


1. She bent down and looked at the tiny kitten ..... under the table. 

       sitting<····· правильный ответ


 2. After her younger sister was born, Margaret felt ..... and betrayed. 

       forgotten<····· правильный ответ


 3.  I wonder what Doctor Brown thinks of the medical problem ..... now. 

       being discussed<····· правильный ответ


 4. Alice didn’t like her Biology classes; she thought they were ..... . 

       boring<····· правильный ответ


 5. ..... to see as much as possible of the town, we hired a car. 

       Wishing<····· правильный ответ


 6. Going back to his office, Fisher had a ..... feeling of strong anger and mild grief. 

       mixed<····· правильный ответ


 7. Julia sat ..... in a corner of the sofa looking extreemely miserable. 

       hunched<····· правильный ответ


 8. A ..... kindness deserves no thanks. 

       forced<····· правильный ответ


 9. I heard him ..... something from the opposite side of the street, but I pretended not to hear. 

       shouting<····· правильный ответ


 10. Suddenly Stella noticed the smoke ..... through the roof of one of the houses. 

       coming<····· правильный ответ


 11. They looked at Julia in surprise as though ..... her story. 

       not believing<····· правильный ответ


 12. ..... by the beauty of the girl’s face, Lester didn’t notice that she was sitting in a wheelchair. 

       Fascinated<····· правильный ответ


 13. The man pointed to a large pink and gray dwelling house ..... behind the parking lot. 

       towering<····· правильный ответ


 14. A large bay window, ..... from the outside wall, overlooked the ocean. 

       projecting<····· правильный ответ


 15. The girl was sitting with her back to the window, her head half ..... . 

       turned<····· правильный ответ




К каждому вопросу даны несколько вариантов ответа. Выберите тот, который считаете правильным. Если Вы затрудняетесь с ответом, просто пропустите вопрос.


1. I’d love to visit London. Oh, if I ..... this chance! 



       had had


 2. If he had sold out everything yesterday in the day time, he ..... for home immediately. 

       would leave

       would have left

       should have left


 3. But for his laziness Timothy ..... quite successful in business. 

       might be

       would be

       should be


 4. It might have been somebody he knew and wasn’t afraid of, otherwise he ..... unawares, would he? 

       wouldn’t have been caught

       wouldn’t be caught

       shouldn’t have been caught


 5. The other day I watched a dog dance in the middle of the square. If I ..... it with my own eyes, I would have never believed it. 

       didn’t see

       hadn’t seen

       wouldn’t have seen


 6. ..... you care for a full explanation, you may call any day between 10 and 11 a.m. 





 7. Why do you look so scared? What’s the matter? It seems as if you ..... a ghost. 



       had seen


 8. It’s absolutely necessary that they ..... the job on time. Otherwise they would be given an enormous fine. 

       would complete

       should complete

       should have completed




 9. The situation seems totally out of control. I wish there ..... a way out! 

       had been




 10. It hasn’t rained for at least two weeks. The flowers withered. If only it ..... every day! 



       had rained


 11. I came out onto the porch to face a terrible destruction and I felt as if I ..... . 

       went mad

       had gone mad

       would have gone mad


 12. Herald ..... us Christmas greetings if he knew our address in Glasgow. 

       would send

       would have sent



 13. Why aren’t you listening to me? If only you ..... how important it is! 


       had realized

       would have realized


 14. But for your unpleasant remark, I ..... absolutely happy. 

       would feel

       would be feeling

       would have felt


 15. We have been walking for two hours. I am so tired. If only we ..... a taxi! 

       had found

       should find

       could find







Правильные ответы :


1. I’d love to visit London. Oh, if I ..... this chance! 

       had<····· правильный ответ


 2. If he had sold out everything yesterday in the day time, he ..... for home immediately. 

       would have left<····· правильный ответ


 3. But for his laziness Timothy ..... quite successful in business. 

       might be<····· правильный ответ


 4. It might have been somebody he knew and wasn’t afraid of, otherwise he ..... unawares, would he? 

       wouldn’t have been caught<····· правильный ответ


 5. The other day I watched a dog dance in the middle of the square. If I ..... it with my own eyes, I would have never believed it. 

       hadn’t seen<····· правильный ответ


 6. ..... you care for a full explanation, you may call any day between 10 and 11 a.m. 

       Should<····· правильный ответ


 7. Why do you look so scared? What’s the matter? It seems as if you ..... a ghost. 

       had seen<····· правильный ответ


 8. It’s absolutely necessary that they ..... the job on time. Otherwise they would be given an enormous fine. 

       should complete<····· правильный ответ


 9. The situation seems totally out of control. I wish there ..... a way out! 

       were<····· правильный ответ


 10. It hasn’t rained for at least two weeks. The flowers withered. If only it ..... every day! 

       rained<····· правильный ответ


 11. I came out onto the porch to face a terrible destruction and I felt as if I ..... . 

       had gone mad<···· правильный ответ


 12. Herald ..... us Christmas greetings if he knew our address in Glasgow.                 

       would have sent<····· правильный ответ


 13. Why aren’t you listening to me? If only you ..... how important it is! 

       realized<····· правильный ответ


 14. But for your unpleasant remark, I ..... absolutely happy. 

       would be feeling<····· правильный ответ


 15. We have been walking for two hours. I am so tired. If only we ..... a taxi! 

       could find<····· правильный ответ

Дата: 2019-11-01, просмотров: 1580.