Nowadays tourism has become very popular and turned into a prosperous business процветающий бизнес. Tourism is an important sector that has an impact on development of country economy. It gives job opportunities, increases income of the country; helps preserve and develop the culture, history and nature. Tourism sets the political, economic, social and technological relations between nations.
Tourism is one of those industries that are capable of providing rapid economic growth in jobs, income standard of living and in activating their productive sectors in the receiving country.
Tourism breaks down the barriers between countries helping to create a more peaceful world.
The most popular and pleasant way of spending time for active and energetic people is traveling. It is so interesting to discover new places and different people, to explore different continents and countries, to try exquisite (изысканную) cuisine and enjoy dawns (наслаждаться рассветами) on the other end of the world. Traveling is the best way to change the atmosphere, to have a rest from everyday life and to get new emotions and impressions that remain (остаётся) always with us.
There are some different kinds of travelling including:
the city trip, family holidays, package holidays/tour, beach holidays, group holidays, backpacking, activity holidays, cultural holidays, camping, ecotourism/eco holidays, cruise, business travel and adventure travel.
Backpacking is a form of low-cost, independent travel. It includes the use of a backpack that is easily carried for long distances or long periods of time; the use of public transport; inexpensive lodging such as youth hostels
A package tour or package holiday consists of transport, accommodation and meals organized by a tour operator and sold to a consumer by a travel agent. Other services may be provided like a rental car, activities or outing during the holiday. It is really well organised and everything is all inclusive in the price. This means that you don’t have to worry about things.
Activity holidays are chosen by active people who love skiing, scuba diving, hiking etc.
Cultural holidays are popular with those who want to see monuments, churches, museums and other sights.
Camping is an outdoor recreation activity. The campers stay overnight outdoors, usually at a campsite. Camping may involve the use of a tent, caravan, motorhome or a cabin. Camping is an inexpensive form of accommodation.
Ecotourism is a form of tourism involving visiting undisturbed natural areas. It is a responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well-being of local people.
A trip abroad requires careful planning:
Ø you must have a valid passport and visa to travel abroad
Ø to buy a plane ticket
Ø to make a reservation in the hotel
Ø to take enough money
Ø to get travel Insurance before travelling
Ø to refresh your language skills
Ø to make up a packing list and follow it
Keep in mind the following pointers to make your foreign trip as safe and interesting as possible:
Ø to learn about local laws and customs
Ø to get the addresses and phone members of your country embassy
Ø to have access to emergency funds (экстренные службы)
Ø to keep personal information secret
Ø to carry documents and money in a hidden pocket
Advantages of travelling :
Tourism is a popular leisure activity. It provides you with unforgettable moments and experiences. If you travel, you can experience things that you could never experience at home. You may see beautiful places and landscapes that do not exist where you live. You may meet people that will change your life, and your thingking. You may try activities that you have never tried before.
Provides cultural exchange between hosts and guests.
Travelling helps us to broaden our horizon of knowledge and deepen our understanding of the world. It gives us excellent opportunity to learn about life of people, culture, history and geography any country.
Tourism brings profit to the local and regional areas and creates jobs at the local, state and government levels. Secondly, local festivals and cultural events have been developed and supported because of heavy tourist participation, and many buildings and monuments have been renovated. What is more, experiencing different cultures is interesting and educational for tourists.
It provides jobs for the locals. Hotels, bars, transport, shops, and restaurants all need staffing нуждаются в персонале. Tourism can provide much-needed employment необходимую занятость for people.
Money from tourism goes towards projects for local facilities such as schools, health clinics and improved roads. Деньги от туризма идут на проекты для местных объектов, таких как школы, поликлиники и улучшенные дороги.
Tourism promotes international connections which can increase business opportunities.
It can provide a incentive for investment in infrastructure such as roads and rail networks, as well as funding local medical and education facilities. Это может стать стимулом для инвестиций в инфраструктуру, такую как автомобильные и железнодорожные сети, а также в финансирование местных медицинских и образовательных учреждений.
There is so much to see and learn from travelling. For instance, you can experience exotic landscapes and the traditions and can learn the cultural heritage of the people who live there. Besides, travelling lets you see the history of different cities and educates about the rich background they had over the years.
Tourists enjoy leisure activities such as golf, tennis, or horseback riding, while local residents work hard to earn as much money as they can during the tourist season.
Travelling makes you more confident and independent. You will realise that you can cope with a lot of unexpected situations. You will likely find out that you are much stronger and braver than you have expected.
School trips are very interesting and educational. Firstly, school trips give students a chance to acquire new information, to improve their knowledge, to apply different skills and to gain new insight into various subjects. Secondly, school trips break up the monotony of the classroom routine and enable students to see how their classwork applies to everyday life. What is more, school trips put schoolchildren in real-life scenarios and require observation, investigation, and communication with other people.
Today more and more people are becoming interested in ecotourism, which promotes recycling, energy efficiency, water conservation, and the safe disposal of waste and garbage. Secondly, ecotourism contributes to the economic development of local communities. Tourists provide local people with work, use local transportation, inns and markets, and make voluntary contributions. In addition, funds generated from ecotourism are used to establish and maintain national parks and nature reserves.
Tourists should follow the rules and regulations of the country they are visiting. They must obey the traffic laws and respect the sentiments of people. The government must aware the visiting foreigners about the rules and regulations before they apply for a visitor visa.
| Some people are not optimistic about tourism. They say that some beaches and resorts are uncomfortably crowded, and the historic centres of world-famous cities are becoming occupied by thousands of tourists. Besides, tourism can disrupt ecosystems and environments. For example, a lot of beaches and lagoons are being destroyed to make room for hotels and restaurants.
Some people say that ecotourism does have some disadvantages. Firstly, the increasing number of tourists can lead to the expansion of infrastructure. As a result, many parts of the natural environment may be destroyed to make room for commercial tourist structures. What is more, native people are often exploited for cheap labour.
Disadvantages of travelling :
Tourism can often cause environmental damage with things like pollution and forest fires. Even if tourists behave responsibly, the sheer number of the them can cause problems. Structures such as ancient buildings, monuments, and temples often struggle to cope with the vast amounts of tourist traffic and they suffer wear and tear or damage. Туризм часто может нанести ущерб окружающей среде с такими вещами, как загрязнение окружающей среды и лесные пожары. Даже если туристы ведут себя ответственно, их число может вызвать проблемы. Такие сооружения, как древние здания, памятники и храмы, часто испытывают трудности, чтобы справиться с огромным количеством туристов, и они страдают от износа или повреждения.
Most journeys last very long and it can make us feel tired and discouraged.
Emissions generated by forms of transport are one of the main environmental problems of tourism. Выбросы, создаваемые видами транспорта, являются одной из основных экологических проблем туризма.
Sometimes the flights are delayed because of unfavourable weather conditions.
Travelling can be too expensive. Some people ignore traveling to popular places because them have to spend a lot of money in order to make trip fun and memorable.
Popular places are flooded by lots of people, especially during the summer or peak season. If you don’t want to be in such place, then you shouldn’t be in popular places.
Unknown territory may cause discomfort. There are difficulties in adaptation.
The language barrier can lead to misunderstandings.
Global tourism creates misunderstanding between people from different cultures, and that the differences are often a cause for conflict rather than celebration.
Money can end up being spent only on touristed areas while other places and industries suffer.