a) Westminster Palace
b) Buckingham Palace
c)The Tower
d) The Houses of Parliament
Nelson Column commemorate the British victory in the war with
a) Germany
b) Italy
d) France
George Washington was
a) the first President of the USA
b) the architect
c)assassinated in the Ford Theatre
d) the author of the Declaration of Emancipation
Washington is situated in
a) the state of New York
b) the state of Columbia
c)the state of Washington
d) no state
The Capital is
a) a musium in Washington
b) the Washington Memorial
e)the President’s residence
c)the location of the Congress
The Lincoln Memorial looks like
a) big pencil
b) an ordinary house
c) a classical Greek Temple
d) a classical Roman Temple
ІІ. Capital quiz
1) Where in Kiev can you see monsters in the street?
2) In which of London’s parks can you find the lake with a snake name?
3) What fruit-tree is honoured in one of Washington’s festivals?
4) Who is the patron saint of Kiev?
5) Where will you go in London to find the lodging of Mr. Sherlock Holms?
6) Where in London can people of different historic epoch get together?
7) Abraham Lincoln’s name can be found on the map of the USA. Where?
Cities of Ukraine
1. Translate into English:
1. Київ – одне з найкращих міст у світі. Розкинутий на мальовничих схилах Дніпра він увесь потопає у зелені садів і парків. 2 Історія України тісно пов’язана з Києвом .3 Хрещатик – головна вулиця Києва 4 Київ відомий своїми архітектурними пам’ятниками старовини
1. Fill in the prepositions in the following text and learn about another large Ukrainian city.
Dnipropetrovsk is one of …(1) the most important cities … (2) the Southeastern part …(3) Ukraine. It stands … (4) a curve … (5) the Dnieper River and spreads … (6) its both banks … (7) many kilometers. It was founded … (8) 1776 … (9) the reign … (10) Catherine II and named …(11) her honour Katerinoslav
Today Dnipropetrovsk is the third largest city …(12) Ukraine a population … (13) 1 million people. It is industrial, scientific, educational center. It has many places …(14) interest that are worth seeing. You can begin … (15) Glory Square and the monument …(16) the liberators … (17) the city …(18) the Great Patriotic War.
Another very interesting place is Komsomolskiy Island. … (19) The 9th century there was a Greek monastery there which was visited … (20) Several Grand Kievan Princes and Princess Olga … (21) their way …(22) Visantium. Unfortunately it was ruined … (23) 1240. Today the island is a popular leisure center … (24) the largest fresh water aquarium … (25) Europe.
Using all this exercises, tests, quizzes the teacher can vary the lessons, do them interesting, useful, friendful. The teacher can change the forms of work – listening, reading, oral speech, writing. Every minute of the lessons must be thought over carefully. Let’s go to the lesson in the 10th form.
1.Match the sentence
Kiev is one of | the most ancient cities of Europe |
Kiev is situated | Of about 3 million people |
Kiev has a population | On the banks of the Dnieper |
The city is green | with chestnut trees |
The streets are lined up | and beautiful |
It is the scientific, | By three brothers – Kyi, Schek, Rhoriv and sister Lybid |
According to the legend Kiev was founded | specializing in electronics, aviation, food, chemical production |
It’s a major industrial center that includes | 2000 years ago |
2. Game. Name the place of interest by its description
1. It’s the main street of Kiev. The most treasured pieces of architecture have been presented here. Old houses are combined with modern buildings of shops and cafes glaring in the evening with bright light. ( Khreschatik)
2. It’s a traditionally Slavic six-column church crowned by seven cupolas (St. Volodimir Cathedral)
3. A very famous university (Kiev National University)
4. Classical Ukrainian operas such as Lysenko “Taras Bulba” are performed here (Taras Shevchenko National Opera Theatre of Ukraine)
5. the 17 storey hotel built in 1970 named after the very famous sister (Lybid)
3. The church built in 1037 by Prince Yaroslav the Wise to glorify wisdom of Christianity (Sophia in Greek means “wisdom”. The St. Sophia Cathedral)
4. Make up the story about Kiev. Here is the example of the story:
1 Kiev is the capital of Ukraine. It is more than 2000 years old. It is situated on the bank of the Dnieper. Famous places are: St. Sophia Cathedral, Kiev – Pechersk Lavra, Golden Gates, Volodimir Cathedral, Andriyivska Church, Khreschatik Street, Andriyivskiy Spusk, Shevchenko Boulevard.
2 Describe the picture of the Ukrainian Arts Museum, using the necessary words:
splendid buildings, architecture style, a broad staircase, facade, slender column, grotesque stone figure, tent-shaped roof, portal.
Here is the example of description:
The cultural life of our capital is rich and vivid. There are a lot of museums in it, among them the Ukrainian Fine Arts Museum. It occupies a great splendid building. We are impressed by its architecture style. The building has a broad staircase leading up to the portal. The façade is decorated with slender columns and grotesque stone figures near the museum you can see many people. They are visitors of the museum.
5 Game “A round Kiev tour”
The class is broken up into groups. Every group is given a task to prepare an excursion, using some pictures of Kiev. Special additional material is prepared: “souvenirs for guides from thankful tourists”.
6 Make up dialogues “In the city”, use the necessary words: Is this the right way to …?, Where is the nearest …?, Thanks. Thanks a lot. Turn to the right.(left) Take the 1st (2nd) turning on the right. Go straight! I’m sorry. I don’t know.
7 Make up questions using the following table
What | Is are | the territory of Ukraine? | |
the population of Ukraine? | |||
the highest body of state power? | |||
the achievements of Ukrainian scientists? | |||
The main river of Ukraine? | |||
Is Kiev | An industrial, scientific, center of Ukraine? | ||
the capital of Ukraine? | |||
the seat of the Supreme Council? | |||
the seat of the Cabinet of Ministers? | |||
one of the most ancient cities? | |||
famous for its beauty? | |||
located on the picturesque banks of the Dnieper river? | |||
Match the places at the photos with the names.
For example:1) Volodimir Hill
2) Monument to Taras Shevchenko
3) Khreschatik
4) the Golden Gate
Find a partner
Write the following words on separate pieces of paper. Put them face down and tangle. Take one. Now find your partner to make up a word – combination. Write it on the blackboard. Make up a sentence with your word-combinations.
Key : ill heart, heroic struggle, state sovereignty, real Courage, defend native land, proclaim sovereignty, defeat enemy
Дата: 2019-07-24, просмотров: 279.