Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой



Билет № 1


99) Translate from English: A contract implied in law is one in which an obligation is imposed upon a person, irrespective or even in violation of his intention to enter into a contract.

100) Translate from Russian: Для служащих их трудовой коллектив является основным источником социального взаимодействия. Коммуникация, которая имеет место внутри коллектива, обеспечивает выход, выражение эмоций и удовлетворение социальных потребностей.

101) Provide the correct Russian and English equivalents:
Profit and loss.
B ) Покупать или продавать товары от своего собственного имени.

102) Answer the question: What is the role of marketing research in business? Does it contribute to developing business or not?

103) Use the right form(s) of the verb(s) in brackets: The manager … (to work) at the report for two hours when the employees of the firm came.

104) Insert article(s) where necessary: Do you know that ... sun is, in round numbers, 92.000.000 miles aways from ... Earth.

105) Fill in the blanks with prepositions where necessary: Let’s have a look ... the diary, what are the engagements ... today.

106) Ask questions: a) to the subject of the sentence; b) to the predicate: In all countries consumers always compete against producers and traders.

107) Use the phrase in the Passive Voice: Last year the competitive company extended the production of video-players.

108) Please, write a few lines about yourself, your prospects, your future business.






Зав. кафедрой




Экзаменационный билет по предмету



Билет № 2


1) Translate from English: A contract may be binding upon one party to the contract and not upon the other. Written contracts are mot always more binding than oral contracts.

2) Translate from Russian: Покупательная способность - это то, что отделяет случайны наблюдателей от серьезных клиентов. Любой рынок нуждается в достаточном количестве последних, чтобы гарантировать производство товаров.

3) Provide the correct Russian and English equivalents:
A system of taxation.
B ) Контракты, касающиеся земли: закладные.

4) Answer the question: What kind of society is Russia building now, in your opinion?

5) Use the right form(s) of the verb(s) in brackets: By December of next year the students of the University … (to learn) English for three years.

6) Insert article(s) where necessary: In Russia the legislative power is exercised by ... Federal Assembly consisting of two Chambers: ... Council of Federation and ... State Duma.

7) Fill in the blanks with prepositions where necessary: I didn’t spend a single penny ... building a new country cottage; it was built ... the expense of my father’s money.

8) Ask questions: a) to the subject of the sentence; b) to the predicate: Economic theory helps is understand how the world works.

9) Use the phrase in the Passive Voice: Specialists are now classifying insurance by major categories: life, health and property-liability.

10) Please, write a few lines about yourself, your prospects, your future business.






Зав. кафедрой




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1) Translate from English: In most countries criminal and civil procedures are different. For example, criminal actions are nearly always started by the state. Civil actions, on the other hand, are usually started by individuals.

2) Translate from English: there are also many points of contact between criminal and civil law. In most countries if the loser of a civil case refuses to comply with the order made against him the procedures for forcing him to comply may result in a criminal prosecution.

3) Translate from English: A contract is a legally enforceable agreement between two or more parties regarding a specified act or thing.

4) Translate from English: The first requisite of any contract is an agreement. At least two parties are required: one of them, the offerer, makes an offer which the other, offeree, accepts.

5) Translate from English: The mere fact of an agreement alone doesn't make a contract. In order for such an agreement to be valid and enforceable through the courts consideration must be furnished by each party to the contract.

6) Translate from English: Consideration is the value or benefit that a party provides to the others with whom the contract is made. Consideration can take two forms: executed consideration and executory consideration. In any case consideration must not be illegal.

7) Translate from English: The law demands that the parties drafting a contract intended to enter into a legal relationship. In accordance with the intention of the parties to the contract all agreements may be de vided into two categories: social (domestic) and business (commercial) agreements.

8) Translate from English: A minor is bound by contracts of employment, apprenticeship and education, which are for his benefit. And such contracts as leases of land, partnership and the purchase of shares are binding on him until he decides to reject them. He must repudiate the contract before reaching 18 not to be liable upon a contract.

9) Translate from English: There are different types of business contracts. The most common of them are: contracts for financial services, contracts concerning land; mortgages, employment contracts, contracts of agency, contracts for the supply of goods, contracts of bailment: hire.

10) Translate from English: The text of any international commercial contract usually begins with a preamble in which juridical names of the parties drafting a contract are given.

11) Translate from English: The error annuls the contract with the exception of cases when the contracting party would have been equally willing to enter into a contract with any other person.

12) Translate from Russian : Ресурсы, используемые для организации бизнеса - производства товаров и услуг, являются факторами производства. Это - земля, труд, капитал и предпринимательство.

13) Translate from Russian : Труд - совокупный человеческий ресурс(ы), необходимый для превращения сырьевых материалов в товары и услуги. Он включает в себя работу всех работников бизнеса - от высшего руководства до работников всех звеньев организационной структуры.

14) Translate from Russian : Чтобы понять общество, Вы должны иметь основные представления об экономических системах. Вы не можете рассчитывать на то, что разберетесь в быстрой смене событий в мире, не понимая, как функционируют экономические системы.

15) Translate from Russian : Экономическое развитие всех стран было бы ускорено осуществлением широкой программы разоружения. Более низкие уровни военной конфронтации создали бы благоприятную атмосферу для активизации экономического сотрудничества в интересах всех и всего.

16) Translate from Russian : Современный мир полон противоречий и опасностей. По этой причине Россия хочет, чтобы международные политические отношения были нормализованы, а экономическое развитие становилось стабильным и предсказуемым.

17) Translate from Russian : При капитализме бизнес предстает во всех видах и размерах. Однако, в общем, бизнес - это либо товаропроизводящие, либо производящие услуги фирмы.

18) Translate from Russian : В условиях системы частного предпринимательства люди конкурируют друг с другом. Конкуренция вместе с прибылью является краеугольным камнем этой системы.

19) Translate from Russian : Существуют три формы предпринимательской собственности: индивидуальная собственность, товарищество и корпорация. Создавая свое предприятие, предприниматель решает, какую из этих трех форм он должен выбрать.

20) Translate from Russian : Акция - владение частью компании и, следовательно, правом на долю любого дохода, который она приносит (дивиденд).

21) Translate from Russian : Рынок - это группа потенциальных потребителей, обладающих правом и способностью приобретать отдельный товар или услугу, которые удовлетворяют их коллективные запросы.

22) Translate from Russian : Покупательная способность - это то, что отделяет случайны наблюдателей от серьезных клиентов. Любой рынок нуждается в достаточном количестве последних, чтобы гарантировать производство товаров.

23) Provide the correct Russian and English equivalents:
Consumer and manufactured goods.
B ) Организовывать поток товаров и денег от производителя к потребителям.

24) Provide the correct Russian and English equivalents:
To run a business.
B) Доставлять и создавать запасы товаров (складировать).

25) Provide the correct Russian and English equivalents:
To form a partnership.
B) Сбор, накопление, сопоставление и анализ информации о рынке.

26) Provide the correct Russian and English equivalents:
The freedom of choice and competition.
B) Издержки производства растут, а цены падают.

27) Provide the correct Russian and English equivalents:
To liquidate or wind up a company.
B) Аннулировать договор (контракт).

28) Provide the correct Russian and English equivalents:
Corporation and sole traders.
B) Прекратить обязательства по договору (контракту).

29) Provide the correct Russian and English equivalents:
To avoid excessive borrowings.
B) Оспоримые и лишенные законной силы договоры (контракты).

30) Provide the correct Russian and English equivalents:
To make economics.
B) Исполнить договор.

31) Provide the correct Russian and English equivalents:
To levy a tax on smth (smb).
B) Договор о передаче на ответственное хранение: прокат.

32) Provide the correct Russian and English equivalents:
To lead a miserable existence.
B) Повышать или понижать учетную ставку.

33) Answer the question: What types of modern economic systems do you know? Please, name them.

34) Answer the question: How are economic decisions made in mixed capitalism?

35) Answer the question: What are the main principles of Russia's foreign policy?

36) Answer the question: Who controls the operation and direction of basic industries in modern Russia?

37) Answer the question: Economics has deep roots in, and close ties to, social philosophy? Why?

38) Answer the question: They say that economics is a behavioral science? Why?

39) Answer the question: What is a market? What kinds of markets do you know?

40) Answer the question: What are three basic forms of business ownership?

41) Answer the question: What is marketing? Which are its main functions?

42) Answer the question: What types of business contracts do you know?

43) Answer the question: What problems is Contract law concerned with? What is its role in business?

44) Use the right form(s) of the verb(s) in brackets: The manager … (to work) at the report for two hours when the employees of the firm came.

45) Use the right form(s) of the verb(s) in brackets: We all used … (to work hard) when we were young.

46) Use the right form(s) of the verb(s) in brackets: Why do people make businesses? They do it in the hope of …(to get) profits.

47) Use the right form(s) of the verb(s) in brackets: Staying within a field of expertise … (to increase) chances of any businessman for success.

48) Use the right form(s) of the verb(s) in brackets: Small-business owners do not often succeed in … (to run) a business.

49) Use the right form(s) of the verb(s) in brackets: The government insists on (to impose) a new income tax.

50) Use the right form(s) of the verb(s) in brackets: It is true that our director is suspected of … (to commit a crime).

51) Use the right form(s) of the verb(s) in brackets: Any businessman needs to speak to other people and he can do it by … (to use) the telephone.

52) Use the right form(s) of the verb(s) in brackets: Neither our firm nor competitive firms … (to be) successful in … (to sell) products abroad last year.

53) Use the right form(s) of the verb(s) in brackets: There … (to be) a number telephone calls in our firm today.

54) Use the right form(s) of the verb(s) in brackets: Two firms … (to strike) just a contract for the mutual supply of goods.

55) Insert article(s) where necessary: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and … Northern Ireland is … constitutional monarchy.

56) Insert article(s) where necessary: Washington, …capital of the USA, is situated on both banks of … Potomac river.

57) Insert article(s) where necessary: … Great lakes on the border with … Canada are the largest and the deepest in ... USA.

58) Insert article(s) where necessary: The main mountain chains in Russia are ... Urals, ... Caucasus and ... Altai.

59) Insert article(s) where necessary: ... Baikal is the deepest lake in the world and its water is ... purest on ... Earth.

60) Insert article(s) where necessary: Russia is ... presidentail republic, it is one of ... leading powers in the world.

61) Insert article(s) where necessary: ... economics has deep roots in and close ties to ... social philosophy.

62) Insert article(s) where necessary: Do you know that ... sun is, in round numbers, 92.000.000 miles aways from ... Earth.

63) Insert article(s) where necessary: A limited leability company is not ... only way to run ... bisiness, it is also possible to form ... unlimited company.

64) Insert article(s) where necessary: ... Contract law is ... branch of ... civil law. It is ... legal foundation of all business dealings.

65) Insert article(s) where necessary: A mortgage is ... method of borrowing money on ... security of some property.

66) Fill in the blanks with prepositions where necessary: Is that house ... sale? Yes, it is, but you can buy it ... a price.

67) Fill in the blanks with prepositions where necessary: Usually businessmen rent offices ... the centre or ... a prestige disctrict of the city.

68) Fill in the blanks with prepositions where necessary: All parents try to provide their children ... good education and good manners.

69) Fill in the blanks with prepositions where necessary: Commincation is ... great importance ... organizational structure.

70) Fill in the blanks with prepositions where necessary: We have just placed a big order ... the goods with this firm; they have agreed ... a 3% discount.

71) Fill in the blanks with prepositions where necessary: I have not seen my friend ... ages. He was ... diplomatic service abroad.

72) Fill in the blanks with prepositions where necessary: The legislative power in Great Britain is exercised ... the Houses ... Parliament.

73) Fill in the blanks with prepositions where necessary: Moscow is known ... its beautiful old cathedrals, churches and monasteries.

74) Fill in the blanks with prepositions where necessary: Russians are a reading nation. It is impossible to imagine our life ... newspapers.

75) Fill in the blanks with prepositions where necessary: The land of Russia varies ... thick forests ... barren deserts, ... high picked mountains ... deep valleys.

76) Fill in the blanks with prepositions where necessary: The members of the Federal Assembly of Russia are elected ... popular vote ... a four year period.

77) Ask questions: a) to the subject of the sentence; b) to the predicate: In the privarte enterprise system the right to profit attracts people to begin business.

78) Ask questions: a) to the subject of the sentence; b) to the predicate: Of late the competitive firm has succeeded in selling its goods abroad.

79) Ask questions: a) to the subject of the sentence; b) to the predicate: Sales experience greatly increases business people’s chances in the market.

80) Ask questions: a) to the subject of the sentence; b) to the predicate: Yesterday our firm concluded a very profitable contract.

81) Ask questions: a) to the subject of the sentence; b) to the predicate: My friend is going to visit all London art galleries next year.

82) Ask questions: a) to the subject of the sentence; b) to the predicate: In the USA the president can sign and veto any bill adopted by Congress.

83) Ask questions: a) to the subject of the sentence; b) to the predicate: Barristers defend or prosecute in the higher courts.

84) Ask questions: a) to the subject of the sentence; b) to the predicate: Our University is renting a very good facility in the centre of Moscow.

85) Ask questions: a) to the subject of the sentence; b) to the predicate: The Russian government has maped unprecedented plans for restructuring the national economy.

86) Ask questions: a) to the subject of the sentence; b) to the predicate: In all countries consumers always compete against producers and traders.

87) Use the phrase in the Passive Voice: By utilizing markering research marketers have acquired information on consumers.

88) Use the phrase in the Passive Voice: Buying power will separate casual lookers from serious customers in any market.

89) Use the phrase in the Passive Voice: Last year the competitive company extended the production of video-players.

90) Use the phrase in the Passive Voice: The court has considered the rights and liabilities of the parties to the contract.

91) Use the phrase in the Passive Voice: The company is now distributing “Preference shares” among its members.

92) Use the phrase in the Passive Voice: The treaty on Europian Union provides for the gradual creation of a single currency.

93) Use the phrase in the Passive Voice: Every businessman must know the market situation in detail.

94) Use the phrase in the Passive Voice: Insurance will considerably reduce financial risks if you start a business.

95) Use the phrase in the Passive Voice: Any man who has insured his life will receive an annuity for some period.

96) Use the phrase in the Passive Voice: Two or more limited companies can form a consortium with a view of profit.

97) Use the phrase in the Passive Voice: Mankind is now facing large possibilities and sharp contradictions.

98) Please, write a few lines about yourself, your prospects, your future business.



Экзаменационный билет по предмету

Дата: 2019-07-24, просмотров: 254.