1. (at 8 o'clock yesterday evening)
I was having dinner with some friends.
2. (at 5 o'clock last Saturday)
I was on a train on my way to London.
3. (at 10.15 yesterday morning)
4. (at 4.30 this morning)
5. (at 7.45 yesterday evening)
6. (half an hour ago)
4. Use your own ideas to complete these sentences. Use the past continuous.
1. Tom burnt his hand while he was cooking the dinner.
2. The doorbell rang while I ---
3. We saw an accident while we ---
4. Mary fell asleep while she ---
5. The television was on but nobody ---
5. Read the situations and write sentences from the words in brackets.
1. You went to Jill's house but she wasn't there. (she/go/out) She had gone out.
2. You went back to your home town after many years. It wasn't the same as before.
(it/change/a lot)
3. I invited Rachel to the party but she couldn't come.
(she/arrange/to do something else)
4. You went to the cinema last night. You arrived at the cinema late.
(the film/already/begin)
5. I was very pleased to see tim again after such a long time.
(I/not/see/him for five years)
6. I offered Sue something to eat but she wasn't hungry.
6. Read the situations and write sentences ending with before. Use the verb given in brackets.
1. The man sitting next to me on the plane was very nervous. It was his first flight.
(fly) He had never flown before. OR He hadn't flown before.
2. A woman walked into the room. She was a complete stranger to me.
(see) I --- before.
3. Simon played tennis yesterday. He wasn't very good at it because it was his first game.
(play) He ---
4. Last year we went to Denmark. It was our first time there (be) We ---
7. Put the verb into the correct form, past perfect (I had done etc.) or past simple (I did etc.).
1. 'Was Tom at the party when you arrived?' 'No, he had gone (go) home.'
2. I felt very tire when I got home, so I --- (go) straight to bed.
3. The house was very quiet when I got home. Everybody --- (go) to bed.
4. Sorry I'm late. The car --- (break) down on my way here.
5. We were driving along the road when we --- (see) a car which. --- (break) down, so we --- (stop) to see if we could help.
A friend of yours is planning to go on holiday soon. You ask her about her plans. Use the words in brackets to make your questions.
1. (where/go?) Where are you going? Scotland.
2. (how long/stay?) Ten days.
3. (when/go?) Next Friday.
4. (go/alone?) No, with a friend of mine.
5. (travel/by car?) No, by train.
6. (where/stay?) In a hotel.
Tom wants you to visit him but you are very busy. Look at your diary for the next few days and explain to him why you can't come.
TOM: Can you come on Monday evening?
You: Sorry but I'm playing volleyball. (1)
TOM: What about Tuesday evening then?
You: No, not Tuesday I --- (2)
TOM: And Wednesday evening?
YOU: --- (3)
TOM: Well, are you free on Thursday?
YOU: I'm afraid not. --- (4)
Put the verb into the more suitable form, present continuous or present simple.
1. I'm going (go) to the theatre this evening.
2. Does the film begin (the film/begin) at 3.30 or 4.30?
3. We --- (have) a party next Saturday. Would you like to come?
4. The art exhibition --- (open) on 3 May and --- (finish) on 15 July.
5. I --- (not/go) out this evening. I --- (stay) at home.
6. '--- (you/do) anything tomorrow morning?' 'No, I'm free. Why?'
7. We --- (go) to a concert tonight. It --- (begin) at 7.30.
8. You are on the train to London and you ask another passenger:
Excuse me. What time --- (this train/get) to London?
9. You are talking to Ann:
Ann, I --- (go) to town. --- (you/come) with me?
10. Sue --- (come) to see us tomorrow. She --- (travel) by train and her train --- (arrive) at 10.15. I --- (meet) her at the station.
11. I --- (not/use) the car this evening, so you can have it.
12. You and a friend are watching television. You say:
I'm bored with this programme. When --- (it/finish)?
Answer the questions. You are going to do all these things but you haven't done them yet. Use going to and the word(s) in brackets.
1. Have you cleaned the car? (tomorrow) Not yet. I'm going to clean it tomorrow.
2. Have you phoned Sally? (later) Not yet. ---
3. Have you done the shopping? (this afternoon) Not yet. ---
4. Have you read the paper? (after dinner) Not ---
5. Have you had dinner? (just) ---
Дата: 2019-07-24, просмотров: 826.