Humphrey McQueen at age about 60 in the year 2004
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Humphrey is still what he has been all his life, both an activist, and a serious Marxist intellectual. A year or so ago he joined the DSP-led Socialist Alliance, which, ideologically speaking, was more of a case of the DSP leadership joining him, in the sense that the DSP now holds an even more extreme version of the ultraleft, sectarian attitude toward the mainstream labour movement that Humphrey once did in his youth. It's not entirely clear to what extent he still holds those views. McQueen has certainly abandoned the incorrect, ultraleft methodological substructure of the first edition of A N e w Br i t a nn ia. It's also interesting and moving to hear McQueen speak, as I've heard him several times in recent years, talking about the attachment, particularly of his father, to the ALP, and the aspirations to radical social change embodied in that attachment. It'll be interesting to see how McQueen expresses himself on the tactical questions that are emerging in the run-up to the next federal election.

In my view the main weakness of McQueen's contribution to Australian Marxist theory is that, despite the fact, that in expounding the general ideas of Marxism, he has few peers in Australia, nevertheless these days he tends to avoid making current tactical propositions. Up to a point, this is understandable, considering his early political excesses, along with those of others in the Maoist movement of that time. However, this failure to express himself very clearly on current tactical questions severely limits his contribution to current debates.

McQueen is an impressive, colourful and interesting public speaker. Given any audience, he can talk to them underwater, so to speak. He prepares his material carefully, and presents eloquently, with lots of flourishes, and his impressive meeting magisterium is sharpened by his great height (a bit like Gough Whitlam). In the cut-and-thrust of debate, he takes no prisoners. He is a pretty useful bloke to have on your side, and a difficult man to argue with if you disagree with him. He plays a crowd elegantly and with great verve.

McQueen has all sorts of strings to his bow. He is, for instance, an opera buff, and he manages to earn a few dollars, from time to time, writing opera and cultural reviews for Th e Bull e t i n, where his and my old mate and sparring partner, Hall Greenland, is one of the sub-editors. All in all, Humphrey McQueen has made a major intellectual contribution to the preservation of a Marxist intellectual current in Australian life, and that is particularly important in the current difficult, defensive framework in which socialists find themselves at the moment.

At the moment Humphrey McQueen is engaged in a new venture, being one of the major editors of a Marxist magazine for the Socialist Alliance, to be called S eei ng R e d. McQueen and the other editors have assembled some good articles, and one not-so-good article, for the first issue, but the stumbling block seems to be, as it always is in socialist publishing, scraping together the money to produce the kind of elegant socialist magazine that McQueen favours. In this era of the net, producing, financing and distributing hard-copy socialist magazines is even harder than the past, because a lot of the potential audience and demand seems to be satisfied by the internet.

I have been acquainted with Humphrey McQueen for a very large part of my political life. To be frank, I took the initiative in putting up several of his significant articles on Ozleft as part of the ongoing political argument between myself, him, and others such as the DSP leadership, on labour movement history and tactics. In the course of doing this, however, it began to forcibly strike me that Humphrey McQueen is a pretty unusual political survivor. Some of the political contemporaries who we share, who have made past contributions to socialist agitation and Marxist intellectual activity, have shifted over to the political right. These include some of McQueen's early associates in the Maoist movement (Albert Langer, etc) and such people as Keith Windschuttle and Bob Catley. Others, such as Stuart McIntyre, Humphrey's associate in the critique of the Old Left historians, have shifted over to the Social Democratic centre. In this context, it is therefore pretty important that McQueen has continued, in his own independent way, the project of developing Marxist theory in Australia in new conditions, and his continuing intellectual energy and activity is pretty impressive in a man of 60 or thereabouts.

He has published more books non-fiction books on labour and social history, sociology and art history than any other Australian Marxist intellectual, and he's still hard at it, and that's an important achievement in itself.



A N e w Br i t a nn ia: A n A rgum e nt C o nc e rn i ng th e S o c ia l O r i g i ns o f A ustr a l ia n N a t io n a l i sm a nd S o c ia l i sm, Pelican Books, Melbourne, 1970

A b o r i g i n e s , R a c e a nd R a c i sm, Penguin Books, Melbourne, 1974

S o c ia l Sk e tch e s o f A ustr a l ia, 1888-1975, Harmondsworth Penguin, 1978

Th e Bl a ck Sw a n o f Tr e sp a ss : Th e E m e rg e nc e o f M o d e rn i st P ai nt i ng i n A ustr a l ia t o 1944, Alternative Publishing Co-operative, Sydney, 1979

Th e A rt o f M a rg a r e t Pr e st o n, Art Gallery Board of South Australia, Adelaide, 1980 (with Ian North and Isobel Seivl)

A ustr a l ia' s M e d ia M o n o p o l ie s, Visa, Melbourne, 1981

G o n e T o m o rr o w : A ustr a l ia i n th e 1980 s, Angus and Robertson, Sydney, 1982

G a ll i p o l i t o P e tr o v : A rgu i ng W i th A ustr a l ia n H i st o ry, Allen and Unwin, Sydney, 1984

Suburbs o f th e S a cr e d : Tr a nsf o rm i ng A ustr a l ia n B e l ie fs a nd V a lu e s, Penguin, Melbourne, 1988

J a p a n t o th e R e scu e: A ustr a l ia n S e cur i ty A r o und th e I nd o n e s ia n A rch i p e l a g o dur i ng th e A m e r i c a n C e ntury, Heinemann, Port Melbourne, 1991

T o ky o W o rld : A n A ustr a l ia n D ia ry, William Heinemann, Melbourne, 1991

T o m R o b e rts, Macmillan, Sydney, 1996

Susp e ct H i st o ry : M a nn i ng Cl a rk a nd th e Futur e o f A ustr a l ia' s P a st, Wakefield Press, Adelaide, 1997

T e mp e r D e m o cr a t i c : H o w E xc e pt io n a l i s A ustr a l ia? Wakefield Press, Adelaide, 1998

Th e E ss e nc e o f C a p i t a l i sm : Th e O r i g i ns o f O ur Futur e, Sceptre/Hodder Headline

Дата: 2019-07-24, просмотров: 210.