Box 7 - Methods for the calculation of EC funding
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

Full cost (FC)

The participant can identify all the direct and indirect costs related to the project. He should be able to demonstrate that his accounting system enables the identification of those costs with sufficient precision. FC = total direct costs + actual overhead rate.

Full costs Flat rate (FF)

The participant who may participate on a full costs basis or who can identify his direct costs related to the project (temporary and permanent staff) but not the indirect costs linked to the project may elect the overhead to be charged on a flat rate basis, 80 % of the direct personnel cost.

Additional cost (AC) - in R&D projects

Subject to the specific contract terms, the Commission shall only take into account the project’s additional (non recurrent) costs. AC = total direct additional costs + x% overhead on direct costs (excluding subcontracting) (for x% see Box 6).

Additional cost (AC) - in Concerted Actions/Thematic networks and Euroconferences

The Community funding shall only cover the direct costs necessary for the action, however, costs for permanent staff are eligible if time records are kept. AC = total direct additional costs + x% overhead on direct costs (excluding subcontracting) (for x% see Box 6).

User Fee (UF)

This system is only used in the context of projects providing access to research infrastructure. It is based on a "unit cost", which is a fixed composite rate, for each access. Travel and subsistence costs and a flat rate contribution for general expenses are added. The participant should be able to demonstrate that his accounting system enables him to calculate with sufficient precision the "unit cost". UF = ((unit cost x quantity of access) + travel and subsistence costs) + 20% overhead.

Costs categories

A cost shall be considered as eligible only where it is necessary for and during the project and is provided for in the contract. It shall be reimbursed if the amount has actually been spent and recorded in the accounts. No profit may be included.

Personnel costs:                 subject to the contract terms, scientific and technical personnel; time devoted to the project shall be recorded.

Durable equipment:         subject to the contract terms, equipment shall be reimbursed according to a depreciation period (for computer equipment that cost less than 25.000 Euro the depreciation period is 36 months, for all other equipment the depreciation period is 60 months) and its use on the project; equipment leased shall be reimbursed without exceeding the eligible cost if it were to be purchased.

Subcontracting:                 external services.

Travel and subsistence:   travel outside the European Union or an Associated State needs the prior approval of the Commission, except for visiting a participant.

Consumables:                   only project specific items.

Computing:                        only project specific items.

Protection of knowledge: subject to contract terms, only with prior approval of the Commission

Other specific costs           any cost necessary for the project, not falling within a defined category and having received the prior approval of the Commission

Co-ordination costs:         costs for the financial/administrative administration (personnel, travel and all other cost categories apart from subcontracting) incurred only by the co-ordinator - the financial/administrative co-ordinator in case of split between scientific and administrative co-ordinator - in order to fulfil his tasks.

Access:                                only for Support for access to research infrastructure; user fee related to visiting scientist.

RTD performer                  only for SME co-operative research project; cost of research performed by a non-participant.

Overheads:                         subject to the contract terms, either an actual rate (FC), or a flat rate (FF) calculated on personnel costs or on the direct additional costs (AC) excluding subcontracting, or as a lump sum of personnel costs (Accompanying Measures).



Дата: 2019-07-24, просмотров: 210.