Например :
He took the jacket, put it on and went for a walk.
Такие фразовые глаголы называются разделяемые фразовые глаголы (separable phrasal verbs).
После большинства переходных фразовых глаголов дополнение может ставиться между глаголом и частицей и после частицы без изменения значения и без эмфазы – усиления или подчеркивания значения чего-либо.
N. B!
Однако, выбор места, куда поставить дополнение, выраженное существительным, – между глаголом и частицей или после частицы – оказывается не всегда полностью свободный.
Если дополнение содержит информацию, которую читатель или слушатель уже знает, то его нужно вставлять между глаголом и частицей.
Если же дополнение заключает в себе новую информацию, то его нужно вставлять после частицы.
Это происходит потому, что эмфаза употребляется, чтобы подчеркнуть новую информацию, а не ту, которая уже известна. Эмфаза придает дополнению после частицы больше важности и привлекает больше внимания.
Например :
1) James put the shoes on to see what they looked like.
2) James put on some old shoes and ran down stairs to open the front door.
· В первом примере чувствуется, что речь идет о конкретных туфлях, что о них уже упоминалось. Поэтому дополнение стоит между глаголом и частицей.
· Во втором примере видно, что дополнение относится к чему-то, о чем еще не упоминалось (some old shoes), поэтому оно стоит после частицы.
Если дополнение состоит более чем из трех или четырех слов, то оно скорее ставится после частицы, чем между глаголом и частицей.
Например :
a) It is difficult to pin down the exact meaning of this verb. (более употребительно) (to pin down – to define; точно определить, установить)
b) It is difficult to pin the exact meaning of this verb down.(менее употребительно)
a) The newspapers severely put down Tom’s latest article on pre-election campaign. (более употребительно) (to put down – to criticize; осуждать, критиковать)
b) The newspapers severely put Tom’s latest article on pre-election campaign down.(менее употребительно)
Тренировочные упражнения
Упражнение 1. Поставьте в предложение подходящий фразовый глагол, используя глагол из первого столбца и необходимый предлог – из второго. Некоторые глаголы и предлоги используются не один раз. Поставьте глаголы в нужную форму.
1. take put fill try turn look give grow get go | 2. up off forward on for in after out |
Например : She … at 6 a.m. because her work starts early. (Она встает в 6 утра, потому что ее работа начинается рано.) – She gets up at 6 a.m. because her work starts early.
1. Can I … these sandals, please? (Можно примерить эти сандалии?)
2. It’s too cold outside. … a warm coat and a hat. (На улице слишком холодно. Надень теплое пальто и шапку.)
3. It’s too hot inside. Can I … my jacket? (В помещении слишком жарко. Могу я снять куртку?)
4. Mary is going to become a doctor when she … . (Мэри собирается стать врачом, когда вырастет.)
5. Don’t forget to … the light when you leave the bathroom. (Не забудь выключать свет, когда выходишь из ванной.)
6. Please … this registration form. (Пожалуйста, заполните этот регистрационный бланк.)
7. We’re … to meeting your wife. (Мы с нетерпением ждем встречи с твоей женой.)
8. Ann is so tolerant and kind. She likes … children and old people. (Аня так терпелива и добра. Ей нравится ухаживать за детьми и пожилыми людьми.)
9. …! The baby is going to fall! (Осторожно! Малыш может упасть!)
10. Sorry. I can’t … with you tonight. I am very busy. (Извини. Я не могу пойти прогуляться с вами вечером. Я очень занят.)
11. He is … a job as a lawyer. (Он ищет работу на должность юриста.)
12. Bob smoked for 20 years but he … six months ago. (Боб курил 20 лет, но бросил 6 месяцев назад.)
13. I’d like to watch the news. Could you … the TV, please? (Я бы хотел посмотреть новости. Не мог бы ты включить телевизор?)
14. This word is new for me. I have to … it … in my dictionary. (Это слово для меня новое. Мне нужно отыскать его в словаре.)
15. We must … our reports tomorrow morning. (Мы должны сдать наши отчеты завтра утром.)
16. Oh god! We have … at a wrong station. (О боже! Мы высадились не на той станции.)
Упражнение 2. Образуйте фразовые глаголы с основой to be, подставляя предлоги из строки ниже. Поставьте подходящие по смыслу предлоги в предложения.
on up in off away up to
Например : Where is your brother? – He is … on holiday. ( Где твой брат ? – Он уехал в отпуск .) – He is away on holiday.
1. Can I speak to Helen, please? – Sorry, she isn’t … at the moment. (Могу я поговорить с Хелен? – Извините, ее нет на месте в данный момент.)
2. Close the door. I am … to work. (Закрой дверь. Я ухожу на работу.)
3. It’s your life and it’s … you: to forgive me or not. (Это твоя жизнь, и от тебя зависит: простить меня или нет.)
4. What is … at the cinema tomorrow? (Что показывают завтра в кино?)
5. The fish smells awful. It is … . (Рыба ужасно пахнет. Она испортилась.)
6. Look at the window: the light is … . So your parents are … . (Посмотри на окно: свет включен. Значит, твои родители дома.)
7. What’s … ? Why is Rachel crying? (Что случилось? Почему Рэйчел плачет?)
Упражнение 3. Поставьте в предложения подходящие предлоги, образуя фразовый глагол.
on up down out
1. Hurry … ! We’ll be late for the train. (Поторопись ! Мы опоздаем на поезд.)
2. Come …! Wake … ! It’ 10 o`clock already. (Давай ! Просыпайся! Уже 10 часов.)
3. I’ve got a headache. Could you turn the music … ? (У меня болит голова. Не мог бы ты сделать музыку потише?)
4. Your story isn’t true. You have made it … . (Твоя история лживая. Ты ее выдумал.)
5. You shouldn’t drop the litter here. Please, pick it … . (Тебе не следует бросать здесь мусор. Пожалуйста, подними его.)
6. I’ll try to find … the answer. (Я постараюсь разузнать ответ.)
7. You must sort … the problem with the electricity today. (Ты должен устранить проблему с электричеством сегодня.)
8. Put … all the fires before leaving the forest. (Потушите все костры перед тем, как уходить из леса.)
9. Clear … the bedroom when you have finished your games. (Уберитесь в спальне, когда закончите играть.)
10. Tom works … at the gym with great pleasure. (Том тренируется в спортзале с большим удовольствием.)
11. Hang … , I’ll take my bag and money. (Подожди, я возьму сумку и деньги.)
12. Go … , I’m listening to you very carefully. (Продолжай, я тебя очень внимательно слушаю.)
13. I do hope that you will come and help me tomorrow. Don’t let me … . (Я очень надеюсь, что придешь и поможешь мне завтра. Не подводи меня.)
14. His parents died, so his aunt brought him … . (Его родители умерли, поэтому его воспитала тетя.)
15. Why are they going to knock … this building? (Почему они собираются сносить это здание?)
Упражнение 4. Выполните перевод предложений на русский, обращая внимание на значение выделенных слов.
1. It’s getting warmer here. You may take off your jacket, Jimmy.
2. Thank you very much! I’m looking for this letter all day long!
3. Mike shouldn’t give up He is very talented.
4. This cable does not fit my camera. I will take it back to the shop.
5. It’s too noisy here. Please, turn off the radio.
6. He returned from vacation and got down to his work immediately.
7. The cat jumped off the table but it was too late; the mouse has already run away.
8. Suddenly she turned around and saw Vladimir.
9. While she is cooking in the kitchen, Jack is sitting in the living room and looking through a magazine.
10. Children want to keep on playing basketball.
Упражнение 5. Переведите на английский язык представленные в скобках глаголы изменяя, если это необходимо, их временную форму.
1. Is she really ( ищет) a new job?
2. My brothers are constantly (цепляются) my husband.
3. You dictate and I'll (запишу) their phone number.
4. He (сбежал) with my daughter!
5. Tomorrow I have to (вставать) at 7 o’clock.
6. The judge entered the hall and people were allowed to (сесть).
7. She asked her mother to (присмотреть) the Bob, while she’s doing the shopping.
8. At last we have (разделались) this difficult project.
9. A few days later, he had to (вернуться) home.
10. (Выключай) the computer and go to bed.
Упражнение 6. Определите верное положение местоимения it в предложении. Вставьте it, где необходимо и где it не нужен .
1. The match cannot be played today. We need to call off.
2. My hat was dirty and I didn’t put on.
3. History of Russia is a complicated thing. Do you really go in for?
4. Now everybody knows about our secret! Why did you let out?
5. I cannot answer now. I need to think about.
6. This computer is out of order. – It’s not important. We can go without.
7. I need my book. When do you give back to me?
8. This number is too large. You cannot work out in your head.
9. This dress is so beautiful! Jane, please, try on.
Упражнение 7. Составьте из слов предложения, обращая внимание на положение дополнений.
1. his, parents, to, Jack, call back, promised.
2. for, looked for, cat, We, a few, our, days.
3. workers, them, The meeting, with, has, done in.
4. going, your, am, to, I, children, not, calm down!
5. Martin, hand, Yesterday, put out, his.
6. had, feelings, She, keep down, her, to.
7. bag, purse, money, the, took, and, He, put away, in, the.
8. you, me, don’t, I, and, trust, You, let down.
9. coming, had, to, forest, We, to, before, home, turn back, the.
10. it, to, you, going, If, drink, aren’t, lemonade, take away.
Упражнение 8. Переведите высказывания на английский язык.
1. Весь день Джейн очень нервничала, но к вечеру она пришла в себя.
2. Она сняла с себя всю ответственность.
3. Мы будем бороться до тех пор, пока один из нас не сдаться.
4. Отец продолжал читать сказку, хотя дети уже заснули.
5. Я не намерен одобрять поведение моей дочери.
Упражнение 9. Поставьте в предложения подходящие фразовые глаголы с предлогом up в необходимой грамматической форме:
wake – pick – bring — eat — give – look – set — get — tidy – break
1. You shouldn’t … up boxing. You are really talented.
2. I haven’t … up the living-room. It’s dirty.
3. Don’t … her up too early in the morning.
4. I always … up the new words in the dictionary.
5. My brother will … me up at the airport.
6. She usually … up at 5 to milk her cow.
7. Sorry to hear that Harry … up with his girlfriend yesterday.
8. I’m going to … up a joint venture.
9. Boys, stop chatting and … up your breakfast.
10. Little Alice was … up by a nanny.
Упражнение 10. Поставьте в предложения подходящие фразовые глаголы с предлогом on в необходимой грамматической форме.
carry — try – hold – count – take — come — switch – be — put
1. You can … on these trousers in the fitting-room.
2. Don’t … on the TV during a heavy storm.
3. If you keep silence I will … on reading the fairy-tale.
4. I have to … on my scarf, I’ve got a sore throat.
5. Kate is light-minded. I can’t … on her in trouble.
6. … on a second. I will call my sister.
7. Shall we go to the cinema? There … a new blockbuster on tonight.
8. … on, guys! We shall win!
9. Our company … on some new workers on Monday.
Упражнение 11. Поставьте в предложения подходящие фразовые глаголы с предлогом out в необходимой грамматической форме:
watch – find — eat — break – make — blow – clear — go – turn — count
1. In hot weather the fire can … out quite easily.
2. Tim has to … out 10 candles on his birthday cake today.
3. I’m tired of staying inside. Why don’t we … out somewhere?
4. I’m tired of cooking at home. Why don’t we … out somewhere?
5. … out! The monkeys are going to attack.
6. If you go to the party tonight, … me out. I won’t go.
7. We couldn’t … out the meaning of her poem.
8. Mike … out a successful designer.
9. You must … out his address and phone number.
10. Last week we … out the old bookcase in our room.
Упражнение 12. Сопоставьте phrasal verb из колонки А с его определением в колонке В. Ответьте на вопрос, к какому типу (2 или 3) они относяться.
A a. to talk over a problem b. to try out an idea c. to go off a person / food d. to call off a meeting e. to give up smoking f. to look into a problem g. to get over an illness h. to turn down an offer i. to look after a child j. to work out a sum | B 1. to recover from 2. to experiment with 3. to cancel 4. to stop 5. to discuss 6. to care for 7. to not accept 8. to not like any more 9. to investigate 10. to solve |
Упражнение 13. Поставьте местоимение it на нужное место.
a. Jan had a problem with her finances, so we talked ___ over ____, and now it’s fine.
b. I had an idea for reorganizing the system. We tried ____ out ____, and it worked well.
c. I used to love ice cream, but since I found out how it’s made, I’ve really gone ___ off ___ .
d. We were due to have a meeting on Thursday, but we’ve had to call ___ off ____ because the chairperson’s ill.
e. I wish you wouldn’t smoke. Why don’t you give ____ up ____ .
f. I’m sorry to hear about your problem with the Tax Office. I promise I’ll look ___ into ___ as soon as possible.
g. The best thing for backaches is rest. Don’t worry. You’ll soon get ___ over ____ .
h. The job looks very attractive. You’d be a fool to turn ____ down ____ .
i. That ring is extremely valuable. Make sure you look ___ after ____ .
j. I need a calculator to see how much money I’ve got in my account. I can’t work ____ out ____ in my head.
Упражнение 14. Познакомьтесь со значениями словосочетания “bring smb / smth up”.
Bring smb / smth up, (
a) educate; rear: She has brought up five children. If children are badly brought up they behave badly.
(b) vomit: bring up one’s dinner.
(c) call attention to : These are facts that can always be brought up against you, used as evidence against you. These are matters that you can bring up in committee.
(d) (mil) summon to the front line: We need to bring up more tanks.
(e) bring for trial: He was brought up on a charge of drunken driving.
(f) cause to stop suddenly: His remarks brought me up short /sharp / with a jerk.
Какие из значений (a),(b),(c),(d),(e) или (f) использованы в следующих предложениях?
1. I thought you brought up a very interesting point at the end of the lecture
2. Her mother died in childbirth and she was brought up by her father.
3. The war is going badly. We need to bring up more soldiers.
4. The journey was so bumpy that the baby couldn’t help bringing up her breakfast.
Упражнение 15. Закончите предложения одним из приведенных ниже словосочетаний. Определите типу , к которому относятся полученные фразовые глаголы :
away with on with down on up to back on up against in with out of away from
a. We’ve run _________ sugar. Could you buy some more?
b. Please don’t let me disturb you. Carry ___________ your work.
c. We must try to cut ________ the amount of money we spend. We just can’t make ends meet.
d. Keep _____ me! I’ve got a terrible cold, and I don’t want to give it to you.
e. When I look _______ my childhood, I realize what a happy time it was.
f. She’s such a snob. She looks ____ people who have to work for their living.
g. The only people she looks _____ are her grandparents.
h. Children grow __________ their clothes so quickly. It costs a fortune to clothe them properly.
i. The government have come _______ a big problem in their economic policy. The unions won’t co-operate, and management doesn’t approve of what they’re trying to do.
j. Face _______ the facts, Joey, and stop living with your head in the clouds. You’ll never get anywhere if you don’t work at it.
k. The antique table is very beautiful, but it doesn’t fit _____ the rest of the furniture, which is modern.
l. He tries to get ______ doing nothing around the house by charming everyone, but they’ve all learnt his tricks.
Упражнение 16. В данном упражнении обе части phrasal verbs используются буквально. Заполните пропуски предложенными наречиями или предлогами:
away out on down off up in
a. I’d better write your telephone number _______ . I’ve got a terrible memory.
b. Don’t run _______ . Come here! I want to talk to you!
c. The bird’s cage wasn’t closed properly. It managed to get _____ , and unfortunately it flew ____ . We haven’t seen it since.
d. When Mrs Johnson died, she didn’t have a penny. She’d given all her money ______ to charity.
e. I don’t feel like cooking tonight. Shall we eat ______ ?
f. The soup doesn’t taste very nice. If I were you, I’d put some more salt _____ .
g. A button has come _____ my shirt. Could you sew it back ____ for me?
h. It has just started to rain, and the washing is hanging outside. Could you help me to bring it ____ ?
i. Hello. It’s Peter, isn’t it? I hardly recognized you! You’ve shaved ____ your beard.
j. Kate’s having a birthday party this afternoon. Could you help us to blow _____ some balloons?
k. I fell _____ my horse and dislocated my shoulder.
l. And my wife fell ____ stairs! One disaster after another!
m. The wind was very strong last night. It blew ____ a tree in our garden.
Упражнение 17. Многие фразовые глаголы имеют синонимы латинского происхождения. Фразовые глаголы являются менее формальными, тогда как слова латинского происхождения более формальны и буквальны. Догадайтесь о значении фразовых глаголов в следующих предложениях и найдите для них соответствующий синоним латинского происхождения из предложенного ниже списка.
a. I was badly beaten up when I tried to break up a fight outside a pub last night.
b. You should tell the police that it wasn’t your fault. I’ll stick up for you, don’t worry.
c. Soon there will be no import duties within the Common Market. They’re going to do away with them.
d. Government forces in Walliland have put down a revolt by a group of soldiers.
e. The business went through a lean period at the beginning of the year, but things are picking up now.
f. Looking after six kids all day has completely worn me out!
g. Many old people are taken in by bogus officials, who call their houses, find a pretence for looking round and then steal their property.
h. I was told off for being late again this morning. If it happens again, my pay gets docked.
i. We’ve bought an old house which isn’t in very good condition, but we’ll do it up bit by bit.
j. Don’t believe her when she says she’s got stomach ache. She’s putting it on. She just wants to get out of going to school.
k. I had a very unhappy childhood, but the delights of being an adult and a parent have made up for that.
l. I can’t solve the riddle at all. I give in. What’s the answer?
m. The government is going to set up an inquiry into the condition of Britain’s prisons.
n. Police have ruled out murder, but are still holding several people for questioning.
o. He’s a great mate of mine. He’s the kind of friend who’ll stand by you through thick and thin.
Список синонимов латинского происхождения
1. compensate for ___________ 9. establish_______________
2. exhaust _________________ 10. exclude _______________
3. deceive _________________ 11.improve _______________
4. defend __________________ 12. decorate_______________
5. pretend _________________ 13. surrender ______________
6. abolish _________________ 14. support ________________
7. reprimand _______________ 15. assault ________________
8. suppress ________________
Упражнение 18. Догадайтесь о значении следующих фразовых глаголов в колонке a) и сопоставьте их с предложенными определениями в колонке b):
a. My sister has written, asking if we can put her up for a few days whilst she’s in London.
b. Paul was left ten thousand pounds in his grandfather’s will, so he set himself up as a photographer.
c. This bad weather’s really getting me down.
d. The flat isn’t very nice, but I can put up with it until I find somewhere better.
e. The family dog was old and crippled, so they decided reluctantly that they had to have her put down.
f. Let’s meet on the 20th. Put the date down in your diary so you don’t forget it.
g. James Gregory was sent down for ten years for his part in the robbery.
h. Peter thinks I’m trying to get off with his girlfriend, but I don’t find her very attractive. Anyway, I wouldn’t do a thing like that to a mate of mine.
i. Have you seen how Jane always putting him down? Either she criticizes him for the way he dresses, or the way he eats or the way he speaks, and she makes him feel such a fool!
j. “I’ve been set up,” thought Alice. “Joe told the director that I was incompetent, than altered the accounts making it look like my handwriting, and now I’ve been accused of stealing money!”
k. Jeremy, who is a very good mimic, was sending up the Director and the way he screws up his face when he talks, when the Director himself came into the room. You could have heard a pin drop!
1. to depress, make miserable _________________
2. to send to prison_________________
3. to establish a business _________________
4. to prove a bed for someone for a short while _________________
5. to imitate someone in such a way as to make them appear foolish ____________
6. to write down ______________
7. to kill (an animal) out of humanitarian reasons ______________
8. to tolerate _________________
9. to begin a romantic or sexual relationship with someone _________________
10. to make someone appear guilty in order to get them into trouble ____________
11. to make someone seem foolish by criticizing and ridiculing them ___________
Дата: 2019-04-23, просмотров: 2678.