Вставьте to , где необходимо (английское предложение списать).
1. Her brother can … write poems. 2. We had … put on the coats, as it was cold. 3. It’s high time for you … go to bed. 4. I would rather … stay at home today. 5. Would you like … travel to China? 6. I wanted … speak to Linda but couldn’t … find her phone number. 7. Do you like … listen to good music? 8. There are dozens of things … be done today.
Вставьте правильную форму инфинитива ( Active Infinitive или Passive Infinitive ), переведите предложения на русский язык (английское предложение списать).
1. I did not think (to interrupt/to be interrupted) you. 2. He is glad (to send/to be sent) abroad. 3. He likes (to ask/to be asked) his professor questions. 4. He does not like (to ask/to be asked) questions because he does not know how to answer them. 5. Be careful with him. He is a very resentful person. He can't bear (to joke/to be joked at). 6. He does not like (to laugh/to be laughed) at other people. 7. Look, a ship can (see/be seen) in the distance. Can you (see/be seen) it?
5. Преобразуйте следующие предложения из активного залога в страдательный, предложения переведите на русский язык.
1. I bought potatoes yesterday. 2. I will bring the books tomorrow. 3. They are repairing the clock now. 4. They sell milk in this shop. 5. He has translated the whole text.
Контрольная работа по английскому языку №3
Курс, 5 семестр
Вариант 3
1. Infinitive.
2. Gerund.
3. Passive Voice
Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст.
Thanksgiving Day
There is one day a year when all Americans stay home with their families and eat a big dinner. This is Thanksgiving Day.
The pilgrims celebrated the first Thanksgiving Day in the fall of 1621. The pilgrims sailed to America on board the “Mayflower” ship for religious freedom. They were among the first European settlers in America. There were people living in America before the pilgrims arrived. These people were the Native American Indians.
The pilgrims first winter in the New World was very difficult. They had arrived too late to grow many crops. Without fresh food half of the pilgrims died. The following spring the Indians taught the pilgrims how to hunt, fish, plant and survive in America. The crops did well and in the fall of 1621 pilgrims had a great harvest. They were thankful and decided to celebrate with a Thanksgiving feast. They prepared a dinner of turkey, corn, beans and pumpkins. They invited their Indian friends to share this feast. The Indians brought food for the feast too (they even brought popcorn!)
Americans still celebrate Thanksgiving Day in the fall. It is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November. Turkey is still the main dish and pumpkin pie is the most popular dessert.
Найдите в тексте и выпишите инфинитивы.
Вставьте to , где необходимо (английское предложение списать).
1. You had better … make a note of it. 2. I heard the door … open and saw a shadow … move across the floor. 3. I’d rather … walk a little before going to bed. 4. You ought … go today. It may … rain tomorrow. 5. Why not … wait a little longer? 6. He made her … repeat the message. 7. Please let me … know your decision as soon as possible. 8. I’d like him … go to a university but I can’t … make him … go.
Вставьте правильную форму инфинитива ( Active Infinitive или Passive Infinitive ), переведите предложения на русский язык (английское предложение списать).
1. They are glad (to invite/to be invited) to the party. 2. I don’t like (to interrupt/to be interrupted). 3. He will be happy (to see/to be seen) you. 4. I was glad (to meet/to be met) at the station. 5. Children like (to tell/to be told) tales and always listen to them with interest. 6. I did not think (to interrupt/to be interrupted) you. 7. He is glad (to send/to be sent) abroad.
5. Преобразуйте следующие предложения из активного залога в страдательный, предложения переведите на русский язык.
1. By 6 o’clock they had finished the work. 2. At 12 o’clock the workers were loading the track. 3. He is teaching computer science to our children. 4. They broke the window last week. 5. Teachers usually make corrections in red ink.
Критерии оценки
Дата: 2019-04-23, просмотров: 350.