Coordinating Committee on Export Controls (COCOM)
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

established-NA 1949


members-(17) Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, UK, US

cooperating countries-(8) Austria, Finland, Ireland, South Korea, NZ, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland

Council of Europe (CE)

established-5 May 1949

effective-3 August 1949

aim-to promote increased unity and quality of life in Europe


members-(29) Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus,

Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece,

Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg,

Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, San Marino,

Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, UK


North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

established-17 September 1949

aim-to promote mutual defense and cooperation


members-(16) Belgium, Canada, Denmark,

France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg,

Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, UK, US



Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA)

established-NA 1958

aim-associated with OECD, seeks to promote the peaceful uses of nuclear energy


members-(23) Australia, Austria,

Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany,

Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg,

Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden,

Switzerland, Turkey, UK, US


Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

established-14 December 1960,


30 September 1961


aim-to promote economic cooperation

and development


members-(24) Australia, Austria,

Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany,

Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg,

Netherlands, NZ, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden,

Switzerland, Turkey, UK, US special members-(2) EC, Yugoslavia


Group of 10 (G-10)

note-also known as the Paris Club

established-NA October 1962

aim-wealthiest members of the IMF who provide most of the money to be loaned and act as the informal steering committee; name persists in spite of the

addition of Switzerland on NA April 1984


members-(11) Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan,

Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, US


Franc Zone (FZ)


aim-to form a monetary union among countries whose currencies are

linked to the French franc


members-(15) Benin, Burkina, Cameroon,

Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo, Cote

d'Ivoire, Equatorial Guinea, France, Gabon, Mali,

Niger, Senegal, Togo; note-France includes

metropolitan France, the four overseas departments

of France (French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique,

Reunion), the two territorial collectivities of

France (Mayotte, Saint Pierre and Miquelon), and the

three overseas territories of France (French

Polynesia, New Caledonia, Wallis and Futuna)


International Energy Agency (IEA)

established-15 November 1974


aim-established by the OECD to promote

cooperation on energy matters, especially emergency

oil sharing and relations between oil consumers and

oil producers


members-(21) Australia, Austria,

Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Ireland,

Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Netherlands, NZ, Norway,

Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, UK, US


Group of 8 (G-8)

established-NA October 1975

aim-the developed countries (DCs) that participated in the

Conference on International Economic Cooperation (CIEC), held in several

sessions between NA December 1975 and 3 June 1977


members-(8) Australia, Canada, EC (as one member), Japan, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,



Australia Group


aim-to consult on and coordinate export controls related to chemical and biological weapons


members-(25) Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland,

France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg,

Netherlands, NZ, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, US

observer-(1) Singapore


Group of 5 (G-5)

established-22 September 1985

aim-the five major non-Communist economic powers

members-(5) France, Germany, Japan,UK, US


Group of 7 (G-7)

note-membership is the same as the Big Seven

established-22 September 1985

aim-the seven major non-Communist economic powers

members-(7) Group of 5 (France, Germany, Japan, UK, US) plus

Canada and Italy


Дата: 2019-05-29, просмотров: 278.