Выберите среди предложенных ответов единственный правильный:
1. The next morning she received a basket full of flowers. They were ____ roses.
1) +wonderful big yellow
2) big yellow wonderful
3) yellow wonderful big
4) big wonderful yellow
2. They lived in ____ poverty. The children rose ____ from their poor table.
1) the, in a hungry way
2) - , hungrily
3) +- , hungry
4) a, hungry
3. There is no ____ , ____ or ____ driver in the world than an Italian.
1) more wild, more mad, more dangerous
2) wilder, madder, dangerouser
3) +wilder, madder, more dangerous
4) wilder, more mad, more dangerous
4. He stayed ____ for a long time, staring at the box. I watched him, wondering what his ____ move was to be.
1) motionless, the next
2) motionlessly, next
3) motionlessly, further
4) +motionless, next
5. Lady Hoggin said to her husband: “Funny, this tonic tastes quite____ . It ____ that bitter taste I disliked so much.”
1) differently, had
2) +different, used to have
3) nice, used to having
4) pleasantly, doesn’t have
6. Helen’s father, ____ being one of the ____ and most influential men in the world, was also my employer.
1) beside, richest
2) besides, most rich
3) +apart from, richest
4) except, most richest
7. He opened the gate and crossed the sidewalk to the car, ____ that his knees felt ____ and the muscles in his legs were fluttering.
1) +aware, weak
2) being aware, weakly
3) awaring, weak
4) aware, to weaken
8. I was startled when the menu was brought, for the prices were a great deal ____ than I ___.
1) higher, have expected
2) the highest, expected
3) more, was expecting
4) +higher, had expected
9. He stayed ____ , watching them, feeling his pulse ____ .
1) motionlessly, quickening
2) +motionless, quicken
3) motionless, to quicken
4) motionlessly, quicken
10. It was a sordid business, and I ____ to trouble myself with it ____ .
1) didn’t inclined, any longer
2) didn’t want, farther
3) +wasn’t inclined, further
4) hasn’t inclined, more
11. She had noticed ____ chain upon Gretel’s neck.
1) +a pretty wooden
2) wooden pretty
3) pretty wooden
4) a wooden pretty
12. Apart from the bed there was only a straw-bottomed chair to sit on, for it was ____ of the rooms.
1) smaller
2) smallest
3) +the smallest
4) most small
13. At that time I worshipped Manet. His “Olimpia” seemed to me ____ picture of modern times.
1) the most great
2) +the greatest
3) the greater
4) the more great
14. ____ I think of his proposal ____ I like it.
1) +The longest, the least
2) The longer, the less
3) More longer, much less
4) Longer, less
15. Come and see me if you’d like. ____ Mother will be out of the way visiting ___ .
1) My, a sick
2) The, sick
3) +- , the sick
4) A, sick people
16. My ____ sister is two years ____ than me.
1) older, elder
2) elder, elder
3) oldest, eldest
4) +elder, older
17. If there are no ____ questions, I declare the meeting ____ .
1) farther, closed
2) further, having closed
3) farther, closing
4) +further, closed
18. She was wearing a ____ dress.
1) +delightful pink and blue cotton
2) pink and blue delightful cotton
3) cotton delightful pink and blue
4) delightful cotton pink and blue
19. You really shouldn’t confuse ____ and ____ .
1) a Chinese, Japanese
2) +the Chinese, the Japanese
3) Chinese, a Japanese
4) a Chinese, the Japanese
20. In ____ times people lit their homes by gas, not electricity. ____ is considered safer.
1) former, The later
2) latter, The former
3) +former, The latter
4) formely, The latter
21. He thought of Jane again. Jane was ____ , and that was one thing he liked.
1) really
2) +real enough
3) enough real
4) reality enough
22. It seems ___ that he spoke .
1) strange, rude
2) strangely, rudely
3) +strange, rudely
4) strangely, rude
23. She received congratulations as if she were ____ of women.
1) happiest
2) happier
3)+ the happiest
4) the most happy
24. We slept in a double-bedded room, which was ___ that the little country inn
Could do for us.
1) good
2) better
3) +the best
4) worse
25. ____ sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate but____ to them.
1) + The worst, to be indifferent
2) Worse, being indifferent
3) Bad, be indifferent
4) Worst, to be indifferent
They were to come .
1) Latest
2)+ The last
3) Later
4) The latest
27. He says that ______ news ________.
1) +the latest, is old
2) the last, were old
3) late, have been old
4) later, was old
28. Everybody knows that ____ flowers smell_____ .
1) most of the, more sweetly
2) most of the, more sweet
3) most of, sweetly
4) +most, sweet
29. It was_____ for John____ the scheme fail.
1) +disappointing, to watch
2) disappointed, watching
3) disappointment, watches
4) disappointing, watch
30. _____ way the spy behaved was very____ .
1) A, friend
2)+ The, friendly
3) The, friendish
4) ____ , friendlike
31. _____ life is becoming_____ automated.
1) The, most
2) ____ , the most
3) +___ ,more
4) The, less
32. The evidence of the second witness ____ more_____ .
1) is, convinced
2) are, convincing
3) were, convinced
4)+ was, convincing
33. Twenty-two miles north of central London in the ancient city of St. Albans, there is one of _____ historic sites in Britain.
1) the importantest
2) most important
3)+ the most important
4) the most importantest
34. Give me a comb and scissors and I'll make of you _____ stylish woman in St. Beam.
1)+ the most
2) more
3) much more
4) the more
35. Psychologically, it is actually _____ to persuade people to give their money than to lend _____, strange as this may seem.
1) easy, it
2) easiest, them
3) more easier, theirs
4)+ easier, it
36. The mechanical teacher had been giving her test after test in geography and she had been doing _____ .
1) more and more bad
2) worser and worser
3) more and more worse
4)+ worse and worse
37. She became _____ as she was growing up.
1) much and much beautifully
2)+ more and more beautiful
3) more and more beautifully
4) better and better beautiful
38. At the gate I met a strangely familiar _____ dressed in _____ .
1) men, black
2) man, a black
3)+ man, black
4) mens, the black
39. In his library I saw _____ books I had ever seen in my life.
1) much more
2)+ many more
3) much
4) more many
40. He had stayed _____ on the ground for an hour or so before he heard steps.
1)+ motionless
2) motionlessly
3) very quietly
4) quite calmly
41. Some streets were sinking in luxury; others, where _____ lived, were wretched and poverty stricken.
1) poor
2) a poor
3) +the poor
4) the poors
42. Under these circumstances, _____ we go and do it _____ .
1) the sooner, than the better
2) sooner, well
3)+ the sooner, the better
4) the soonest, the best
43. He was a little way _____ down the table on my side and was leaning forward and chatting with great animation to a blonde woman who seemed to be much _____ than he was.
1)+ farther, older
2) further, older
3) farther, elder
4) further, more older
44. To cut a long story short, _____ Andrew thought of it, _____ he became.
1)+ the more, the angrier
2) more, than angrier
3) when more, the more angry
4) much more, the more angrier
45. He moved ____ putting one foot in front of ____ .
1) +careful, the other
2) carefully, another
3) careful, other
4) carefully, the other
46. When it was time to have ____ dinner, I could ____ eat anything.
1) +- , hardly
2) a, barely
3) - , hard
4) the, to
47. He searched his room ____ . The badge was gone. Somebody ____ it.
1) with care, might take
2) +carefully, must have taken
3) careful, may have taken
4) carefully, should take
48. She sipped her coffee and pulled a face. “It tastes ____ tonight.”
1) horribly
2) +horrible
3) most horribly
4) badly
49. I realized it would be ____ to be obliged to take money from my guest if I ____ enough to pay for the bill.
1) terribly, didn’t have
2) bad, wasn’t having
3) +terrible, didn’t have
4) badly, won’t have
50. “I want the reports ____ . Have someone bring them to me as soon as they ____ , will you?”
1) quickly, will be typed
2) fastly, are typed
3) quick, will type
4) +fast, are typed
51. “I never eat more than one thing. I think people eat too ____ nowadays.”
1) +much
2) very much
3) a lot
4) many food
52. She can’t expect much. He ____ ever works ____ .
1) hard, proper
2) harder, in a proper way
3) +hardly, properly
4) hardly, proper
53. Little Martha danced even ____ than her sister.
1) more beautiful
2) most beautiful
3) most beautifully
4) +more beautifully
54. My English was ____ poor to allow me to make speeches.
1) +too
2) such
3) little
4) enough
55. She left the room ____ quickly that I had no time to say ____ word.
1) too, the
2) enough, a
3) +so, a
4) quite, -
56. The road ran straight for miles and he had to walk very ____ ____ to reach the village in time.
1) fastly, -
2) +fast, to be able
3) faster, being able
4) fast, be able
57. I don’t know what ____ planning to do. I haven’t seen him ____ .
1) +he is, lately
2) is he, lately
3) he is, late
4) is he, later
58. He was ____ nice! He always treated us ____ .
1) very, friendly
2) +so, in a friendly manner
3) such, in a friendly way
4) - , friendly
59. John’s sister Marian was very ____ to me, and I liked her ____ of them all.
1) nicely, best
2) nice, better
3) +nice, best
4) nicely, most
60. I valued her love ____ highly to run the risk of losing it.
1) such
2) enough
3) +too
4) much
61. You’ve cooked the cake ____ . You didn’t read the recipe ____ .
1) quickly, careful
2) too quick, carefully
3) so quickly, careful enough
4) +too quickly, carefully enough
62 . ____ wine there is! And ____ time to drink it!
1) How many, so many
2) +How much, so little
3) A lot, very little
4) Very many, very few
63. He used to come ____ . He lived ____ on top of the hill.
1) +late, nearly
2) lately, almost
3) late, scarcely
4) lately, nearly
Find the right answer:
1. Our parents arrived ............... than expected because their flight was delayed.
1) later 2)late 3)latest
2. She dyed her hair the same colour..............I did.
1) as 2) like 3) than
3. She is regarded...............the best long-distance runner in the world.
1)like 2) as 3) by far
4. Don't use your new bag...............a toy!
1)like 2)as 3) for
72. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the words in brackets. Add than, the or as where necessary.
73. Complete the sentences using so or such.
Find the right word.
Legendary Stepping Stones
During the first half of the 19th century, the origin of Ireland's legendary Stepping Stones, an impressive series of regularly shaped stone columns, became the centre of a furious geological debate. On the one side were Vulcanites who believed that volcanoes were as old as the Earth and the basalt columns had been formed from volcanic lava. On the other side were the Neptunites who stated that volcanoes were geologically recent phenomena, and that the basalt rocks, because they were old, must have been formed by the minerals from sea water. The Vulcanites won the argument, and today geologists of reputation consider Stepping Stones to be volcanic in origin.
Stepping Stones are on the Northern coast of Ireland, some 80km northwest of Belfast, the country's capital. The columns spread along 275m of coast and reach as far as 150m into the sea. Most of the columns stand no higher than 6m, although some, such as the Giant's Organ (so named because of its resemblance to a church organ), reach some 12m. Many of the ancient columns lie broken on the beach, while others have been swallowed by the sea or buried in the ground.
Each individual column, shaped into a regular polygon, measures between 38cm and 50 cm across. Most are six-sided, while others may have four, five or as many as ten faces. When viewed from above, Stepping Stones resemble a street with regular paving stones - the columns fit together so exactly that it is difficult to insert a knife blade between them.
The flat-topped Isle of Staffa, lying 120km to the north of Stepping Stones, is also famous for its six-sided columns which encircle the island. Sir Joseph Banks (1743-1820), the English naturalist who accompanied Captain Cook on his 1768 voyage of exploration to the South Seas, brought the island to the public's attention in 1772. 'Compared to this,' he exclaimed, 'what are the cathedrals or the places built by man ... mere models or playthings.
A huge gothic cave penetrating some 60m into the island was named Fingal's Cave by Sir Joseph Banks after the legendary giant, Finn Gall. At low tide, the cave roof is about 18m above the water. At high tide, or during Atlantic storms, the water forced into the cave compresses the air and generates a rhythmic 'singing' sound. The young German composer Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847), who visited the Isle of Staffa in 1829, was so impressed by this sound he created his Fingal's Cave overturn the following year.
(Word count 422)
Most columns do not
1) resemble huge ordinary stones
2) have 6 faces
3) reach 6m height
4) resemble regular polygons
1. At first he enjoyed the job. But after _____ days getting up at six did not seem _____ good idea.
1) several, so
2) a few, such a
3) few, very
4) a little, to be a
2. A lady came into the room. She was wearing a dark coat and was carrying a _____ bag.
1) small, black leather, shiny
2) small, shiny, black leather
) small, shiny, leather, black
4) black leather, small, shiny
3. The woman carried a basket full of _____ pears.
1) wonderful huge golden
2) huge golden wonderful
3) golden wonderful huge
4) huge wonderful golden
4. There is a _____ poem about an animal who had no tail and then got one and was very proud _____ it.
1) fascinated, of
2) fascination, from
3) fascinatingly, with
4) fascinating, of
5. He has always been fond of having things difficult. A straightforward case is never _____ for him.
1) good enough
2) enough good
3) well
4) too better
6. He thought how cruel it was to whip _____ little boy.
1) such
2) so
3) such a
4) -
7. I don't think he was distinguished at all, except for his kind heart, and his _____ face.
1) funny, good-humoured, round
2) round, funny, good-humoured
3) good-humoured, round, funny
4) funny, round, good-humoured
8. I am _____ tired that I am not fit for anything.
1) such more
2) too
3) so
4) such
9. She wouldn't have been _____ excited and _____ pleased unless money had been concerned.
1) such, such
2) so, so
3) neither, nor
4) enough, enough
10. For _____ details the reader is referred to the end of the book.
1) farther
2) one more
3) further
4) much more
11. _____ you start working _____ you'll finish.
1) The sooner, the quicklier
2) The sooner, the more quickly
3) When sooner, than quicker
4) The sooner, the more quick
12. They have worked ____ on the summer course ____ summer.
1) hardly, this
2) hard enough, last
3) so hardly, in
4) hard, this
13. She looked ____ somehow, ____ attractive in her fur coat, with a hat perched on her dark hair.
1) different, much
2) differently, -
3) different, more
4) quite differently, very
14 . ____ wonderful story had ____ been heard before.
1) So, never
2) This, rare
3) Such a, rarely
4) That, ever
15. You've ____ started, it isn't ____ to bother you.
1) hardly, fairly
2) hardly, fair
3) hard, fairly
4) hard, fair
15. Because the first pair didn't fit __ , he asked for another pair.
1) more proper
2) most properly
3) proper
4) properly
№ задания | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 |
Ответ | 2 | 2 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 3 | 2 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 4 |
Выберите среди предложенных ответов единственный правильный:
1. The next morning she received a basket full of flowers. They were ____ roses.
1) +wonderful big yellow
2) big yellow wonderful
3) yellow wonderful big
4) big wonderful yellow
2. They lived in ____ poverty. The children rose ____ from their poor table.
1) the, in a hungry way
2) - , hungrily
3) +- , hungry
4) a, hungry
3. There is no ____ , ____ or ____ driver in the world than an Italian.
1) more wild, more mad, more dangerous
2) wilder, madder, dangerouser
3) +wilder, madder, more dangerous
4) wilder, more mad, more dangerous
4. He stayed ____ for a long time, staring at the box. I watched him, wondering what his ____ move was to be.
1) motionless, the next
2) motionlessly, next
3) motionlessly, further
4) +motionless, next
5. Lady Hoggin said to her husband: “Funny, this tonic tastes quite____ . It ____ that bitter taste I disliked so much.”
1) differently, had
2) +different, used to have
3) nice, used to having
4) pleasantly, doesn’t have
6. Helen’s father, ____ being one of the ____ and most influential men in the world, was also my employer.
1) beside, richest
2) besides, most rich
3) +apart from, richest
4) except, most richest
7. He opened the gate and crossed the sidewalk to the car, ____ that his knees felt ____ and the muscles in his legs were fluttering.
1) +aware, weak
2) being aware, weakly
3) awaring, weak
4) aware, to weaken
8. I was startled when the menu was brought, for the prices were a great deal ____ than I ___.
1) higher, have expected
2) the highest, expected
3) more, was expecting
4) +higher, had expected
9. He stayed ____ , watching them, feeling his pulse ____ .
1) motionlessly, quickening
2) +motionless, quicken
3) motionless, to quicken
4) motionlessly, quicken
10. It was a sordid business, and I ____ to trouble myself with it ____ .
1) didn’t inclined, any longer
2) didn’t want, farther
3) +wasn’t inclined, further
4) hasn’t inclined, more
11. She had noticed ____ chain upon Gretel’s neck.
1) +a pretty wooden
2) wooden pretty
3) pretty wooden
4) a wooden pretty
12. Apart from the bed there was only a straw-bottomed chair to sit on, for it was ____ of the rooms.
1) smaller
2) smallest
3) +the smallest
4) most small
13. At that time I worshipped Manet. His “Olimpia” seemed to me ____ picture of modern times.
1) the most great
2) +the greatest
3) the greater
4) the more great
14. ____ I think of his proposal ____ I like it.
1) +The longest, the least
2) The longer, the less
3) More longer, much less
4) Longer, less
15. Come and see me if you’d like. ____ Mother will be out of the way visiting ___ .
1) My, a sick
2) The, sick
3) +- , the sick
4) A, sick people
16. My ____ sister is two years ____ than me.
1) older, elder
2) elder, elder
3) oldest, eldest
4) +elder, older
17. If there are no ____ questions, I declare the meeting ____ .
1) farther, closed
2) further, having closed
3) farther, closing
4) +further, closed
18. She was wearing a ____ dress.
1) +delightful pink and blue cotton
2) pink and blue delightful cotton
3) cotton delightful pink and blue
4) delightful cotton pink and blue
19. You really shouldn’t confuse ____ and ____ .
1) a Chinese, Japanese
2) +the Chinese, the Japanese
3) Chinese, a Japanese
4) a Chinese, the Japanese
20. In ____ times people lit their homes by gas, not electricity. ____ is considered safer.
1) former, The later
2) latter, The former
3) +former, The latter
4) formely, The latter
21. He thought of Jane again. Jane was ____ , and that was one thing he liked.
1) really
2) +real enough
3) enough real
4) reality enough
22. It seems ___ that he spoke .
1) strange, rude
2) strangely, rudely
3) +strange, rudely
4) strangely, rude
23. She received congratulations as if she were ____ of women.
1) happiest
2) happier
3)+ the happiest
4) the most happy
24. We slept in a double-bedded room, which was ___ that the little country inn
Could do for us.
1) good
2) better
3) +the best
4) worse
25. ____ sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate but____ to them.
1) + The worst, to be indifferent
2) Worse, being indifferent
3) Bad, be indifferent
4) Worst, to be indifferent
They were to come .
1) Latest
2)+ The last
3) Later
4) The latest
27. He says that ______ news ________.
1) +the latest, is old
2) the last, were old
3) late, have been old
4) later, was old
28. Everybody knows that ____ flowers smell_____ .
1) most of the, more sweetly
2) most of the, more sweet
3) most of, sweetly
4) +most, sweet
29. It was_____ for John____ the scheme fail.
1) +disappointing, to watch
2) disappointed, watching
3) disappointment, watches
4) disappointing, watch
30. _____ way the spy behaved was very____ .
1) A, friend
2)+ The, friendly
3) The, friendish
4) ____ , friendlike
31. _____ life is becoming_____ automated.
1) The, most
2) ____ , the most
3) +___ ,more
4) The, less
32. The evidence of the second witness ____ more_____ .
1) is, convinced
2) are, convincing
3) were, convinced
4)+ was, convincing
33. Twenty-two miles north of central London in the ancient city of St. Albans, there is one of _____ historic sites in Britain.
1) the importantest
2) most important
3)+ the most important
4) the most importantest
34. Give me a comb and scissors and I'll make of you _____ stylish woman in St. Beam.
1)+ the most
2) more
3) much more
4) the more
35. Psychologically, it is actually _____ to persuade people to give their money than to lend _____, strange as this may seem.
1) easy, it
2) easiest, them
3) more easier, theirs
4)+ easier, it
36. The mechanical teacher had been giving her test after test in geography and she had been doing _____ .
1) more and more bad
2) worser and worser
3) more and more worse
4)+ worse and worse
37. She became _____ as she was growing up.
1) much and much beautifully
2)+ more and more beautiful
3) more and more beautifully
4) better and better beautiful
38. At the gate I met a strangely familiar _____ dressed in _____ .
1) men, black
2) man, a black
3)+ man, black
4) mens, the black
39. In his library I saw _____ books I had ever seen in my life.
1) much more
2)+ many more
3) much
4) more many
40. He had stayed _____ on the ground for an hour or so before he heard steps.
1)+ motionless
2) motionlessly
3) very quietly
4) quite calmly
41. Some streets were sinking in luxury; others, where _____ lived, were wretched and poverty stricken.
1) poor
2) a poor
3) +the poor
4) the poors
42. Under these circumstances, _____ we go and do it _____ .
1) the sooner, than the better
2) sooner, well
3)+ the sooner, the better
4) the soonest, the best
43. He was a little way _____ down the table on my side and was leaning forward and chatting with great animation to a blonde woman who seemed to be much _____ than he was.
1)+ farther, older
2) further, older
3) farther, elder
4) further, more older
44. To cut a long story short, _____ Andrew thought of it, _____ he became.
1)+ the more, the angrier
2) more, than angrier
3) when more, the more angry
4) much more, the more angrier
45. He moved ____ putting one foot in front of ____ .
1) +careful, the other
2) carefully, another
3) careful, other
4) carefully, the other
46. When it was time to have ____ dinner, I could ____ eat anything.
1) +- , hardly
2) a, barely
3) - , hard
4) the, to
47. He searched his room ____ . The badge was gone. Somebody ____ it.
1) with care, might take
2) +carefully, must have taken
3) careful, may have taken
4) carefully, should take
48. She sipped her coffee and pulled a face. “It tastes ____ tonight.”
1) horribly
2) +horrible
3) most horribly
4) badly
49. I realized it would be ____ to be obliged to take money from my guest if I ____ enough to pay for the bill.
1) terribly, didn’t have
2) bad, wasn’t having
3) +terrible, didn’t have
4) badly, won’t have
50. “I want the reports ____ . Have someone bring them to me as soon as they ____ , will you?”
1) quickly, will be typed
2) fastly, are typed
3) quick, will type
4) +fast, are typed
51. “I never eat more than one thing. I think people eat too ____ nowadays.”
1) +much
2) very much
3) a lot
4) many food
52. She can’t expect much. He ____ ever works ____ .
1) hard, proper
2) harder, in a proper way
3) +hardly, properly
4) hardly, proper
53. Little Martha danced even ____ than her sister.
1) more beautiful
2) most beautiful
3) most beautifully
4) +more beautifully
54. My English was ____ poor to allow me to make speeches.
1) +too
2) such
3) little
4) enough
55. She left the room ____ quickly that I had no time to say ____ word.
1) too, the
2) enough, a
3) +so, a
4) quite, -
56. The road ran straight for miles and he had to walk very ____ ____ to reach the village in time.
1) fastly, -
2) +fast, to be able
3) faster, being able
4) fast, be able
57. I don’t know what ____ planning to do. I haven’t seen him ____ .
1) +he is, lately
2) is he, lately
3) he is, late
4) is he, later
58. He was ____ nice! He always treated us ____ .
1) very, friendly
2) +so, in a friendly manner
3) such, in a friendly way
4) - , friendly
59. John’s sister Marian was very ____ to me, and I liked her ____ of them all.
1) nicely, best
2) nice, better
3) +nice, best
4) nicely, most
60. I valued her love ____ highly to run the risk of losing it.
1) such
2) enough
3) +too
4) much
61. You’ve cooked the cake ____ . You didn’t read the recipe ____ .
1) quickly, careful
2) too quick, carefully
3) so quickly, careful enough
4) +too quickly, carefully enough
62 . ____ wine there is! And ____ time to drink it!
1) How many, so many
2) +How much, so little
3) A lot, very little
4) Very many, very few
63. He used to come ____ . He lived ____ on top of the hill.
1) +late, nearly
2) lately, almost
3) late, scarcely
4) lately, nearly
Find the right forms. In some cases both forms are right.
1. Mary is (older / elder) than Gary.
2. Is your house much (further / farther)?
3. It's the (oldest / eldest) tree in the park.
Дата: 2019-05-28, просмотров: 1241.