Art of Hot Enamel 4th International Biennale
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

Art of Hot Enamel 4th International Biennale

"Golden Thread – Road of Creativity"


The project represents the incredible energy of hot enamel techniques in certain works created by enamel artists of Russia and foreign nations. In each enamel presented by the authors at the exhibition love and joy of creativity are felt. From May 16 to June 16, 2019, in the center of St. Petersburg, in the marvelous space of the Stieglitz Academy Museum, the International Biennale «Golden Thread - Road of Creativity» is open. We hope it will become a platform for meetings and discussions about the time in which a modern artist resides, about his relevance, about ambitious creative plans to become needed for a city, country, and the world. Within the biennale, master classes, a round table and excursions are running, a competition among the participants will be held, and a catalog will be published at the end of the event.


                   BIENNALE PROGRAM                        


May 16 - June 16, 2019

Stieglitz Academy Applied Arts Museum

(St. Petersburg, Solynoi pereulok, 13-15)





                                                            May 11 — 12                                                       .


Reception of works

White Hall of Stieglitz Academy Applied Arts Museum


                                                           May 13 — 14                                                        .


Formation of the biennale exposition

White and Gothic H alls of Stieglitz Academy Applied Arts Museum


                                                               May 15                                                              .


W ork of competition jury


Mikhail B. Piotrovsky

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Director of the State Hermitage Museum, Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, President of the Union of Museums of Russia

Talashchuk Alexey Yurievich

Artistic Director of the Stieglitz Academy, People's Artist of Russia, Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, Professor



“Debut”, “Professional excellence”, “Loyalty to the profession”, “Younger generation”.

The winners in each nomination will be honoured with laureates awards, while the finalists will be distinguished by diplomas (first, second and third grade).



- medals of the laureates of the Art of Hot Enamel 4th International Biennale “Golden Thread - the Road of Creativity”

- diplomas of laureates and winners

                                                                 May 16                                                            .


Registration of guests and participants

Avant Hall of Stieglitz Academy Applied Arts Museum


Grand opening of the Art of Hot Enamel 4th International Biennale “Golden Thread - the Road of Creativity”

Avant Hall of Stieglitz Academy Applied Arts Museum

Anna N. Kislitsyna

Rector of the Stieglitz Academy, Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Biennale


Andrei S. Maksimov

Chairman of the Committee on Science and Higher Education of the St. Petersburg Government


Alexander N. Voronko

First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Culture of the St. Petersburg Government


Attilio M. Compagnoni

President of Creative-Kreis-International-Italy, Creator of Enamel Museum (Bergamo, Italy)

Irina Yu. Perfileva

Leading Researcher, Institute of Theory and History of Fine Arts, Russian Academy of Arts


Evgeny E. Matko

Chairman of the Arts and Crafts Section of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia, Honorary Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts


Alexey Yu. Talashchuk

Artistic Director of the Stieglitz Academy, People's Artist of Russia, Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, Co-Chairman of the Competition Jury

Svetlana P. Ponomarenko

Professor of the Mural Painting Department of the Stieglitz Academy, Honored Artist of Russia, Curator of the Biennale


С eremony of Awarding the Winners

The winners will be honoured with laureates awards and medals. Other participants will be distinguished by diplomas.


Accompanying the grand opening of the Biennale

- performances of young enamellers and the academic choir “Merry Goldfinches”

- demonstration of models and decorative fabrics "Golden Thread"


Start of the Biennale work

Hot enamel exhibition in White and Gothic H alls of Stieglitz Academy Applied Arts Museum



Group photo

Big Exhibition Hall of Stieglitz Academy


Master class “Picturesque Drawing in Enamel”

Enamel studio of the Mural Painting Department of the Stieglitz Academy (studio #020)

Ivan V. Dyakov

Senior Lecturer, Department of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg State University


Master class “Graphics on enamel on a colored background”

Enamel studio of the Metalworking Department of the Stieglitz Academy (studio #141)

Eduard M. Fokin

Associate Professor, Metalworking Department of the Stieglitz Academy


                                                                 May 17                                                            .


Round table discussion "Enamel Art in Russia and Abroad"

Hall of Henry II, the Stieglitz Academy

Roundtable program:

"History of Domestic Jewelry Enamel"

Irina Yu. Perfileva

PhD in History of Arts, Leading Researcher, Institute of Theory and History of Fine Arts, Russian Academy of Arts

"History of the Enamel Museum in Ponte San Pietro, Italy"

Attilio M. Compagnoni

President of Creative-Kreis-International-Italy, Creator of Enamel Museum (Bergamo, Italy)


Master class “Hungarian Enamels”

Enamel studio of the Metalworking Department of the Stieglitz Academy (studio #141)

Olga O. Lysenkova,

Associate Professor, Department of Art Textiles of the Stieglitz Academy

                                                              May 18                                                               .






Completion of the Biennale

Summing up by the organizing committee

Art of Hot Enamel 4th International Biennale

"Golden Thread – Road of Creativity"


The project represents the incredible energy of hot enamel techniques in certain works created by enamel artists of Russia and foreign nations. In each enamel presented by the authors at the exhibition love and joy of creativity are felt. From May 16 to June 16, 2019, in the center of St. Petersburg, in the marvelous space of the Stieglitz Academy Museum, the International Biennale «Golden Thread - Road of Creativity» is open. We hope it will become a platform for meetings and discussions about the time in which a modern artist resides, about his relevance, about ambitious creative plans to become needed for a city, country, and the world. Within the biennale, master classes, a round table and excursions are running, a competition among the participants will be held, and a catalog will be published at the end of the event.


                   BIENNALE PROGRAM                        


May 16 - June 16, 2019

Stieglitz Academy Applied Arts Museum

(St. Petersburg, Solynoi pereulok, 13-15)





                                                            May 11 — 12                                                       .


Reception of works

White Hall of Stieglitz Academy Applied Arts Museum


                                                           May 13 — 14                                                        .


Formation of the biennale exposition

White and Gothic H alls of Stieglitz Academy Applied Arts Museum


                                                               May 15                                                              .


W ork of competition jury


Mikhail B. Piotrovsky

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Director of the State Hermitage Museum, Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, President of the Union of Museums of Russia

Talashchuk Alexey Yurievich

Artistic Director of the Stieglitz Academy, People's Artist of Russia, Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, Professor



“Debut”, “Professional excellence”, “Loyalty to the profession”, “Younger generation”.

The winners in each nomination will be honoured with laureates awards, while the finalists will be distinguished by diplomas (first, second and third grade).



- medals of the laureates of the Art of Hot Enamel 4th International Biennale “Golden Thread - the Road of Creativity”

- diplomas of laureates and winners

                                                                 May 16                                                            .


Registration of guests and participants

Avant Hall of Stieglitz Academy Applied Arts Museum


Grand opening of the Art of Hot Enamel 4th International Biennale “Golden Thread - the Road of Creativity”

Avant Hall of Stieglitz Academy Applied Arts Museum

Anna N. Kislitsyna

Rector of the Stieglitz Academy, Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Biennale


Andrei S. Maksimov

Chairman of the Committee on Science and Higher Education of the St. Petersburg Government


Alexander N. Voronko

First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Culture of the St. Petersburg Government


Attilio M. Compagnoni

President of Creative-Kreis-International-Italy, Creator of Enamel Museum (Bergamo, Italy)

Irina Yu. Perfileva

Leading Researcher, Institute of Theory and History of Fine Arts, Russian Academy of Arts


Evgeny E. Matko

Chairman of the Arts and Crafts Section of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia, Honorary Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts


Alexey Yu. Talashchuk

Artistic Director of the Stieglitz Academy, People's Artist of Russia, Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, Co-Chairman of the Competition Jury

Svetlana P. Ponomarenko

Professor of the Mural Painting Department of the Stieglitz Academy, Honored Artist of Russia, Curator of the Biennale


С eremony of Awarding the Winners

The winners will be honoured with laureates awards and medals. Other participants will be distinguished by diplomas.


Accompanying the grand opening of the Biennale

- performances of young enamellers and the academic choir “Merry Goldfinches”

- demonstration of models and decorative fabrics "Golden Thread"


Start of the Biennale work

Hot enamel exhibition in White and Gothic H alls of Stieglitz Academy Applied Arts Museum



Group photo

Big Exhibition Hall of Stieglitz Academy


Master class “Picturesque Drawing in Enamel”

Enamel studio of the Mural Painting Department of the Stieglitz Academy (studio #020)

Ivan V. Dyakov

Senior Lecturer, Department of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg State University


Master class “Graphics on enamel on a colored background”

Enamel studio of the Metalworking Department of the Stieglitz Academy (studio #141)

Eduard M. Fokin

Associate Professor, Metalworking Department of the Stieglitz Academy


                                                                 May 17                                                            .


Round table discussion "Enamel Art in Russia and Abroad"

Hall of Henry II, the Stieglitz Academy

Roundtable program:

"History of Domestic Jewelry Enamel"

Irina Yu. Perfileva

PhD in History of Arts, Leading Researcher, Institute of Theory and History of Fine Arts, Russian Academy of Arts

"History of the Enamel Museum in Ponte San Pietro, Italy"

Attilio M. Compagnoni

President of Creative-Kreis-International-Italy, Creator of Enamel Museum (Bergamo, Italy)


Master class “Hungarian Enamels”

Enamel studio of the Metalworking Department of the Stieglitz Academy (studio #141)

Olga O. Lysenkova,

Associate Professor, Department of Art Textiles of the Stieglitz Academy

                                                              May 18                                                               .


Дата: 2019-05-28, просмотров: 170.