E. I was asked to help.
4. Укажите синоним слова: рatient.
A . sick
B. weak
C. strong
D. nurse
E. thin
5.Укажите правильную форму образования Future Perfect Tense:
A. Subject+will+have+Past Participle
B. Subject+have+Past Participle
C. Subject+would +have+Past Participle
D. Subject+will+had+Past Participle
E. Subject+Past Participle
6. Выберите правильно составленное предложение:
A. Severe pain felt the patient abdominal.
B. Abdominal pain felt the patient severe.
C. The patient felt severe abdominal pain .
D. The severe abdominal pain felt the patient.
E. Felt severe abdominal pain the patient.
7. Дополните предложение, глядя на картинку: The patient was prepared for ... .
A. the operation
B. appendicitis
C. ambulance
D. severe pain
E. diphteria
8. Отметьте правильный перевод словосочетания: post operative complication.
A . послеоперационное осложнение
B. операционная комната
C. инструкция подготовки к операции
D. хирургическое отделение
E. хирург
9. Отметьте правильно составленное предложение в Future Perfect Tense:
A. I will have worked.
B. I will work.
C. I will working.
D. I would work.
E. I work.
10. Вставьте пропущенное слово: The assistant gave the patient ... .
A. book
B. syringe
C. gown
D. anesthesia
E. newspaper
6.9. At the doctors.
The Future Perfect Tense – negative and interrogative forms.
1. Вставьте вместо точек пропущенное слово: What is the ... with you?
A. pain
B. blood
C. fear
D . matter
E. are
2. Укажите правильный перевод слова:out-patient.
A. лежачий больной
B. стационарный больной
C. тяжелый больной
D. пациент
E . амбулaторный больной
3. Глядя на картинку, дополните предложение: Take this … twice a day.
A. solution
B. decoction
C. vitamins
D . medicine
E. sweets
4.Укажите отрицательное предложение в Future Perfect Tense:
A. He will not took a medicine by 2 o’clock.
B. He will not have taken a medicine by 2 o’clock.
C. He would not have took a medicine by 2 o’clock.
D. He didn’t took a medicine by 2 o’clock.
E. He didn’t took a medicine by 2 o’clock.
5. Укажите отрицательнуюформу Future Perfect Tense:
A. Subject+will+ have+Past Participle.
B. Will+subject+have+Past Participle.
C. Subject+will+not+have+Past Participle.
D. Will+subject+ Past Participle.
E. Subject+Past Participle.
6. Укажите вопросительное предложение в Future Perfect Tense:
A. Will she have got her analysis by then?
B. She will have got her analysis by then?
C. Have will she got her analysis by then?
D. She will have not got her analysis by then?
E. She has not got her analysis by then?
7. Выберите правильный ответ, глядя на картинку: Why did he visit a doctor?
A. He was noisy.
B. He had a headache.
Дата: 2019-05-28, просмотров: 238.