Прослушайте и затем прочтите по ролям мини-историю, обращая внимание на использование глагола to be . Разыграйте мини-сценку
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой



Задание 3.3

Вставьте вместо пропусков глагол to be в правильной форме

1. I ___ a graphic design student at college of KTIXO.

2. ____ you at the lesson now? – No, we ___. We ___ at the cinema.

3. Mathematics homework _____ difficult, it ___ easy.

4. The pupils ____ at school, they play football.

5. ____ Sofia in the hospital? – Yes, she ___. She ___ ill.

6. They ____ students. They ____ good at literature and English.

7. We ____ happy – we ____ students!

8. ____ you a teacher? – No, I ____. I’m a graphic design student.

9. They ____ not good friends.

10. ____ he friendly and kind? – Yes, he ___. And he ____ happy, too.

Задание 3.4

Прочтите и переведите текст. Перескажите текст от третьего лица.


Hi! I’m Alexander, or Alex. I’m a college student. I’m sixteen. I’m friendly. Nora, Peter and Jane are my friends. We are fond of music, books, sports and traveling. Nora is Swedish. She’s from Stockholm. She’s a college student too. She is a tall blonde girl. She’s very beautiful too. Peter is from Warsaw, Poland. He is Polish. He is a future graphic designer. Jane is from Great Britain. She is English and she’s from London. London is the capital of Great Britain. She is a sociology student. We are not married. We are young! We are good friends. We visit each other, exchange photos in Instagram, write messages in social networks, and speak on the phone and Skype.

Задание 3.5

Скажите, верны ли следующие утверждения. Исправьте неправильные утверждения

1. Jane is sixteen.

2. Peter is Swedish.

3. Jane is a future graphic designer.

4. Al and his friends are fond of computers.

5. Al, Peter and Jane are not friends.

6. Peter is not young.

7. Jane is married to Peter.

8. Warsaw is the capital of Great Britain.


Задание 3.6

Ответьте на вопросы по образцу.

ОБРАЗЕЦ : Are you a student? – Yes, I am. I’m a college student..

Is your friend a student? – Yes, he is. No, he isn’t. He is a pupil.

1. Are you a teacher?

2. Is your friend good at English?

3. Are you mathematics college student?

4. Are you sixteen?

5. Are you from Great Britain?

6. Are you fond of traveling?

7. Are you ill?

8. Are your friends young?

9. Are you sociology student?

10. Are you a good friend?

11. Are you married?

12. Are you fond of art?


1. Авторский материал (Задания 3.1, 3.6)

2. To the top -1 Ex2A p.16 (Задание 3.2)

3. Planet of English Ex.7 p.7 (Задание 3.3, авторизовано), Ex.9 p.8 (Задание 3.4), Ex.10 p.8 (Задание 3.5)


1/7 Грамматика: настоящее продолженное время

1/8 Чтение и перевод диалога



Единственное число

множественное число


1 лицо

I am/I’m painting– я рисую

we are/we’re painting – мы рисуем 2 лицо

you are/you’re painting – ты/вы рисуете


he is/he’s painting – он рисует


they are/they’re painting – они рисуют

she is/she’s painting – она рисует

it is/it’s painting – он/она/оно/это рисует


1 лицо

I am not/I’m not painting

я не рисую

we are not/we’re not/we aren’t painting мы не рисуем 2 лицо

you are not/you’re not/you aren’t painting

ты/вы не рисуете


he is not/he’s not/he isn’t painting

он не рисует


they are not/they’re not/they aren’t painting

они не рисуют

she is not/she’s not/she isn’t painting

она не рисует

it is not/it’s not/it isn’t painting

он/она/оно/это не рисует


1 лицо

Am I painting …?

Рисую ли я…?

Are we painting …? Рисуем ли мы? 2 лицо

Are you painting …?

Рисуете ли вы…?


Is he painting …?

Рисует ли он…?



Are they painting …?

Рисуют ли они…?

Is she painting …?

Рисует ли она…?

Is it (this marker) painting …?

Рисует ли он/она/оно/это…?

Дата: 2019-05-28, просмотров: 255.