Source: Wong, Christine P.W., Christopher Heady, and Wing T. Woo. Fiscal Management and Economic Reform in the People’s Republic of China. Oxford University Press. Hong Kong: 1995, p.24.
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[2] Harrold, Peter “China’s Reform Experience to Date”, World Bank Discussion Paper #180, 1992.
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[6] Lele and Ofori-Yeboah Unraveling the Asian Miracle. Brookfield: Dartmouth Press, 1996.
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8 Wong, Christine P.W., Christopher Heady, and Wing T. Woo. Fiscal Management and Economic Reform in the People’s Republic of China. Oxford University Press. Hong Kong: 1995.
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[12] Hodder, Rupert. The Creation of Wealth in China: Domestic Trade and Material Progress in a Communist State. Belhaven Press. London: 1993, p. 80.
[13] Wong, Christine. “China’s Economy: The Limits of Gradualist Reform.” in China Briefing, 1994, ed. by William A. Joseph. Westview Press. Boulder, CO: 1994
[14] Stevenson-Yang, Anne. “New Reforms and Taxes for ‘94,” in The China Business Review. U.S.-China Business Council. Washington, D.C.: January-February 1994.
[15] Peck, Joyce, Peter Kung, and Khoon-Ming Ho. “Enter the VAT,” in The China Business Review. U.S.-China Business Council. Washington, D.C.: March-April 1994.
[16] “China: Tax Policy Changes May Not Be Welcome to Companies, But Are Good for China,” in Global Economic Forum. Morgan Stanley & Co. Inc. 1995.
[17] Wong, Christine P.W., Christopher Heady, and Wing T. Woo. Fiscal Management and Economic Reform in the People’s Republic of China. Oxford University Press. Hong Kong: 1995.
[18] IWR Daily Update. Vol. 2, No. 104, 25 April 1995.
[19] Harrold, Peter “China’s Reform Experience to Date” World Bank Discussion Paper #180, 1992.
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[25] Mehran and Quintyn, “Financial Sector Reforms in China” Finance and Development, March 1996.
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[32] The Chinese Economy: Fighting Inflation, Deepening Reforms. A World Bank Country Study May, 1996.
[33] Forney, Matt “Trials by Fire” Far Eastern Economic Review, September 12, 1996.
[34] “Reform of China’s State-Owned Enterprises: A Progress Report of Oxford Analytica.” World Bank Web Page, November 16, 1996 (
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[37] Ibid.
[38] The Chinese Economy: Fighting Inflation, Deepening Reforms. A World Bank Country Study, May 1996.
[39] Wong, Christine. “China’s Economy: The Limits of Gradualist Reform.” in China Briefing, 1994, ed. by William A. Joseph. Westview Press. Boulder, CO: 1994, p. 51.
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Дата: 2019-05-28, просмотров: 209.