2. Hobbies … our outlook and help us to relax.
Broad 3) brodify
Brodinate 4) broaden
3. Seven o’clock on Saturday is a very … time for an appointment.
Inconvenient 3) illconvenient
Imconvenient 4) disconvenient
4. This car is very … . It needs little petrol.
Economicable 3) economizing
Economical 4) economically
5. I feel hot in this suit and tie. I’m going to … my collar.
Loose 3) looser
Loosen 4) lose
6. Several … customers brought their television sets back to the shop.
Dissatisfied 3) missatisfied
Illsatisfied 4) insatisfied
7. We’ve completely run out of … oil.
Cooked 3) cookery
Cooking 4) cook
8. He … his steps when he saw the train approaching the station.
Quicklied 3) quickened
Quickled 4) quickered
9. … expressions are not usually used by educated people.
Unstandard 3) non-standard
Instandard 4) imstandard
10. An e-mail message is more … than a telephone call.
Expensious 3) expensive
Expenseful 4) expensible
11. Can you … your umbrella among a hundred others?
Identize 3) identificate
Identifize 4) identify
12. We couldn’t see the magician! He had become … .
Visibless 3) disvisible
Unvisible 4) invisible
13. English … is well-known.
Politeness 3) politing
Politement 4) politence
14. The Hermitage contains a … collection of pictures.
Priceful 3) pricing
Priceless 4) pricible
15. My work doesn’t … me intellectually.
Stimule 3) stimulize
Stimulate 4) stimuli
16. I’m sure that the whole problem is a simple … .
Disunderstanding 3) misunderstanding
Ununderstanding 4) inunderstanding
17. His … to join us was a surprise for us.
Refuse 3) refusement
Refusal 4) refusence
18. It’s much more … to buy large size packets.
Economizing 3) economical
Economic 4) economically
19. The sky … and it started to rain.
Darknessed 3) darkened
Darked 4) darkenified
20. It would be … to say that we object to it.
Incorrect 3) imcorrect
Uncorrect 4) miscorrect
21. Somewhere in the … the bell rang.
Distant 3) distance
Distantly 4) distancy
22. A … driver is a danger to the public.
Caring 3) careless
Careful 4) carous
23. They got … to using a dictionary.
Accustom 3) accustomed
Customed 4) encustomed
24. I’m sure the whole problem is just a simple … .
Misunderstanding 3) inunderstanding
Disunderstanding 4) illunderstanding
25. It’s a tradition with English children to make New Year … .
Resolves 3) resolvings
Resolutions 4) resolvances
26. The doctor’s job is very … .
Stressing 3) stressful
Stressed 4) stressable
27. You will … if you try hard.
Succeed 3) successer
Success 4) successify
28. I am … with your work.
Missatisfied 3) dissatisfied
Insatisfied 4) illsatisfied
29. His … surprised all of us.
Generousness 3) generosity
Generous 4) generity
30. The readers’ letters are full of … about that newspaper article.
Complains 3) complaints
Complainants 4) complainments
31. The change in the climate has produced … floods.
Disastrous 3) disastrive
Disastrish 4) disastrable
32. Noisy traffic … our way of life.
Threats 3) threatifies
Threatens 4) threatificates
33. Don’t wear a formal suit. It’s going to be an … dinner.
Unformal 3) disformal
Informal 4) imformal
34. It’s a great … to me to be present here.
Pleasantness 3) pleasantry
Pleasure 4) pleasureness
35. What is the … of all this?
Conclution 3) concluding
Conclusion 4) concludence
36. He is a men of … abilities.
Excepted 3) exceptive
Exceptional 4) exceptant
37. This plan has been … in newspapers.
Criticized 3) criticalized
Criticated 4) critified
38. The word “money” is an … noun and it’s not used in the plural.
Incountable 3) uncountable
Discountable 4) imcountable
39. I am going to insert an … in the Times.
Advertisement 3) advertiseness
Advertising 4) advertise
40. My attempt to teach myself Spanish has been … .
Successive 3) unsuccessive
Successful 4) insuccessful
41. I’ve been a … writer for most of my adult life and I’ve been writing science fiction.
Professional 3) unprofessioned
Professioned 4) improfessional
42. After two years of … , Kate got to know David really well.
Friendhood 3) friendency
Friendness 4) friendship
43. The enemy bombs caused death and … .
Destroyal 3) destructness
Дата: 2019-04-23, просмотров: 356.