Answer these questions
1 What do you know about superconductivity?
2 When was superconductivity discovered?
3 What is a superconductor?
Read the information and say what current applications of superconductivity you know.
The phenomenon of superconductivity has always been very exciting, both for its fundamental scientific interest and because of its many applications. The discovery in 1980s of high-temperature superconductivity in certain metallic oxides sparked even greater excitement in the scientific and business communities. Many scientists consider this major breakthrough to be as important as the invention of the transistor. For this reason, it is important that all students of science and engineering understand the basic electromagnetic properties of superconductors and become aware of the scope of their current applications.
Complete the definitions, using the prompts.
resistance a substance/ the degree/ the flow of electricity/to which/prevents/through it
resistivity electrical/ of/ resistance/ a measure/ of a substance
conduct v (physics) to flow/ electricity or heat/ through/to allow
conductor electricity/a substance/ or heat/ that allows/ to pass/ along it or through it
superconductor resistance/ a/ zero/ with/electrical/ material
semiconductor such as silicon,/ a substance/ to flow/ that/ some/ allows/ electricity/
through it/ to flow
insulator allow/ a substance/ that/ does not/electricity/ to pass/ through
Choose the correct alternative.
1 Copper/gold/silver is the most electrically conductive element
2 Aluminum is a good superconductor/ conductor/semiconductor
3 Mercury becomes a conductor/ superconductor/ semiconductor at very low temperatures
4 Although silver/copper/ is the best conductor, copper / silver/ is used more often
in electrical applications because copper /silver is less expensive
5 Gold /silver has a much higher corrosion resistance
6 Glass is a good conductor/ superconductor /insulator
5 Work in pairs and discuss the questions.
1 What is the most conductive element?
2 What is an electrical insulator? Name some common insulators.
3 How does a conductor differ from an insulator?
4 What makes water a good conductor of electricity?
5 What elements are used more often as conductors in electrical applications? Why?
6 Why is silver the best conductor?
Decide which part of speech the words belong to.
Superconductivity, superconductor, superconductive, superconducting; physics, physical, physicist, physically; resistivity, resistance, resistant, resistor; differ, difference, different, differentiate, differently, differential; apply, appliance, application, applied, applicable;
measure, measureless, measurement; powerless, power, powerful, powerfully.
7 Watch the first part of the video “Adventures at Nanoscale: Superconductivity” (5:08 min) and answer the questions. Use the prompts.
Useful notes
strand v ( usually passive) – застрять на дороге, сесть на мель
flashlight - фонарик
a bunch of people - группа людей
1 Why was a group of high school friends stranded on a country road?
car/ break/ down
2 What did they decide to do?
town/ near/ walk
3 Why couldn’t they call for help?
phone/ not work/ walk/ clear phone signal
4 What was the story about in the science blog?
/ superconductors/use/ less energy/regular conductors
5 What happened with Ellie and Eddie?
become /small/ turn /copper /atom/
6 Where did they find themselves?
inside / one/ atoms/ copper/ wire
7 What explanation was given to the term ’regular conductor in the video?
material/ allow/ electron/ freely/ move /around
8 Watch the second part of the video “Adventures at Nanoscale: Superconductivity “
Useful notes
Нeike Kamerlingh Onnes- голландский физик и химик Хейке Камерлинг Оннес
liquid helium-жидкий гелий
lead |lеd| -свинец
niobium nitride |naɪˈoʊbiəm|-нитрид ниобия
expel-вытеснять, выталкивать
Walter Meissner and Robert Ochsenfeld- немецкие физики Вальтер Мейснер и Роберт Оксенфельд
F.and H. London- немецкие физики-теоретики Фриц и Хайнц Лондоны
John Bardeen, Leon Cooper and John Schrieffer- американские физики Джон Бардин, Леон Купер, Джон Роберт Шриффер.
BCS theory- БКШ теория
phonon- фонон (квант колебательной энергии кристаллической решётки)
niobium-titanium alloy |naɪˈoʊbiəm tɪˈteɪniəm ˈælɔɪ| -сплав из титана и ниобия
Type I and Type II superconductors – сверхпроводники I и II рода
Brian Josephson – английский физик Брайан Джозефсон
Paul Chu – американский физик китайского происхождения Пол Чу
lanthanum |ˈlænθənəm| – химический элемент лантан (La)
yttrium |ˈɪtriəm| – химический элемент иттрий (Y)
Match the sentence halves.
1 Superconductivity was discovered in 1911 by K. Onnes 2 The next important advance in superconductivity theory was in 1933 3 In 1950 Landau and Ginzburg formulated the theory that explained 4 Bardeen, Cooper, and Schrieffer proposed 5 According to the BCS theory, the superconducting current is a superfluid of ‘Cooper pairs’- 6 In 1962 Brian Josephson made the important theoretical prediction that supercurrent | a) when the Meissner effect was discovered. b) which interact through the exchange of phonons. c) who was experimenting with properties of materials at extremely low temperatures. d) could "tunnel" right through the nonsuperconducting barrier from one superconductor to another. e) the macroscopic properties of superconductors. f) the complete, microscopic theory of superconductivity in 1957. |
Use these dates as a plan.
1911 1933 1950 1957 1962 1986
Subjunctive Mood
The Subjunctive Mood is a category of verb forms that we use to express things that are not facts: wishes, doubts, suggestions, possibilities, conditions, etc.
1. I would like to help you. – Мне бы хотелось вам помочь. (It is not a fact. It is my wish)
2. You would do it if you had time. – Ты бы сделал это, если бы у тебя было время. (It depends on your having time).
3. It is important that he arrive on time. – Важно, чтобы он приехал во время. (It is what you need)
4. You could do it immediately. – Ты смог бы сделать это немедленно. (It is suggestion)
Non-subjunctive example | Subjunctive form | Subjunctive example |
He is allowed | be | It is important that he be allowed |
She was ordered | were | If she were ordered, I’d go. |
He drives | remove the s | I wish that he drive. |
14 Translate the sentences into English.
1 We would make this remark in the first section of the article.
2 There would be no life without water.
3 Could you help me?
4 It is necessary that new materials be created in the near future.
5 It is essential that we should discuss the importance of these experiments.
6 I wish he do this work at time.
7 He would come to see us if he had time.
8 Could I see her today, I would invite her to our meeting.
Answer these questions
1 What do you know about superconductivity?
2 When was superconductivity discovered?
3 What is a superconductor?
Read the information and say what current applications of superconductivity you know.
The phenomenon of superconductivity has always been very exciting, both for its fundamental scientific interest and because of its many applications. The discovery in 1980s of high-temperature superconductivity in certain metallic oxides sparked even greater excitement in the scientific and business communities. Many scientists consider this major breakthrough to be as important as the invention of the transistor. For this reason, it is important that all students of science and engineering understand the basic electromagnetic properties of superconductors and become aware of the scope of their current applications.
Дата: 2019-04-23, просмотров: 352.