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I am going to tell you about my future profession. Choosing a career and getting a job are two things, any person passes through in his life.

When millions of young people leave school, they begin an independent life. Some of them start working, go into business; some of them keep upgrading their schooling to receive higher education.

Young people can learn about professions in magazines and advertisements. Magazines for teenagers often offer questionnaires, quizzes to help young people to find out their interests and abilities more clearly and to make a decision concerning their future occupation.

While choosing a career one should take into consideration all main possibilities that his future profession might provide: the profession must be interesting, one have to be sure of his future (that means that one will be able to find a job after his graduation from the university or institute), a profession must be well-paid, otherwise you won't be able to support yourself and your future family.

During our school life, we begin to think about our future life, our job. There are many professions in the world, so it is quite difficult to choose and make a decision. Some follow their own choice; some follow parent's advice, because they can help concerning future plans. I never had a question, what I was going to do, when I was finishing my school. I have known it since being a child that I want to bean interpreter. I have chosen this profession, because the importance of foreign languages and foreign cultures is growing nowadays. Foreign languages are needed as the main and the most efficient means of information exchange between the people on our planet. Although there are 3000 languages on the Earth, English is the most universal and widely spread. It is the language of science and technology, trade and cultural relations and business. It is the universal language of international aviation, shipping, sports and medicine. English is the official language in nearly forty countries. It is spoken by more than 350 million people and also spoken as a second language in many parts of the World. Besides, millions of people study English as a foreign language. In our country English is very popular. It is studied at schools, colleges and universities.

It is important for me to learn English because I want to know what is going on in the world. With recent advances in technology, the world is changing rapidly in many fields, such as business, arts and medicine. These changes will affect people soon and it's important forme to read and keep up with these changes. In fact, lea riling English is the answer to a lot of the questions that I have.

In conclusion, I would like to say it is a great advantage of choosing our future career being a school pupil. It gives us a goal and enables us to choose a right, suitable course of study. It gives us time to be prepared. Also, I'd like to mention that if we don't think about our future, nobody will think, so we just can have one way. We must work hard to realize our wishes, because future is purchased by the present.

If you want something be done well, do it yourself, make a right decision.


Text plan


1. Entry

2. The choice of their future profession

3. Why I chose the profession of translator

4. Conclusion

Grammar Exercise

Present Tenses.

Выберите правильный вариант из предложенных:


1. My mother is a medical nurse; she takes care of sick and old people. What .....for a living? 

A. does your mother do

b. is your mother doing

c. has your mother done

d. has your mother been doing


 2. Jake is a good footballer. Do you know since when 

a. he has been playing

b. he plays

C. has he been playing

d. is he playing


 3. Zeta has sent me two letters; neither of which ..... . 

A. has arrived

b. have arrived

c. arrive

d. is arriving


 4. What .....with yourself? There is mud all over you! 

a. has you been doing

b. are you doing

c. did you do

D. have you been doing


 5. Jerry promised to come to work in time. He is not here, and he even ..... . 

a. isn’t calling

B. hasn't called

c. hasn't been calling

d. doesn’t call


 6. I am sorry Ann can’t come to the phone right now because she .....a shower. 

A. is taking

b. has taken

c. takes

d. has been taking


 7. - Hello! May I speak to John, please? - Sorry, he is out. He has gone to the library. He .....for his History exam there. 

a. has been reading

B. is reading

c. reads

d. has read


 8. - Do you remember me? - Of course, I do. We .....several times before. 

a. have met

b. meet

c. met

D. have been meeting


 9. The government is worried because the number of people without jobs ..... . 

a. increases

b. has increased

C. is increasing

d. has been increasing


 10. Paul looks young for his age. He says he is 56 years old, but nobody .....him. 

a. hasn’t believed

b. is not believing

C. believes

d. believe

Тема № 2 Образование


1. Прочитайте текст со словарем.

2. Выполните упражнение после текста.



The University of Birmingham was founded in 1900. At present it has more than 20,000 students. An emphasis upon research in all schools is one of the characteristics of the University.

Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering is one of five Schools of Engineering at the University of Birmingham. Its other Schools are Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electronic and Electrical Engineering and Metallurgy and Materials.

The courses given in the School are designed primarily to provide a broad education in the fundamental mechanical engineering sciences and in economics and business studies. The advanced courses in the School of Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering lead to careers in the fields of design, research, development and production in industry; the government service; the national research laboratories and higher learning institutions; and to those in some branches of teaching.

One group of courses serves the Industrial Engineering stream and the other serves the Engineering Science stream. The former is intended for students whose interests lie mainly in the design and production side of engineering, the latter is meant for those who are analytically-minded and who wish to study in depth the theoretical techniques used by engineers. After following a common first year and before entering the second year, students are divided into two streams on the basis of their own choice. The courses of study include mechanical production, electronic and electrical engineering, metallurgy, mathematics and economics. They are supported by laboratory and drawing office exercises. In both cases students are engaged in practical work with engineering firms during the summer vacation.

Завершите предложения, выбрав соответствующие окончания


1. The School of Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering is... - (d)

2. The courses given include... - (h)

3. After the first year... - (f)

4. They are... - (b)

5. Both streams are served... - (a)

6. The Engineering Science stream course is intended for students... - (i)

7. Students who are interested in design and production... - (g)

8. The courses of study are supported by... - (e)

9. During summer vacations students are engaged in... - (c)


a) by different groups of courses.

b) the Industrial Engineering stream and the engineering Science stream.

c) practical work with engineering firms.

d) one of the five Schools of Engineering at the University.

e) laboratory and drawing office exercises.

f) students are divided into two streams.

g) study the Industrial Engineering stream course.

h) mechanical engineering sciences, economics and business studies.

i) who wish to study the theoretical techniques.


Тема № 3 Профессия инженера


1. Пройдите по ссылке.

2. Ознакомьтесь с предложенным материалом.

3. Составьте план текста.


What Classes Must Be Taken in Order

to Become an Engineer?


According to Energy4me, engineers are professionals who work with other smart people to create practical solutions that help society. It is a diverse profession that ranges from civil engineering, aeronautical, petroleum, computer or biochemical engineering. This profession is on the rise, as is the case with its salaries. However, getting the correct education in engineering is necessary before you become an engineer and enjoy its benefits. This involves taking classes in math, science, computers and English.


Math classes are important for prospective engineers because you will tackle areas like trigonometry, calculus, geometry and algebra. According to the Society of Women Engineers, you should spend a minimum of four years in such classes after which the knowledge acquired could aid you greatly in tackling challenging courses in college. The knowledge garnered from math would also assist you in your engineering career. For instance, as an electrical engineer, you would need math for designing and testing electronics.

Computer Classes

Computer classes are paramount for future engineers to assist them in completing various engineering tasks. Through these sessions, you can improve your knowledge of various computer technologies, such as Computer-Aided Design (CAD), which is commonly used in numerous engineering industries like automobile, aerospace and prosthetics. As an engineer, you would use CAD to design various projects as well as ensuring accuracy of your designs. You should enroll in classes on computer applications and technologies relevant to your engineering field.


Studying science, such as biology, physics and chemistry, is integral to your future as an engineer. According to Transworld Education, physics, alongside mathematics, are essential courses to become an engineer in addition to enrolling for undergraduate engineering courses. Other science classes that you could take include astronomy, ecology and earth sciences, all of which require a minimum of four years. The Society of Women Engineers advises that prospective engineers should go for at least three sciences in high school.


A course in English will enrich your communication skills by enhancing your fluency in the language. It will enable you to communicate effectively with engineers or customers from other parts of the world because English is widely used in engineering, international businesses, science and diplomatic circles. It is helpful when undertaking international projects, where collaboration and cross-cultural communication is important. Four years in English is necessary for a high school student, according to the Society for Women Engineers.


Text plan

1. Who are engineers

2. What science do you need to study to become an engineer

3. Why an engineer needs to study mathematics

4. Why an engineer needs to study computer science

5. Why an engineer needs to study natural Sciences

6. Why an engineer needs to learn English


Grammar Exercise

"Past Tenses"


Выберите правильный вариант из предложенных:


1. Before Adam got married, he .....hiking to the mountains every summer. Now he goes to the seaside with his wife. 

a. went

b. would go

c. had gone

D. had been going


 2. When I was young, I .....that people over forty were very old. Now that I am forty myself I don’t think so. 

a. thought

B. used to think

c. was thinking

d. had thought


 3. I looked everywhere for my car keys and then I remembered that my son .....the car to work. 

a. took

B. had taken

c. was taking

d. had been taking


4. When I first England in 1938, I thought I knew English well. 

A. came

b. had come

c. was coming

d. had been coming



5 . Dinosaurs were the largest animals ever to live on earth, and they .....the Earth for a very long period of time. 

A. ruled

b. were ruling

c. had ruled

d. had been ruling


6. She was not interested in the book because she 

a. hadn’t understood

B. didn’t understand

c. wasn’t understanding

d. hadn’t been understanding


 7. I didn’t see Linda last month because she .....around Europe at that time. 

a. travelled

B. was travelling

c. had travelled

d. had been travelling


 8. He had been away for many years and when he visited his native town, he saw that it .....greatly. 

A. changed

b. was changing

c. had been changing

d. had changed


9. Our clothes were wet because we the rain. 

A. had been walking

b. had walked

c. were walking

d. walked


 10. Our neighbours called the police when they found out that somebody .....into their house. 

a. broke

b. was breaking

C. had broken

d. had been breaking

Тема № 4 Ученые и их изобретения

1. Прочитайте текст со словарем.

2.Выполните упражнение после текста.



James Watt was born in Greenock, Scotland, and was taught at home. Later he went to Greenock Grammar School.

His technical expertise seems to have been obtained from working in his father’s workshop and from early in life he showed academic promise. His early formal training was as an instrument maker in London and Glasgow.

Watt combined the expertise of a scientist with that of a practical engineer, for later he was not only to improve the heat engine but also to devise new mechanisms.

Watt was interested in making experimental models of steam engines and this marks a historical milestone in engineering development, for they were the first experimental apparatus purposely constructed for engineering research. Watt’s early interest in steam arose from experience in repairing a model steam engine in 1764, and in 1765 he invented the separate steam condenser. In 1769 he took out a patent on the condenser in which steam came into direct contact with cold water. That was a milestone by which steam engineering reached its practical and usable form.

In 1784 he took out a patent for a reaction turbine at a time when continental engineers were only considering similar approaches. An improved centrifugal governor was to follow in 1788 and a design for a pressure gauge in 1790.

In the development of the steam engine James Watt represents the perfecting of a sequence of stages beginning with the Newcomen engine and ending with the parallel motion and sun/planet gearing.

The latter is said to have been invented by William Murdock but patented by Watt.

In the scientific field Watt’s finest memorial, apart from steam engines, is his establishment of the unit of power — the rate of doing work. He coined the term horsepower (hp), one horse being defined as equivalent to 33,000 ft lb/min.

James Watt died in 1819 in Heathfield, after a life of incomparable technical value. Later, a statue to Watt was placed in Westminster Abbey.

На основании полученной из текста информации заполните следующую таблицу.

  Time   Watt’s activity and its results
  1764   repairing a model steam engine
  1765 the separate steam condenser
  1769 patent on the condenser
  1784 patent for a reaction turbine
  1788 An improved centrifugal governor
  1790 a design for a pressure

Тема № 5 Единицы измерения

1. Пройдите по ссылке.

2. Ознакомьтесь с предложенным материалом.

3. Составьте краткую аннотацию текста.

http :// www . europeword . com / blog / europe / the - metric - system - in - europe /

The Metric System in Europe


 The metric system refers to a series of measurements that are divisible by ten. In other words, meters are a metric form of measurement because they are made up of 100 centimeters which in turn are made up of 10 milimeters. Other examples are kilometers, kilos and grams. The metric system makes sense and makes it easy to work with various units and statistics without doing complex maths or having to remember complicated conversion rates. The system was brought in to replace the less obvious and methodical ‘imperial’ system which meanwhile relied on largely arbitrary and random units of measurements such as miles and inches.

Both imperial units and metric units began life in Europe. The imperial system was brought in by the British in the ‘Weights and Measures’ of 1824, while the French introduced ‘metrication’ in the 1790s. Over the following years metrication has gained popularity, and is considered the internationally dominating form of measurement and the legal standard.

However while the process has been largely successful, some countries are still lagging behind. For instance in the US imperial measurements are still used for many things such as cooking instructions, while in the UK miles are still used in road signs and pints are legally mandated to be the measuring unit for alcoholic beverages.

Part of the reason that the US has been slow to adopt the metric system used in most of Europe is potentially due to its close ties and shared language with the UK. The US also still uses ‘United States customary units’ (including miles and leagues) in some measurements which are derived from the English units used at the time of settlement (these customary units are largely the same as some of the well-known imperial units).

In the UK the slow adoption of the metric system compared with Europe could be a result of its isolated nature as an island, or it could be related to the fact that the Imperial units were originally a British creation. However the UK isn’t the only place in Europe where imperial units are still used – for instance the diameters of pipes are still measured in inches across much of Europe, in Northern Europe planks and nails are measured in inches in the construction industry, while Spain still uses the quiñón. As you would expect with any change on such a scale, it takes time for every country and industry to fully adapt – hundreds of years in fact it would seem.




The metric system is an international decimal system of units based on the use of meter and kilogram. It was introduced to replace "traditional" systems of units to simplify measurements.

The metric system was first adopted in France in the 1790s

Although the metric system is officially adopted in almost all countries of the world, the US still uses the "traditional" measurement system.

The slow adoption of the metric system in the UK may be due to the fact that it is the founder of the "traditional" system and isolated from the rest of Europe. Some units from the traditional system are still used by many countries.

Grammar Exercise

"Future Tenses"

Выберите правильный вариант из предложенных:


1. Did you write that letter to Jack? - Oh, I forgot. Thanks for reminding me. I in the evening. 

a. will have written

b. will have been writing

C. will write

d. am writing


 2. By the first of December this year I for fifteen years already. 

A. will have been working

b. will work

c. will have worked

d. will be working


 3. The windows in my flat are dirty. I haven't cleaned them yet. I this Saturday. 

A. will do

b. will be doing

c. am doing

d. am going to do


 4. My father is repairing our car. We hope that by Sunday he 

A. will have repaired

b. will repair

c. will be repairing

d. will have been repairing


 5. Don't wait for him, he won’t come for supper; he .....late. 

A. will come

b. will have come

c. is coming

d. will be coming



 6. Mother has given Sue some pocket money. But she is spending it very quickly. So, by the end of the week she .....all of it. 

A. will have spent

b. will spend

c. will be spending

d. will have been spending


7. By the time Mother comes home Peter .....all the ice-cream. 

a. will eat

B. will have eaten

c. will have been eating

d. will be eating


 8. I don't know what he thinks about it, but I .....him. 

a. am asking

b. will have asked

C. will ask

d. will be asking


 9. I am reading an English book now. It is so interesting that by the end of the day I .....reading it. 

a. am finishing

B. will have finished

c. will be finishing

d. will finish


 10. Ted is looking for a job. He is a good worker and I hope that by the end of the month he .....a good job. 

a. will find

b. is going to find

C. will have found

d. is finding


Тема № 6 Металлы


1. Прочитайте тексты со словарем.

2. Составьте глоссарий основных слов и понятий по теме.




Different metals are widely used in the machine-building industry. There are two groups of metals: fer­rous metals and non-ferrous metals.

Ferrous metals consist of iron combined with carbon, silicon, phosphorus and other elements. Carbon is the most important of all elements present in ferrous alloys. Ferrous metals are used in industry in two general forms; steel and cast iron, which differ in the quantity of carbon content". These two ferrous alloys are derived from pig iron which is produced in a blast furnace in the form of pigs. Metals are usually melted and poured into a form which is called a "mould". This process is known as casting. The cast metal is shaped in the mould where it cools and solidifies. The shop where metals are cast is called a "foundry". Castings are used in building engines, automobiles and airplanes, and different types of machinery. Steel is iron with a very little carbon content (from 0.05 to 1.7 per cent), which makes it much stronger than iron and is therefore widely used in machine-building. But very much carbon makes steel brit­tle, which reduces its strength. Therefore the carbon content in steel is confined to certain limits. Cast iron contains a higher percentage of carbon than steel does (more than 2.0 per cent). It is very cheap, in fact, it is the cheapest of all the engineering metals used in machine-building.



Non-ferrous metals are more expensive than ferrous met­als and are used only when some characteristic not possessed by iron of steer is essential or desirable in application. These characteristics are: high electrical "and thermal con­ductivity, high corrosion resistance, non-magnetic qualities, light weight, etc.

The metals most frequently used to make non-ferrous metal castings are copper, tin, zinc, lead, nickel, gold and aluminium.

Copper is a reddish-brown, tough metal. It has very high electric conductivity and high corrosion-resistant qua­lities. Copper is used for making electrical contacts and wires, pipes, telephone cables, tanks, water heaters, etc.

Zinc is a hard, brittle, bluish-white metal that is emp­loyed in the pure form assheet zinc.

Lead is a very heavy bluish-grey metal/which is very soft. This metal is highly resistant to corrosion, but its strength is so low that it must be supported by a core of some other metal. Lead is used for lining pipes, acid tanks and coating electrical cables.

Aluminiumis a soft, silvery white metal. It is light in weight, has high corrosion-resistant qualities and is used for automobile and airplane parts as well as for making dif­ferent light-weight objects used in everyday life such as: frames, cooking utensils, chairs, etc.

Tin is a silvery, corrosion-resistant metal. Tin is hardly used in pure form, but is employed as an alloying element.

Nickel is a hard, tough, silvery metal. It has high cor­rosion-resistant qualities and is used for plating other met­als such as iron or brass.

There are many applications of non-ferrous metals in the unalloyed state, but in most cases, some alloying element is added.The above-mentioned non-ferrous metals may be mixed in various proportions to form many alloys, chief among them being brasses, bronzes, and aluminium alloys.

Brasses are yellowish or reddish alloys of copper and zinc in different proportions (about 60 per cent copper and 40 per cent zinc, but some brasses contain as high as 90 реr cent copper with only 10 per cent zinc). An addition, of tin makes brasses stronger. Brasses are very ductile and may be treated without heating them. They are corrosion-resis­tant and are used for making musical instruments, bearings.

Bronze is an alloy containing primarily copper and tin, but other elements may be added to the alloy to increase ' its properties such as hardness and resistance to wear. The most common bronzes are known as straight bronze, phos­phor bronze, and manganese bronze.

Aluminium Alloys. Aluminium is used exten­sively for castings that are; to be light in weight, light in colour, or that must not rust. Since aluminium is too soft for making castings, it is necessary to mix some other met­als with it. The metals that alloy freely with aluminium are copper, zinc, and iron.




Ferrous metals - Iron in combination with carbon, silicon, phosphorus and other elements.

Foundry shop - Shop where metal products are cast.

Steel - Low Carbon Iron

Cast Iron - High Carbon Iron

Mold - Mold for casting products from molten metal

Copper - is a reddish brown, hard metal. It has a very high electrical conductivity and high corrosion-resistant qualities.

Zinc - is a hard, brittle, bluish-white metal that is used in its pure form as a sheet of zinc.

Lead - is a very heavy bluish-gray metal, very soft. This metal is highly resistant to corrosion, but has low mechanical strength.

Aluminum - is a soft, silvery-white metal. It is lightweight, has high anti-corrosion properties and good electrical conductivity.

Tin - is a silver, corrosion-resistant metal. Tin is mainly used as an alloying element.

Nickel - is a solid, durable, silver metal. It has high corrosion-resistant properties and is used to coat other metals, such as iron or brass.

Brass - Yellowish or reddish alloys of copper and zinc in various proportions

Bronze - is an alloy containing mostly copper and tin.

Дата: 2019-03-05, просмотров: 364.