Foreground activities of the leader
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Modern researchers of leadership pay great attention to understanding this phenomenon in terms of the person's qualities of the leader and his character. Most of them consider that effective leaders are coaching-oriented, supportive, providing the necessary resources and encouraging personnel's involvement. Character traits contribute significantly to how he acts. It is the set of character traits that helps him to understand what is right and the set of competences that makes him know how to do the right things. The experience of right things doing and the ability to learn also have an impact on each other: the leaders increase their set of competencies.

Innovative economics requires the leader to have certain skills that allow him to do their jobs effectively. Some skills are known as "hard" or technical skills - people get these skills through educational programs of different levels. But nowadays the creative leader also needs what are referred to as ‘soft skills’ which are the supplement to hard skills by a great impact upon the personality development of employees. Organizations today recognize that the professional development of their employees plays an important part in maintaining relationships with their customers, clients, suppliers, co-workers and developing a successful business. That is soft skills of the leader serve to unlock the potential of people in the organization. Creative Leadership is a pattern of behavior that draws upon and promotes both positive psychological capacities of employees and a positive ethical climate within the organization, incorporating not just moral values, but the inspirational influence of inter-personal collaboration.

Dramatic changes to the pace and complexity of creative work have dominated the last decade, and cutting-edge approaches to leadership have underlined the need to engage multiple areas of responsibility and decision-making simultaneously. They are the orientation to the problem; orientation to the collective; orientation to the person. But first of all, there is the need to grasp each area.

Orientation to the problem

Such a leader is guided by figures: it does everything to improve ­ indicators of efficiency at the expense of financial and technical criteria (depending on that approaches more). Not enough attention addresses on members of collective as on people who, besides work, have also other, not less important duties. Interaction of members of the collective at such leader approach also does not play a special role.

The leadership position of such a leader will hardly be a success with the subordinates. They will do everything depending to avoid troubles and to think only of the earnings which will provide the common life. Creative displays there will be a minimum if not to take into consideration the ingenuity in how to "bypass" the rules established by chiefs more artfully. Money becomes the prime motivating factor, on what the management will react, working out of numerous "wise" plans of stimulation which, probably, will generate still the big dissatisfaction. It is a sign of the organization taking into account only the technical indicators of leadership but not the leadership potential.

Orientation to the collective

This type of the leader wants everybody to look at him as a member of the collective and by that to get some popularity. Leaders should make difficult decisions, and many of them are not always popular with the majority. Identifying himself so close with collective the leader will hardly undertake the correcting action. The more this problem is ingrained, the more difficult it will be to manage it. On the one hand, the leader in every way tries to "work" on the maintenance of the spirit of collectivism. On the other - it is difficult to provide development of individuals, or to achieve the performance of a problem, and the moral condition of collective becomes worse. The excessive identification oneself with collective can turn to a serious problem if the leader has no sufficient skills of a management necessary in the varying situation.

Orientation to personalities

There is a type of the leader who gives too much attention to separate members of the collective. On one "pole" here are employees to whom the leader gives the most part of the attention, probably because they are "important persons". Such people receive the most important tasks (or the difficult tasks which demand special performance), not giving the possibility to other employees to show their abilities. On the other hand – the leader gives his attention to those employees who demonstrate the lack of professionalism or abilities. The leader should give such workers excessive support or even coach them.

At the same time, from the point of view of the development of the innovative activity of the organization, it is necessary to achieve a balance between the hard and soft skills of the leader as well as between development of the personnel, creation of harmonious collective and performance of tasks.

Considering a process that’ll help to balance these three orientations it is possible to allocate five key steps of success:

1. Definition of the purposes;

2. Planning;

3. Instructing;

4. The control and support;

5. The estimation.

- Definition of the purposes - to understand what is necessary for respect of quantity and quality.

- Planning - conformity to the set purposes.

This step will include two phases:

• Gathering the information, ideas, and offers. The given phase, possibly, will demand from leaders the activity directed at gathering necessary ­ data, and also leadership approach to the attraction of employees to generating ­ ideas and offers. This activity has many aspects and is united ­ in the wide group of "consultative" processes (for example, mugs of quality, group of experts for the specific target decision, ­advisory committees, and personnel councils).

• Decision-making. There should be an accurate time binding for everyone to understand, that the advisory phase is finished, and thoughts are already executed by subjects of practical work.

- Instructing. It is important that the plan would be clear for everybody; the interaction of members of the collective from the very beginning would become a part of the process. The leader instructs ­ collective, checks how these instructions are understood and achieves a positive spirit for forthcoming work.

- The control and support. Achieving concrete results by means of people the leader creates such surrounding conditions in which employees work over tasks with readiness and qualitatively. Ability to stand aside — the extremely important part of leadership functions. However, if the leader abuses it and appears at the working place seldom the collective can have an opinion that he does not wish to support them or he is not interested in them. Visible leadership is extremely important because thus the leader has an opportunity to observe, to listen and to learn.

- The estimation. «Circulation on work» is not physical, but the audio-visual training directed on providing everyone the subsequent action. Quite probably that the leader will want to change the purposes or he does not achieve that he has planned. In such cases, it is necessary to follow initial reference points to return to the process of planning.

These five basic steps can be considered as a cycle of actions. In this cycle there both small (or rather easy) tasks and more important (ultimate) goals are presented. By working out the process of performance of the difficult task or the project the leader can show factors stirring to work at initial steps (the instructing point). If at the first instructing meeting it becomes clear that the plan demands changes it is necessary to make them. The passage on this cycle including the definition of the purposes, carrying out of meetings, decision-making, instructing that follows support, the control and an estimation of the performed work according to goals characterizes the chief as the creative leader.

The deduced leadership activities scheme is presented in table 3.


Table 3

Leadership activities scheme


Basic actions

The Task The Collective The Individual

Define the purposes

Define problems ­ and the factors of performance Hold ­­ collective meetings ­    Exchange opinions Clear up the purposes    Achieve their approval by collective Get the planning Collect the information Consider variants   Supervise resources   Consult   Encourage ­ offers­ Encourage ideas   Estimate ­ professionalism   Make the decision Priorities   Time frameworks    Level of performance Structure Distribute work Give ­ commissions Set ­ ultimate goals


Clear the purposes   Describe the plan

Explain decisions. Listen. 

Show interest. Answer questions.

Checkup how you are understood

Supervise Support   Coordinate   Estimate successes   Support the level ­ of performance Advise    Settle arising conflicts Help. Encourage. Support discipline          

Estimate the efforts made




Reconsider the purposes.


If necessary to make the new plan

Recognize success and derive benefit.   Examine errors Encourage qualitative performance of work


Direct and train. Praise


Balance Support: Instructions:

- Task Performance:

• state a problem in the intelligible and interesting way and remind of it to the members of the team more often;

• be convinced that you understand how this task "is entered" in the organization's short-term and long-term objectives;

• plan the performance;

• define all necessary resources and provide their presence, including time and demanded powers;

• to make efforts to ensure that the organizational structure allows carrying out a problem effectively;

• control a performance course;

• analyze results and compare them to initial plans and the organization's purposes.

- Collective Creation:

• set and support mutual purposes and standards of performance of work;

• involve the command to the achievement of objects in view;

• support unity, reducing to a minimum the "dissenting" activity;

• consult with the command concerning shots, internal policy, development and activity directions personally and regularly;

• consult the team about the decision that is reflected upon its members before taking it;

• tell about organization achievements;

• inform on all changes occurring in the organization and how they affect collective.

- Individuality Development:

Put difficult tasks and give wide opportunities for perfection by:

- Definitions of the purposes (after consultations) and regular analysis;

- Maintenance of inter-training of the individuals to necessary skills; 

- Sustentation of any internal and external contacts;

- Reorganization and grouping of tasks according to professional skills' application;

- Alternation of operational experience by members of command;

- Giving to command members the freedom of actions at the acceptance of additional responsibility on.

Now the world is experiencing a transition from "industrial society" to "information society". There is a change in the methods of production, world outlook of people, an unprecedented growth in the volume of information flows. Leadership must be creative and innovative. As “… the future is no longer anticipated, it is now created”[58] the influence of the work done on the development of each person and on collective has the great value.


Дата: 2019-03-05, просмотров: 206.