1. He thinks he knows everything about ____ .
1) everybody
2) somebody
3) anybody
2. ____ is all right, the patient is much better today!
1) something
2) anything
3) everything
3. Is there ____ interesting in the program of the concert?
1) anything
2) nothing
3) everything
4. I could see ____ : it was quite dark.
1) something
2) anything
3) nothing
5. Give me ____ to drink.
1) something
2) anything
3) everything
6. I didn't take any money with me so I couldn't buy ____ .
1) anything
2) nothing
3) everything
7. My new eyeglasses are very good, I can see ____ now.
1) something
2) nothing
3) everything
8. There is ____ in the office now, I am afraid. It is lunch hour.
1) somebody
2) nobody
3) anybody
9. Wll you give me ____ to drink, please? I'm thirsty.
1) something
2) anything
3) nothing
10. Is everybody here? - Yes, ____ is here today. Nobody is absent.
1) everybody
2) everything
3) everywhere
11. The policeman wanted me to tell him ____ I know.
1) something
2) anything
3) everything
12. I can't find my bag ____. I have put it on a chair and now I can't see it there.
1) somewhere
2) anywhere
3) nowhere
13. I looked at the TV guide. There wasn't ____ interesting on TV that day.
1) something
2) anything
3) nothing
14. Let's not go ____ in the evening. Let's stay at home.
1) somewhere
2) anywhere
3) nowhere
Fill in the sentences. Follow the model given.
Model: They gave him their address and he gave them his.
1. I gave ……………. address and he gave ……………. .
2. You gave ……………. address and he gave ……………. .
3. He gave ……………. address and I gave ……………..
4. You gave ……………. address and they gave ……………. .
5. She gave ……………. address and I gave ……………. .
6. They gave ……………. address and she gave ……………. .
7. We gave ……………. address and you gave ……………. .
8. She gave ……………. address and he gave ……………. .
9. I gave ……………. address and you gave ……………. .
10. He gave ……………. address and she gave ……………. .
11. I gave ……………. address and they gave ……………. .
12. You gave ……………. address and I gave ……………. .
Add the appropriate question tag.
1. They didn’t see a sea cow yesterday, …………. ?
2. Let’s play outside, …………. ?
3. Let’s play outside.open the window, …………. ?
4. I am in the cinema, …………. ?
5. That is not your parrot, …………. ?
6. The cowboy wants his hat to look old, …………. ?
A sk general questions to the following sentences.
1. He always gives money to homeless children.
2. Tony has married.
3. This city was occupied by fascists.
4. Today we will attend a new museum.
5. His car needs urgent repairing.
A sk alternative questions to the following sentences.
1. She visited all the museums in Istanbul. (the shops)
2. He goes to work by bus. (by train)
3. Classes start in the morning. (in the afternoon)
4. His mother works at the bank. (at the library)
5. Jacky likes pears. (bananas)
A sk questions to the following sentences beginning with the words in brackets.
1. I have been to the doctor. (Where…?)
2. She made a beautiful dress for herself last week. (What...?)
3. Everybody was waiting at the door to the museum. (Where...?)
4. By the end of the year, he had read about twenty books. (How many...?)
5. He is followed by his friend everywhere. (Who ... by?)
A sk questions to the subject of the following sentences.
1. There is a table in the corner of the room.
2. They knew the name.
3. They could make bread.
4. He can draw horses.
5. She has got a big doll.
Вариант 4.
Rewrite the following passage in the passive.
Last month Samuel Block opened a restaurant in the centre of Macclesfield. He had planned it for over five years but he only completed it after local businessmen raised a large sum of money. A top hotelier has trained the waiters and they will wear specially designed uniforms to fit in with the restaurant s modern look. They have brought in a famous chef from France and they are going to give him complete control over the daily menu.
Rewrite the sentences in the active.
1. Who was Gilbert interviewed by?
2. She hasn't been christened yet.
3. A new shampoo is being developed in the lab.
4. The awards will be presented by Tom Hanks.
5. Rainforests are being cut down in the Amazon.
6. The next World Cup is being held in France.
7. When was that building demolished?
8. The suspect was taken in by the officers for questioning.
9. Will free T-shirts be handed out at the concert?
10. Is accommodation provided for all new teachers by the school?
Дата: 2019-02-25, просмотров: 493.