The role of connection also grew after the loss of inflections when the morphological means of expressing grammatical relations were replaced by syntactic means: position in the sentence and prepositions. In Russian prepositions just accompany morphological expression of case and modify the case meanings (cf. телеграмма сестры , телеграмма от сестры). In English prepositions serve as the main markers of the semantic role of the word, e. g. to write with a pencil, to work as a waitress, to live in Paris etc. As prepositions came to replace the morphological markers of case, i.e. morphological government, it is probably possible to speak about prepositional government in English, especially in the case of the so called verbs with inherent prepositions, e. g. to look at, to approve of, to depend on etc.
Connection and adjoining are interrelated as the use of a preposition is related to the position of components within a phrase.
The compound sentence.
1. The Compound sentence is a syntactic unit which consists of two or more clauses joined together on the basis of coordinate relations.
Clauses combined by means of coordination are regarded as independent, they are linked in such a way that there is no hierarchy in the syntactic relationship, they have the same syntactic status. Two clauses are coordinated if they are connected by a conjunct or a coordinator. Coordinated clauses are sometimes called “conjoins”. Coordination can be asyndatic or syndatic.
Asyndetic Compound Sentences: In them coordinators are absent. Two or more clauses can be made into one sentence without a coordinator being used. The result is a.c.s. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it. In writing, asyndetically joined coordinate clauses are separated by a semicolon (;), colon (:) or a dash (-).
Syndetic compound sentences: In them the type of coordination is expressed explicitly by means of coordinators, coordinating conjunctions and, but, for, so that ex. The lights went out, the curtain went up and the show began. The peculiarity of and and or is that they can link more than two clauses. Coordinators can be divided into one-member, or simple (and, but) and multi-member (either…or).
Coordinators and conjuncts in a compound sentence express four logical types of coordination: copulative, disjunctive, adversative and causative-consecutive.
Form the semantico-syntactic point of view there are 2 basic types of connection:
1.Marked coordinative connection – copulative, causal, resultative, adversative, disjunctive, e.g. We cannot go upstairs for we are too tired.
2.Unmarked coordinative connection - is realized by the coordinative connector “and” and also asyndetically (copulative, enumerative, causal, resultative relations), e.g. Time passed, and she came to no conclusions. We cannot go upstairs, we are too tired.
Gramm structure of compound sentences:
The semantic relations between the clauses making up the compound sentence depend partly on the lexical meaning of the conjunction uniting them, and partly on the meanings of the words making up the clauses themselves: -Copulative conjunctions - and, neither…nor, -Disjunctive conjunctions - or, otherwise, either…or, -Adversative conjunctions - but, yet, still, nevertheless, however
As to the use of tenses in clauses making up a compound sentence, we should note that there is no general rule of their interdependence. However, in a number of cases we do find interdependence of co-ordinate clauses from this point of view.
The number of clauses in a compound sentence may be greater than 2, and in this case the conjunctions uniting the clauses may be different. The length of the CS in terms of the number of its clausal parts is in principle unlimited, since it is determined by the informative purpose of the speaker
The complex sentence.
The Complex Sentence is a polypredicative construction built up on the principle of subordination. The Complex Sentence of minimal composition includes two clauses - a principal one and a subordinate one. Although the principal clause positionally dominates the subordinate clause, the two form a semantico-syntactic unity, in which they are interconnected.
The subordinate clause is joined to the principal one either by a subordinating connector (subordinator) or asyndetically.
The principles of classification: Subject- object –attributive- adverbial-functional
1)The subject clause expresses the theme of the actual division of a complex sentence. Ex.What he would do next was not even spoken of.
2)The object clause denotes an object-situation of the process. Ex. She cannot imagine what you are doing there.
3)Attributive clauses express some characteristics. Ex. I shook out my scarf which was damp.
4)Clauses of adverbial positions constitute a vast domain of syntax which falls into many subdivisions.
5)The predicative clause performs the function of the nominal part of the nominal part of the predicate, i.e. the part adjoining the link-verb (be, seem, look). Ex. Work is what keeps life going. My only terror was lest my father should follow me. Lignose looked as though a sculptor had moulded it.
Дата: 2019-02-19, просмотров: 253.